
CryptoXchanger - 2% - 6% täglich bis ROI 150% - Diskussion

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 

Ich möchte euch heute ein BTC-Proggi vorstellen,
das am 09.11.2017 gestartet ist.

Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.


Mein Desposit in das Programm

Es wird 1 Plan angeboten,
Ab 0.01 BTC seit ihr hier am Start.
Ein internen Exchanger für andere Kryptowährungen ist auch vorhanden.
Insgesamt 76 Stück.
Zahlt ihr in einer anderen Währung ein, wird es automatisch in BTC umgerechnet
und ihr könnt auch nur BTC auszahlen.

Das ICO für den eigenen Coin (EXCC) soll in 3 Tagen starten.
Aktuell bekommt ihr für jedes neue Invest 5% Bonus in ExchangeCoin (EXCC).
Ihr könnt damit im Moment aber nichts anfangen.

Hier erhaltet ihr zwischen 2% - 6% täglich bis ihr einen ROI von 150% erreicht habt.
Renditeergebnisse der letzten Tage:

gehen wir hier von einer durchschnittlichen rendite von 4% aus pro Tag erreicht ihr BEP nach 25 Tagen.
Das Invest würde dann nach ungefähr 38 Tagen auslaufen da dann 150% erreicht sind.
Das wären ein Gewinn von 50%
Habt ihr also zB 1 BTC investiert, habt ihr nach Ablauf 1.5 BTC retour was einem Profit von 0.5 BTC entspricht
Laut Homepage wird eine durchschnittliche Anlagedauer von 40 Tage angegeben.

Minimum Investmentzeit 25 Tage
Maximum Investmentzeit 75 Tage
Min. Invest 0.01 BTC
Max. Invest ist keines bekannt

- Bitcoin
- sowie zahlreiche andere Kryptowährungen (wie zB DASH, LTC, ETH, WAVES usw.)

- Auszahlungen instant
- keine Gebühren bei Auszahlung
- Mindestauszahlungsbetrag 0.001 BTC


7% in erster Linie, 2% in zweiter Linie, 1% in dritter Linie

Ihr bekommt von mir 50% RCB auf eure Einzahlung ab 0.02 BTC.

Einfach innerhalb 48h per PN melden mit allen relevanten Daten (Username, BTC-Adresse, InvestBetrag)

Für die Anmeldung einfach auf den Banner klicken

In diesem Sinne,
nice BTC- Profit's

[Bild: 625.achtung.gif]
Risikohinweis: Vor dem Investieren in Programme unbedingt lesen!
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#freigeschaltet [Zur Vorstellung]
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Das sieht echt interessant aus.

Bin mal dabei Smile
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Danke fürs freischalten.
Auszahlung gepostet und somit den grünen Daumen gesetzt.
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1. Auszahlung kam in Sekunden im Wallet an  Sehr gut!

So kann es weiter gehen .
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Hier die Ergebnisse der letzten Tage.

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear Investors

We want to give you an update and some useful information just before our ICO launch. Those are few rules which might help you while we well enable ICO sales.

1. The minimum purchase amount is 50 EXCC coins. The maximum purchase amount is 1000 EXCC coins per transaction. Once you reach the limit, you will be able to make another purchase after 24 hours.

2. There is a reserve system in place. It will reserve your EXCC once blockchain gets a notification about your transaction. So please keep in mind that your coins are reserved not after you click the BUY button, but only after the transaction shows up in BTC blockchain. That's why we do not recommend sending money from exchanges or trading markets but the wallets. Once the operation hit your account, we will wait for at least one confirmation and then release your EXCC purchase. Coins will be reserved even with no BTC confirmations. For ICO sale we accept only BTC payments.

3. If you have any account balance available (from the investment part), you can combine those funds while purchasing EXCC.

4. Please don't try to cheat the system like trying to make multiple purchases at the same time. We have a security system in place which won't allow you to do that, even if you send the money. Remember that we have six batches of EXCC sale and you will be able to get yours.

We also get a lot of questions about our lending program so here are some details.

1. Lending program will be launched soon after ICO sale ends.

2. Lendings will be available in ExchangeCoin (EXCC) only. The daily interest rate will depend on the amount invested and on the successful rate work of CryptoXchanger algorithm.

