
OCToin - Diskussion

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 
<img style="border-bottom: 8px solid #0099cc;" src="https://x-invest.net/upload/625.OCToinHeader.png">
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OCToin - Vorstellung:
Principal-Back-Hyip ab 0.8% - 1.09% täglich

Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

Hiermit eröffnen wir für euch das Diskussions-Thema zum Hyip OCToin:

[Bild: 12.Oct_logo2.jpg]

OCToin ist am 04.11.2017 gestartet und wird seit dem 15.11.2017 überwacht [Monitor]
Dort wird OCToin aktuell wie folgt von uns bewertet: [Bild: star.png][Bild: star.png][Bild: star.png][Bild: 2567.star2.png][Bild: 2567.star2.png]

[Bild: 625.OCT728.gif]

Gesponserte Anlage: 800$
[Erklärung der X-Invest Vorstellungen]

Xinvestler aufgepasst!
Affiliate-Programm: 15% - 45% Provision für 
die Empfehlung unserer Produkte an Admins

Pläne/ Rendite: So viel kannst du bei OCToin verdienen!

[Bild: 12.Oct_Invest.png]

Das Programm bietet einen Principal-Back-Plan (Wir zahlen einmal ein und erhalten nach einem festgelegten Zeitraum unsere Rendite + Einlage zurück),
und einen Principal-Included-Plan (Wir zahlen einmal ein und bekommen eine tägliche Rendite für einen festgelegten Zeitraum. Unsere Anlage ist in den täglichen Zahlungen inkludiert). Beide Pläne werden je nach Laufzeit gestaffelt.

Zusätzlich besitzt das Programm eine eigene Kryptowährung, der "OCC".
OCC kann man über eine interne Cryptocoin-Börse kaufen/verkaufen
und man erhält Boni in Form von OCC, sobald man eine Karrierestufe aufsteigt.
(weiter unten näher erläuert).
Bei Investitionen über OCC erhält man höhere Renditen,
als mit Investments über die anderen Währungen.

Wir erklären beispielhaft jeweils die erste Stufe füt den "Trading" und "Mining" Plan

Plan Trading: "Stufe 1": Bei einer Investition ab 10$ für 30 Tage erhalten
wir täglich bis zu 0.96% (bei einem Investment mit OCC, ansonsten bis zu 0.91%).

BEP (0-Risiko-Punkt) wird erst zum Ende der Laufzeit erreicht.
Insgesamt erhalten wir innerhalb von 30 Tagen eine Rendite von bis zu 28,8%
und am Ende der Laufzeit unsere Einlage wieder zurück.

Bsp.: Bei einer Anlage von 100$ erhalten wir täglich bis zu 0.96$ zurück.

Plan Mining: "Stufe 1": Ein Investment-Anteil (10MH/s) kostet momentan 11.86$ (zum Zeitpunkt dieser Text geschrieben wurde, sowohl der Preis pro Anteil und die ausgeschüttete Rendite ändern sich stetig )und erwirtschaftet,
zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt, täglich ca. 0.001433ETH (ca. 0.50$) oder ca. 0.001412ZEC (ca. 0.40$).

BEP (0-Risiko-Punkt) wird momentan an Tag 24 erreicht (bei Auszahlung von ETH).

Bsp.: Bei einer Anlage von 59.30$ (5 Anteile) erhalten wir täglich ca. 0.007165 ETH zurück.

Ein- & Auszahlung: Geschwindigkeit, Gebühren und Limits

PerfectMoney - AdvCash - Payeer
[Bild: 12.Oct_Pay.jpg]
und zahlreiche weitere AltCoins

Gebühren werden für Einzahlungen über PerfectMoney, AdvCash, Payeer und Bitcoin nicht erhoben.
Für Einzahlungen über alle Altcoins wird eine Einzahlungsgebühr über 0.55% erhoben.

