
GoBig7 - Diskussion

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 
[Bild: m-1.gif]


ich stelle Euch GoBig7 (bitte hier klicken), eine neue Werbeplattform, vor.
Das Programm ist laut meinem Sponsor, seit ca. 4 Wochen aktiv.
Die Infos über der Firma kann man hier finden.
Der Admin ist Mike Dodd, bekannt durch seinen großen Erfolg vor ein paar Jahren mit PennyMatrix.

Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

Was ist GoBig7?

GoBig7 ist eine 2x14 Forced Matrix und eine Werbeplattform, welche Webseitenwerbung für die Mitglieder zur Verfügung stellt.
Für $7 monatlich, hat man hier die Möglichkeit eine Monat lang, bis zu 24 eigene Webseiten zu werben, um damit Referrals für eigene Programme zu finden.

Wie hoch ist bei GoBig7s, das Matrix Gewinn - Potential?

Das monatlichen Gewinn - Potential ist $6553,2

Wir verdienen monatlich, von geraden Levels, ab Level 2 bis maximal Level 14, $0,3 von jedem Mitglied unserer Matrix.

Zitat:See the compensation plan details bellow :

Level 2 : 4 x $0.30 = $1.20 for 4 members in this level
Level 4 : 16 x $0.30 = $4.80 for 16 members in this level
Level 6 : 64 x $0.30 = $19.20 for 64 members in this level
Level 8 : 256 x $0.30 = $76.80 for 256 members in this level
Level 10 : 1024 x $0.30 = $307.20 for 1024 members in this level
Level 12 : 4096 x $0.30 = $1228.80 for 4096 members in this level
Level 14 : 16384 x $0.30 = $4915$ for 16384 members in this level

Total earnings = $6.553.20 monthly if you have a 16384 downline.

[Bild: yapimqdl.jpg]

Wie funktioniert bei GoBig7 die Forced Matrix?

Die Provisionen von geraden Levels (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) bekommen wir und die Provisionen vom ungeraden Levels (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 und 13) gehen an unserer direkten Upline. 
Deswegen hat meine Upline, das GoBig7 Team Build (geführt von Herr Dan Rose) auch Interesse, für uns Referrals zu finden. Jeder bekommt dann durch das GoBig7 Team Build, 2 Referrals, unsere Referrals auch, u.s.w.

Wie werden die Einzahlungen und Auszahlungen durchgeführt?

Den monatlichen Betrag von $7 kann man von der Kreditkarte, oder PayZa einzahlen.
Die Stornierung der automatischen monatlichen Zahlung, falls gewünscht, kann man ganz einfach im Backoffice erledigen:
"Menu" -> "Settings" -> "Subscription/Receipts" -> "Cancel Subscription".

Bitte beachten:
Nur die aktiven Mitglieder, mit dem bezahlten monatlichen Betrag von $7, bekommen aber die Referral-Provisionen.

Auszahlung ist ab $25 mit PayPal, ab $10 mit PayZa und ab $100 per Banküberweisung, möglich.
Die Auszahlungszeit beträgt 2 bis 4 Tage.

Ich habe die $7 mit der Kreditkarte eingezahlt.

[Bild: lsclqcpw.jpg]

Wo finde ich mein Referral-Link und meine Referrals?

Unser Referral-Link ist http://gobig7.com/"Username"
"Username" ist unseren Login-Name.
Das persönlichen Referral-Link und das Username, muss man nach der Registrierung und Aktivierung des GoBig7 Kontos, an Herr Dan Rose, per E-Mail schicken.
Die GoBig7 Banner kann man hier finden: "Menu"(oben) -> "Tools"
Unsere Referrals sind links auf dem Menü, unter Punkt "Referrals", zu finden.

Meine Erfahrung bis jetzt.

Ich bin hier nur seit gestern (18.07.2015) registriert und kann sagen, dass die Webseite einen professionellen Eindruck macht und die Einzahlung über Kreditkarte innerhalb wenigen Sekunden gebucht war. Obwohl GoBig7 durch das GoBig7 Team Build geführt von Herr Dan Rose, auf einer Forced Matrix mit automatischen 2 Referrals basiert, habe ich mich entschieden aktiv das Programm (GoBig7 Team Build Link) zu promoten, weil nach meiner Meinung GoBig7 großes Potential hat, aber das ist freiwillig und nicht unbedingt erforderlich. Hier sind die GoBig7 Team Build Facebook Webseite und die Tabelle mit der GoBig7 Team Build Matrix Struktur. In dieser Tabelle kann man leicht die gesamte und die eigene Referral – Struktur sehen. 