3. We will allow exchanging EXCC accruals inside CryptoXchanger at latest ICO price, that is 1 EXCC = 0.00021 BTC. Only the accruals will be allowed to exchange.

4. Once EXCC appears on the external exchanges, holders will be able to exchange their coins only on the outer markets.

Have a good day to you all.

CryptoXchanger.net Team

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Interessanter Move des Admins.
Aktuell sind keine Einzahlungen mehr möglich (siehe auch untenstehene Meldung).

Da stellt man sich die Frage, was will der Admin damit erreichen?
Cashflow regulieren?

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
BTC Lending closed, thank you!

As it can be seen on the Roadmap, we've planned to close BTC deposits in Q1 2018 and allow only EXCC lendings. We didn't expect so much interest from customers in the BTC Investments, and our internal supplies have been successfully filled already.
Unfortunately, it means that we have to stop taking new Investments in BTC. All the ongoing Investments will continue to work until they reach 150% and the plan is completed. At this point, we'd like to remind that the daily accruals added to your balance can be used to purchase EXCC coins in ICO sale.

CryptoXchanger Team is working hard on the EXCC Lending Program right now. We've already announced that Program will launch soon after ICO ends. Conditions can be found on the http://www.cryptoxchange.io/lending

The work on EXCC wallets and improvements are also in progress. CryptoXchanger is in contact with a few external exchanges already, and we are talking about listing EXCC on their sites. We hope to appear on the first exchange in late December, maybe early January.

Thank you all for the participation
Best Regards
CryptoXchanger Team

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(14.11.2017, 10:25)Nuggiator schrieb: Da stellt man sich die Frage, was will der Admin damit erreichen?
Cashflow regulieren?

Ich vermute mal, er möchte den Anschein erwecken, ein echtes ICO zu sein.
Mit dem Start des ICO dürfte dann wieder frisches Geld reinkommen,
außerdem steht ja auch da, dass man seine earnings direkt in EXCC Coins
investieren kann nach ICO Launch - Reinvest wird also quasi auf die
Nase gebunden.

Bin gespannt, was sich hier noch entwickelt - ich meine, was gutes Lächeln
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Samstag, den 18.11.2017 um 13 Uhr.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Updates form the Team, please read!

Dear CryptoXchanger's Members.

We would like to thank you for the first ICO phase which was a massive surprise to us. We didn't expect that we will sell out all available coins so quickly - thank you for the trust! Unfortunately, not everything went as smooth as we expected. We had to solve over 700 cases when investors didn't follow our instructions and sent incorrect amount while purchasing. Our development team already made required adjustments and this situation won't happen during the next rounds. Even if you transfer a little less than suppose to, we will still consider that as a valid purchase and credit your account with EXCC that equal the BTC amount we receive.

We've been receiving a lot of requests to cancel ongoing BTC Investments because they were made by mistake. People used to the habit that they must pay in advance to participate in ICO sale. We are not like the others. We do not ask your money upfront. Everybody pays only for what they will receive. Just like in the shop.

Today, we have decided to enable an option to cancel the existing BTC investment. Every canceled investment will be credited to user's account balance and can be used for EXCC ICO purchase, while it's available, or to withdraw to the personal wallet. The amount of the return will consist of the original investment (deposit) reduced by all accruals received. We have decided not too to charge any fees as we don't feel comfortable to do so.

Thank you all for ongoing support. Our team is working hard to deliver everything which is on our roadmap even before the expected time. Stay tuned for more news soon!

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Programm-Status: Auszahlungsnachweise fehlen 
#Neuer Status: Weil die Auszahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema dieser Vorstellung zu alt sind, wurde hier der gelbe Daumen als Themenicon gesetzt.
Hinweis: Bitte einen Auszahlungsbeleg im Auszahlungsthema posten, das am Ende der Vorstellung verlinkt ist!
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Die Seite ist zumindest aktuell nicht mehr zu erreichen.
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(18.11.2017, 16:26)Markussls schrieb: Die Seite ist zumindest aktuell nicht mehr zu erreichen.

