
CryptoXchanger - 2% - 6% täglich bis ROI 150% - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 

Ich möchte euch heute ein BTC-Proggi vorstellen,
das am 09.11.2017 gestartet ist.

Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.


Mein Desposit in das Programm

Es wird 1 Plan angeboten,
Ab 0.01 BTC seit ihr hier am Start.
Ein internen Exchanger für andere Kryptowährungen ist auch vorhanden.
Insgesamt 76 Stück.
Zahlt ihr in einer anderen Währung ein, wird es automatisch in BTC umgerechnet
und ihr könnt auch nur BTC auszahlen.

Das ICO für den eigenen Coin (EXCC) soll in 3 Tagen starten.
Aktuell bekommt ihr für jedes neue Invest 5% Bonus in ExchangeCoin (EXCC).
Ihr könnt damit im Moment aber nichts anfangen.

Hier erhaltet ihr zwischen 2% - 6% täglich bis ihr einen ROI von 150% erreicht habt.
Renditeergebnisse der letzten Tage:

gehen wir hier von einer durchschnittlichen rendite von 4% aus pro Tag erreicht ihr BEP nach 25 Tagen.
Das Invest würde dann nach ungefähr 38 Tagen auslaufen da dann 150% erreicht sind.
Das wären ein Gewinn von 50%
Habt ihr also zB 1 BTC investiert, habt ihr nach Ablauf 1.5 BTC retour was einem Profit von 0.5 BTC entspricht
Laut Homepage wird eine durchschnittliche Anlagedauer von 40 Tage angegeben.

Minimum Investmentzeit 25 Tage
Maximum Investmentzeit 75 Tage
Min. Invest 0.01 BTC
Max. Invest ist keines bekannt

- Bitcoin
- sowie zahlreiche andere Kryptowährungen (wie zB DASH, LTC, ETH, WAVES usw.)

- Auszahlungen instant
- keine Gebühren bei Auszahlung
- Mindestauszahlungsbetrag 0.001 BTC


7% in erster Linie, 2% in zweiter Linie, 1% in dritter Linie

Ihr bekommt von mir 50% RCB auf eure Einzahlung ab 0.02 BTC.

Einfach innerhalb 48h per PN melden mit allen relevanten Daten (Username, BTC-Adresse, InvestBetrag)

Für die Anmeldung einfach auf den Banner klicken

In diesem Sinne,
nice BTC- Profit's

[Bild: 625.achtung.gif]
Risikohinweis: Vor dem Investieren in Programme unbedingt lesen!
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CryptoXchanger - 2% - 6% täglich bis ROI 150% - Diskussion

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
A few rules before 4th ICO round:
1. On Tuesday, November 28th sometime between 3PM-4PM GMT we will release 1 million EXCC coins for sale. We do not tell exact time as it will help to distress our servers.
2. The price for 1 EXCC is 0.00019 BTC
3. Minimum purchase: 50 EXCC
4. Maximum purchase: 1000 EXCC
5. Make sure to send the exact amount shown on the screen in one transaction only. If you send more than one transaction for the same purchase, only the first transaction will be taken as a payment for your purchase.
6. If your purchase has status PENDING, please do not open the support ticket and allow it to confirm. If after 12 hours, EXCC is still not credited to your account, then open a support ticket and provide Transaction TX.
7. If for any reason your purchase did not go through, please make sure you sent the BTC to the requested address and your transaction is onto the blockchain. If both conditions are fulfilled and you still haven't received EXCC coins, please open a support ticket and include Transaction TX.

Antworten Top
Sehr fein - und das alles am letzten oder vorletzten Tag, ehe ich hier BEP erreiche.
Das wird nochmal gut Geld in die Admin-Kassa spülen, nehme ich an - damit sollte
der erste 150 % Zyklus problemlos schaffbar sein

