
Octoin - ab durchschnittlich ca 0.90% täglich je nach Planlaufzeit (Principal-Back) - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 

Liebe Community,
ich möchte euch heute ein Proggi vorstellen,
das am 02.11.2017 gestartet ist.


Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

Seit euch aber bewusst, dass es sich um ein Hyip handelt,
obwohl es versucht einen realen Eindruck zu vermitteln.

Octoin gibt vor im Trading, Mining sowie in Investements in ICO´s tätig zu sein,
sowie einen eigenen Coin, den Octoincoin (OCC) an den Börsen listen lassen zu wollen.
Den OCC könnt ihr euch auch schon kaufen bzw. verkaufen. Hier gibt es unterschiedliche Exchange-Rates.

Es wird für die User auch ein interner P2P-Exchange angeboten.

Hier im Anhang die Roadmap von der Homepage.

Meine Desposits in das Programm:


Es werden 2 Pläne angeboten,
Es gibt einmal einen Trading Plan und auf der anderen Seite einen Mining Plan.
Die Renditen schwanken täglich.
Gutschriften erfolgen täglich.
Bei dem Trading Plan gibt es die Einzahlung am Ende der Laufzeit retour, bei dem Mining Plan nicht.
Es werden hier sehr viele Kryptowährungen zum Investieren angeboten.
Insgesamt hat man 27 Coins zum Einzahlen zur Verfügung und 2 USD-Einzahlungsmöglichkeiten.
Einzahlungen in Kryptowährungen werden nicht in USD konvertiert.
Man hat auch die Möglichkeit intern auf den OCC zu changen und mit diesem dann zu investieren.
Wenn man mit den OCC investiert hat man den Vorteil im TradingPlan +5% auf seinen Investmentbetrag zu bekommen,
im MiningPlan wären es -3% auf die Einzahlung.
Ab 10 USD seit ihr hier am Start.

Beispiel für Plan "Trading":

Hier könnt ihr zwischen 10 $ - NO LIMIT einzahlen,
dann bekommt ihr je nach Laufzeit eine unterschiedliche tägliche Rendite:
- 30 Tage / ca. 0.90% täglich (Rendite schwanken)
Weitere Depositdauer: 60, 90, 120, 150 Tage.
Hier bekommt ihr auf die täglichen Profite noch zwischen 5% - 15% zusätzlich

Auszahlungen sind täglich möglich.
Danach gibts die Einzahlung retour.
Zahlt Ihr also 100$ ein bekommt ihr täglich zb. im Durchschnitt 0.90 $ für 30 Tage.
Somit habt ihr inkl. Einzahlung 127 $ ausgezahlt nach 30 Tagen.
Das ergibt dann einen Gewinn zwischen 27$.
Ihr erhaltet, je nachdem welche Karrierestufe ihr habt zusätzliche Prozente auf die Daily Profits.

Investiert ihr mittels Krypotwährungen, habt ihr auch die Möglichkeit eine "Rate Insurance" abzuschließen.
Die kostet euch -30% der täglichen Profite.
Jetzt fragt ihr euch, für was das sein soll.
Ihr habt dann die Möglichkeit täglich zu wählen ob ihr in USD oder der Kryptowährung auszahlen wollt.
Ist ein nettes Feature wenn der Kurs sinkt, aber ob es die 30% minus wert sind, muss jeder für sich selbst entscheiden.

Desweiteren könnt ihr auch ein "Early portfolio closure service" auswählen.
Die kostet euch auch -30% der täglichen Profite.
Dann könnt ihr eueren Investmentbetrag auch vor Ablauf der ausgewählten Laufzeit ohne Abzug von Gebühren auszahlen lassen,
sonst fallen hier 20% auf den Investmentbetrag an.

Es handelt sich hierbei um angenommene Renditen von der Homepage
und hierfür wird von mir keine Garantie übernommen.

