
Bitluna - Prelaunch (PreLaunch) - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 

Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

Hallo Community,

heute stelle ich euch BITLUNA vor.

Bitluna befindet sich im Prelaunch und startet am 28.01.2017

Was können wir bei BITLUNA verdienen?

Durch das Kaufen von Ad Packs welche Unendlich laufen habt ihr die Möglichkeit auch Unendlich Verdienst zu erhalten.

Die Ad Packs beginnen wie bisher bekannt ab 5 $

Verdienst ist von einem selbst abhängig je nachdem wie Aktiv man agiert und lässt einen dadurch mehr oder weniger Verdienen.

Bitluna garantiert nur ein Mindestverdienst von 0,01 % täglich.

Hier könnt ihr im Raster jeweils auf ein Symbol Tippen wo jeder Tip ein Gewinn ist.

Ein Tip kostet 0.50$

Zu gewinnen gibt es:
-0.01$ - 100$
-ad credits

Dies ist ein Spenden Plan in welchen ihr mit 0.10$ einsteigt.

Von eurer Zahlung gehen 0.05 $ an eure Upline im 5. Level und 0.05 $ gehen in den Donation Fund.

Ihr könnt bis zu 3.63 $ Verdienen wenn ihr 3 Refferals mit jeweils 3 Refferals in der 5 Ebene habt.

Von anderen Spenden welche aus dem Fund kommen könnt ihr bis zu 0.30 $ Verdienen.

Um Spenden von euren Refferals einmal pro Woche zu erhalten müsst ihr auch im Donation Plan Mitglied sein.

Ihr habt hier die Möglichkeit den Lunacoin zu minen und diesen in BTC umzuwandeln.

Ein und Auszahlen könnt ihr über folgende Möglichkeiten:

Auszahlungen erfolgen INSTANT
Auszahlungsfee gibt es keine
Auszahlungsminimum ist keines bekannt

Ihr habt bei Bitluna eine Struktur mit vier Optionen wovon zwei bereits oben erklärt wurden
bei den beiden anderen Optionen habt ihr folgende Funktionen:

Ist ein Lunainterner E-Currency Exchanger mit welchem ihr eure Lunacoins welche ihr zuvor geminet
habt in Bitcoins umtauschen könnt.

1Lunacoin = 0.000001 BTC

Das Lunawallet ist ein Wallet wie Paypal wo ihr Geld Ein- und Auszahlen könnt um damit Zahlungen und Onliekäufe tätigen könnt.

Referral - Programm

Es wird möglich sein in bis zu 5 Ebenen Provisionen zu beziehen
näheres folgt nach dem Prelaunch

Hier gehts zum RCB-Angebot

Hier gehts zur Anmeldung

[Bild: 625.achtung.gif]
Risikohinweis: Vor dem Investieren in Programme unbedingt lesen!

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Bitluna - Prelaunch (PreLaunch) - Diskussion

Zumindest ein Monitor hat den Scam erklärt (Grund: system leak) und Versicherungsanträge können gestellt werden.
Das war's dann.
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Das Warnzeichen sollte hier definitiv mal rein, aber noch nicht der rote Daumen. Alle Payment Processors laufen wieder instant, außer Bitcoin läuft noch manuell, soll aber in den nächsten Stunden wieder instant gehen.

Zitat:As for the suspended accounts, admin is currently working on it. But to be frank, this happened majorly to those members who made multi accounts, just to get that $10 bonus. So yes, some people have surely tried to cheat. But admin is currently looking into this matter and it will be solved soon. If you were in my place, you would have known, how hard admin has been working for past 2 days, for you guys only. Except Bitcoins, all payment processors have been again made instant. Bitcoins will also be made instant in around 12-14 hours. For those thinking we have gone scam, I am still posting this update! This is a real business and so some issues are inevitable.
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(16.03.2017, 14:08)Svccess schrieb: Alle Payment Processors laufen wieder instant

Kann ich bestätigen, Payeer AZ kam instant heute morgen. PM kann ich später testen.
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Ich teste morgen BTC und kann euch Bescheid geben

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
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(16.03.2017, 14:50)KiAs schrieb: Ich teste morgen BTC und kann euch Bescheid geben

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Meine Btc zahlung von heute morgen ist noch immer auf pending
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Habe soeben PM Auszahlung getestet. Ging direkt auf pending.