Ich denke ich gehe nochmal mit 50 % meiner Erstanlage rein und strecke damit
meinen BEP auf Ende des ersten 150 % Zyklus, aber auch das sollte schaffbar sein Lächeln
Antworten Top
Programm-Status: Auszahlungsnachweise fehlen 
#Neuer Status: Weil die Auszahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema dieser Vorstellung zu alt sind, wurde hier der gelbe Daumen als Themenicon gesetzt.
Hinweis: Bitte einen Auszahlungsbeleg im Auszahlungsthema posten, das am Ende der Vorstellung verlinkt ist!
Antworten Top
So, hab hier mit der gestrigen Auszahlung BEP erreicht von meinem eingezahlten Betrag am Anfang.
Sollte also jedem so gehen der mit mir rein ist und nicht im "ICO" nachgelegt hat.
Antworten Top
CryptoXchanger hat gerade eine sehr interessante Wendung hervorgebracht.
Anscheinend wollen sie sich mehr von einem High Risk Programm zu einem dezentralisierten Exchanger bewegen.
Trotzdem sollen anscheinend "incentive packages with interest" angeboten werden, als Entschädigung für das Ablegen des Lendings.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
CryptoXchanger.net News, [02.12.17 12:57]
Hello everyone.

The CryptoXchanger Team has important information for you. In our bid to improve the platform we held consultations with our attorneys, and after some analytical calculations, we arrived at a decision. Going forward, we will not be able to retain the Lending Program as earlier planned. To guarantee that all your interests are protected we will be making modifications to ensure that our platform does not evolve into a financial pyramid model in the course of paying out accrued interests because it is a model that is prone to eventual collapse.

The primary objective of our team is to create and sustain a decentralized exchange, and we are already making positive progress in this direction. At the moment, our attorneys are processing the registration of the company in a European country, and we have started interviewing candidates who will join our winning team. Your interests come first in our plans, and we have created excellent incentive packages to compensate everyone for the cancellation of the Lending Program.

In our earlier announcements, we mentioned that ExchangeCoin had been scheduled to be listed on the external exchange in December/January and this plan has not changed. Before this event, we will be releasing the desktop wallets to enable our customers to transfer their coins to the personal wallet. There will be no restriction to accessing your coins and holders will have the option to sell their EXCC or save them.

In January, we will organize the first EXCC Airdrop. And all holders with a minimum of 50 EXCC will be eligible to claim the free EXCC offer. There is good news for holders who decide to save their EXCC during the ICO; they will be paid a remarkably higher percentage bonus. And that’s not all, for our first Airdrop, we will allocate a significant part of the ExchangeCoin Bonus leftovers (valued at over 1 million EXCC). We will publish the address where the bonus coins will be kept so everyone can check how many coins are available at any time. The number of bonus EXCC receivable will depend on the number of coins held. However, everyone will receive a fair percentage(e.g. user X holds 1000 EXCC, and there are 3 million EXCC eligible for the bonus, this means user X will receive 0.00033%, approximately 330 EXCC). We will publish the detailed Terms and Conditions for the Airdrop exercise soon.

In February, we will organize the second phase of the ExchangeCoin Airdrop, and for this event, we will allocate the entire EXCC we have mined in addition to the leftovers from the EXCC Bonuses. Again, only the EXCC holders who retain their coins in their personal wallets or within CryptoXchanger will be eligible to claim the free coins. The EXCC address where the mined coins are kept will be made public to everyone. And by this time, in furtherance of our objectives to improve the value of your EXCC we will suspend open mining processes, this will ensure that the coin and block explorer are safe for use. On the roadmap, we claimed to open mining in Q2, 2018, but we expect this to happen earlier.

We are working to ensure that our decentralized exchange is fully operational; this will enable our team to offer more incentives as rewards to ExchangeCoin holders. First, we will be offering a lower transaction fee to eligible EXCC holders. In addition, we will undertake revenue sharing from the platforms trading fees with the holders of EXCC. We have concluded plans to reward our users who recommend our exchange to others, and holders who retain their EXCC for a specific time (stacking). We appreciate our partners, and we will include the affiliate structure for our partners in the new exchange.

Even with the new changes that will be taking place on our platform, we want to encourage everyone because we would instead build a sustainable system that will grow than letting it become a high-risk platform which offers high returns for a brief period. Our focus is set on achieving the objectives we set when this exchange was created. ICOs are organized to raise funds for specific purposes, and we hav

CryptoXchanger.net News, [02.12.17 12:57]
e this leverage.

