
MyPayingAds longterm - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 


MyPayingAds feierte am 31.03.2017 sein 2-jähriges Bestehen mit einem großen Event in Singapur!

Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

Das Programm ist also alles andere als neu.
Allerdings hat man hier am Anfang mit Paypal gearbeitet, und es kam wie es kommen musste: Paypal fror das Konto des Betreibers für 180 Tage ein.
Nach Ablauf dieser 180 Tage wurde das Geld freigegeben, vom Admin an die Mitgileder zurückerstattet und man bietet seitdem diesen Zahlungsanbieter (vernünftigerweise) nicht mehr an.

MyPayingAds ist eine Advertising-Plattform mit Sitz in Singapur, welche verschiedene Werbeprodukte anbietet. Interessant sind für uns hier einzig die AdPacks, da sie eine Verdienstmöglichkeit bieten.

Klicken wir pro 24 Stunden mindestens 10 Werbeanzeigen im Traffic-Exchange, qualifizieren wir uns dadurch an der Umsatzbeteiligung, welche stündlich gutgeschrieben wird um vom Gesamtumsatz der Plattform abhängt.

Welche AdPacks gibt es und welche Werbemöglichkeiten sind in ihnen jeweils enthalten?

Ad-Pack Plan 1:

Preis: $5

Banner Credits (freiwille Baner-Klicks): 2

Besucher mit 20 Sekunden Aufenthalt: 100

Läuft bis: 120%

Keine Repurchase-Regel

Maximale Anzahl dieser AdPacks: 100

Erfordert keine Mitgliedschaft


Ad-Pack Plan 2:

Preis: $10

Banner Credits (freiwille Baner-Klicks): 4

Besucher mit 20 Sekunden Aufenthalt: 200

Läuft bis: 120%

Keine Repurchase-Regel

Maximale Anzahl dieser AdPacks: 100

Erfordert "Explorer"-Mitgliedschaft (10$ monatlich)


Ad-Pack Plan 3:

Preis: $25

Banner Credits (freiwille Baner-Klicks): 10

Besucher mit 20 Sekunden Aufenthalt: 500

Läuft bis: 120%

Keine Repurchase-Regel

Maximale Anzahl dieser AdPacks: 100

Erfordert "Professional"-Mitgliedschaft (30$ monatlich)


Ad-Pack Plan 4:

Preis: $50

Banner Credits (freiwille Baner-Klicks): 20

Besucher mit 20 Sekunden Aufenthalt: 1000

Läuft bis: 120%

Keine Repurchase-Regel

Maximale Anzahl dieser AdPacks: unbegrenzt*

Erfordert "Elite"-Mitgliedschaft (60$ monatlich)


Alle Packs erfordern wie üblich 10 Klicks (a 20 Sekunden) pro 24h, um am Profit-Share beteiligt zu sein. Sobald man 10 Klicks gemacht hat, beginnt der Counter wieder 24h runterzulaufen, man muss also nicht immer zu einer bestimmten Zeit klicken. Entspannte Lösung Zwinkern

Es gibt keine vorgeschriebene Reihenfolge, in der man seine AdPacks erwerben muss, allerdings ist es natürlich am sinnvollsten, mit Plan 1 zu beginnen, dann Plan 2 usw. Zwinkern

*auch wenn die AdPacks im Plan 4 unbegrenzt sind, gilt zu beachten, das die maximale tägliche Auszahlungssumme bei 200$ liegt. Wir können hier also, durch AdPacks, nicht mehr als 6.000$ pro Monat verdienen.


Wir beginnen mit 100 AdPacks (500$) und haben nicht vor, weitere AdPacks zu erwerben, sondern wollen nur die entsprechende Rendite mitnehmen und lassen dese immer ab 5$ auszahlen.

Bei einer durchschnittlichen Rückvergütung von 1.5% täglich hätten wir hier nach 67 Tagen den Break-Even-Point erreicht, nach 80 Tagen wären die AdPacks "durchgelaufen", wir hätten also insgesamt 120% (600$) zurückerhalten.
Dieselbe Rechnung gilt auch für Beträge über 500$, wobei wir hier jedoch die entsprechende Mitgliedschaftsgebühr von der Gesamtrendite abziehen müssen.

Die Mitgliedschaften 

Bis zu 100 AdPacks (500$) benötigen wir keine Mitgliedschaft. Um darüber hinaus weitere AdPacks zu besitzen, ist der Kauf der entsprechenden Mitgliedschaft notwendig.

"Explorer"-Mitgliedschaft: 10$ monatlich, berechtigt zum Kauf 100 weiterer AdPacks (insgesamt 200).