Auszahlung erfolgen manuell (innerhalb 72 Stunden)
PM: 1% - AdvCash&Payeer: 1.5%
BTC: 0.3% (min. 500 Satoshi) - Altcoins: 1%

Mindesteinzahlung: nicht vorhanden
Maximale Einzahlungssumme: unbegrenzt
Mindestauszahlung: 1$

Affiliate: Mehr Verdienst durch Empfehlung

OCToin bietet Provisionen über Ebenen,
welche sich über sieben Karriere-Stufen steigern lassen:

Standart-Nutzer (kein eigenes Invest und ohne Downline)
[Bild: I57TiFFCSv_djOigiUlN1g.png]
Provision auf Investments / Renditen
1. Ebene: 3% / 5%
2. Ebene: 2% / 3%
3. Ebene: 1% / 1%
4. Ebene: 0% / 0.5%
5. Ebene: 0% / 0.3%
6. Ebene: 0% / 0.1%
7. Ebene: 0% / 0.1%

1. Ebene: 3% / 3%
2. Ebene: 1% / 2%
3. Ebene: 1% / 1%
4. Ebene: 0% / 0.5%
5. Ebene: 0% / 0.3%
6. Ebene: 0% / 0.1%
7. Ebene: 0% / 0.1%


[Bild: rcb.png]

[Bild: 625.OCT125.gif]

[Zur OCToin Anmeldung]

[Bild: 625.achtung.gif]
Risikohinweis: Vor dem Investieren in Programme unbedingt lesen!


<img style="border-top: 8px solid #0099cc;" src="https://x-invest.net/upload/625.OCToinFooter.png">
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#Freigeschaltet: Neue X-Invest Vorstellung

Hey, dies ist die neuste Programm-Vorstellung von X-Invest,
die ich hiermit freischalte, da ich die Themen in diesem Bereich
moderativ unterstütze, um für euch zusätzlichen Support zu leisten!

Solltest du explizite Fragen zum Programm an uns haben oder
Hilfe bei den Funktionen & Vorgängen im Programm benötigen,
so kannst du jederzeit in diesem Thema fragen und ich werde
(sofern es noch kein anderes Mitglied getan hat) dir antworten.

Bitte denke daran, die objektive Bewertung auf unserem Monitor,
sowie vor jeder neuen Anlage den aktuellen Status zu überprüfen,
und nutze deinen Mehrverdienst: 50-100% RCB auf deine Anlage!

In der Zwischenzeit werde ich auch dieses Programm immer wieder
beobachten und sofort berichten, wenn mir etwas Bestimmtes auffällt.

Gerne ist jeder dazu eingeladen mit mir hier gemeinsam über das
Programm zu spekulieren, nachzudenken und zu theoretisieren.
Ich beteilige mich gerne an kreativen & abstrakten Gedanken.

Das Programm steht somit unter unserer Überwachung
und wir beginnen bald damit Auszahlungen zu posten!

Und nun geht es los: Auf ein interessantes Thema!

Alles Gute, viel Erfolg und bleibt wachsam!

Bei Fragen, einfach fragen!

Viele Grüße
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(15.11.2017, 00:39)AdminListing schrieb: Auszahlung erfolgen automatisch
Gebühren werden nicht erhoben

Mindesteinzahlung/-auszahlung: nicht vorhanden
Maximale Einzahlungssumme: unbegrenzt

wie kommt ihr bitte auf diese angaben?
es werden (teils) sowohl für die ein- als auch für die auszahlung gebühren erhoben.
es gibt eine mindestauszahlung und eine mindesteinzahlung.

nicht alles durchgeschaut, wird wohl noch ein paar mehr sachen geben, die man überarbeiten / richtigstellen dürfte Zwinkern
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(16.11.2017, 03:32)BSM schrieb: es gibt eine [.] eine mindesteinzahlung.
Leider kann ich nirgendwo Angaben dazu finden?

Ansonsten sollte jetzt alles so passen.
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#Neuer Status: Weil aktuelle Zahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema der Vorstellung gepostet wurden, hat der Vorsteller den grünen Daumen als Themenicon vergeben!
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Second webinar - new features! November 20, new prizes!