Following the roadmap and illustrating the progress of our products, our goal is to earn a reputable recognition in the Cryptocurrency financial sector. We have also made significant provisions in our budget to fund extensive advertising. We are confident that our exchange will catch the attention of our target audience including the traders and we will offer low competitive fees and a process independent from third parties. We ask for your continued support, to work with us as a team to grow because when there are more of us, there will be more revenue to share with EXCC holders.

Thank you all for understanding.

CryptoXchanger Team

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(02.12.2017, 15:26)bene74y schrieb: CryptoXchanger hat gerade eine sehr interessante Wendung hervorgebracht.

tja alles sehr interessant. auf alle Fälle hab ich meine Auszahlung gerade erhalten. We will see.
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Menno, ist ja jammerschade, dass ich nicht doch eingestiegen bin hier!
Schon wieder so ein toller Coin, den ich verpasse.  Traurig
Ich gewöhne mich grad an Laser-Coin und Yota Coin, dann bringt WT Capital ja auch einen, Ormeus sowieso und ausgerechnet den EXCC verpasse ich. So was passiert nur, weil ich nicht weit genug diversifiziert bin. Betrübt
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear Users.

We understand that some of our users have expressed disappointment at the cancellation of the Lending Program and we would like to draw your attention to different ways we have enabled you to benefit so far and how we plan to sustain our plans to increase benefits for all users. We appreciate those of you who noticed and commended the new incentives we offered. Also, over 3,000 users withdraw their profits from BTC investments daily; this group of users will eventually earn 50% in profits. Furthermore, our affiliate provisions have made it possible for our users to earn significant amounts of BTC.
We have great plans for the future, and we need to ensure that when the time is right, the platform will be stable enough to support the implementation of these plans. Let’s discuss some of the big plans we have ahead.

We mentioned in the previous announcement that we would organize two Airdrops slated for January and February. These events will be organized for EXCC holders who stand to benefit a lot from the Airdrops. First, let us explain what an Airdrop is and how you stand to benefit from the event.
An Airdrop is an event characterized by the award of free and bonus EXCC coins. All holders of EXCC coins at the time of the event will be eligible to claim the free coins being offered. Generally, all our users will receive a fair percentage; however, preference will be given to the holders of EXCC coins who participated in the ICO sale. This group of users will be eligible to receive higher percentages.

This event is a suitable replacement for the Lending program for the following reasons:

- There will be no locked coins
- Opportunity to earn free/bonus coins
- All users will be permitted to keep their coins in the wallet or on the exchange
- No delays, you stand to gain extra profits instantly
- With this new system, we have eliminated the long wait (150 days) for your lending income while your funds are inaccessible.

During our first Airdrop, we will allocate a significant part of the ExchangeCoin Bonus leftovers (valued at over one million EXCC). We will publish the address where the bonus coins will be kept to enable all our users to monitor the number of coins available at all times. Your eligibility to receive bonus coins will depend on the value of EXCC coins you currently hold.
For the second Airdrop event which will be held in February, we will allocate the entire EXCC coins we have mined in addition to the leftovers from the EXCC bonuses. As usual, the EXCC address where the mined coins are kept will be published for everyone to view.

We are happy to inform you that we are improving our exchange. We have started a reprogramming process to make our exchange more competitive with others namely Changelly and ShapeShift. We will add more exchanges to our portfolio; the objective is to use the leverage of more exchanges to get cheaper rates than what we currently offer. When this project is completed, our users holding a specific amount of EXCC will be offered 0% for all transaction fees.

Permit us to describe some features of the Decentralized Exchange we are going to create. In the new system, trading activities will be permitted based on the level of our wallet or through the application in the internet browser. We are eliminating the functions of the server because all our users will function as “the server.” This will prevent DDoS attacks, and the exchange cannot be taken down by cyber-attacks as long as there is at least one active user. Furthermore, we will be associating all transactions and orders with the blockchain to prevent the wrong practice of price manipulation.  We have also removed the need to register; and all users will remain anonymous.

