
Cryp Trade Capital - Diskussion

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 
<img style="border-bottom: 8px solid #0099cc;" src="https://x-invest.net/upload/625.CrypHeader.jpg">
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Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

Cryp Trade Capital - Vorstellung:
Longterm ab 0,59% täglich

Hiermit eröffnen wir für euch das Diskussions-Thema zum Hyip Cryp Trade Capital:

Cryp Trade Capital ist am 14.10.2016 gestartet und wird seit dem 28.03.2017 überwacht [Monitor]
Dort wird Cryp Trade Capital aktuell in Klasse B gelistet und wie folgt von uns bewertet: [Bild: star.png][Bild: star.png][Bild: star.png][Bild: star.png][Bild: star.png]

Gesponserte Anlage: 500$
[Erklärung der X-Invest Vorstellungen]

Xinvestler aufgepasst!
Affiliate-Programm: 15% - 45% Provision für 
die Empfehlung unserer Produkte an Admins

Pläne/ Rendite: So viel kannst du bei Cryp Trade Capital verdienen!

Das Programm bietet 3 Pläne welche sich anhand der Anlagenhöhe in der Rendite unterscheiden. Principal-Included (Wir zahlen einmal ein und bekommen eine tägliche Rendite für einen festgelegten Zeitraum. Unsere Anlage ist in den täglichen Auszahlungen inkludiert)

Wir erklären Beispielhaft den Standart Plan

Plan 1: Standart: Bei einer Investition zwischen 50$ und 4999$ bekommen wir täglich 0,59% für 365 Tage.

Nach Ablauf der 365 Tage haben wir 215.35% zurück erhalten (inklusive Anlage). Das sind 115,35% Reingewinn.

BEP (0-Risiko-Punkt) erreichen wir an Tag 170. Rechnerisch gesehen ein täglicher Reingewinn von 0,31%.

Bsp.: Bei einer Anlage von 1000$ bekommen wir täglich 5,9$

Ein- & Auszahlung: Geschwindigkeit, Gebühren und Limits

Auszahlungen erfolgen manuell innerhalb 72 Stunden
Provisionen nur 1x in der Woche (erfahrungsgemäß Montags)
Renditen werden nur 2x im Monat ausbezahlt (15./30.) [VIP-Plan nur 1. mal]
Gebühren werden nicht erhoben
Keine Limitierungen bei den Auszahlungen

Mindesteinzahlung: 50$
Maximale Einzahlungssumme: 20000$

Affiliate: Mehr Verdienst durch Empfehlung

[size=large]Cryp Trade bietet uns 8 Karrierestufen &
Ein Referral System, das ebenfalls bis in die 8te Ebene reichen kann

Investor: Diesen Status erhalten wir automatisch, sobald wir mind. 50$
in das Programm eingezahlt haben. 7% Provision bekommen
wir für alle direkt geworbene Partner

! Ohne eigenes Deposit ist man nicht provisionsberechtigt

Agent: Diesen Status erhalten wir , sobald wir mind. 50$ in das Programm
eingezahlt und einen persönlichen Umsatz von 1.000$ erreicht haben.

Erklärung: Unsere direkten Partner investieren zusammen z.B. 500$
Deren Partner investieren wiederum z.b. 700$ (2nd Level)
Unser persönlicher Umsatz beträgt: 1.025$

Wir erhalten - Den Status Agent + Einen 100$ Bonus -

100% von 500$ = 500$
 75% von 700$ = 525$

! Die Prozente aus den tieferen Ebenen sind quasi ein Bonus, der uns
dabei hilft, unseren persönlichen Umsatz schneller zu steigern
und somit schneller einen bestimmten Rang zu erreichen

Als Agent bekommen wir nun auf 2 Ebenen Provisionen
7% - 1st Lvl. | 5% - 2nd Lvl.

. und so weiter. Alle weiteren Umsatzbedingungen, Boni und Prozente
sind in der Abbildung für Euch zusammengefasst.

[Bild: rcb.png]

[Zur Cryp Trade Capital Anmeldung]

[Bild: 625.achtung.gif]
[font=Arial]Risikohinweis: Vor dem Investieren in Programme unbedingt lesen!


<img style="border-top: 8px solid #0099cc;" src="https://x-invest.net/upload/625.CrypFooter.jpg">
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#Freigeschaltet: Neue X-Invest Vorstellung

Hey, dies ist die neuste Programm-Vorstellung von X-Invest,
die ich hiermit freischalte, da ich die Themen in diesem Bereich
moderativ unterstütze, um für euch zusätzlichen Support zu leisten!

Solltest du explizite Fragen zum Programm an uns haben oder
Hilfe bei den Funktionen & Vorgängen im Programm benötigen,
so kannst du jederzeit in diesem Thema fragen und ich werde
(sofern es noch kein anderes Mitglied getan hat) dir antworten.