Please register for Octoin Leadership Webinar on Nov 20, 2017 12:00 PM GMT at:
(Select your timezone: at 20:00 - Beijin time; 19:00 - Hanoi time; 19:00 - Jakarta time; 17:30 - Mumbai time; 15:00 - Moscow time; 14:00 - Cape Town time; 13:00 - Berlin time; 12:00 - London time)


Learn about Trading and Mining options. Check marketing plan. Get investors feedback. Know the management. Win one of FREE Trading deposit. We are going to giveaway 10 trading deposits - 50 USD and 5 trading deposits - 100 USD and the main prize - 500 USD deposit*

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

This is a link to register for a webinar - https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4855538293079330050

* trading deposit giveaway will be conducted only among users with investments

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
OCTOIN big conference in China

A big OCTOIN conference in ChengDu, SiChuan Province 26.11.2017
Dear Octoin leaders and investors:
Chinese first time Octoin Merchants will be held in ChengDu. It will be Octoin China's first offline conference. There will be many new members and Octoin leaders attending this conference. It will be hosted by Liu Yan. I wish this meeting will be a complete success!
The details of the conference are as follows:
A) Introduction of the opportunity of the Internet era and explanation about the block chain. What is a Bitcoin.
B) Introduction about the Octoin: The establishment, vision, mission, team and planning of the Octoin.
C) Introduction of the ten functions and advantages of the Octoin.
D) Draw a lottery: the third prize is $50 for 5 members.Then a short break for 10 minutes.
E) Introduction about the Octoin website interface function, filling in the registration form.
F) Introduction of the Octoin investment plan and bonus system.
G) Summary of Octoin advantages. Drawing the big lottery, the second prize is $100 for 2 members. The first prize is $500 for 1 member. The award is provided by Octoin China.
H) Location: ChengDu City, SiChuan Province, Paradise of plum blossom International Hotel, 2nd floor Plum blossom Hall.
Time: November 26, 2017 14:00 pm to 17:00 pm.
Welcome Octoin members to attend.
Contact: YuCheng Wang
Wechat: 374370429
Telephone: 15066661801

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Octoin Webinar Raffle Winners!
Congratulations to the winners!

So our webinar in German came to an end! For several hours, professionals from our team told all participants about the crypto-currencies and our project - Octoin. Unexpectedly for us, the webinar came not only the Germans, but also just people who know German well. It was very interesting to talk with various investors.

Also, as always, we raffled prize deposits for amounts of 50 OCC and more. This is already becoming a good tradition.

And according to this tradition, here you can see the names of the winners:

100 OCC [email protected]
50 OCC [email protected]
50 OCC [email protected]
50 OCC [email protected]

And if you suddenly miss this webinar, then be sure to come to the next one! There will also be a lot of interesting and really useful.
We look forward to seeing you!

Octoin - your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

Octoin Coin (ОСС) becomes popular!
The fame of Octoin in Indonesia is so high, that the top International Media has got interested in Octoin.

CNN Indonesia news have made a video about the cryptocurrency OCC and its Leaders in Indonesia. The internet users have watched this video more than 350 000 times and this number is constantly increasing.


Indonesia in their opinion is the first and one of the largest Octoin markets. This fact was mentioned a few times in CNN video.

Communities of many thousands of Indonesians are developing and earning this cryptocurrency. This was told in the video by one of the Crypto platform Leaders.

We cannot ignor this achievement of our Indonesian users so we publish this video for you.

Octoin is international company created by traders from UK, Singapore and the owners of a few top mining pools from China.

First banch of OCC launched to the market in the Autumn of 2017 with the price of 1$ per coin. This have created a real success among the investors. OCC is still at its pre-start and it is still an internal currency. Its tokens are actively bought by users from different countires. However, the leading countries are China, Indonesia, UAE, UK, Germany, India, Nigeria, South Africa, Pakistan and Israel.

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
here is a new video section on the webside octoin.com!
There is a new video section on the website octoin.com where we will upload the best videos about Octoin and the Leaders of this project.
Everything that you wanted to know about Octoin and even more will be there in a convenient format!
What kind of information will be published in this section?
- Instructions
- Promotions and competitions
- Events
- Media video reports about the Octoin
All the videos will be divided by languages for your convenience. You can already find here the following manuals:
- Octoin - Multi wallet, how to use it (in 5 languages),
- Octoin - How to make a deposit.
New manuals will be published soon! Octoin team works every day for upgrading our website more convenient and efficient for the users.
Also we will always be happy to publish a video about you and your events on the main Octoin platform!
Reminder! Earlier Octoin company announced the pre-start of OCC cryptocurrency. At this moment the IT and engineering team are completing the testing.
OCC will have PoS mining algorithm. Proof of Stake (PoS) is the algorithm which is used by the new generation of cryptocurrencies. The innovation of PoS is that instead of using huge powerful servers for successful mining of cryptocurrencies, for the user is it enough to have a large portion (share) in the system. The reward for this will be in direct proportion to the users’ portion (share) in the system.