Ich sehe gerade der Chat über dem Dashboard ist wieder deaktiviert und die Chatrooms-Seite führt nun ins Nichts.
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payza ging auch heute, auszahlung geposted

blöde zeichen regelung Grinsen
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Auszahlung per BTC vor 5 Minuten beantragt. Steht seit dem auf Pending. Ich geb euch Bescheid, sobald was angekommen ist.

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Steht immer noch auf Pending. Für heute geh ich schlafen und schau morgen wieder nach.

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Jetzt steht meine Bitcoin Auszahlung bereits seit über 25 Stunden auf Pending. Hat jemand Kontakt zum Admin und kann mal nachfragen?

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Spiel ist vorbei, keine Reaktion mehr vom Admin.
Jedoch funktionieren instante Auszahlungen über Payza & STP kurioserweise noch. Nur blöd, dass ich mit BTC eingezahlt habe.

Abschluss-Statement eines Gruppen Moderators:
Zitat:Well, what we all feared has happened. Now there is almost no chance of Luna Griffiths coming back. So I am revealing all the details. I hope he comes back, but seems there is no chance now.
First of all, I would like to clear that some of you think I know Admin personally, but there is no truth in it. I am a small investor like most of you. I am actually the last one to join Luna Griffiths's team. In fact, I joined Bitluna around 17th Jan. Since from the very first, there was a communication gap between members and Admin, I tried to help members with whatever info I had, hoping that other members will help me. And then after some days, Luna made me a mod in this group, along with 3 other mods and Chris Cross as the co-admin. After that I got involved with Bitluna even more, and starting helping all members, personally giving replies to all comments and chatting with so many members. Then I also started to chat more with Admin and he really seemed to have good plans for Bitluna. That's why he was launching 1 product after another. He was also going to launch a mini-job feature soon. He was the one who explained me adpack structure fully, of which Iater I made that diagram and reconfigured calculator also. In the last few days, I was even more in contact with him, and he really seemed to be working hard on all issues. But sadly it didn't turn well. Either he intentionally scammed us or just died. As for what I got by working for him, then I can tell you he did not give us any share or anything, but yes, he gave us some bonus, like once he gave me $120 worth of adpacks, and on second occasion he gave me $150 directly, which I just gave to my referrals for supporting me in Bitluna. Other than nothing else. This is what he probably gave to other support members also.
I am telling you guys what all happened in last few days. Probably no one out of you knows that.
1) 3-4 days back when poker and lottery were disabled, there was a reason for it. There was a massive hacking and the hacker or hackers took away 10 BTC from these games.
"was issue with poer game, hacker used poker game to steal upto 10 btc, btb; i had doubts on poker game, rushed coding".
This caused him a lot of worry. This hacking really happened as he told me not to tell this to anyone, otherwise everyone will get panic. I personally know 1 big affiliate whose account also got hacked and his payment address changed.
2) After this he decided to upgrade the security and also implement an email withdrawal confirmation feature, that is, after every withdrawal, an email will be sent to the user and only when he confirms the email, he will get the payment. And so that's why BTC and some other processors were made manual.
"making btc server node more secure,we had a few hack attempts, so will be adding email verification link for cashout".
3) Later as you know he did sent pending payments and and then again he disabled the processors, because the security feature was not implemented properly. Also the deposit Bitcoin feature was not working properly.
"im in panic mode"
4) Then that account suspension thing happened because he switched on anti-multi accounting feature, because of which many accounts got suspended. I requested him to revert this feature as many single accounts have also been banned. So he started working on it then and as you know the accounts were restored also.
"bit coins will start paying again manull,but I will check suspended,I will check".
5) After that he started working on BTC payments again.
"1 problem after another, resolved hacker, all payments system instant accept btc".
6) Then I reported him that instascam has marked us as scam, and probably that is where he completely broke down. And then he wrote his last message, which made me almost cry.
"I give up, no1 is helping, or waiting, to much crap gone around"