Bitte denke daran, die objektive Bewertung auf unserem Monitor,
sowie vor jeder neuen Anlage den aktuellen Status zu überprüfen,
und nutze deinen Mehrverdienst: 50-100% RCB auf deine Anlage!

In der Zwischenzeit werde ich auch dieses Programm immer wieder
beobachten und sofort berichten, wenn mir etwas Bestimmtes auffällt.

Gerne ist jeder dazu eingeladen mit mir hier gemeinsam über das
Programm zu spekulieren, nachzudenken und zu theoretisieren.
Ich beteilige mich gerne an kreativen & abstrakten Gedanken.

Das Programm steht somit unter unserer Überwachung
und wir beginnen bald damit Auszahlungen zu posten!

Und nun geht es los: Auf ein interessantes Thema!

Alles Gute, viel Erfolg und bleibt wachsam!

Bei Fragen, einfach fragen!

Viele Grüße
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Wer ist da dabei ? Bisher sind alle 2016 Programm im März ausgestorben.
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(29.03.2017, 12:13)domi4ever1 schrieb: Wer ist da dabei? Bisher sind alle 2016 Programm im März ausgestorben.
Du scherst jetzt alle Programme über einen Kamm?

Besser spätes Listing als garkeines =)
Bin seit Dezember dabei und dank kleiner Downline schon im BEP.
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# Versicherung über $2000 wurde hinterlegt und ist 60 Tage aktiv.
Hauptbeitrag wurde aktualisiert und Link zum Versicherungsthema ergänzt.
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Cryp Trade Capital is going to sponsor a large blockchain conference in Moscow

Cryp Trade Capital — Newsletter

Dear Investors and Partners of the Company!

April 19, 2017 Moscow (Russia) will host one of the largest public events in crypto currency segment — the conference called Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Russia.

This is the first event in a series of large-scale regular conferences in Russia dedicated to blockchain technology and crypto-currencies. There will be two separate sites at the upcoming event — for entrepreneurs and for consumers. Among other topics, there will be topics dedicated to blockchain in the telecom, insurance, notary, Internet of things and asset management.

Among the participants of the conference there are developers of financial and technical services, financiers, entrepreneurs, lawyers, investors and experts in the blockchain community.

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):


The British Royal Mint, in partnership with the CME Group, has begun to test the blockchain platform for gold trading as reported in Royal Mint company blog.

The testing also involves a supplier of block-based solutions, the provider of popular BitGo wallet and a number of other unnamed companies.

Sandra Ro
the Head of Digital Technology Department at CME Group

«This is the first gold tokenization project focused primarily on institutional investors, and the first joint project with a large state-owned company in the testing phase».

The test product is called Royal Mint Gold (RMG). It is designed to radically change the way traders and investors look at trading and making deals with precious metals. Buying RMG tokens means transferring property rights on physical gold to the buyer.

RMG tokens are the digital equivalent of gold (1 RMG is equivalent to 1 g of gold). The initial offer of tokens will comprise $1 billion. Later the issue of tokens will be determined in accordance with the market requirements. In addition to trading operations in digital form, investors and traders can optionally choose the supply of physical gold.

Vinn Vijratn
CFO of Royal Mint

«We hope that blockchain technology will form the basis of the fundamental changes at the precious metals market, and the Royal Mint will lead this process».

CME develops a trading platform for RMG tokens in partnership with the AlphaPoint blockchain start-up. Various institutional traders will take part in testing of this electronic trading platform.

It should be noted that testing of the platform from Royal Mint and CME coincided with the next stage of blockchain-trading platform testing for gold from Paxos and Euroclear. Projects are similar in their implementation, but the Euroclear platform is more oriented towards professional traders, and RMG, in addition to professionals, offers tokens to all comers.

CME Group is one of the world's largest option and futures exchanges and an operator of the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average indices.

Earlier it was reported that the UK Royal Mint is working on the creation of a precious metals trading platform based on blockchain technology in partnership with CME Group.

Best Regards,

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):


Dear Investors and Partners of our Company!

The quality, simplicity and accessibility of information delivery to the Users are important components of the success of the promotion of any product, service or brand.

At Cryp Trade Capital, we take care that you always have in-depth information about the company's operations, its mechanisms, structure and benefits for our partners.

Our designers and editors developed a presentation, which includes such information as:

1 Problems of the existing financial system and investment methods
2 Benefit of using cryptocurrency and blockchain technology
3 Market review of the Crypto currency in 2016
4 Opportunities for earning money on cryptocurrencies
5 Company structure and trading platforms
6 Advantages of the investment component
7 Advantages of the network component as the most progressive model of investment attraction
8 The company's plans
Now everything is in one place. Use it, get profit and achieve results with us!

