
ICoinPro - Die Turbo Matrix - Prelaunch - Diskussion

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 

Hallo Community,

Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

heute möchte ich euch das Programm iCoinPro vorstellen.
Das Programm befindet sich momentan im Prelaunch und startet offiziell am 21.6.2017.
Bei iCoinPro handelt es sich im Grunde um ein reines Matrix Programm.
Beim Kauf einer Mitgliedschaft erhält man eine Position in der Matrix,
sowie ein umfassendes Training zum Thema Bitcoin und Kryptowährungen.

Die Mitgliedschaften

Seine Position in der Matrix sichert man sich durch einen monatlichen Mitgliedsschaftsbetrag.
Es ist möglich sich direkt eine Mitgliedschaft für 1, 6 und 12 Monate zu kaufen.
Egal für welches Angebot man sich entscheidet, beim aller ersten Kauf fällt zusätzlich eine
Einschreibegebühr über 40$ an.

1 Monat: 39.95$
6 Monate: 229.95$
12 Monate: 449.95$

Beim Kauf der 6 Monate Mitgliedschaft erhält man automatisch
direkt die 2 Star Rank Qualifikation für 6 Monate.
Beim Kauf der 12 Monate Mitgliedschaft erält man automatisch
direkt die 3 Star Rank Qualifikation für 12 Monate.

Rank Qualifikationen
Es ist möglich fünf verschiedene Ränge zu erreichen,
wodurch weitere Verdienstebenen im Vergütungsplan freigeschaltet werden können.

1 Star
Hierfür muss man selber 3 Referrals geworben haben,
die jeweils auch eine aktive Mitgliedschaft besitzen.

2 Star
Du benötigst eine Downline von insgesamt 20 Personen, egal in welcher Ebene,
jedoch darf die Referral-Struktur keiner deiner direkten Referrals,
mehr als 40% deines Gesamtvolumens ausmachen.

3 Star
Du benötigst eine Downline von insgesamt 100 Personen, egal in welcher Ebene,
jedoch darf die Referral-Struktur keiner deiner direkten Referrals,
mehr als 40% deines Gesamtvolumens ausmachen.

Star Elite
Du benötigst eine Downline von insgesamt 500 Personen, egal in welcher Ebene,
jedoch darf die Referral-Struktur keiner deiner direkten Referrals,
mehr als 40% deines Gesamtvolumens ausmachen.

Star Presidential
Du benötigst eine Downline von insgesamt 5'000 Personen, egal in welcher Ebene,
jedoch darf die Referral-Struktur keiner deiner direkten Referrals,
mehr als 40% deines Gesamtvolumens ausmachen.

Das Training

Sollten wir eine aktive Mitgliedschaft besitzen,
erhalten wir Zugriff auf ausführliche Erklärungen zum Thema Kryptowährungen.
Alle Informationen stehen momentan nur auf Englisch zur Verfügung.

Hierbei werden Themen behandelt wie z.B.
welchen Ursprung Kryptowährungen entstammen,
was Kryptowährungen überhaupt sind und wie diese funktionieren,
welchen Entwicklungsprozess sie durchlaufen mussten
und wie das Minen von Kryptowährungen genau funktioniert etc.

Der Vergütungsplan
Die folgenden Vergütungen werden für jede verkaufte Mitgliedschaft ausgeschüttet.

Powerline (Direkt) Bonus

Fast Start Bonus

Coded Infinity Fast Start Overrides

Residual Income Bonus

Matching Bonus

Einzahlungen sind per Bitcoin und KreditKarte möglich.
Mit Bitcoins kann man nur die 6 und 12 Monate Mitgliedschaft erwerben.
Bei Kreditkartenzahlungen kann es vorkommen,
dass man zusätzlich seine Identität verifizieren muss.
Es fallen keine Gebühren bei der Einzahlung an.

Zur Auszahlung sind momentan noch keine Informationen bekannt,m
weil sich das Programm momentan noch im Prelaunch befindet.

Persönliche Worte

Jetzt Registrieren

[Bild: 625.achtung.gif]
Risikohinweis: Vor dem Investieren in Programme unbedingt lesen!

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#freigeschaltet [Zur Vorstellung]
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Vielen Dank für das freischalten und deine Hilfe! Grinsen

Bin hier selbst gleich mit der Mirgliedschaft über 6 Monate eingestiegen.