Beispiel für Plan "Mining":

Hier könnt ihr ab 10$ - NO LIMIT einzahlen.
Ihr könnt ETH oder ZCash "minen".
Dann bekommt ihr je nach Laufzeit eine unterschiedliche Discount:

- Perfect Money
- AdvCash
- Payeer
- Bitcoin
- zahlreiche weitere Kryptowährungen (siehe Screenshot)

- Es fallen auch unterschiedliche Gebühren bei den Einzahlungen an (siehe Screenshot im Spoiler unten)

Anleitung zur Einzahlung in das Programm:

- Auszahlungen manuell innerhalb 72 Stunden
- Gebühren bei Auszahlung (sihe Screenshot im Spoiler unten)
- Mindestauszahlungsbetrag: 1$

Gebührentabelle für Einzahlungen und Auszahlungen:

Es gibt hier sowohl Ref-Prov auf die Depositsumme und auch auf die täglichen Profite.
Die Höhe der Provisionen richtet sich je nach dem erreichten Status.
Danach werden auch die tieferen Ref-Ebenen freigeschalten.
Je nach Trading Plan oder der Mining Plan gibt es teilweise auch unterschiedliche Prozente.

Mit welchen Provisionen könnt ihr rechnen, wenn ihr zB den Status "Supervisor" erreicht habt.
Ihr müsst hierfür selbst 300$ investiert haben,
in der gesamten Struktur Investionen im Wert von 5.000$ vorliegen
und 30 active User haben,
dann bekommt ihr für eure Partner die einen Trading Plan gewählt haben,
folgende Vergütungen auf das Deposit:
5% erstes Level, 2% zweites Level, 1% drittes Level, 1% viertes Level, 0.5% fünftes Level
folgende Vergütungen auf die täglichen Profite:
7% erstes Level, 3% zweites Level, 1% drittes Level, 1% viertes Level, 0.5% fünftes Level, 0.5% sechstes Level, 0.3% drittes Level

für eure Partner die einen Mining Plan gewählt haben,
folgende Vergütungen auf das Deposit:
3% erstes Level, 2% zweites Level, 1% drittes Level, 0.5% viertes Level, 0.5% fünftes Level
folgende Vergütungen auf die täglichen Profite:
7% erstes Level, 3% zweites Level, 1% drittes Level, 0.5% viertes Level, 0.5% fünftes Level, 0.5% sechstes Level, 0.5% drittes Level

Zusätzlich erhaltet ihr einmalig als Bonus 30 OCC.

Ihr bekommt von mir 60% RCB auf eure Einzahlung.
Mindesteinzahlungsbetrag 100$.
Aktuell habe ich den Status "Manager" daher bekomme ich 5% Ref-Com.
Also zahlt ihr Zb 100 $ in den TradingPlan ein bekommt ihr 3$ als Ref-Bonus retour.
Bei einem Invest mittels Krypowährung obliegt es meiner Enscheidung,
ob ich euch das RCB in der Kryptowährung bezahle oder in USD!

Einschätzung / Fazit
(es können keine Garantieansprüche geltend gemacht werden  Frech )

Für die Anmeldung einfach auf den Banner klicken

Ich würde mich freuen Euch in meiner Downline begrüßen zu dürfen.
Auf Gute Verdienste und eine Langlebigkeit des Projekt´s!

