
Sportarb - Sportwetten HYIP mit wöchentlich 5.4-9% Rendite, 1000$ Versicherung - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

Hallo Community,

ich möchte euch heute Sportarb vorstellen

Sportarb läuft seit dem 29.01.2017 und bietet technisch Cloudflare Hosting, EV SSL und ein eigenes Skript.


Milten bietet 6 Pläne die sich im Mindest/Maximal Invest, Laufzeit und Rendite unterscheiden.
Bei allen Plänen ist die Rendite variabel und entspricht immer einem bestimmten Prozentsatz der “echten Profite” des Programms.
Am Ende der Laufzeit jedes Plans gibt es den Deposit/euer Invest wieder zurück.
Ihr könnt auch den Plan frühzeitig beenden, müsst dann aber 25% “Strafe” zahlen um euren Deposit auslösen zu können.

Plan 1 - 60% des täglich Profits als Rendite - 30 Tage Laufzeit - Min. Invest $25 | Max. Invest $499
Plan 2 - 65% des täglich Profits als Rendite - 45 Tage Laufzeit - Min. Invest $500 | Max. Invest $999
Plan 3 - 70% des täglich Profits als Rendite - 60 Tage Laufzeit - Min. Invest $1000 | Max. Invest $2499
Plan 4 - 75% des täglich Profits als Rendite - 75 Tage Laufzeit - Min. Invest $2500 | Max. Invest $4999
Plan 5 - 80% des täglich Profits als Rendite - 90 Tage Laufzeit - Min. Invest $5000 | Max. Invest $24999
Plan 6 - 90% des täglich Profits als Rendite - 120 Tage Laufzeit - Min. Invest $25000 | Max. Invest $100000

Wollen wir also z.B. $100 investieren dann landen wir damit in Plan 1 und verdienen 60% der täglichen Profite des Programms.
Macht das Programm also heute 2% Profit, so erhalten wir davon 60%, was 1.2% entspricht.
Der Profit des Programms wird mit wöchentlich zwischen 9-10% angegeben.

Einzahlung / Auszahlung

Als Zahlungsprozessor steht euch Bitcoin und ADVcash, PerfectMoney, Payeer, NixMoney, OKPay zur Verfügung.
Auszahlungen werden 2 x täglich, an Werktagen, manuell durchgeführt.
Das Auszahlungsminimum liegt bei $1, 1€ bzw 0.001 BTC je nach Auszahlungswährung.
Interessant ist auch noch das ihr mit einem anderen Zahlungsprozessor auszahlen könnt, als ihr eingezahlt habt und das ohne Kosten.


Für direkte Partner bekommt man 7% Referral Commission und für Partner im 2. Level gibt es 3% und im 3. bzw. 4. Level gibt es jeweils 1%.
Mit einem Deposit von $500 und einer Bewerbung via Support Ticket bzw. Mail wird man Repräsentant und erhält dann 12% im 1. Level, 5% im 2. Level, 2% im 3. Level und 1% im 4. Level.

[Bild: 625.achtung.gif]
Risikohinweis: Vor dem Investieren in Programme unbedingt lesen!
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Sportarb - Sportwetten HYIP mit wöchentlich 5.4-9% Rendite, 1000$ Versicherung - Diskussion

(07.04.2017, 17:17)Anja26 schrieb:
(07.04.2017, 14:14)Anja26 schrieb: Die mögen mich wohl nicht, obwohl ich sagen muss der Support klingt sehr bemüht! Ich halte euch auf den Laufenden. Hoffe spätestens Montag ist alles auf meinem Konto!

Weitere Auszahlungen von mir klappen leider auch nicht! Antwort vom Support:
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
There must be a technical glitch just. We resend your request to security team. Sorry for delay.

Vielleicht wieder mal was nicht richtig eingestellt Smile
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Programm-Status: Zahlt aus 
Hab heute eine Auszahlung angefordert und auch gutgeschrieben bekommen (siehe Auszahlungsthread).

SportArb zahlt aus!
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Programm-Status: Zahlt aus 
#Neuer Status: Weil aktuelle Zahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema der Vorstellung gepostet wurden, hat der Vorsteller den grünen Daumen als Themenicon vergeben!
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(07.04.2017, 17:21)dennyw3 schrieb:
(07.04.2017, 17:17)Anja26 schrieb:
(07.04.2017, 14:14)Anja26 schrieb: Die mögen mich wohl nicht, obwohl ich sagen muss der Support klingt sehr bemüht! Ich halte euch auf den Laufenden. Hoffe spätestens Montag ist alles auf meinem Konto!