Seit meiner Registrierung am 01.06.17, hat sich folgendes getan:

Wir ihr seht, haben sich nach meiner Registrierung bereits 9675 Personen
registriert, 300 davon haben auch bereits ihr Mitgliedschaft bezahlt.

So einen Zulauf in so kurzer Zeit konnt ich bisher noch nirgends sehen,
was aber auch daran liegen kann, dass aktuell die Amis sehr stark
vertreten sind und bei so solchen Dingen einfach anderst sind Grinsen
Antworten Top
Hier nochmal um zu zeigen, in welcher Geschwindigkeit es hier vorwärts geht Grinsen

Binnen 2 Stunden sind weitere 330 ins System kommen, von denen auch bereits
9 ihren Mitgliedsbeitrag gezahlt haben! Sehr gut!

Und hier noch die neusten News:

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
June 5, 2017

Hello Tobias,

Momentum, Progression, History, Excitement

It's getting EXCITING. This is truly one of the most exciting times in history as we are experiencing possibly the biggest transfer of money this world has ever seen.

Every DAY Bitcoin and cryptocurre ncies are getting more and more recognition, credibility, and overall use as more and more people recognize the value of this incredible technology.

People are already making fortunes in this space, but the MOST exciting part, is MOST people don't even know HOW to get started.

THOSE two things are what make this company and our timing so POWERFUL. Not only do you have the opportunity to learn the BEST strategies and tools on HOW to maximize your returns by investing in cryptocurrencies, but you also have the opportunity to HELP OTHERS and GET P AID TO DO IT.

It truly is the PERFECT win win.

The MICRO PROFIT SYSTEM Launches in Just 2 Weeks

Tobias, so many of you are very excited about our opportunity and compensation plan. And you absolutely should be. There is not a company in the industry who pays out over 100% on the front end and over 70% on the back end. A LOT of money will be made in this compensation plan.

BUT, that is SMALL POTATOES compared to what you can make by LEARNING how to make money in the REAL opportunity - CRYPOCURRENCIES.

Guys, the BEST thing about this company is that it does NOT COMPETE with ANY OTHER COMPANY IN THE INDUSTRY.

This company was created to teach you how to make a fortune OUTSIDE of the Network Marketing Industry.

Read that line again. And again. And again.

Yes, it's easy to get distracted with such a powerful compensation plan. But if you are not taking advantage of the TRUE VALUE of this company, the TRAINING, you are MISSING OUT BIG TIME.

Tobias, every successful person on the planet will tell you that generating MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME is the KEY to long term wealth.

Multiple streams of income does NOT mean joining 6 network marketing companies and ge tting a check from each. Even if someone were doing that, that is ONE stream of income - network marketing.

Learning the strategies to invest and consistently profit in cryptocurrencies is true multiple streams of income.

And when you see our Micro Profit System and how it is helping people earn 0.5% to 2% a DAY compounded to see monthly returns over 20%, THAT is where the TRUE power of this company comes in.

So if you are not telling people about this company, you are doing THEM a nd YOURSELF a HUGE disservice.

How would you feel if your friend figured out how to make a fortune outside of network marketing in a few MINUTES a day on your computer, and they didn't tell you about it?

It's ok if they say no. But don't let them get mad at you for not telling them and them missing out.

When you guys see this system, you'll see WHY we created this company and where the REAL money is.


Things at iCoinPro just keep getting better and better. We have so many awesome new tools and train ings coming down the pipeline that are going to blow you all away.

And to help kick off the official weekly Video Trainings that are available EXCLUSIVELY to iCoinPro Members, we have an all star cast to share some of the hottest tips, info and inside info to help you monetize the cryptocurrency BOOM.

Join our CEO, Paul De Sousa, along with Lloyd “Bigg” Dotson, Alvinson Tio, Steve Lawson and Rich Green tonight:

Monday night at 6pm Eastern / 3pm Pacific

VERY IMPORTANT: This training is for MEMBERS ONLY. To access the training, you MUST be LOGGED IN to your iCoinPro back office. From there click on the new link on the left that says LIVE VIDEO TRAINING

Again, you MUST be a member of iCoinPro to have access to this amazing training. Also, for members who are not available at that time, this WILL be recorded and available in your back office after the hangout.

This series of Weekly Trainings goes hand in hand with our Core Training Modules in the Training Section of your Members Area, and the video will be posted with that training so you can reference it anytime.

Today's training is The History of Money.


As of the time we are writing this email, we are 39 members shy of 5,000 members in under 10 DAYS.and we haven't even officially launched yet.