[Bild: 625.achtung.gif]
Risikohinweis: Vor dem Investieren in Programme unbedingt lesen!
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Octoin - ab durchschnittlich ca 0.90% täglich je nach Planlaufzeit (Principal-Back) - Diskussion

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Octoin opens a new era of commercial ecology in blockchain

Octoin opens a new era of commercial ecology in blockchain.
Octoin is committed to building the industry's most comprehensive blockchain ecosystem.
Octoin is not a project, but a new humanistic community based on the values of openness, democracy and sharing.
If BTC became the king of wealth treasure, ETH became king of blockchain application, and Ripple became the king of cross-border payment.
So, OCC will be the king of the ecological alliance!
December 14, 2017, 8 p. m. Beijing time , we will analyze the "Octoin leads the world's ten major commercial properties"
We invite you to witness a new commercial civilization that rewrites the world's wealth pattern.
After the main part of the webinar, we as usual play out prize deposits for various amounts. All will be able to participate in the draw of 4 deposits of $ 50 and 3 deposits of $ 100. Good luck!
Speaker - Jing xin (for mail [email protected])
Leader - Lyc (for mail [email protected])
Lecturer Jing xin comes from Chinese Natural Selection Community.
Come and invite your partners. Looking forward to your participation!


Octoin is your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

Antworten Top
Yeah - heute BEP erreicht und 2 Mining Verträge laufen noch 10 bzw. 20 Tage,
da klopft das reinvest in ein paar Tagen fix an meine Tür Lächeln
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Hab noch mal bisschen was in den MiningPlan geschmissen.

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear Partners!
We are glad that you are with us, and we hasten to share a report on our recent activities in November and future plans to come! We are sure that constantly informing our partners is the key to the trust and success of the whole project!

We present you the report for the first month of the project!

The basis of our trading portfolio in November amounted to several coins:

1. Bitcoin is a classic choice, one of the most steadily growing cryptocurrency. November turned out to be quite successful for it, the total growth of our investments in Bitcoin accounted for 52%

2. Power Ledger - soon after the end of the ICO, we payed attention to this project, and waited for the moment to enter the exchange and get it into our portfolio. The project with an interesting idea, aimed at trading electricity with the help of blockchain technology. On the first day after entering the exchanges, we had purchased the tokens of this project, in accordance with our trading strategy. We fixed profits on altcoins, in case of capital increase, by more than 3 times. It's incredible, but we fixed the profits on November 18th!

3. The next asset of the portfolio was DASH cryptocurrency. We noticed that since July, the complexity of mining (https://www.coinwarz.com/difficulty-charts/dash-difficulty-chart) of DASH has increased by more than 100 times. The reasons for such sharp growth are not fully understood, but it was obvious to us that such changes in complexity should increase the rate of the cryptocurrency, otherwise it may be unprofitable for miners to deal with their business Lächeln

Our choice of the first equipment for mining was classic: 100 pcs ANTMINER S9 L3, at the moment the equipment is mounted in one of the Sichuan data centers, and is already beginning to generate revenue for all of us!
ANTMINER S9 L3. taking into account the current exchange rate of Bitcoin, it is able to bring up to 700 USD per month, with the current purchase volume, we expect to achieve an operating profit for 3-4 months

The result
Taking into account all the costs, the average profitability for each investor in November was 27.2%! We will publish the detailed financial statements after the end of the quarter.

Important news for the citizens of Indonesia!
We added the possibility of receiving funds using bank payment cards for Indonesians.

That's all for now, we will be very pleased to receive your feedback on this report, and we will become better and develop together!

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
New OCC exchanger in Indonesia!

Dear users of Octoin, you are actively using the section of blogs on the site Octoin and it’s nice, because the best news is news from the first mouth. And nevertheless, we will focus users' attention on some of the most important messages, such as this time - about including OCC in the listing of the second exchanger in Indonesia.

The Octoin team from Indonesia has informed you about the creation of a new exchanger Octoin - http://octoinchanger.com.

Now you can quickly, conveniently and absolutely safely convert rupees and OctoinCoin.We have professional and attentive administrators who will happily help you to make the necessary operations and enter the business together with OctoinCoin. You can do this both through our website and through your convenient messenger.

Most recently, we already covered the first exchanger working in the OCC / IDR pair - http://bisnis188.com There was an opportunity to exchange OSS for Indonesian rupiah through transfers from any Indonesian bank, such as BCA, Mandiri, BRI, etc. The country's largest television channels have already made reports about this exchanger on TransTV and AG TV.

