Welcome to our New Site: Get 25% Discount Now!
Our new site and shop is online: You will find new banner ads and sticky offers. Don’t miss our reopening discount! You get 25% subtracted from your total sum.
We revised our admin listing offers: Now you can get extras inclusive! Up to 3 banner ads for 2 weeks, a sticky listing for 1 week or even a translation of your site in German for free. Also we remanaged our monitor rankings. Now you can get a higher ranking by purchasing better packages.
Of course you can get banner ads separate. Sticky Listings are only with a monitor listing available. Also at this time a translation of your site too. We will integrate this as a separate product soon.
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Use this code for your 25% discount: admin4newx (valid until 24.06.18)!
Best Regards
Your X-Invest Team
PS. Also take a look on our new best offer: “Your Listing Thread on Top of the Forum Startpage!” [here]