If you haven't noticed, PEOPLE ARE HUNGRY for this product, this information, these tools, and this company. And there is NOTHING out there that compares to what we have.

Our bitcoin integration should be complete TODAY, if not tomorrow. We are super close.

WEDNESDAY is the FIRST PAY RUN for Powerline Commissions and Fast Starts. The first pay run for Matrix Commissions will be the first week of July for all people who joined in May and also had an order in June. We pay out over 100% of the first month's order in Fast Start Bonuses and overrides. So no money goes into the matrix until the second month.

So make SURE you cli ck on My Earnings and select your payment method. If you are in the US, you can get paid by direct deposit into your bank account in USD. If you are not (or if you are) , you can get paid in BITCOIN that is gaining in value every DAY.

Welcome Aboard to all of our new members who have joined the past few days. Be sure to tell EVERYONE you know to take a position before they hear about us from someone else.

Our official launch is on June 21. And it is going to be HOT.

Lots more exciting news and updates coming soon, so keep up the great work and keep an eye out for more updates.

Have an awesome weekend and we'll see you at the TOP,

-YOUR iCoinPro Support TEAM

Antworten Top
Die Reise geht weiter.

Unglaublich welche Geschwindigkeit hier an den Tag gelegt wird!

In 2 Wochen soll auch das Training zu dem Micro Profit System vorhanden sein, mit dem es möglich sein soll, 05% - 2% am Tag zu erwirtschaften.

Ich denke die Monatsgebühr für 39.95$ sowie die einmalige 40$ Anmeldegebühr sind hier gut "investiert", wenn man überlegt, dass sich das ganze aktuell noch im Pre-Launch befindet und bis zum offiziellen Start am 21. Juni noch eininges an Zeit ist! Ich denke auch das es nach der Pre-Launch erst richtig losgeht.
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Noch keine 24 Stunden vergangen und es sieht so aus:

2000 neue Anmeldungen im System und weitere 189 haben bereits ihre Gebühr gezahlt!

Unsere Upline ist im Leaderboard weiterhin auf Platz 1 und wird wohl der erste sein, der den Star Elite Rank erreicht!

Das schöne an iCoinPro, wir haben hier kein Investment sondern ein Infoprodukt, dass nicht von heut auf morgen "pleite" ist.
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Hier letzten News zu iCoinPro:

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Hello Tobias,

Tonight is a VERY exciting night for all of our iCoinPro Members and Preenrollees, including YOU, Tobias.  Like every Wednesday, it marks our newest CUT OFF DAY.

What does that mean?

Every Wednesday of every week at MIDNIGHT pacific time, our system looks at all the pre-enrollees who have locked in their position by placing their product order to become members.  Those people are then automatically moved to the TOP of the Powerline that they are in ABOVE all the people who did not take action.

That means it is *critical* that you let your pre-enrollees know what they stand to lose by not taking action TODAY.

**** Invite them to our LIVE Webinar every Wednesday at 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific:


As soon as even one person in your Powerline upgrades to member through the system, ALL of the people above that person in the Powerline are notified to let them know that they MUST lock in their position in order to get paid on the person(s) below them, otherwise that person who upgraded is going to move above them and they will lose out on them forever.

Our system is designed to do everything it can to help YOU succeed.  In fact, the iCoinPro system sends emails to ALL of your pre-enrollees today. BUT, it is still VERY IMPORTANT that you CALL, SKYPE, ZOOM, EMAIL, FACEBOOK, ETC. THEM personally contact them as well.

Be sure to follow up with your pre-enrollees so they don't miss out.

- YOUR iCoinPro Support And Training Team

You are receiving this message because you have either
signed up to receive information from us or a third-party.
To be cleared from our records, follow the link below
or contact us at:

701 South Carson St.
Suite 200-4122
Carson City, NV 89701

Und weil es so schön ist, nochmal ein Update Grinsen :

Die Geschwindigkeit hier ist einfach der Hammer! Sticheln
Antworten Top
Hier die letzten News von gestern abend:

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

June 7, 2017

Hello Tobias,

Updates and Announcements

In creating iCoinPro, we knew we had a prod uct that is in HUGE demand all over the world.  With the incredible shift of how billions of dollars are spent every day, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies are creating a change and an opportunity that has not been seen in decades.
And there will NEVER be a BETTER time to take advantage of it than right NOW in history.
Recognizing that and putting together the BEST training, tools, strategies, and systems, along with an income opportunity to reward you for sharing it with others, there is no doubt that iCoinPro will be the next HOME RUN in the home based business industry.and i t's already starting.
Welcome aboard to ALL of our new members who have joined the last few days.  Your timing could not have been more PERFECT.