"Professional"-Mitgliedschaft: 30$ monatlich, berechtigt zum Kauf 100 weiterer AdPacks (insgesamt 300)

"Elite"-Mitgliedschaft: 60$ monatlich, berechtigt zum unbegrenzten Kauf von AdPacks

Natürlich muss man nur jeweils eine Mitgliedschaft pro Monat kaufen, enstsprechend der AdPack Anzahl.
Wer z.B. 150 Adpacks besitzt und im Folgemonat keine Mitgliedschaft erwirbt, verliert nicht seinen Anspruch auf die Umsatzbeteiligung! Lediglich das kaufen weiterer AdPacks ist nicht möglich.
Zu beachten ist weiterhin, das man die Gebühren für die jeweilige Mitgliedschaft nicht direkt aus der Account-Balance begleichen kann, man muss die Kohle also vorher einmal aus- und wieder eincashen.

Ein- und Auszahlungen

Nachdem man hier seine Erfahrungen mit Paypal gemacht hat, arbeitet man nur noch mit den "soliden" üblichen Verdächtigen, also:

- Perfect Money
- Bitcoin
- SolidTrustpay
- Payza
Ein- und Auszahlungen sind seitens MyPayingAds gebührenfrei!
Einzahlen kann man bereits ab 5$ (1 AdPack).
Die Mindestauszahlung beträgt ebenfalls 5$, die Maximalauszahlung, wie erwähnt, 200$ pro Tag und dauert im Regelfall 1-2 Tage.


Das Referral-Programm ist hier schlicht gehalten, mit einer Ebene und 10% (withdrawable) Referall-Provision auf externe Einzahlungen. 
Käufe aus der Account-Balance werden mit 5% provisioniert, welche sich allerdings nur für den Kauf von AdPacks & Werbeprodukten verwenden lassen.


MyPayingAds wird vom bekannten Admin Uday Nara betrieben und ist seit 31.03.2015 am Markt.
Leider entschied man sich anfangs, auf eine Zusammenarbeit mit Paypal zu setzen, was leider keine gute Idee war. Das Guthaben wurde für 180 Tage eingefroren und somit bekam das Projekt einen gewissen Image-Schaden. Mittlerweile wurden diese Gelder aber wieder freigegeben und den Mitgliedern erstattet.

Das ist auch der Grund, warum die erste Vorstellung dieses Programms nichtmehr gepflegt wurde.

Das man seitdem nur noch auf die relativ "soliden" Zahlungsanbieter zurückgreift, macht aus meiner Sicht, die Zukunftsaussichten relativ gut. Genauso wie der Fakt, daß das Programm aus Singapur heraus geführt wird (nicht etwa aus den USA oder der Schweiz Zwinkern ) und man nicht mit klassichen Banküberweisungen arbeitet.
Aktuelle Kennzahlen:
- 307014 Mitglieder [Stand: 31.03.2017]
- eine gut administrierte Facebook-Gruppe mit aktuell 102804 
Mitgliedern [Stand: 31.03.2017]
- Einen steigenden (+551 Ränge in den letzten 3 Monaten) Alexa-Global-Rank von 2445 [Stand: 31.03.2017]
- Die Poolruns liegen stabil zwischen 1 - 2.5% am Tag
Laut einem Video will das Admin-Team in Zukunft auch offline-Events veranstalten, worauf man bis jetzt verzichtet hatte.

Fazit/persönliche Einschätzung:



Wer hier dabei sein möchte, darf sich gerne über diesen Banner anmelden: 
(wer das tut, bekommt als Goodie von mir einen kleinen Tipp, wie er pro Tag ~30-100 zusätzliche, kostenlose Besucher für seine Website durch MPA bekommt Zwinkern - ohne Mehraufwand!)

[Bild: 625.achtung.gif]
Risikohinweis: Vor dem Investieren in Programme unbedingt lesen!

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MyPayingAds longterm - Diskussion

Bin mal mit 40 Päckchen dabei.schöne Weihnachten noch!
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Hi .Muss man mit dem Adpack Plan 1 beginnen  und sich stufenweise hoch arbeiten oder kann man auch direkt in den adpack plan 10 investieren?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