Wishing you all the best
The Cryp Trade Capital team

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

Cryp Trade Capital — Newsletter

Dear Partners and Investors of the company!

In the era of rapid growth of the cryptocurrency technologies and the introduction of blockchain in everyday life, people increasingly begin to feel the lack of information.

How does it work?
What do you have to watch for?
What rules do you have to follow?

And the most important one:

How can I obtain benefit from all of this?

In Cryp Trade Capital we are not only increasing capital, but we consider our duty to conduct outreach activities to educate people about the future that is knocking at the door.

Therefore, starting from May 2017, the company is launching a series of training and informational events —

The tasks of the events run as follows:

1 To acquaint you with the fundamental knowledge about the world of cryptocurrency
2 To teach you to navigate in the information flow, highlighting the most important things
3 To help you to learn the basic tools for earnings, both active and passive
4 To explain how the main cryptocurrency platforms are working
5 To generate your own crypto-investment portfolio at the end of the event

Your conductors in the blockchain universe are real professionals in the industry, TOP speakers and leaders of the company, as well as invited experts and creators of the crypto-startups.

First of all, the program will be launched for our partners in Germany:



Date: 05/13/2017

Location: Leonardo Royal Hotel Munich



Date: 05/20/2017

Location: ABACUS Tierpark Hotel



Date: 06/03/2017

Location: Cölner Hofbräu P. Josef Früh KG

And then – in Turkey, Kazakhstan and Russia.

Attending the events is completely FREE for beginners. We want to help as many people as possible to understand this most promising industry in the world!

For existing partners the price for the event is 50 Euros.

In the near future more detailed information will be available at the website and in private offices – check your newsfeed.

Best Regards,


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Ähm stelle ich mich zu blöd an ?

Was meint man mit "Login-Daten" ? (Beim registrieren bei Cryptrade)


Antworten Top
(04.06.2017, 08:59)BAS schrieb: Ähm stelle ich mich zu blöd an ?

Was meint man mit "Login-Daten" ? (Beim registrieren bei Cryptrade)

In der Zeile Login-Daten kommt einfach z.b. ein Spitzname oder Forums-Name rein denk dir was aus was du dir merken kannst.
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# Versicherung über $2000 ist heute den letzten Tag aktiv.
Danach wird der Hauptbeitrag aktualisiert und das Versicherungsthema entfernt.
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
The representatives of LinkedIn: Market is experiencing the lack of blockchain professionals

Cryp Trade Capital — Newsletter

According to the data of LinkedIn service, financial, technological and insurance companies are experiencing an acute lack of specialists in the field of distributed registry technology.
reported by “Kommersant”

As the newspaper notes, there is a growing shortage of professionals in this field against the backdrop of the growing demand for services in the area of distributed registry technology. At the same time, the number of ads in LinkedIn social network concerning work related to the technology of blockchain has tripled over the past year.

Josh Graff
LinkedIn manager in the UK

“Professionals in such related fields as cryptography and machine learning may want to find out which positions are available now and what skills they need to improve, given a serious increase in demand for blockchain specialists among technology, financial and insurance companies”

According to the data provided by the LinkedIn social network to the “Financial Times,” at the moment there are about one thousand such ads published on the website of the network, and their number is growing by about 40% every quarter.

Earlier “ForkLog” reported that, Vladislav Martynov, a Russian entrepreneur and representative of the “Ethereum Foundation,” said that the technology of blockchain captures the market, but its practical use is difficult due to the absence of qualified specialists.

At the end of the last year, Martynov invested money into the creation of the global social platform “BlockGeeks,” which, according to him, was aimed at uniting professionals in the field of blockchain and helping companies that develop projects based on this technology to find qualified specialists.

According to “BlockGeeks,” there are only 4,000 developers in the world of blockchain, while the total number of web developers on the planet exceeds 10 million.

Best Regards,


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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
First leadership training in Kazakhstan

Cryp Trade Capital — Newsletter

Partners and Investors of the Company!

The first time in the history of Cryp Trade Capital was leadership training in Kazakhstan. It was dedicated to the topic of cryptocurrency, blockchain technology and their impact on our future. The indicated directions of further development caused interest unexpected even for the organizers of the event. The participants came from the most remote cities; some even flew from the neighbouring countries in order to listen to the speeches of the speakers and partners of the company.

During the meeting, leading market professionals and recognized experts in the field of cryptocurrency were opening the veil of secrecy over this complicated but profitable industry for all those ones who wish to join in. Leadership training participants got acquainted with the world trends in order to succeed on the growing cryptocurrency exchanges. Follow the schedule of the events – the turn will surely reach your country.

Best Regards,


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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

Dear Investors and Partners of the Company!