Anmelden kann man sich hier.

Happy Earnings Lächeln
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Zitat:Hey Team!

This email is going to the upgraded members!

We wanted to go over a couple of items here.

We are constantly have Record Days! with Record Growth!
The are teams popping up left and right all over world!
"Great work", everyone!

We are almost finished with our email system! Yeaaaaah!
Just a little more work and we'll have it.

We are finishing up with the movie for the front page! Yeaaaaah!

You still have time to get your video in for our tutorial video contest.
We have some in already. We will select one video to put on the
ad manager. The video needs to show "How To Create An Ad".
You will get some massive advertising because you can show
YOUR AD as you create it. It will get thousands of view soon and
hopefully, and we strongly believe it will, get millions of views soon!

You can send us the link or the YouTube link when you have it ready.

We will select one video to place on our Ad Manager page as a
tutorial showing members how they can create an advertisement.

Also, we are working on a Video for the Front Page - You will LovE This!
Wait until you see what we are doing with it!.! Yep, you'll LovE it!

Also, hop on the Calls Tonight!
Every Tuesday and Thursday now!
Come one, come all!
7 pm and 9 pm Eastern Time
6 and 8 pm Central Time
5 and 7 pm Mountain
- AND -
4 and 6 pm Pacific Time
712-432-3066 Code 344699

We can make this program one of the biggest in the world!

We can change forever the industry of Internet Advertising!

You are all in the beginning stages - Get Excited!

Get the word out.

Get your link out.

Go to the calls.

Like us on Facebook.

Sign up your 2 even if you are running late on the "Challenge".

Stay tuned to your back office.

Sent this message to your referrals also.

Read the Timeline Updates (in the back office).

Message us if you have any issues or questions.

Thanks and Welcome to the Excitement!

GoBIG7 Support Team


Ich habe die folgenden Punkte von meinem Posting aktualisiert:

- Die Infos über der Firma.

- Der Admin ist Mike Dodd (PennyMatrix).

- Wie hoch ist bei GoBig7s, das Matrix Gewinn - Potential?

- Wie funktioniert bei GoBig7 die Forced Matrix?
Antworten Top
Meine GoBig7 Team Tabelle (bitte hier klicken).
Laut meinem Sponsor, das Team entwickelt sich gut und wird nicht mehr lange dauern,
bis ich die ersten Referrals bekommen kann Lächeln ohne selber zu sponsern.
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Ich habe meine ersten zwei Referrals, durch GoBig7 Team (geführt von Herr Dan Rose) bekommen  Lächeln

[Bild: vjhl6ug8.jpg]


Zitat:Hello Everyone! Welcome! We are in over 100 countries now! We are growing incredible fast!
We are built for long term! We are bringing in marketers from all walks of life; from all companies; from all parts of the world, fast! SHOCKING: Look at our Alexa.com rating! SHOCKING: Go to YouTube.com and search "GoBIG7" and see tons of movies (in Many Languages)! SHOCKING: Go to Facebook.com and search all of the exploding Groups in GoBIG7! We are on the verge of creating an entirely NEW INDUSTRY in the world of online advertising! Let's Go! GoBIG7!
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Super, freut mich für dich! Sehr gut! Halte uns auf dem Laufenden.
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(27.08.2015, 00:40)adminpeter schrieb: Super, freut mich für dich! Good2 Halte uns auf dem Laufenden.

Meine Matrix entwickelt sich gut Lächeln

[Bild: 2dysaa2e.jpg]


Zitat:Hello everyone and Welcome! We are deciding to move the launch up (forward) a few days and set it officially Friday, September 18th. We just have a few more bells and whistles and components to finish up. We will be adding some tools. We will be making another movie (with a walk-in announcer like on the front page) and other neat things also. WOW! This is incredible. We have learned that some members are doing webinars also! Great! After the first of September, we will start on some new "product" (ads only) sites like the one already at Pazog.com! That is awesome! Now, we have a bit of very sad news. Many of you know Mike Dodd, the marketing manager, who's been doing a wonderful job with all of the promoting projects. He is in on many of the decisions made and heads up public relations and is in charge of the customer service. Mike lost his 22-year-old son, Steven Dodd, Wednesday Morning, August 26th. Steven was depressed over a job circumstance and over a girlfriend and he took his life. Pray for Mike's family because they are all having a very hard time with it. This factor was also considered in our decision to move the Official Launch Date to September 18th. On September 1st, we will be considered in a "Soft-Launch", so to speak. If anyone wants to contribute to the funeral and burial cost of their lost son, Steven Dodd, their friends set up an account at: http://www.gofundme.com/stevendodd and all donations would be appreciated. (This is not mandatory by any means.) The company is donating some to the family and we all want to take care of that dear family. Mike and his family ARE asking everyone for prayers. They really need it. Thank You All! - Now to end on a good note, we want to say that you guys are absolutely knocking it out of the park! "Great Work, Everyone!" The exploding continues!        
Team Link:

468x60 Banner



Team Facebook Group:

Team Spread Sheet
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We are deciding to move the launch up (forward) a few days and set it officially Friday, September 18th.
We just have a few more bells and whistles and components to finish up. We will be adding some tools.
We will be making another movie (with a walk-in announcer like on the front page) and other neat things also.

WOW! This is incredible. We have learned that some members are doing webinars also!

Great! After the 18th of September, we will start on some new "product" (ads only) sites like the one already at Pazog.com!

That is awesome! If you have not upgraded, do it now! We are expecting this to eventually reach and become a mi!ion people! Ads ARE the Last Great Frontier!
We are on the verge of creating an entirely New Industry in the field of Online Advertising - AD BROKERS!

The last great frontier - online advertisement brokering - is HERE!


We're doing Conference Calls!

EVERY Tuesday and Thursday.

7:00 pm and 9:00 pm Eastern Time  

712-432-3066 Code 344699.

6 pm and 8 pm Central

5 pm and 7 pm Mountain

4 pm and 6 pm Pacific Times.

Go to the calls. Bring Everyone You Know!



We have new banners in the Tools Page.


Bitcoin is on the site now! Yeaaaah!


We are in over 100 countries now!


Look for the Withdraw Page if you have over $10 earned! Just Log In!


WOW! Many folks are doing Facebook groups, webinars, videos, etc.

People are joining left and right from around the world and from many other business to work with us!

Are you seeing  the Clear Picture yet?

Take the "2-IN-2 Challenge"! Push, push push!

Upgrade! If you are not upgraded, Upgrade!

We are on the verge of creating an entire new industry in the world of online advertising!


Go to the calls. Bring Everyone You Know!

Like us on Facebook.

Push to meet  the "2-in-2 Challenge".

Stay tuned to your back office.

Sent this message to your referrals also.

Read the Timeline Updates (in the back office).

Message us if you have any issues or questions.

Thanks and Welcome to the Excitement!

GoBIG7 Support Team
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Zitat:Things are going well with our team build. We are getting sign up's but not as fast as we would like. I get a lot of people that join the team but don't upgrade. Out of the 900 people that have signed up to the team, only 344 have upgraded. I'm puzzled at those numbers as we should have a lot more folks upgraded in GoBig7. The advertising alone is worth the 7 bucks a month! Top that off with a realistic chance to earn a good income, I would have thought we would have had more upgraded members than we have now. 344 is pretty good, don't get me wrong but I want more.  I' going to do my best to get those that have not upgraded, to upgrade, or at least take another look at the opportunity. Now that we have another advertising site being built, that might help to change their mind about GoBig7.  
Speaking about advertising sites, You were aware that GoBig 7 will be opening another advertising site by the end of Sept, right? Yes, that's great news! And from what I hear, 7 more will be created when all is said and done.  That's a lot of sites to have your ad's on! And for ONLY 7 bucks a month! That's crazy and I expect big growth in the future once people figure out that they can get a huge advertising platform for 7 bucks a month! Folks. it really is a no brainer. We are at the beginning of this and I expect thousands upon thousand to join and guess what? Your even levels are going to fill up like mad! And when your referral bonuses kick in. watch out, your income will explode.
I say this to you now. it won't happen overnight! This is a long term opportunity. But it will happen!
Also, if you have a positive experience with GoBig7 using their advertising site, please post it
in our Facebook group. We need to show people GoBig7 is the real deal! Please get in the group and start participating! Make comments on the post. Support current members. Just get active as doing nothing at all is not the answer and is not what this team is about. We need to lead by example and show people the selling points of GoBig7.  If we do nothing, you can expect nothing!
This is your business!