*erledigt* Lächeln
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Zitat:Update on Paypal Review and Other Matters (Reporting at MPA Server time 28th Dec, 20:00:00):
[1] As what started as a small review, it turned to some what major review again. The reasons quoted by Paypal for their extensive review at this junction has been in wake of some of the Policy Changes that they made at their corporate level in Singapore.
As part of their review they stopped both "Receiving Money" and "Sending Money" options in our account.
I have submitted all the documents and replies to their questions and they are expediting the review process. They have not yet given the time frame on when they can finish the review because of the absence of some of their experts who need to do the review process. But, I urged them to finish it soon because we have been on hold since 23rd Dec.
[2] As it is a major review and as we can not accept add funds and send payments through Paypal, we are closing the Add funds and withdrawals with all other payment processors and everything will be resumed after we hear back from Paypal.
I will update as soon as I hear back from Paypal. Until then the add funds and withdrawals are closed with all payment processors. Thanks.
Admin, MPA
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Zitat:Update on Paypal Review (Reporting at MPA Server time 30th Dec, 04:20:00):
[1] We have been pushing Paypal for finishing the review and let us know the outcome and it is still not done yet because of the unavailability of their full team members. Therefore, we are still waiting in anxiety for the outcome of the review.
Meanwhile, I am asked to meet them in person for a discussion regarding the review on Monday at 2 pm.
So, I am expecting that they will conclude their review and let us know the outcome during that meeting. Hence, our waiting is extended until Monday, 4th Jan 2016.
[2] As of now we are not able to receive the funds, send the funds and withdraw the funds from Paypal account.
[3] As it is a major review and as we can not accept add funds and send payments through Paypal, we still close the Add funds and withdrawals with all other payment processors and everything will be resumed after we hear back from Paypal.
We are going through very tough situation now and hoping for the best so that we resume to normal operation as soon as possible. I thank everyone for your cooperation and understanding.
Admin, MPA.
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Im Moment hat Uday alle Prozessoren gesperrt. Es kann nicht aus und nicht einbezahlt werden. Am Montag soll der Paypal Review beendet sein und hoffentlich zu Gunsten von mpa
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Zitat:Update on PayPal Review (Reporting at 4th Jan 2016, 02:00)
Dear All,
We had a good meeting with PayPal Team and they had clearly shared their concerns on how the current limitation was put and what they were looking for from us. We were asked to make some changes to the Pay plan and website content to address their concerns and after we agree to those changes suggested by them and submit the drafts of the proposed changes, they shall be most probably finishing the review in 24-48 hrs time after submission. We need to make those changes to comply with paypal's new Terms and Conditions. I am just waiting for the meeting minutes while working on preparing the possible responses. We will update to you all as soon as we have some progress. Our petition and tweets have worked well and they acknowledged all of your unfailing support to MPA. We deeply appreciate everyone of you who made it possible. Thanks.
Admin, MPA

noch mals glück gehabt  Grinsen
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bisher lief alles, hoffe das paypal prob is bald endgültig abgeschlossen, es steht nämlich noch ein bisschen was auf pending

geht grad nicht vorran in der balance.
liegt vll. an den momentanen probs?
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Zitat:Update on PayPal Review (Reporting at 8th Jan 2016, 04:00):
Dear All,
I have been patiently waiting for the review outcome but it has not happened today yet. I had a conversation with our manager and she was telling that there are couple of teams working on the review which are based in Singapore, USA and at other locations and because of that it is taking more time as they all based at different time zones.
We have well expressed all our anxieties and the kind of damage it is causing on the business but they are just asking for more time as many teams are involved to look at the case.
We cannot continue unless we know the outcome of the PayPal review in terms of enabling the add funds and withdrawals. We are making plans necessary such that we do not encounter such halting in future. But, we only can continue the journey after we hear the review outcome.
I know everyone of you are patiently waiting for the outcome of review and continuation of the business, but give ourselves some more time as requested by PayPal and continue as soon as we hear their review outcome.
I will share with you all as soon as I have any progress. Thanks.
Admin, MPA

Review läuft noch, sollte aber bald abgeschlossen sein und wir hoffen alle dass es positiv ist!
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Zitat:Update on PayPal Review (Reporting at 11th Jan 2016, 01:00):

Dear All,

I just had an update from our PayPal account manager in response to my inquiry sent today morning and she told that they are rushing to finish the review as soon as possible and she foresee that they can let us know the outcome of the current review by tomorrow evening. They had a meeting setup among different teams at 11 am Singapore time tomorrow and she foresee that they can let us know their advice after the meeting and post discussions in their team.

We waited long and let us wait for this time period also and then we can continue after we know the PayPal review outcome. Thanks.

