Nano-11 bis 12% täglich! Nano Technologies Investments - Druckversion

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RE: Nano-11 bis 12% täglich! Nano Technologies Investments - Stephan - 22.05.2016

Einer meiner Investoren hat mir dies geschickt:

[Bild: Nanoscreen.png]

Ein Vergleich mit meiner Auszahlungsfunktion zeigt mir, dass dieser Text bei mir nicht da steht.
Das Gespräch mit den Support ist sehr ernüchternd.


Hat jemand ähnliche Erfahrungen? Heute hohe Auszahlungen probiert?

Iconänderung - Kingpin - 24.05.2016

#Neuer Status: Wegen selektiven, limitierten oder ausbleibenden Auszahlungen und/oder Berichten eines "Scams" (Schließung), ist hier der neue Status "Zahlt nicht"!
Hinweis: Bitte hier gar nicht mehr investieren, da der Status eindeutig "Zahlt nicht" ist!

Nano-11 bis 12% täglich! Nano Technologies Investments - Kingpin - 25.05.2016

#Moderation: Vorstellung zu "geschlossene Projekte" verschoben!
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

RE: Nano-11 bis 12% täglich! Nano Technologies Investments - Abelard - 26.05.2016

Newsletter von Nano-11:


100 countries represent Nano-11 LTD.

Our competitors are trying to stop the work of our site, our fans are afraid of surprises, and our investors are receiving income payments every day.

While many expect the worst and fume with rage, while they are proud of mistrust and lack of understanding of how to use Nano-11 LTD’s offer, even more people receive regular income, referral fees and commissions of regional representatives.

With Nano-11 LTD people become richer.
With Nano-11 LTD participants receive income.
These are the facts

Tomorrow tests everyone every single time with it's unpredictability. Nano-11 LTD in its turn has always seen and sees this day as a fact. Not less than 100 000 active investors, unlimited flexible funding and investment plans to suit all tastes. Each of them works and provides a substantial income right now. Deposits work and profit is paid for each of them.

Don’t believe the rumors, provocations and fears. Sometimes by 1.5 % per day up to 12% is simply the profit margin that you get every day through the site. We keep your deposit for a maximum of 90 and a minimum of 15 days. All told, we have worked in these conditions for almost 500 days.

As a result of the consistency, honesty and professionalism, today we are represented in 100 countries. More than 420 representatives are acquainting investors from around the world with Nano Technologies Investments. And the number of investors that are choosing us is growing.


Nano-11 LTD strategy is designed for any fluctuations in any magnitude and it is unaffected by the development of new deposits and the stability of the site. But our rear is well covered here as well (recently we repelled successfully one of the most vicious attacks). Nano Technologies Investments (#NTI) can be trusted with money. We are pleased that many investors and representatives share this opinion and receive a regular income and a representative commission of 7 to 10 percent. Like all other payments, affiliate commissions are paid instantly.

Many investors asked to provide more information about our work, and representatives request materials. We intend to do so in the nearest future. Meanwhile, several benefits are published on the audit page that many investors have asked us for more than once. Also, on this page you can see the real status of our company payments in the live mode.


Thank you to all concerned.
We will succeed and we will win!

RE: Nano-11 bis 12% täglich! Nano Technologies Investments - TeddyAGB - 27.05.2016

Also heute ist mein Nano-11 Plan mit 222 % ausgelaufen. Ich hatte 500 $ investiert und hatte 2720$ auf der Balance.
Leider konnte ich nur 15$ bisher auszahlen lassen. Ab dem 28.05. soll man ja dann 250$ innerhalb 24 h auszahlen lassen können.

Sonst noch jemand der einen nano-11 Plan ausbezahlt bekommen hat?