Today is PAYDAY
Even though we are still in prelaunch, and all the tools and VALUABLE trainings are not fully available yet, TODA Y IS THE FIRST PAY RUN.actually 2 pay runs.  One for WEEKLY commissions, and one for MONTHLY Powerline Commissions.
Remember, we pay out over 100% of the first month's order in Fast Start Bonuses and Overrides and Powerline commissions.  Volume goes into the matrix on members' second month orders and beyond.  So the first Matrix and Matching Bonuses will be paid the first week of July for June commissions.
That means Today's pay runs are based on all volume that came in in May, from May 25 when we opened the doors for prelaunch through May 31.
And even with just ONE WEEK of volume, we have people who have ALREADY earned over ,000 in commissions today.
So be sure to check your My Earnings link to see your commissions.  YOU HAVE BEEN PAID.
If you joined AFTER May 31, your first WEEKLY commission run for people you personally enroll and their teams will be next Wednesday June 14, and your first MONTHLY Powerline commissions will go out the first week of July.
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who earned a commission.  With only 5,000 people in the company right now, and potentially MILLIONS as we continue to grow, those commissions are only going to get BIGGER.


Just ONE WEEK INTO PRELAUNCH and ALREADY HUNDREDS of people have advanced in rank from 1 Star all the way up to Star Elite.
Congratulations to EVERYONE who went to work and achieved rank already.
And a Special Congratulations to Frank Astheimer, Mack Mills, Ari Maccabi, and "Bigg" Lloyd Dotson who all achieved STAR ELITE rank and are now qualified for HUGE Infinity Fast Start Overrides and bigger and deeper Matching Bonuses.

Join CEO Paul De Sousa along with TOP iCoinPro Leaders Ari Maccabi, Lloyd "Bigg" Dotson, Rob Fraser and others to hear what makes iCoinPro so special, our incredible education, our huge growth, the timing and most importantly where we see this company going.

The webinar starts at 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific

Send your pre-enrollees and join yourself at: http://www.iCoinProHangout.com/InfoEcke

In The News

* Bitcoin soars past $2,800. Experts predict Bitcoin could be worth as much as $3,000 or more this year and $10,000 to $100,000 or more over time. We are in the right place at the right time with the right company.

* Cryptocurrency M arket cap hits another all time high at $100 BILLION dollars. 24 Hour Trade Volume is over $3 BILLION dollars. We are in an amazing time of expansion for the entire cryptocurrency space and you are poised to take full advantage of it with iCoinPro.

* US retail giant Walmart is looking to patent a system that utilizes Blockchain technology to track the delivery of packages by its unmanned drones.  The same Blockchain technology is being used by cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

* Russian Central Bank’s Deputy Chairman, Olga Skorobogatova announced plans to create Russia’s OWN national cryptocurrency. This is following on the heels of Russi a’s decision to legalize Bitcoin. No specific timeframe is given, but this illustrates even more so how cryptocurrencies are truly the wave of the future.

* AMD stocks surge and their graphics cards are selling out everywhere due to demand for them to use to MINE crypt ocurrency! AMD also announced that they will be creating cryptocurrency specific mining cards to support the explosive growth and interest in Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies.

Just TWO WEEKS until our official launch and the unveiling of our Micro Profit System that is the TRUE hidden secret of this company.
More and more progress is being made every day as more and more people are rec ognizing the power of iCoinPro
Keep up the grat work and Let’s rock the Webinar tonight,

-YOUR iCoinPro Support TEAM

Und natürlich nochmal ein Update über die bisherige Entwicklung:

Das ganze entwickelt sich so schnell, dass man eig. schon stündlich ein Update geben könnte Grinsen Ich bleib aber mal bei 1-2 mal am Tag Zwinkern
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Das ganze hat heute einen wahnsinnigen Schub bekommen, da auch die Reihenfolge durch den Cutoff wie angekündigt vom System neu ermittelt wurde:

Antworten Top
Weiter geht's Grinsen Die Anzahl der User die hier eine Mitgliedschaft kaufen, dürfte am Tag wohl bei min. ca. 200 liegen.