During the time when many countries try to resist progress and prohibit crypto-currencies, our team finds the most convenient ways for people to use them. We hope that our colleagues from other countries will also not stand aside!

Click on the link http://octoinchanger.com, where you can find out all the details about this system and exchange OCC.

Octoin - your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

Antworten Top
Da ich aktuell den Status "Manager" habe,
biete ich ab heute RCB von den 5% an die dich bekomme
und nicht von den 3%.
Außerdem erhaltet ihr 60% RCB zurück.
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Octoin Webinar Raffle Winners!

Congratulations to the winners!

So our webinar in German came to an end! For several hours, professionals from our team told all participants about the crypto-currencies and our project - Octoin. Unexpectedly for us, the webinar came not only the Germans, but also just people who know German well. It was very interesting to talk with various investors.

Also, as always, we raffled prize deposits for amounts of 50 OCC and more. This is already becoming a good tradition.

And according to this tradition, here you can see the names of the winners:

100 OCC ah.in***@gmail.com
50 OCC el.ou***@gmail.com
50 OCC MarcBer***@gmail.com
50 OCC tetr***@gmx.de

And if you suddenly miss this webinar, then be sure to come to the next one! There will also be a lot of interesting and really useful.
We look forward to seeing you!

Octoin - your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

Antworten Top
Hat jemand schon OCC verkauft?
Macht ihr das direkt für 0,98$ , oder versucht ihr das über die Börse?


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(21.12.2017, 00:08)Wunni schrieb: Hat jemand schon OCC verkauft?
Macht ihr das direkt für 0,98$ , oder versucht ihr das über die Börse?

ich habe meine immer direkt für die 0,98 getauscht. alles andere ist mir zu blöd, muss ich ganz ehrlich sagen.
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Event for leaders in Turkey !

We are announcing a large-scale open conference, which will be held in Turkey. Our project was created as a team of traders and miners from various countries and we continue to attract new people to our business.

At this meeting, all the leaders will be able to learn about the opportunities and working conditions with Octoin. You will learn about conducting webinars, competent management and working with the audience.

The conference will take place about 3 hours, for you will be organized a buffet with food and drinks. All necessary amenities will be provided.

City: Lara / Antalya / Türkiye
Place: Güzeloba Mah. 2290 Sok. No:5 07230
Date: 24 December 2017, 14:00 am
Speakers : Kamil Karadağlı, Serkan Kaya

We look forward to seeing you!

Octoin - your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

Antworten Top
Bin hier aktuell ca bei einem ROI von 128% inkl. RCB und OCC Prämie,
Bei einem aktiven Invest von 1000$.
Ich bin einmal im Trading- und einmal im Mining-Plan investiert.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Global Leadership Conference in Indonesia! 1000 participants!
Very soon in Indonesia the Octoin leaders from all over the world will gather. The chic 5-star hotel will open its doors to everyone who works or is willing to work with us. Accommodation and tickets will be fully paid by the company.
Meetings of leaders from different countries and regions will be held for several hours. On them we will share our experience and discuss the development prospects of the project OctoinCoin. Also at this conference between the leaders of OctoinCoin there will be a rally: Mitsubishi Xpander car and two motorcycles: Moto Vario and Moto Scoopy.
Invitations to the leader will be sent out in the near future. But if you suddenly do not find yourself among them, if you are not working with us yet, do not despair, at us, in Octoin - everything is possible! Join our team, become a leader and invest in yourself and your future. Do not miss your chance to catch a luck bird!

When: January 6, 2018
Where: Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya
Number of participants: 1000

The requirements for winning the prices at conference lottery in Indonesia!
From the very start, the Octoin company is emphasizing on the loyalty of its clients and partners. On January 6, 2018 in Surabaya (Indonesia) the Octoin Grand Conference will take place where all Leaders from different countries will attend. At this conference there will be a lottery for a car Mitsubishi Xpander and a few scooters.
Attention! Any user of Octoin in Indonesia who has got the investment portfolio of OCC can become the car owner.