I thought he was just getting emotional and so I tried to support him and tell him that everything will get alright. I didn't heard anything after that from him.
I saw a message on instascam, which I think Admin only posted.
"So you are posting that they paid you today, but you flag the site as scam? What a fail monitor . so sad indeed"
What do I think?
I personally thing that admin did not scam us intentionally but due to circumstances.
1) 10 BTC stolen from poker, it could be later he found even more money was stolen and had no choice. He did try to upgrade the BTC security, which I guess didn't work well. He made poker and lottery unavailable. If he wanted he could have just let them open and earned even more money. He didn't even tell the right reason to anyone (expect me), so hacking did happen.
Who could the hackers be?
1) Most probably admin's partner, who helped him develop Lunacoin. Admin told me that Bendani (partner) was asking for $10K to pay for some loan and when admin refused, he starting saying ill about admin. And then admin kicked him. Because of this Bendani suffered big loss, because the site betluna.org, which was launched and admin announced about it in between the news, one time, was infact partially owned by Bendani. Since admin kicked him, betluna.org also failed, causing a big loss to Bendani, as it was a sports betting website using Lunacoin, which could have earned him great profits. And as u can relate, he demanded $10K from admin and then 10 BTC (around $10K) gets stolen from Bitluna.
2) Secondly, it could be related to Bitearn as well, as it is a clone of Bitluna. Maybe Bitearn was made by one of the previous developer of Biluna. At first, Admin told us not to join Bitearn, but later he compromised with Bitearn admin, for undisclosed reasons.
2) Payza and some processors were always paying and still now paying. If he really had bad intention, he could have just said that
he is upgrading full security and all payments are manual till then. We would have still supported him. And right now also Payza is still paying. If he was a real scammer, he would have tried to take all the money possible. He already knows that Bitluna has been marked scam, so there seems no reason for him to keep Payza payments instant, and probably advcash and Solidtrustpay also. Till yesterday, BTC deposits were also not working. If he wanted he could have let BTC deposits to be made, getting him even more profits. It seems he just abandoned the site, as his last message said, "I give up". Maybe he really gave up.
3) He always tried to make things right, be it PIN issue, mail issue or suspension issue. He did work on them and made them right. If he had decided to scam, then he would have just let them so be, and said us that he will fix them later. He wouldn't have done any hardwork to resolve these issues.
4) The site as you all know was growing tremendously, Alexa rank climbing higher and higher every day. The Lunacoin was also in good state and was already listed on 3 exchangers, including yobit. Most people I know, were just reinvesting more and withdrawing less. In these conditions, one would be just the dumbest man on Earth to close the site so early. He could have just sit and eat for many months or years to come. You know how much one can potentially earn with this kind of Alexa ranking. Moreover, he told me that a group of Japanese investors is waiting for the first round to finish (130%). And then those people will invest a big amount. And he was also going to advertise on other platforms with the support team's usernames, in order to reward us more and bring more investors to site.So he would have at least waited for these investors to invest huge amount and then scam.
"i have a big group in Japan ready ti start investing big amounts
they started to come,after we complete first cycle"
"I will be taking "profit-hunters" and other blogs from today, will start some heavy marketing from tomorrow."
He was also going to launch the mitefx exchanger, which would have brought him a lot of transaction fees, without doing anything. And he was also the co-admin for betluna.org, which was a sports betting site. Again free profits for doing nothing much. The site was launched also and getting good traffic without any promotion. So all in all this business was going very good and even if he wanted to scam, he would have waited for some months and then got away with a big sack of money. Plus, everything was built in custom script, from site to official forums to Lunacoin wallets. The coin was also real and had real value. He told me it took him $7k just to develop the coin. Could have costed less, but still significant amount. Everything he built was operational and had significant value. It would have taken him good amount of time and money to create this Luna network, which included so many projects. Plus he didn't took even a single cent from us in prelaunch phase, whereas most sites do allow deposits during pre-launch. It must have taken him 1 month to cover all his costs, because the payments were also being made, without any delay. So closing the site in some 17 days doesn't make any sense to me.