Weitere Auszahlungen von mir klappen leider auch nicht! Antwort vom Support:
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
There must be a technical glitch just. We resend your request to security team. Sorry for delay.

Vielleicht wieder mal was nicht richtig eingestellt Smile

Geld ist jetzt drauf. War wohl ein interner Fehler. Alles wieder gut! Happy Earnings
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear investors,

Another week has ended and it is now time for me to sit down for a few minutes and share our most recent achievements with you. SportArb has just crossed the 33,500 registered members mark and we could not be more excited about these results.

We will start with some very big news: SportArb has just acquired TradeBTC.biz, another online investment pool. We have been negotiating this acquisition for a few weeks now and finally closed the deal yesterday. TradeBTC invests in cryptocurrency trading and this is something I have been learning for a while now.

Their trading team will be joining our own internal trading team soon but, for the sake of efficiency, we will manage both websites individually since they have separate investment pools. If you are interested in investing in cryptocurrency trading as well, just to go TradeBTC.biz now and see what we can offer.

I truly believe that having a smart diversification of one's investment portfolio and even though sports arbitrage has always been my number 1 income source, I personally invest in crypto currencies, working closely with exchangers moving large amounts of money between different platforms, currency trading and most recently, I am investing in a few progressive startup companies in Europe.

I would also like to say a big thank you for those who have been submitting their video reviews about SportArb. We have a backlog of videos to be approved and we will be adding your bonus points very soon. I am truly happy to see all your activity in this promotion and amazed by the number of different nationalities I can see in the videos. As you know, my goal is to make SportArb as international as it can be and these videos just prove that we are in the right track.

Starting next week, some European and Asian promoters are also hosting online webinars to spread the word about SportArb in their local communities. If you'd like to host something similar, please write us at [email protected] and we will gladly provide you all support and come up with an interesting strategy.

We also collected some interesting feedback about our Android app and new improvements and functionalities will be added shortly. We have a few thousand users who already downloaded our app so please don’t hesitate to send your feedback on how we can make it even better.

Another feedback we received is to improve communication so starting next week, we will be sharing public Telegram and Skype groups to communicate faster with our members. We are also looking for moderators for these groups so if this is something you're interested, please send me an email at [email protected] too and we will discuss it in details with experienced investors.

In terms of product updates, Ethereum will be added this week as many of you requested and we have managed to integrate Ethereum with our investment pool.

To finish with updates, more than 2500 investors have already ordered their plastic or virtual debit cards from spectrocoin.com using codes SPORTARBPLASTIC or SPORTARBVIRTUAL. If you haven't ordered yours yet, please do it now since they will only be available for free until the end of this month.

Managing such a huge fund with thousands of investors is challenging and tiring but just thinking that I can change the lives of so many people through this project gives me energy and will to keep striving for nothing but the best. I like to remain positive and I only share good news with you and keep the challenges for myself. My job here is to work hard to make sure YOU have access to your financial freedom with us. I genuinely believe in building trust through actions, and will keep doing my one thousand per cent to change your lives.

SportArb is a life changer for myself too and it will definitely be the biggest project I have ever managed. Our projections for the next year are very positive and I am eager to be writing to all of you in 2018 comparing our venture statistics to this initial moment we are currently living. Thank you for your continued trust; I will not let you down.

I hope you have an amazing weekend surrounded by family and friends.

Hier neue heutige newsletter nur so zur Info.
Gruß Bierli
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zahlt nach wie vor, siehe Auszahlungsthread, gehe mit Plan 1 in die 3. Runde
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear investors,

It is now one of my favorite moments of the week, when I sit down and write to all of you. First of all, I would like to wish a Happy Easter for all of you who, like me, celebrate this date. I hope this is the beginning of a blessed season for all of us.

This is our 10th newsletter and in today's message, I would like to write a small retrospective of what we have achieved so far with SportArb.

We started on January 29 after six months of hard work and preparation and in only one week, 3,700 wise investors decided to join us and we signed up our first batch of 45 representatives from several countries. In that first week, I realized SportArb was going to be very internationally oriented. On the same week, we l aunched our points system and onboarded a support team offering live chat and email support in English, Japanese, Vietnamese, French, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish and Mandarin.

Three weeks after opening our website, our website was fully localized in 10 different languages and we launched a series of promotional videos that took our marketing strategies to a completely new level. By that time, we already had 10,000 registered investors and several offline-marketing campaigns that would change the history of SportArb forever.