Wer hier in der ersten Woche eingestiegen ist, hatte diese Woche auch schon die ersten Earnings bekommen, ich selbst war ein bisschen zu spät dran.

Bin sehr gesapnnt was das Training zum Micro Profit System mit sich bringt. Der CEO preist dieses fast täglich in Facebook an.

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Weils so schön ist, wieder ein Update. Grinsen Etwas mehr als 24h vergangen, in dieser Zeit über 3.000 neue Registrierungen, davon 186 mit einer bezahlten Membership!

Antworten Top
Hier die letzten News von gestern Abend:

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
June 12, 2017

Hello Tobias,


As you have probably noticed, things at iCoinPro just keep getting better and better.  We are adding new updates, tools and training almost every day all leading up to our Launch on June 21st!

As a member of iCoinPro, you have access to our EXCLUSIVE official weekly Video Trainings that are only available to you! Tonight’s training is going to be invaluable and will help you further understand Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and how to monetize this new trend.

Join our CEO, Paul De Sousa, along with Lloyd “Bigg” Dotson,  and others tonight:

Monday night at 6pm Eastern / 3pm Pacific

VERY IMPORTANT:  This training is for MEMBERS ONLY.  To access the training, you MUST be LOGGED IN to your iCoinPro back office.  From there click on the new link on the left that says LIVE VIDEO TRAINING

Again, you MUST be a member of iCoinPro to have access to this amazing training. Also, for members who are not available at that time, this WILL be recorded and available in your back office after the hangout.

This series of Weekly Trainings goes hand in hand with our Core Training Modules in the Training Section of your Members Area, and the video will be posted with that training so you can reference it anytime.

Today's training is The Birth of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains.

Another 8% Week for the MICRO PROFIT SYSTEM

If you think what we have NOW is EXCITING, you're right.  It's POWERFUL.  And there is NOTHING on the market like what we have at iCoinPro.   But as exciting as that is, it's about to get even STRONGER.

With another 8% week of profits, the excitement just keeps building and building around the launch of&n bsp;The Micro Profit System - and rightfully so.

This trading system empowers YOU to be able to trade cryptocurrencies like a pro, know the buy/sell signals, how to maximize your results through Micro Profits - and it’s extremely simple and EASY to learn. The results from the application of this trading system speak for themselves and it is POWERFUL.

We will be launching this additional suite of tools and training NEXT MONDAY NIGHT at NO ADDITIONAL COST TO MEMBERS - How amazing is that?

So get the word out - The Micro Profit System is coming and EVERYONE is going to want to get in NOW so they have access to this new system.



The power of iCoinPro - it’s training, tools and simple, easy-to-share business is seriously ROCKING the network marketing industry right now.

We now have over 6,600 PAID MEMBERS NOW

Yes, our timing is PERFECT. Yes, we have NO competition. Yes, we are FIRST TO MARKET.

But none of that means anything without YOU. So THANK YOU for everything you are doing to make iCoinPro a success.

We are the buzz of the industry and it just keeps getting louder!

Have an awesome week and we'll see you at the TOP,

-YOUR iCoinPro Support TEAM

Hier ein weiteres Update der Powerline:

Antworten Top
Hier die News von gestern:

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

June 7, 2017

Hello Tobias,

Updates and Announcements

We just KEEP setting records here with at iCoinPro - over 7,600 PAID MEMBERS have already joined in pre-launch. And it’s all thanks to YOU.
Not only were our first two pre-launch pay runs HUGE and ON TIME, we are really just sitting starting to see the very tip of the iceberg that is what we can all accomplish with iCoinPro.
From single moms to online marketing pros to first timers in home based business, we are attracting EVERYONE at all levels with such a unique opportunity that is truly FOR everyone.
Quite frankly, our timing could NOT be better. Cryptocurrencies are going mainstream and EVERYONE is looking for solid information on how to get started.
Great businesses are started by finding a need and the delivering a product that FILLS that need.
The NEED is there. The PRODUCT is here. And this team - YOU - is making magic happen every single day!
Congratulations to you for having the foresight and being ahead of the trend.
You could not have made a better depiction than joining iCoinPro at this time and promoting it like crazy!