5) He did share his plans with me. If he was scammer, he had no need to so. He could have said he is busy and just shrugged me off. Maybe, he thought that he can share his plans with me and so trusted me with so many details, which probably none of you know. I never asked him about his identity, so I got no info about it.
In the last I can just say, that maybe something bad happened to him, he quit or died or maybe suicide, but he scammed us intentionally, is the last thing I would believe.
Anyways the reality is that the payments are not being made, so don't deposit. Payza, STP, Advcash guys are lucky to get instant payments, so withdraw all u can, till these processors also get disabled.
Personally, I feel that I lost the most. Money I did not lost (although all my BTC payments are pending), I withdrew my seed money to invest in my friends programmes as part of referral exchange programme. But I lost my reputation, respect as this was my first major start in affiliate promotion. Now, obviously I can't promote any other site, as I lost my battle itself. I was actually just going to launch my own revshare also, with the support of very big investor. It is planned to launch in April, but I don't know if I will pursue it further, as I don't have any more strength left to make a promote online earning programmes. What if, it doesn't work as intended, then more people might lose money.
I also lost a friend (if he was good).
And most of all, I lost trust. I believed so much in admin, and yet he left us or maybe scammed us. I worked like a mad supporter answering and commenting 100s of members, for what, to be scammed myself. I spent so may hours building calc, lunacoin mining guide and modding this group. I actually did not gave importance to my original work, which is freelance translation and localization.
What can you do next?
1) If anyone has approach in London, then they might get some info from registrar of companies, UK govt, regarding Luna Griffiths. If one has to personally submit the documents in their office, then maybe u can get some info of Luna or at least some of his aides. But if they registered Bitluna online, then we might never get any clue.
2) You might also get some info from Bitearn, as in the last days, Bitearn Admin and Luna, compromised and stopped accusing each other.
3) You might also get some info regarding Luna and Bendani from Bitcointalk forums, where they first made news about Lunacoin. This forum is dedicated to miners and maybe someone knows about Luna there.
That's it guys. This is a cruel end of a very beautiful story. None of us thought this would happen, but it did happen. As I have already cleared everything, please don't send me any messages. I am myself broken right now, and I have posted everything I knew.
I apologize to all my referrals and to the people with whom I misbehaved.
This is the end.
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#Moderation: Vorstellung zu "geschlossene Projekte" verschoben!
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.
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Und hier das Ganze auch noch mal auf Deutsch übersetzt:
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payza lief auch heute wieder  Cool also bin fast auf pari
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Wie jetzt ernsthaft?
Na dann bin ich ja gespannt ob es vielleicht auch nochmal ne Bitcoinauszahlung gibt.

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Date 3/24/2017 6:01:45 AM Reference Number D6AF0-C357E-D85B0 Fee $0.38 USD Transaction type Transfer Received From Name/Email L.GRIFFITHS CAPITAL INVESTMENT LIMITED
[email protected]
Current Status Completed Amount $3.00 USD Total Amount $2.62 USD
Purchase Type Service
Shipping Details Not Provided
Note bitluna cashout
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so nun ist auch bei payza schluss  Grinsen leider  Cool
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Wie viele Auszahlungen hast du jetzt noch geschafft?

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Anscheinend gehen auszahlungen ausser PM und BTC wieder, kann das wer bestätigen,?
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Meine alten Payeer AZ sind noch auf Pending. Ich habe dann mal eine neue Test AZ per Payeer gemacht. ebenfalls direkt auf Pending gegangen. Also wenn es AZ gibt, dann zumindest nicht so wie anfangs instant.

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