Admin, MPA


Hoffentlich geht bald alles seinen gewohnten Weg
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mir tun die Augen weh . 2x englisch lesen müssen und obendrein nix verstehen Schämen
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Update on PayPal Review (Reporting at 12th Jan 2016, 02:30):
Dear All,
I got some update from PayPal regarding the ongoing review and before we discuss it, just few words of background on why the current review is going on. There has been some changes recently in the terms and User Agreement policy at PayPal because of which they no longer support ad revenue sharing sites worldwide (or support conditionally) and because of which they have been reviewing our program to see whether there is any possible compliance so that we can continue using PayPal at our program. In the event if they find that we cannot continue using Paypal, they will freeze the funds in Paypal for 180 days before giving the access to us.
So, what we have been trying now is to see whether our business model is compliant with their terms or not so that we can continue the business with PayPal and have the access to our buyers' funds.
Some good news is PayPal found that they can be able to support Ad Revenue Sharing programs in Singapore with some changes made to their terms and conditions locally. So, they proposed to us that they will formulate those new terms and conditions locally so that if we match with them we can continue using PayPal at our program with newly implemented changes. In the event we decide not to be compliant with their revised terms and want to continue with our current business model and with other payment processors, the money in our PayPal will be frozen for 180 days and then will be released to MPA.
Hence, after careful consideration of all possible solutions, MPA management has taken the decision to wait until we know the revised terms and conditions of PayPal so that we can get the approval to use PayPal at our program. Until that point of time we will not be able to enable the add funds and also not able to enable the withdrawals using all payment processors. This may bring some disruption to our business but this seems to be the best solution at this point of time.
At the moment PayPal has not given any time frame yet regarding the whole process to be done but it may can take up to 2 weeks. We will know some indication of the exact time frame that it takes as we progress further.
On whole what we are seeing is it will be better to know PayPal's new terms to us so that once we are comfortable with those new terms we can run the business for long term without any major issues. The PayPal has changed their terms to be in compliant with the government policies, so when we are complaint with PayPal terms means we are fully compliant with the government legal rules.
We apologize for all the inconvenience caused and we hope that this whole process will make us strong to be in this industry for long term and serve everyone better to realize their dreams.
We will continue to update as soon as we have some progress. Thanks.
Admin, MPA

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jo das zieht sich nun schon seit ca. 1 monat `=> keine Auszahlungen mehr
Es nervt langsam extrem
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Warum sagt hier dann keiner Bescheid, dass es verschoben wird? Zwinkern

#Moderation: Vorstellung zu "geschlossene Projekte" verschoben!
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.
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In der offizielen Facebook Gruppe erklärt der Herr Udaya Nara "Admin" in einem Video warum die Prozessoren zurzeit geschlossen sind (PayPal Untersuchung). 

Offizielle Facebook Gruppe
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na ja aber 1 monat und bisher ist ja kein ende definiert, wenn ich das richtig sehe? Hilfe
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Update on the PayPal review (Updating at MPA Server time 21st Jan 2016, 06:30):

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear All,

Hope you are all doing great.

We got the revised guidelines from PayPal and we need to further revise our PayPlan to get them approved so that we can continue to use PayPal at MPA. As we highlighted it earlier, we need to get this done so that we have the access to our funds and continue our business.

After a careful and thorough consideration, we submitted a revised Pay Plan to them for their suggestions and/or approval. So, the next action is to continue working with PayPal until the both parties (MPA and PayPal) come to an agreement on the new Pay Plan. At the moment, we do not know the exact time frame on when it will be finished, but after we hear their first course of comments/suggestions, we can be able to estimate the time frame on when this whole process will finish.

More details will be posted when we have some new progress.

We understand how eagerly everyone is waiting, but we need to have some new progress to post to you all. In a nutshell we are working on to finish it as soon as possible so that we can continue the business. Thanks.

Admin, MPA

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Gibts hier Neuigkeiten z.B. in der FB Gruppe?
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gibt einige änderungen.

kann evtl. jemand mal dat ganze ihrgend wie kurz und knapp in deutsch erlaütern?
die translator sind wie immer nicht hilfreich.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