We are working hard to ensure that the implementation of our plans will benefit all our users. Once our exchange is online, all the holders of EXCC coins will realize the real value of the coin. We will create many incentive packages that will encourage users to invest in EXCC. We have introduced a lower transaction fee to encourage eligible EXCC holders. In addition, we will begin revenue sharing from the platforms trading fees; the beneficiaries will be eligible EXCC holders. We will also allocate a certain percentage to cater for the affiliate program, and some part of this fund will be shared among EXCC holders in the form of dividends.

In conclusion, we will like to address one more issue; many users might be wondering what will be done with the EXCC that won’t be sold out during the ICO. We are considering the following options to handle this situation. One of the options we are considering is to burn them and reduce the number of coins; fewer coins should have a higher price. The other option is to allocate the leftover coins to another Airdrop event. We haven’t made a decision yet because we do not know the number of coins that will not be sold. However, we will make proper announcements to everyone once we have more details.

Thank you all for your attention.

CX Team

Antworten Top
So, mein Erstinvest ist nun die letzten Tage ausgelaufen, bzw. hat die 150% erreicht.
Ich habe hier nicht in diese Tokenstory investiert, sind wir mal gespannt was passiert.
sollte überhaupt noch was passieren.
Aktuell ist es ja nur möglich in diesen Pseudocoin zu investieren Wink
Antworten Top
Same here, bin auch raus mit gutem Gewinn und ROI 150 % - sollte mehr von
diesen HYIP/ICOs geben, da kann man gut was mitnehmen Lächeln

Aber den Coin würde ich mir nicht kaufen, zu shady das Ganze Lächeln
Antworten Top
Programm-Status: Auszahlungsnachweise fehlen 
#Neuer Status: Weil die Auszahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema dieser Vorstellung zu alt sind, wurde hier der gelbe Daumen als Themenicon gesetzt.
Hinweis: Bitte einen Auszahlungsbeleg im Auszahlungsthema posten, das am Ende der Vorstellung verlinkt ist!
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Die ExchangeCoin ICO-Phase ist nun beendet. Wir haben 5 Millionen Münzen ausverkauft. Das CryptoXchanger-Team entschied, dass unverkaufte 1 Million Münzen verbrannt werden, wodurch sich die gesamte EXCC-Versorgung auf 31 Millionen Münzen reduziert.
In den nächsten Tagen werden wir Web- und Desktop-Geldbörsen freigeben, und EXCC-Inhaber können ihre Münzen an andere Benutzer oder an die persönliche Geldbörse übergeben.
Wir haben viele Fragen bezüglich der Notierung von EXCC an den externen Börsen erhalten. Daran hat sich in diesem Fall nichts geändert, und wir sollten Ende Dezember/Anfang Januar an der Börse erscheinen. Wir haben uns bereits für die Notierung an zwei Börsen beworben und warten nun nur noch auf die Zulassung.
Wir können auch verkünden, dass 1st EXCC Airdrop am 20. Januar stattfinden wird. Wir werden 1 Million Münzen für die Veranstaltung zur Verfügung stellen. Bis Ende 2017 werden die detaillierten Regeln bekannt gegeben.
Wir möchten alle ermutigen, ihre BTC-Guthaben abzuheben, da es nicht notwendig ist, BTC auf den Konten von CryptoXchanger zu halten, sobald die ICO- und BTC-Investitionen abgeschlossen sind. Wir haben die minimale Auszahlungsgrenze aufgehoben, damit jeder seine Münzen transferieren kann.
Vielen Dank an alle

Antworten Top
Ob sich hier noch was tut, sei mal dahingestellt, kann sich jeder selber seine Meinung dazu machen.
Im Januar oder doch erst März sollte ja was passieren:

Q1 - Jan 2018 / Mar 2018

Trading on Exchanges
Listing on CoinmarketCap
Windows, macOS, Linux Wallets
AirDrop for EXCC holders.
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Was kann man jetzt eigentlich mit den EXCC Coins machen, die man erhalten hat ?
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(29.12.2017, 17:59)Markussls schrieb: Was kann man jetzt eigentlich mit den EXCC Coins machen, die man erhalten hat ?

Ganz einfach und kurz gesagt, im Moment NICHTS

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Desktop wallet released!

Hello everyone.