Angeblich massive DDOS Attacken zu beginn des sogenannten Token Sale.
Wir werden sehen.
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Könnte ich mir schon vorstellen. Bisher sah ja alles recht gut aus. Auch das Angebot das BTC Deposit vorzeitig auszuzahlen sieht man ja nicht alle Tage. Warten wir mal ab.
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Status update - please read

Dear community

First of all, we would like to apologize for our server's crash during the 2nd round of our ICO. Let us the summary and explain what happened.

As most of you know, the 1st round of ICO went smooth and pleasant, and we have learned from some mistakes we made. We have prepared everything for the second round as we expected that this one would be much more popular and the demand from our community is much higher now.

We have stress tested our servers several times, making sure we can easily handle the traffic up to 20000 users online. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough. Because we were attacked at the same time in some new, sophisticated way we were unable to keep our services going and we have decided to take servers down.

Our Anti-DDoS provider - Incapsula said that this kind of attack we suffered from was something new from them, that's why they couldn't stop it straight away. We both have learned this hard lesson.

Our site was down for several hours as we had to perform the full backup of our data, nodes, databases. It took us over 5h to get this thing safe before performing server's upgrades. Now we are back online and continuously monitoring the servers. What is more also our Facebook fan page had a hacking attempt. We are in the process of enhanced verification with Facebook so we should get it back soon.

Some users might experience lack of their accruals from BTC investment part. Please give it some time and keep in mind that you will get 150% from every investment you have on the site so you won't lose even one satoshi. No need to report that, our script will handle this.

We have decided to postpone the 2nd round of ICO until 19th of November at 12:00:00 of GMT. We still want to monitor servers and make required adjustments to make sure this fail will not happen again.

We would like you to thank you for ongoing support. We have a great community here, and I'm sure we will be stronger after this kind of incident.

Warm regards
CryptoXchanger.net Team

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(18.11.2017, 16:30)Nuggiator schrieb: Angeblich massive DDOS Attacken zu beginn des sogenannten Token Sale.
Wir werden sehen.

Das mit den DDOS Atacken kann schon sehr möglich sein. 
Bei manchen ist es wirklich so und bei manchen ist es nur die Ausrede. Cashbery war vor 3 Wochen auch mit vielen DDOS Atacken betroffen und hat die Seite 2 Tage dicht gemacht ( Es gab aber einen Counter der gezeigt hat wann sie wieder online gehen) und die Webseite ging dann wieder online Jetzt sogar besser und schneller und hoffentlich besser geschützt.
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
We would like to inform all our members that there might be some service disturbances during the next 48 hours and site might even go offline.
Our servers need farther improvements to manage nearly 20.000 users at the same time.
Thank you for understanding.

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

Upcoming ICO sale announcement.
Firstly, we would like to thank you all for participating in the recent ICO sales. Our community grows up very quickly, and that is why we were having some technical issues during the 2nd round. In a last five minutes of sale over 1500 users reserved their EXCC coins. It led to the situation that there were 400.000 EXCC coins overbooked. We have decided to sell all these coins at Round 2 price instead of crediting BTC to buyer's account balance.

To avoid disturbances and allow more people to purchase some EXCC coins, CryptoXchanger team decided to apply rules to upcoming sale:

1. On Thursday, November 23rd sometime between 12:00-15:00 GMT we will release 600.000 EXCC tokens for sale. We do not tell exact time as it will help to distress our servers.
2. The price for 1 EXCC is 0.00018 BTC
3. Minimum purchase: 50 EXCC
4. Maximum purchase: 500 EXCC
5. If your purchase has status PENDING, please do not open the support ticket and allow it to confirm. If after 12 hours, EXCC is still not credited to your account, then open a support ticket and provide Transaction TX.
6. If for any reason your purchase did not go through, please make sure you sent the BTC to the requested address and your transaction is onto the blockchain. If both conditions are fulfilled, please open a support ticket and include Transaction TX.

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Ein Invest ins BTC-Lending bzw. den Plan den es gab ist ja aktuell nicht mehr neu möglich oder ?
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(22.11.2017, 21:09)Markussls schrieb: Ein Invest ins BTC-Lending bzw. den Plan den es gab ist ja aktuell nicht mehr neu möglich oder ?

genau das ist aktuell nicht möglich
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CryptoXchanger - 2% - 6% täglich bis ROI 150% - Schnellantwort

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