As we announced a few days ago, the company had prepared a multilingual brand book, which includes all the layouts of printing products necessary for work – brochures, business cards, folders, flags and much more. The materials are compiled in such a way that you have to simply download them to a flash card and take it to the nearest printing house for direct printing.

Sources will be published for downloading on the official site of the company

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

Entering the Asian market

Cryp Trade Capital — Newsletter

Dear Investors and Partners of the Company!

We have been preparing for this event for a long time, and now it’s time to announce it. Cryp Trade Capital Company begins its development in Asia.

The first country we’d like to enter is the main engine of the region – the People’s Republic of China.

China’s interest in new technologies, cryptocurrencies and blockchain is well known all over the world. And we are ready to bring our experience to the region.

July 10, 2017 2:00 PM
Hilton Hotel ZhengZhou at JinShui Road WeiLai Road dongbeichu, ZhengZhou, China, will host the second presentation of Cryp Trade Capital Company in China.

Top leaders and company speakers from around the world with millions of dollars of turnover and career levels of at least Blue Diamond will familiarize everyone with the technologies, subtleties and benefits of teamwork.

Admission is free.

We are waiting for you at this landmark event.

Best Regards,


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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):



Entire teams consisting from more than 30 countries are already getting ready to celebrate the Company's Birthday and to confirm their bright success and to meet a new business year on the sunny coast of Antalya.

It's time to reveal secrets and find out what exactly awaits guests and participants of the Congress CRYP TRADE TURKEY CONGRESS 2017:

Sessions and Meet-ups with world leaders;
Incredible news on further development first-hand;
Gala-supper of unprecedented scope;
Much, much more and, of course, getting acquainted with you, Diamonds, Sapphires, Rubies.
All of you are precious guests and hosts at the CELEBRATION OF CRYP TRADE TURKEY CONGRESS 2017.

In order not to get lost in this firework of impressions, we prepared a schedule of all the events of the Congress for you.

Best Regards,

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):


Dear Partners and Investors of the Company!

Being the largest integrator of crypto-currency technologies in the sphere of trade and trust management, we are pleased to announce the next step in the company's development: a partial transition to mutual settlements by means of crypto-currencies.

Due to the large amount of investing in crypto-currencies, as well as the performance of trading operations in crypto-currency pairs, the procedure for monthly conversion to fiat money is becoming less relevant.

Geographical development of the company, the constantly growing demand for services and regular inquiries of partners allow us from today to begin to make up to 90% of all settlements in crypto-currencies, instead of fiat units such as the Euro and the US dollar. Now the company will conduct profit-sharing for partners in Bitcoin and Ethereum, counting on the current rate.

At the same time, the company will not completely refuse to accept and withdraw funds in such currencies as the USD and Euro. We will continue to receive funds in all currencies represented, transforming them into high yield crypto assets.

Details about the transition:


Each partner will need to create a crypto-cash purse ethereum and bitcoin (blockchain.info, a detailed instruction on the creation of a wallet will be published in the near future), the addresses of which need to be indicated in his personal profile. In the future, these addresses will be used for settlements on applications.


As before, there will be an opportunity to create applications for all available means of payment, but in processing of each specific application the company reserves the right to process this application in the crypto currency. In order for the application to be processed on time it is necessary to specify the purse address in bitcoin or ethereum.


All previously placed on advcash and perfectmoney applications will be processed according to the principle described in clause 2.

We are sure that these innovations will allow us all to take one more step towards full crypto-integration of all financial and technical processes of the company.

Wishing you all the best,

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Unsere AZ sind gekommen und auch ein weiterer Betrag um 600$ von einem Mod.
Wir möchten aber dennoch warten ob die AZ am 30.09 ohne Probleme funktionieren.
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
For partners and investors of CRYP TRADE CAPITAL, registered on the territory of the European continent

Cryp Trade Capital — Newsletter

Dear partners and investors of CRYP TRADE CAPITAL, registered on the territory of the European continent, this message is for you.

Because of the update of some laws, concerning the activities of companies operating in the crypto currency market, Cryp Trade Capital is closing its representative office in Alicante.

The Financial and Analysis Department has started the procedure of financial balance analysis with the subsequent transfer of all necessary data to the relevant financial institutions of the registration country to obtain the possibility to function and pay all the financial obligations.

In order to carry out the procedure for payment of financial obligations and further servicing of the account, the investors, registered in these countries are required to provide the following documents:

Passport with the registration page
National ID card, both sides

Requirements for the document:

Clear color image
Size of more than 800x600 pixels
No hidden details

Documents must be submitted within 7 days to email
[email protected]

In case if this data is not provided on time, your account will be temporarily blocked.

All the accounts registered in the regions not related to the requested ones continue to function according to the established rules for input/output in all payment directions.

Best Regards,


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