People have to get out of the mindset that you must earn money immediately or the opportunity is junk. Folks, some people may do ok with that mindset but they will never make the big money we will because they join these opportunities and 30 days later, the opportunity dries up and they move on to the next best thing. They may have made 20 maybe 30 bucks but now they are back at square 1, trying to do it all over again and you may or may not do so well. My point is that we need to focus on one opportunity over a longer
period of time. I'm not saying that you can't participate in other opportunities, hell, I am so all I'm saying is that you need to have something that you're serious about that you can focus your energy on. Something that is affordable to all and something that most Marketers want and need! That opportunity is GoBig7    a long with our team build. Listen, I guarantee that if you stay with the team, help promote and be active and lead by example, you will earn life changing money! It's that simple! But it will take some time to get
there. The good thing about that is that at only 7 bucks a month, most people can afford to stay with us and that is what will make our team a success!              

If you see your name in pink but you know you are active, please send me an email, with your name, user id and line# and I will fix it. If you think you're going to get active again or had money issues, please let me know and we won't go after your account. As long as I know your intentions, that's find but if you don't contact me, we will be giving your account up to other members. Remember. this is a long term opportunity!

If you rec'd a link and it has expired and you want to join, please send me an email and I will whip up another link! No questions asked. We understand that people will be skeptical but we don't hold that against you! Just ask and another link will be on it's way to your inbox. We are a team that wants to see you succeed!  
Thanks to all those that are promoting and participating in our Facebook group. Let's show people that our team ROCKS and really, is the only team to be on with GoBig7 opportunity.  This is your business and we ALL need to get aggressive and make our team the GREAT team that we know it is. If we put some work in it, it will pay off!

Team Link:

468x60 Banner



Team Facebook Group:

Team Spread Sheet
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Zitat:We JUST LAUNCHED the website.
This is growing so fast it is mind-boggling!

It's unreal!

Remember to visit the ad board at Pazog.com! We are preparing

the NEXT ad board "7sells.com" and hope to have it ready anytime now!

We are in over 100 countries now and still exploding!

We are on the verge of creating an entirely New Industry in the field of

Online Advertising - AD BROKERS! The last great frontier - online

advertisement brokering - is HERE!

Go to the conference calls held each Tuesday and Thursday!

7 pm and 9 pm Eastern Times! 712-432-3066 Code 344699

(6 pm and 8 pm Central - 5 pm and 7 pm Mountain - 4 pm and 6 pm Pacific Times).

NEXT: We will start building more and more ad boards for the benefit of all

of the members!

This is becoming the Best Program On The Internet!

This is the Perfect Timing, the Perfect Opportunity, the Perfect Website, the Perfect Payplan, the Perfect Team, the Perfect Industry.

It's All HERE at GoBIG7

Thanks and Welcome to the Excitement!

GoBIG7 Support Team
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Meine aktuelle Matrix (27.09.15).

[Bild: 4peilkf6.jpg]
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Zitat:WOW! Incredible! Awesome! Look at all of the countries that we are in now! Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Aruba, Austria, Australia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Croatia, Curacao, Czech Republic, Denmark, Deutschland, Egypt, Fiji Islands, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gaza, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guadeloupe, Guinea, Haiti, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Martinique, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Singapore, Spain, Suisse, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Virgin Islands, Vietnam, Yugoslavia and The Democratic Republic of the Congo! Thanks, Everyone!
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Zitat:Today is the 8th and the Withdraw Popup Page

will be in place until 12:00 Midnight Eastern Time

(about 10 hours from the time of this email).

If you have over $10.00 earned and wish to be

paid through Payza or a check, you will need to

log in and complete the Withdraw Page before

it is gone tonight (it will be there until midnight

Eastern Time tonight).

If you have $15.00 or more earned and wish to

be paid via Paypal, you will need to log in and

compete the Withdraw Page before it is gone tonight

(it will be there until midnight Eastern Time tonight).

We have a HUGE payout going for September commissions!

We have members making thousands of do!ars per month now!

***There are about 6000 members in earnings!***

If you wish for us to hold your earnings until the next month,

then you can close the Withdraw Page without completing it

by simply clicking outside of the pop up and click "Yes" to

closing it. (It will appear each time you log in throughout the

duration time from the 1st until the 8th of October even if you

have closed it once or more without completing it for withdrawal.

It WILL keep appearing from the 1st until the 8th of October.)

We have loaded up the new Ad Manager now!

We are working on your new and improved back office. You will Love it when we get it ready!

We are finishing up with the French website! It will be ready very soon!