The Micro Profit System Launch is SCHEDULED for NEXT MONDAY
The official launch of the Micro Profit System is scheduled for Jun 19th on the Monday Night Live Vide o Training for MEMBERS ONLY. This training is going to teach people how to effectively TRADE cryptocurrencies and profit.
The people using this system have seen extraordinary results and we are extremely excited to bring it to iCoinPro.
The thing is, it’s simple and easy for anyone to learn and apply. The tools that ONLY iCoinPro provides will put you in FULL control and you will be able to trade like a Pro i n no time.
Join our CEO, Paul De Sousa, along with Lloyd “Bigg” Dotson,  and our special guest trainer:

Monday, June 19th at 6pm Eastern / 3pm Pacific

VERY IMPORTANT:  This training is for MEMBERS ONLY.  

Log in here to watch: https://www.icoinpro.com/login?page=weeklyTraining
Again, the ONLY PLACE you can have access to The Micro Profit System is right here, as a PAID MEMBER, at iCoinPro

Are You Part of the Corporate Facebook Group?
To help facilitate training, news, updates and help build our awesome iCoinPro community, we established a group on Facebook to keep everyone in the know.
This group is for PAID DISTRIBUTORS ONLY. So please don’t add anyone who has not already joined.
Having an official corporate Facebook group is a great way to allow the team to help the team! Also, awesome ideas, strategies, tools and tips from the top distributors are all in one place.
Make sure to join today:

Official Corporate Schedule

Make sure to plug in to our TWO Webinars that happen live EVERY WEEK.
One is the LIVE MEMBERS ONLY iCoinPro Weekly Video Training that is your source for all the inside information on how you can maximize your results and income from everything Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.
The other is the LIVE weekly iCoinPro Cutoff Webinar for you to use to introduce NEW people t o iCoinPro and the amazing training, tools and business opportunity that we have.
All training and promotional webinars ARE RECORDED and available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
LIVE Members Only Video Training - Monday at 6pm Eastern / 3pm Pacific - https://www.icoinpro.com/login?page=weeklyTraining
LIVE Google Hangout for NEW People to Learn All about iCoinPro - Wednesday at 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific - Use this link that is coded to YOUR USERNAME to give to new people AND for you to watch yourself - http://www.iCoinProHangout.com/InfoEcke

In the news.

* Ethereum has increased ove r 300% since last month! Pay close attention to this coin as it is getting major attention from heads of governments to programmers to industry leaders. Ethereum forms the backbone of many other cryptocurrencies and also is usable in multiple different applications with it’s smart contract capabilities. It is the second largest cryptocurrency with a current market cap of over $33 BILLION and a price at around $360.
* Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Took Interest in Bitcoin When It Was Still Priced at $700. Says He Is “Way up now!” He primarily wanted to understand how Bitcoin could be used and the underlying technology. He thinks that the Blockchain t echnology will affect the whole world because it involves powerful protocols that can transfer financial transactions without having to go through third party financial entities like banks.
* Bitcoin was predicted to hit $3,000 by the end of THIS YEAR. It already did that and it’s June! After a slight pullback, Bitcoin is back on it’s run. Some experts say that Bitcoin could hit $5,000 or more!

Our official launch date is scheduled for June 21st! We ar e the fastest growing company in network marketing and we haven’t even launched yet! Keep sharing, keep promoting, tell everyone about iCoinPro - if they don’t hear it from you, they will hear it from someone else.
Keep up the great work,

-YOUR iCoinPro Support TEAM

Und natürlich ein Update der Matrix Grinsen

Antworten Top
So hier mal wieder ein Update:

Mittlerweile bereits über 4000 bezahlte Partner, die sich nach meiner Registrierung eingeschrieben haben und eine aktive Mitgliedschaft besitzen.

Zudem kam letzte Woche die erste Auszahlung auf meinem Wallet an:

Somit ist hier der grüne Daumen drin Lächeln
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Hier mal noch der letzte Newsletter:


Auch diese Woche kam wieder eine Auszahlung und wurde automatisch auf mein Wallet gebucht.
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Auch diese Woche kam die Auszalung wieder automatisch auf das Wallet.

Im August wird dann bei mir das erste mal die Matrix abgerechnet.