Then, it was time to celebrate our first month online with more than 13,000 investors and included phone support available for everyone. By this time, I realized SportArb was already changing the lives of many people and that only gave me more energy to keep pushing for more growth and to implement new ideas for this venture.

The following month was full of surprises: we doubled our support capacity to suit our growth levels and started running a team of 15 agents, released our representatives page to make sure new investors could reach out for help in their local communities, signed several agreements with very big promoters in Asia and Europe that are still running amazing campaigns for our venture, signed an agreement with SpectoCoin to provide free debit cards for all SportArb users, created a video testimonial incentive program, released new promo videos, banners and presentations and managed to have representatives in over 50 different countries.

Finally, last week we announced that SportArb acquired TradeBTC.biz, released our Android app, decided to include Ethereum as a new funding method and announced the creation of Telegram groups for our users.

Only two days after Ethereum was added, 200 investors have already used it and our business analysis predict an increase of up to 15% in capita just from adding this new sourcing method.

I would also like to thank all of you who applied to moderate our online communities. We received more applications than expected and it just shows how supportive you all have been to this venture. I will be processing these applications early this week and announce our new moderators in our next newsletter.

Our iOS app is almost final too and it will be made available for all of you by the end of next week. As usual, please keep your new ideas and feedback coming so we can always work on making SportArb even better.

Looking at this overview gives me a feeling of accomplishment. We have done so much and created so many new tools for SportArb in only 10 weeks and it empowers me to keep pushing for more at all times. We have gone far but this is just the beginning. SportArb has over 37,800 registered members now and I am 100% committed to make this project reach at least 100,000 people in the end of June.

Please don’t forget to order your SpectroCard debit card if you still haven’t. You can use the codes SPORTARBPLASTIC or SPORTARBVIRTUAL at SpectroCoin.com until April 30th to get your physical or virtual cards for free.

Once again, thank you for your continued support in this journey. I hope this retrospective shows you how much I care about SportArb and how hard we are working to turn this project into the biggest program you have ever seen.

I spent the last couple of days visiting some important promoters and business partners in Tokyo and Osaka, in Japan, and just agreed on a very long term partnership that already made my trip worth having. This is just the beginning of a series of very powerful partnerships we are establishing all over the world. I also had a chance to look at cherry blossoms, which was a first time thing to me and made this trip even more incredible.

I have a vision of changing lives in a global scale and SportArb is the mean I chose to do so. I have repeated many times that this is a project of a lifetime for me and nothing will stop me from living this dream. Thank you for believing in my idea, and thank you for showing your support through the way. I can't say this has been an easy journey, and every day I come across a new challenge that tests my skills and forces me to develop new ones. I don't like to focus on what is hard and prefer to share only happy thoughts with all of you, but I want all of you to genuinely understand what SportArb means to be and how hard we are working to make this dream come true. We embrace challenges, we embrace growth and we are here to prove wrong everyone who didn't believe in us. I can't think of one single reason to make me stop, and I truly appreciate all your support in this path.

I hope you all have a blessed week ahead.

My sincere best wishes,
Ronald Wald

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear investors,

One of my favorite moments of the week has arrived again, it is time to write to all you with updates about SportArb and work on developing this connection with you that I value so much. It is fascinating to realize that SportArb has 41,700 registered investors from over 130 different countries and the fact that my message is being shared throughout the world gives me this a feeling of achievement, triumph, and empowerment.

This week, however, I will focus on giving you more information about how SportArb is managed and hopefully, this information will bring you closer to us. Managing SportArb is challenging for several reasons: a distributed team in different countries, a need for light-speed financial transactions (thank God Bitcoin exists) and an enormous list of administrative tasks that need to be completed on a daily basis.

The magic of sports arbitrage is taking advantage of different odds being offered by different bookmakers and these differences usually do not last for a long time, so we need to act very fast and have a very detailed cash flow control system to make sure we know in which bookmakers our money is and move it around quickly. This is especially hard for those starting with sports arbitrage and thankfully, today we have access to a much larger reserve that allows us to keep a constant reserve on our most important bookmakers to make sure we do not miss any arbitrage opportunities.

I started managing people about 10 years ago and through these years, I learned many lessons the hard way: by making mistakes. The most important management lesson I learned was to never let anyone in my team feel excluded and I have taken this as a mantra for my business life. My goal is always to integrate my teams and work with a global perspective in mind.

As of today, SportArb has employees in the UK, in Germany, in the US, in Japan and in Brazil and managing this distributed team usually means late shifts and overnight discussions but we all share the same vision about making SportArb a successful venture capable of shaping lives for the best.