5th Feb 2016 - Update

Dear All,
Hope you had a productive week. With lot of regret we like to pass on the message that we have not been able to come to an agreeable PayPlan with PayPal (which can be reasonably profitable for our members) and hence we will not be having PayPal as a payment process supporting MPA any longer and our funds inside PayPal are frozen for 180 days.
The reasons for PayPal not supporting MPA is because of some global policy changes within their organization in terms of supporting Advertising Revenue Sharing programs. They primarily view these businesses as “Get-rich quick scheme” after certain daily volume of the business and hence they see them high risk for their buyers. They especially see the businesses as riskier when they have rapid growth in shorter period of time. That is the reason for them departing ways with ad rev share programs after supporting for certain period of time.
The revised terms given to us can only allow to run a simple Paid-To-Click website which has entirely different business model and may not bring the type of rewards that ad rev share program can offer. All our efforts to convince PayPal for some similar business models like the current one have not been successful.
Therefore, we will not use PayPal at MPA any more. Our current funds inside PayPal are frozen for 180 days from 4th January 2016. During this time, I will not have access to those funds.
Our business has grown with PayPal and our 95% funds are in PayPal and hence moving forward we have to take some major changes to our program so that we can run it longer and as profitable as before. We are committed to be in this industry and serving the members and advertisers of Ad Rev Share programs for long term. The business in this field is ever increasing and looking at the name and popularity that we accumulated in this field, we are fully committed to be continuing in this business for long term.
Therefore, we will have some major changes in moving forward and below are certain pointers for the same:
[1] We will continue the business with New PayPlan. The optional non-guaranteed revenue sharing will be up to 120% instead of up to 150% in our old PayPlans. The details of the new PayPlan will be provided as soon as possible with the tentative date of launch.
[2] The members accounts will be re-adjusted to continue forward. The revenue sharing for all the current adpacks will be stopped and they will be made inactive in terms of receiving the revenue sharing. 
[3] Members who have withdrawn more than their deposited seed money will have to make a new beginning with zero balance in their accounts. 
[4] Members of payments processors of Payza, STP, PM and Bitcoin will have the initial account balance as the amount that they yet to receive to reach their deposited seed money (i.e. the difference between their deposited money and the total withdrawn money). This money can only be used to make new purchases in the new PayPlan and cannot be used for withdrawals at the launch time.
[5] For PayPal members we will add the amount that they yet to receive to reach their deposited seed money to their accounts in the new PayPlan after 180 days so that they can use them to build their accounts. Members who cannot wait for 180 days will need to claim the money from PayPal
as the money is fozen with PayPal for 180 days and MPA don't have the access to it. Hence, the PayPal members have to use fresh deposits to make any purchases in the new PayPlan. We urge the members to put a clause to accept the partial refunds, if they are disputing, so that PayPal can make a suitable judgement regarding the case. 
[6] We will continue to deliver the advertising views as per the Surf Banner Credits that you have or that you will be using. Unfortunately, we will not be able to continue the optional and non-guaranteed revenue sharing for the older adpacks because of the disruption to the business due to the discontinuity of PayPal and the frozen funds inside the same. This has serious consequence on the revenue generation and the company funds and hence the revenue sharing for the older packs is discontinued. 
[7] We sincerely apologise for all the inconvenience and any monetary losses that may have caused to you and as you all can agree such unexpected losses in this business cannot be avoided some times and Ups and Downs are common. Our thoughts are with every one of you who have experienced the possible loss of time, energy and any monetary losses. We tried our best to avoid such things to happen but we failed. We learned the lesson and will be more efficient in future. Hopefully, we provide a good environment to earn back the losses that may have occurred.
[8] We will continue the new PayPlan with Payza, STP, PM and Bitcoin. We are currently working on the other payment processors and the details will be passed soon once they are ready. Any payment processor will be seriously considered which does not hold our money so that we will not experience any such disruption in the future. The payment processors we are considering have multiple options of funding (through credit cards, bank wire etc) and multiple withdrawal options including customized debit cards.

We will also be posting a video elaborating the above facts in 1-2 hrs from now while you go through this announcement. Thanks.
Admin, MPA

News Date :

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

2nd Feb 2016 - Update
Update on the PayPal review (Updating at MPA Server time 2nd Feb 2016, 01:45):
Dear All,
A short and quick note. We are working very closely with Paypal to put a closer to the issue. They are being slow and we do not want to drag too long also because our members are loosing the patience. So, we asked them to tell us the final word on our revised PayPlan submitted recently within 1-2 days time from now.
[1] If they approve our revised PayPlan, we get the access to our funds and we can continue to pay to the members under new PayPlan.
[2] If they does not approve and/or say they need more time (without giving a proper time frame) beyond 1-2 days time, we discontinue our efforts and make a plan to continue the business without PayPal. In this situation our money in Paypal account will be frozen for 180 days.
So, we are closer to hear a solution soon, i.e. 1-2 days from now. We will let all of you know the Plan to move forward soon. Thanks.
Admin, MPA

News Date :

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Warum postet hier eigentlich keiner das Video? Grinsen

Zur Vollständigkeit hab' ich das mal vorsichtshalber gemacht.^^

Das wurde aber wohl vor fast schon einem Monat aufgenommen.

Wenn sich bis heute nichts getan hat, sieht es leider schlecht aus.
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Meinen Informationen nach ist MPA Geschichte.
Das die Seite weiterhin online ist wundert mich auch. B
leibt ab zu warten ob es doch noch reanimiert werden kann.
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