Ab jetzt 10 Tage im Urlaub, daher eher wenig bis keine Updates
Antworten Top
Hier läuft soweit alles rund! Zahlungen kommen jede Woche aufs Wallet Grinsen

Auch die Powerline wächst schön weiter!
Antworten Top
Hier die neusten News:

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Updates and Announcements
Huge announcements coming soon! Hold on to your hats as iCoinPro is about to go EVEN BIGGER.
We have a simple philosophy at iCoinPro.
We are working hard every day to be THE definitive source for EVERYTHING Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency.
We are focused on creating honest training and resources that truly EMPOWER our members to succeed for real in the cryptocurrency space.
There really is NOTHING out there like iCoinPro.
And we will continue to expand on our already amazing core series of trainings and bring the most legitimate, sustainable and effective tools to the marketplace.
And we co uldn’t do it without YOU, our amazing distributors. You are the CORE of why we have succeeded.
So let’s rock this summer and take iCoinPro to the masses.


Due to the overwhelming success of the July promotion - It’s been extended through the END OF THE MONTH.
Refer 3 NEW members between July 1st and July 31st and you will win a brand new iCoinPro T-Shirt, get YOUR picture and bio on a special new LEADERSHIP page on the site featuring all promotion winners AND get a special sneak peak at the next BLOCKBUSTER Money Making Advanced Training Module
Make sure to reach out to your team and let them know about this awesome promotion. The t-shirt alone is going to be HOT and expanding your business is going to be even hotter.


Join CEO, Paul De Sousa along with TOP iCoinPro Leaders to hear what makes iCoinPro so special, our incredible education, our huge growth, the timing and most importantly where we see this company going. Bring ALL of your NEW people who want to learn about iCoinPro to this hangout! It will be extremely exciting and they will want to join the program to get all the tools we have to offer!

The webinar starts at 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific

Send your pre-enrollees and join yourself at: http://www.iCoinProHangout.com/InfoEcke

Official Corporate Schedule

Make sure to plug in to our TWO Webinars that happen live EVERY WEEK.
One is the LIVE MEMBERS ONLY iCoinPro Weekly Video Training that is your source for all the inside information on how you can maximize your results and income from everything Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.
The other is the LIVE weekly iCoinPro Cutoff Webinar for you to use to introduce NEW people to iCoinPro and the amazing training, tools and business opportunity that we have.
All training and promotional webinars ARE RECORDED and available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
LIVE Members Only Video Training - Monday at 6pm Eastern / 3pm Pacific -  https://www.icoinpro.com/login?page=weeklyTraining
LIVE Google Hangout for NEW People to Learn All about iCoinPro - Wednesday at 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific - Use this link that is coded to YOUR USERNAME to give to new people AND for you to watch yourself -  http://www.iCoinProHangout.com/InfoEcke

Today is PAYDAY
Remember, we pay out over 100% of the first month's order in Fast Start Bonuses a nd Overrides and Powerline commissions and that is paid EVERY WEEK.
Volume goes into the matrix on members' second month orders and beyond.  So the first Matrix and Matching Bonuses for all NEW people who joined in July will go in to NEXT month (August) and will be paid the first week of September.
So be sure to check your My Earnings link to see your commissions.
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who earned a commission.  With only about 11,000 people in the company right now, and potentially MILLIONS as we continue to grow, those commissions are only going to get BIGGER.
In the news.

* Goldman Sachs: Bitcoin May Reach New High Over ,600. Reversing a bearish outlook for the price of bitcoin, Goldman Sachs chief technician Sheba Jafari told clients in a new report this week that the cryptocurrency may reach a new high over ,600 soon. As profiled by Business Insider, the movement is in line with Jafari's earlier analysis,< /span> reported on June 13, when he suggested the price would temporarily drop below ,000, only to then turn bullish.

* Singapore Startup Aims to Help Bitcoin Gain Real World Value with Visa. A Singapore-based startup thinks it has the answer at boosting bitcoin’s real world value: through its Visa card. TenX, which states on its website that it makes ‘cryptocurrencies spendable anytime anywhere,’ proclaims to be the answer at connecting bitcoin to the real world with the aid of its debit card and banking license.
And Paul De Sousa, our CEO will like this one:

* South Africans Make Bitcoin Work for Them As Currency, Store of Wealth. South Africa is still an emerging Bitcoin market, but it is growing, as more and more citizens come around it seems the best use of the digital currency is as a store of wealth, especially compared to the failing local currency. It is estimated that about 100,000 users are utilizing the two local exchanges, Luno and Ice3X. Ice3X founder Gareth Grobler admits that although this figure is tiny, especially in comparison to Asia, it is a positive step for the digital currency in one of the most forward thinking African nations.

Other Updates

It’s time to put the peddle to the metal and make sure to get your 3 by the end of this month - We are going to rock July!
To your success,
-YOUR iCoinPro Support TEAM

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