There are a few days left in the year 2017, and we are delighted to share the good news we have with EXCC holders. Our commitment remains resolute in keeping the promises we have made in the previous announcements, and now we can joyfully inform everyone that we have a “green light” to release the Windows, OSX and Linux EXCC desktop wallets. This means that it is now possible for all ExchangeCoin holders to transfer their coins from the CryptoXchanger.net web wallet to the desktop wallet and subsequently have possession of private keys. This is a positive development, and we encourage everyone to carry out this action as soon as possible. You will be thrilled to discover that our desktop wallet is exceptionally user-friendly; however, we are in the process of developing a tutorial for everyone just in case there are any issues while using the system.

We are also happy to announce that our efforts at getting listed on the external exchange as earlier mentioned in previous announcements already appears like it will have a positive outcome very soon, which we will announce to you once that goal is achieved. While the holiday season slowed down our progress a bit, we anticipate that EXCC should be listed on the first external exchange at the beginning of 2018. This achievement will give all EXCC holders a choice to either sell their coins or hold them in view of receiving free ExchangeCoins during our Airdrop events and our programs to give out fascinating incentives in the future.

That’s not all; we have more good news. We will be holding a meeting tomorrow with the developer’s candidates, and we hope to come to a contractual agreement with a professional who will undertake the task of improving the new exchanger and the decentralized exchange. There is a high demand for blockchain programmers in this industry, but we have noticed the programmers have a keen interest in our idea which is an indication of a bright future for EXCC.

We have gone ahead of our roadmap already with the release of the desktop wallets; this is proof of our commitments to ensure our EXCC holders get the very best opportunities on our exchange. We will not rest on our laurels because there are many more positive opportunities yet to be made accessible to everyone. Our next target is to make the mining operations open to everyone very soon. ExchangeCoin functions with the Equihash algorithm; this means almost everyone will have the opportunity to mine EXCC with their GPU. This is yet another plan we have developed to grow our community.

Thank you all for your audience. And permit us to use this opportunity to wish everybody a Happy New Year.

The CX Team

Antworten Top
der Coin ist wohl auf der ersten Börse gelistet.
0.3684 USD war der letzte gehandelte Preis.
Da werden sich wohl ein paar etwas anderes erhofft haben.

Antworten Top
War klar das cryptoxchanger nun abgestraft wird weil, sie vorher vorgaben ein lendingprogramm zu sein.
Das vertrauen ist nun futsch und das sieht man nun am kurs.
Antworten Top
Für mich ist nicht ganz klar was die hier noch für einen Plan verfolgen.
Da ich sowieso nicht in diesen Pseudocoin investiert habe, bin ich mit guten Gewinn raus.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
We are listed on the stocks.exchange, airdrop incoming.


It’s been a very busy week for the CX team. We have started the New Year at a good pace, and we are determined to make it even better. As always, we are delighted to inform you about the latest victories we have won and upcoming events.

In line with the plans we created at the beginning of our journey, EXCC has finally earned a spot on the first external exchange. Now that we have been featured live, you can trade your coins in https://stocks.exchange/trade/EXCC/BTC. We are aware that the exchange rates are small and the volume is low but it is a progressive development and the support we have received so far is very responsive and encouraging. Our team has sent many listing applications, but because of the holiday season, the response from the support teams has been quite slow. Our goal is to be featured on at least one more exchange very soon.

More good news! The plans have been concluded to launch the first EXCC Airdrop. And as we promised earlier, the ICO participants will receive more coins for their investments during the ICO. And we have made 900,000 EXCC available; this value will be shared equally among everybody while additional 100,000 EXCC has been exclusively provided for the ICO participants who will claim the Airdrop.

Have a look at the rules for this event:

The Airdrop registration will start on 20.01.2018 at 9 AM UTC and will end up on 27.01.2018 at 9AM UTC. The snapshot will be taken on 29.01.2018 at 12 PM UTC.
We have allocated 1 million EXCC coins for the Airdrop, and they can be found at this address: https://explorer.excc.co/address/22tq3xABBV2bGkGQ1zQh2q1NFZXgjn8EM55T
Anybody who wishes to receive free coins must fulfill all the conditions and also complete the application form here- http://www.airdrop.excc.co (form will be available on January the 20th)
To qualify for the Airdrop, all claimants must meet the following criteria:

- ICO participants - holding at least 50 EXCC coins in their desktop wallet or CryptoXchanger web wallet at the time of snapshot and you must provide their UN number (visible in CX account).