What is required for this:
1) To register (or to already have) a wallet at Octoin.com.
2) To have on the balance an investment portfolio of:
* Not less than 100 OCC for participating at the scooter lottery for Honda Scoopy and Honda Vario.

** Not less than 1000 OCC for participating in the lottery for a super car Mitsubishi Xpander.
Final date of registration for the lottery is January 4, 2018. The winners will be chosen in the real time by random numbers generating method.

We invite the Leaders from all countries!
We are happy to admit you as an honorable guest to Octoin Indonesia Conference which will take place on the 6th January 2018
We highly estimate your contribution to the prosperity of Octoin company, your ambitions and motivation.
During this trip company will bare the expenses for the flight and accommodation
NB. We remind you that all the invited guest-leaders will have to deliver 10-15 speech from the stage during the event. Kindly, provide us with the text of your speech through your personal assistant in Leadership Chat
Octoin is your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Guess the Bitcoin exchange rate and win 1000$! Octoin is starting a mega competition!

You all know that on January 6, 2018 among the investors of Octoin there will be a lottery for a car. But we have one more news!

Any person can easily become the owner of 1000 OCC (equal to 1000 USD!).

What do you need to do for this?

On your Facebook or Twitter page make a repost of this news. Write down your guess how much a Bitcoin could cost by January 6, 2018. Also, make a guess from which Indonesian island could be the lucky person winning a car Mitsubishi Xpander!
Add hashtags to your repost #octoinXpander #octoin #btc #btcusd

The person who will complete all the above conditions of this competition, whose guess will be the closest to the actual exchange rate of Bitcoin at 06.01.2018 for 23:00 WIF will receive 1000 OCC.

Join the competition! Become richer with Octoin!

Antworten Top
Also eines muss man Ihnen lassen, News und Videos hauen sie am laufenden Band raus.  Lachen
Aber dann einen Fehler im Datum haben, sollte nicht passieren.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
There is a new video section on the webside octoin.com!

There is a new video section on the website octoin.com where we will upload the best videos about Octoin and the Leaders of this project.
Everything that you wanted to know about Octoin and even more will be there in a convenient format!
What kind of information will be published in this section?
- Instructions
- Promotions and competitions
- Events
- Media video reports about the Octoin
All the videos will be divided by languages for your convenience. You can already find here the following manuals:
- Octoin - Multi wallet, how to use it (in 5 languages),
- Octoin - How to make a deposit.
New manuals will be published soon! Octoin team works every day for upgrading our website more convenient and efficient for the users.
Also we will always be happy to publish a video about you and your events on the main Octoin platform!
Reminder! Earlier Octoin company announced the pre-start of OCC cryptocurrency. At this moment the IT and engineering team are completing the testing.
OCC will have PoS mining algorithm. Proof of Stake (PoS) is the algorithm which is used by the new generation of cryptocurrencies. The innovation of PoS is that instead of using huge powerful servers for successful mining of cryptocurrencies, for the user is it enough to have a large portion (share) in the system. The reward for this will be in direct proportion to the users’ portion (share) in the system.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
OctoinCoin exchange is now in India!

We are pleased to announce the beginning of exchange operations with Octoin at one of the sites in India - http://www.majix.exchange!

The most active leaders of Octoin in India have taken the initiative to develop our cryptocurrency into their own hands and their success speaks for themselves.An agreement on partnership with one popular exchange platform has been reached,there is already trading with such large crypto-currencies as Bitcoin and Ethereum, and now the purchase / sale of OCC for cash and non-cash money is also possible.Moreover, now there was an opportunity to exchange ОСС for Indian rupees too.

During the time when many countries try to resist progress and prohibit crypto-currencies, we find the most convenient ways for people to use them.