In terms of updates, we are making the final decision about our moderators for our Skype and Telegram groups, so please expect some names to be published in our website in the upcoming week. We hope this helps to integrate our community with our management and gives you a better overall experience with SportArb. Also, as many of you are expecting, our iOS app will also be launched next week, together with other very interesting updates.

We would also like to announce our first Global Contest that starts today at SportArb. The goal of this contest is to promote SportArb as a global community and we will be rewarding our top performers for the next week. The contest will give out prizes in two different categories:

1) All investors from the top 3 countries shown in the mains contest page will get an extra 10% profit share by the end of this promotion

2) Our top 5 promoters for the TOP 3 countries will receive cash prizes as follows: first place will receive $1000, second will get $500, third will get $250, fourth will get $100 and fifth will get $50.

Detailed statistics are available on this page https://www.sportarb.com/contest/globe

That means we are giving our several prizes in order to boost our international presence. The contest starts now and will run until April 28th at 5 PM GMT. For this first contest, we will be taking only signups into account, not active deposits, and we will be checking IP addresses to remove fake accounts and all prizes will be paid on April 30th directly to your SportArb account balance.

We hope this contest excites you to promote SportArb even more, and we will be adding different contests in the upcoming months to keep spreading the word about our venture.

As usual, thank you for your continued support and for being a part of this brave venture. Words cannot express how overjoyed I feel to see my dream business coming true with the help from all of you. It takes a lot of hard work to make this project work and as I mentioned before; I will not settle for anything less than a worldwide wealthy business and in a few years from now, we will all look back and be grateful and beholden for this choice.

Have a blessed week,
Ronald Wald

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Ronald schreibt echt immer gerne und ausführlich muss ich sagen. Kleine Laberbacke, aber ich finde er gibt sich Mühe. Was auch immer wahr ist oder nicht.

Gesendet von meinem E5823 mit Tapatalk
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Hat wer auch Probleme bei der Auszahlung, vbsher kam immer alles innerhalb 8 Stunden jetzt warte ich schon seit Freitag auf Auszahlungen. Ist euch das auch bekannt?
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übers WE hat es bei mir auch immer etwas gedauert, Montag morgen ist wieder alles gut Lächeln und es sollte gebucht sein
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(23.04.2017, 12:28)miba06 schrieb: übers WE hat es bei mir auch immer etwas gedauert, Montag morgen ist wieder alles gut Lächeln und es sollte gebucht sein

Also bei mir immer noch auf PENDING seit FR Nachmittag!
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(24.04.2017, 14:32)blun7 schrieb:
(23.04.2017, 12:28)miba06 schrieb: übers WE hat es bei mir auch immer etwas gedauert, Montag morgen ist wieder alles gut Lächeln und es sollte gebucht sein

Also bei mir immer noch auf PENDING seit FR Nachmittag!

Also meine Auszahlungen haben bis jetzt immer 2-3 Tage gedauert. Auch in der Woche
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(24.04.2017, 14:37)Anram26 schrieb:
(24.04.2017, 14:32)blun7 schrieb:
(23.04.2017, 12:28)miba06 schrieb: übers WE hat es bei mir auch immer etwas gedauert, Montag morgen ist wieder alles gut Lächeln und es sollte gebucht sein

Also bei mir immer noch auf PENDING seit FR Nachmittag!

Also meine Auszahlungen haben bis jetzt immer 2-3 Tage gedauert. Auch in der Woche

Also meine auszahlungen kommen innerhalb 2 Stunden an. Auch die von heute um 9 uhr
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Das wäre ja echt ärgerlich wenn hier vorbei ist. 
In 2 Tagen läuft mein Afterplan aus. 
Ich schreib mal den Support an, war ja bis jetzt immer sehr nett und hilfreich
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Meine ist auch auf pending, aber manchmal dauert es schon länger.

Gesendet von meinem E5823 mit Tapatalk
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Mein Profit von heute war eben innerhalb von nicht mal ner Stunde auf meiner Wallet. Allerdings warte ich seit gestern auf ein ausgelaufenes Deposit. Betrübt hab mal den Support angeschrieben.
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Mal sehen, warte ebenso auf eine Auszahlung seit Samstag.
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so lange hab ich auch noch nicht auf meine payout von Sportarb gewartet.Sieht nach ende aus.

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So lange nicht alle Auszahlungen da sind, setze ich mal sicherheitshalber das Ausrufezeichen, bitte derzeit nicht investieren!
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Sportarb - Sportwetten HYIP mit wöchentlich 5.4-9% Rendite, 1000$ Versicherung - Schnellantwort

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