- Others - holding at least 200 EXCC at the time of snapshot in their desktop wallet or CryptoXchanger web wallet.

All claimants must also perform at least one of the following actions: share a Facebook post regarding the EXCC Airdrop; re-tweet tweets regarding the EXCC Airdrop; leave a comment about EXCC Airdrop on the BitcoinTalk topic: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1438371.0
Claimants do not have to be registered on cryptoxchanger.net to participate in this event.
The following format will be used to calculate Airdrop coins: Coins Received = (Airdrop coins/Sum of all EXCC reported and held)*number of coins held by the claimant.
At the end of the Airdrop event, we will work out all the calculations and send the EXCC coins to the registered destination addresses ASAP.

We are absolutely excited about this event, and we know you will be happy with the outcome.

We also need to inform everyone that we have been forced to create a new Facebook fan page because the previous page was hacked three weeks ago and after many futile attempts to resolve this issue with the Facebook support team, we decided to open a new page. Here is the link to the new fan page: https://www.facebook.com/CryptoXchangerTeam

Thank you all for the reading this announcement.

The CX Team

Antworten Top
Kann gerne verschoben werden, ich werde das ganze hier nicht mehr weiter verfolgen.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Hello everyone,

We announced the commencement of the registration for our Airdrop event last week and so far we have received over 2,500 applications. We expect to receive more applications soon. Please note that the deadline for registration is on 27 January at 9 AM UTC. Regarding this process, we have thoughtfully collated some frequently asked questions about the Airdrop event. These questions and the corresponding answers have been stated below:

1. Where can I find the registration form?

The registration form is available at the following address: airdrop.excc.co

2. Where can I find my UN number?

Log in to your CryptoXchanger account and go to https://cryptoxchanger.net/exchangecoins/wallet

3. Is it compulsory that I must perform all the social media tasks?

No, it is not compulsory, but you have to perform at least one of the tasks that have been stated. We, however, encourage you to perform all the tasks because it helps to spread the word about our Airdrop event.

There are a few aspects we would like to explain further to our users regarding the Airdrop event:

1. Once you have sent us the address where your EXCC has been kept, please do not send any coins from your wallet. Our reason for stating this advice is that the EXCC is a privacy coin and every time you send coins from the wallet, the remaining balance is automatically transferred to the new address.

2. ICO participants who did not withdraw their EXCC form CryptoXchanger must have it available in their Web Wallet. There is no need to worry if there are no coins at your Receiving EXCC Address because it is a new address for your wallet and coins will be reflected at the different address which we will identify with the UN number.

3. It is essential that EXCC coins are available at the reported address at the time of the snapshot which will occur on 29 January at 12 PM, UTC.

4. Please ensure that you have completed your Airdrop registration forms carefully and if there are any mistakes, promptly send us a support ticket with the details of the error and how you will like to amend it. All applications detected to include incorrect information will be rejected, and the user will not receive any bonus coins, this is why we emphasize that all forms should be carefully completed.

If you have held any EXCC in your Web or Desktop wallet, do not wait as you will not receive bonus coins automatically. All you need to do is meet the required conditions and complete the registration form which is available at airdrop.excc.co

And for the benefit of our users who do not follow us on our social media, we will like to announce again that EXCC has recently been listed on TopBTC.com. This is an exchange that has three times the size of a trading volume than the Stocks.Exchange. We have also applied to be listed on many other exchanges which include Coinexchange, Yobit, Kucoin, Cobinhood, Bibox and a few others.

We have just received feedback from the Coinexchange, and they have promised to review our application to be listed on the exchange. We will keep everyone updated on the progress via our social media channels.

We are all extremely excited about the ongoing EXCC Airdrop processes, and we encourage everyone to participate in this event to receive the bonus coins. Please be reminded that the next Airdrop event is scheduled to hold in February and there will be more coins to share during that event.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards

CX Team

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CryptoXchanger - 2% - 6% täglich bis ROI 150% - Schnellantwort

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