Click on the link http://www.majix.exchange there you can find out all the details about this system and the exchange of ОСС.

Octoin - your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Octoin is now in social networks!

We received excellent news from Vietnam: there the leader began active interaction Octoin with various social networks. Now you can subscribe to the accounts of the Vietnamese leader team Octoin in Instagram(https://www.instagram.com/octoin_vi/), on Twitter (https://twitter.com/octoinvi) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/myoctoinvi/). From there you can learn everything about the work and development of the Vietnam branch of Octoin.

We hope that leaders from other countries will follow the example of their colleagues from Vietnam. Feedback and the latest news are needed by people from all countries.

However, we note that these accounts are conducted exclusively by leaders from Vietnam. All official news and information on Octoin you can still see and read on our website.

Octoin - your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
New Year's Webinar!
Very soon, on December 27, 8 pm the main webinar will be held at the end of 2017. Rather register! https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/836319718045517058
It will be attended by leaders from Europe, Asia and Africa. They will sum up the results of the outgoing year and tell about the prospects for the development of Octoin.Top managers will talk about their plans for the future, make predictions on the development of cryptocurrency and blockchain. They will also tell you in detail about the global conference Octoin, which will be held in early January 2018.
During the webinar, New Year's valuable prizes will be played. Do not hesitate to participate and win them.
We look forward to seeing you! Happy New Year!
Octoin - your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
There were some more frequent attends of hacking the accounts of our users by picking out login and password. Set up the Security of your Profile! We recommend you to use Telegram for entry (login) to the account as well as for confirming the transactions!
If you did not make any request, please note that Octoin NEVER send email or sms to its users with the instruction to make any kind of actions with your profile data or your finance! Do not click on the link in case you got such message.
Currently the NETWORKS Bitcoin & Ethereum are experiencing a high traffic which results in longer waiting time for confirming the transactions. Octoin is always transferring the money according to the withdrawal requests of its users as per the Rules.

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Gibt einen neues Promotionvideo und auch Happy New Year Grüße von den Leadern.
Von dem Video kann jeder halten was er will, meinen Geschmack trifft es nicht.

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ich bin schon seit anfang dabei bei octoin und kann nur sagen absolutes hammer programm.Für mich die klare nummer eins der programme hier im forum.Wer hier noch nicht dabei ist hat einfach nur geschlafen.
Ich werde in zukunft sowiso fast nur noch in lending programme mit eigenen coin investieren,dieser neue trend ist die zukunft.
Antworten Top
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
New Year Time Schedule of online-consultants and technical SUPPORT Teams

Dear Partners and Users! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! All Octoin Team is very grateful to you for being our followers! Let the New Year be successful for achieving your goals, we wish you to have the brilliant ideas for development of our community, to reach bright growth and maximum profit, to have stable income and prosperity!

Please be informed that during the New Year holidays of 31 December, 2017 and January 1st, 2018 our website will continue to function. The online consultants will be working on duty mode for any urgent cases.

Happy New Year!

Octoin Support team

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Release of OctoinCoin will happen earlier than it was announced!

Dear partners! Congratulations with a Happy New Year from Octoin! We are very grateful to you for being our followers! Nevermind the festive days, the Octoin Team keeps of making the upgrading and we have prepared for you a nice surprise!

As you all know, the release of cryptocurrency OctoinCoin was planned for May 2018. But the great interest from the large number of investors as well as gathered investments have allowed to complete the cryptocurrency development much earlier! We are happy to announce that OctoinCoin release will happen already in January 2018!

Each stage of development required many meetings and discussions, consultancies with the TOP Leaders of Octoin. We tried to take care of each characteristic of the new future cryptocurrency. This helped the management to plan local developments for different counties and to forecast the number of new users in the future, who will also be part of our community!