Nous sommes en finir avec le site Français ! Il sera prêt très bientôt !

We are finishing up with 7sells.com and we will have it open this week (or so).

This will be our second ad board (the first being Pazog.com)!

People are joining left and right from everywhere!

We are all working to make GoBIG7.com one of the biggest programs in the World and certainly the best and most profitable site in the world!


We're doing Conference Calls!

Go to the calls. Bring Everyone You Know!

EVERY Tuesday and Thursday.

7:00 pm and 9:00 pm Eastern Time

712-432-3066 Code 344699.

6 pm and 8 pm Central

5 pm and 7 pm Mountain

4 pm and 6 pm Pacific Times.

***Go to the calls. Bring Everyone You Know!***


Take the "2-IN-2 Challenge"! Go, Go, Go Big!

The "2-in-2 Challenge" states: Get 2 people signed up in 2 days!

Get them to do the same in 2 days and so on - AND - in 28

Days (if everyone does that), Voila. $19,659.60 PER MONTH is your projected income!

(Get more than 2 others and this amounts goes much higher with our 100% Matching Pay!)

(That is, less any holes that may be in your matrix caused by members that do nothing.)


Upgrade now IF you are not upgraded yet, Upgrade NOW!

By any and all means, Upgrade Now!

Message us if you have any issues or questions.

Go Go Go tell everyone about us! GoBIG7 is Going Big!

Thanks and Welcome to the Excitement!

GoBIG7 Support Team
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Meine aktuelle Matrix (10.10.15).
[Bild: f989zrk9.jpg]
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Zitat:This is a reminder to attend our conference calls!

We're doing Conference Calls Tonight!

Go to the calls. Bring Everyone You Know!

EVERY Tuesday and Thursday.

7:00 pm and 9:00 pm Eastern Time

712-432-3066 Code 344699.

6 pm and 8 pm Central

5 pm and 7 pm Mountain

4 pm and 6 pm Pacific Times.

Go to the calls. Bring Everyone!


We just now finished the French Website! It is in French now (Front Page and Back Office!)!


Take the "2-IN-2 Challenge"! Go, Go, Go Big!

The "2-in-2 Challenge" states: Get 2 people signed up in 2 days!

Get them to do the same in 2 days and so on - AND - in 28

Days (if everyone does that), Voila. $19,659.60 PER MONTH is your projected income! (Get more than 2 others and this amounts goes much higher with our 100% Matching Pay!) (That is, less any holes that may be in your matrix caused by members that do nothing.)


Message us if you have any issues or questions.

Go Go Go tell everyone about us! GoBIG7 is Going Big!

Like us on Facebook.

Push to meet the "2-in-2 Challenge".

Stay tuned to your back office.

Sent this message to your referrals also.

Read the Timeline Updates (in the back office).

Message us if you have any issues or questions.

Thanks and Welcome to the Excitement!

GoBIG7 Support Team
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Bitte an die Regeln halten und Updates posten,
sonst wird das Programm archiviert und jemand anderes darf es vorstellen.
(Letzter Beitrag vom 21.10.)

#Verschoben zu ungepflegte Programme.
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#Moderation: Vorstellung zu "geschlossene Projekte" verschoben!
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.
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GoBig7 - Schnellantwort

Gib hier deine Antwort zum Beitrag ein.

Achtung: Du musst dich erst anmelden, um in diesem Thema etwas posten zu können. Es ist kostenlos und wir senden keinen Spam!

Kostenlos Anmelden


5 kürzlich aktive Themen dieses Bereichs
Thema Themenersteller Antworten Ansichten Letzter Beitrag
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 150$ Listing: OnlyBanx ab 2,5% tgl. X-Invest 12 951 05.06.2024, 13:42
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Principal-Back: Vortic United MarkusMFI 86 11.770 01.06.2024, 19:16
Letzter Beitrag: Shibelu
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Wizerpeople ab 0,75% täglich X-Invest 22 4.207 28.05.2024, 13:27
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Profit-Miner Greg 129 63.089 28.05.2024, 09:28
Letzter Beitrag: Safir1961
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Multicopytrade X-Invest 7 252 24.05.2024, 13:34
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 100$ Listing: Noweon ab 0,3% tgl. X-Invest 6 658 24.05.2024, 13:34
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! P.-Included: TenX - origineller Profitplan - P2P Konsti 64 4.593 19.05.2024, 10:19
Letzter Beitrag: Smart