Now here are the details! Cryptocurrency OctoinCoin is developed with the algorithm Proof of Stake. The majority of cryptocurrencies choose algorithm of consensus Proof of Stake (PoS) for its security and mining opportunity. Also, the main advantage of PoS is the protection from a possible attack of 51%, the mining is possible without any special equipment. Moreover, the energy costs are substantially lower, comparing to PoW (Proof-of-Work algorithm).

Another characteristic of Proof of Stake is that instead of using the large computing powers for the successful cryptocurrency mining, it is enough for the user to have a large share in the system itself. The received profit is in direct proportion to the share size. The mining system is created in such a way that the most loyal users are getting reward from the network. The code of cryptocurrency OctoinCoin is already having inside the integrated algorithms of Segwit and Lighting Network.

The rapid interest of investors all over the world and the perspective of entrance to the outside exchangers (which will happen very soon!) - all these factors tend to forecast that OctoinCoin will repeat the destiny of Bitcoin.

In the New Year OctoinCoin is with you!

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Werfen wir zum Jahresbeginn 2018, einmal einen Blick auf Octoin und Alexa.
Wie in den News und auch sonst zu verfolgen ist, scheint es in Indonesien sehr populär zu sein.
Auch die United States sind einmal vertreten, kommt ja nicht all zu oft vor.

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Instruction: Account security and Telegram connection!

Go to Settings:
Fill in your details in profile: name, surname, choose the country from the list;
Write your mobile number, unique nickname (which is going to be shown in the chats on our website);
Copy and paste your account links from Facebook and Google+;
Write down the mobile number of your messengers (which you use often) and your nickname there;

All details in this section are filled in separately. They might be needed for placing your profile at the Leaders section in the future.

Put a tick at “Show contacts” and save changes.

Connection of users account to Telegram

The abilities and security level of Telegram messenger is in accordance to the highest standards. Therefore we recommend to use it in connection to your Octoin account.

In order to connect Telegram make the following steps:

Open Telegram application following this link =>> telegram.me/octoin_bot) or open Telegram and find bot @octoin_bot using the search;
Send to Telegram-bot @octoin_bot your verification code from your Octoin account.

If you have done everything correctly then you will see a new message: “Your Telegram is successfully connected”.

For security reasons of Octoin users accounts there are installed:

2 levels security before login to the account and 2 levels security of transactions using the multi-currency wallet.

Installation of 2 level security login to the account

As a default there is a simple entry using login and password (not recommended).

It is recommended to use 2 factor authentication. For this click on the tick of chosen method of receiving the code for entry to the account.


To receive the password to Telegram. While activating this method the password for account login will be sent to your Telegram which you have connected to your account;
To receive the password to your Email. While activating this method the login password will be sent to your email;
Protection using the Google authenticator. For activation of this method download the application for iOS or Android. Scan the QR code using the Google authenticator application on your smartphone. After the scanning you will see 6 digit random number. Type these 6 digits in to complete the installation process.

Important notice! Save 16 digits key for restoring the access. If you lose this 16 digits key then the restore of your account will be impossible.

Confirm your actions: enter your account password.

Protection while making the wallet transactions:

Such password tuning is done in complete accordance to the Security login to the Account.

We are strongly not recommending to let as it is set by default the setting for account login using only the password. Choose the method of receiving the password from 3 following additional options:
To receive password by Telegram;
To receive password by Email;
Protection using Google authenticator.

For this please put a flag to the chosen method and confirm it by changing the password of your account.

The Installation of the account security is complete.

It video can be viewed in 6 different languages, available:

English - https://youtu.be/3y8RBLcBhWI
Chinese - https://youtu.be/Fqj-3B34-oo
Indonesian - https://youtu.be/zUsVpoQfY2A
Portuguese - https://youtu.be/-Iu-C3XZm1k
Turkish - https://youtu.be/nkyJkmR1Tos
Vietnamese - https://youtu.be/eLv_GfaEX7U


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