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
New Year's Webinar!
Very soon, on December 27, 8 pm the main webinar will be held at the end of 2017. Rather register! https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/836319718045517058

It will be attended by leaders from Europe, Asia and Africa. They will sum up the results of the outgoing year and tell about the prospects for the development of Octoin.Top managers will talk about their plans for the future, make predictions on the development of cryptocurrency and blockchain. They will also tell you in detail about the global conference Octoin, which will be held in early January 2018.
During the webinar, New Year's valuable prizes will be played. Do not hesitate to participate and win them.

We look forward to seeing you! Happy New Year!

Octoin - your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

New Year Time Schedule of online-consultants and technical SUPPORT Teams

Dear Partners and Users! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! All Octoin Team is very grateful to you for being our followers! Let the New Year be successful for achieving your goals, we wish you to have the brilliant ideas for development of our community, to reach bright growth and maximum profit, to have stable income and prosperity!

Please be informed that during the New Year holidays of 31 December, 2017 and January 1st, 2018 our website will continue to function. The online consultants will be working on duty mode for any urgent cases.

Happy New Year!

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Instruction: Immediate internal transactions of funds.
To send any currency from your multi-currency Octoin wallet to another user with no commission and without external withdrawal is very easy.

This feature is located at the right side menu. All the cryptocurrencies inside the Octoin system are available for such internal transfers. If in the list for sending any currency is not shown then just add it by clicking on “Statistics” button. Here is shown you personal OCC wallet number which you should tell to another user, who wants to make you an internal transfer.

If you are a sender then ask for the OCC wallet number from the user to whom you want to send the money transfer. His OCC wallet number is located in the same place like yours.

Choose the cryptocurrency you want to send (or USD).

Type in the amount within your balance.

Enter the OCC wallet number of recipient and click on “SEND”.

If you have already set 2 level protection of your password for making the transactions then enter the code which you will receive by Telegram (like in our case) or by email.

Transfer is complete.

Once again please pay attention here! All such money transfers using this service are confirmed immediately on the balance of recipient and are done without any commission.

The statistics of all the account transactions is saved here. Choose the needed cryptocurrency, click “+” to see the hidden part of history. Each transaction has got its unique code.

Octoin multicurrency wallet is safe and convenient.

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Octoin for the first time in Hong Kong! on January 7
If you live in Hong Kong, then we have good news for you. It is there that there will soon be a large conference about blockchain and Octoin. It will be held on January 7 in Grappa's Cellar.

You can all see how on Octoin you can trade, trade and work with the p2p-exchange. And of course, everyone will have the opportunity to ask any question to our representatives.

The entire event will take several hours, so for your convenience you will be provided with drinks and snacks.

Date: Sunday 7 january
Time : 12:00-17:00
Place : Grappa's Cellar- Jardine House - Cannaught Road

Are you interested in crypto-currencies, trading and mining?
Do you think where to invest?
Do you want to make money on new technologies of blockchain?

If you answered "Yes!" to at least one question - be sure to come to our conference!

We look forward to seeing you!

Octoin - your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Don’t miss the chance to win $ 2018! Applications are accepted until the 10th January!
Just over a week ago we announced a winter contest for the best Octoin logo. We had to sum up yesterday,on the 6th January, but received a huge number of letters from you with requests to give more time for preparation. Therefore, we decided to extend the reception of applications until the 10th January, and on the 12th January webinar announce the winner!

The basic information you can learn from this news https://octoin.com/news/n85. This is a great opportunity to improve your logo or join the competition for an impressive amount of money. Don’t miss it!

P.S Do not forget that the task is to create OCTOIN LOGO out of some things. It should not be a photoshop picture but the word "OCTOIN" or "OCC" created by using some things. Please check the example.

We wish everyone good luck!

Technical update is completed!
Dear users! We are happy to inform you that our technical maintenance is over. Our IT department have upgraded our website to become even more fast and secure.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Octoin is your Trusted Partner in the world of cryptocurrencies.

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Multi currency Octoin wallet will support fork of EtherZero!

Since the EtherZero Team have announced the start of Ethereum on 4936270th block on January 19, 2018 at 19:00 - 21:00 PM, Octoin have decided to support EtherZero (ETZ) in our multi currency Octoin wallet.

All the users who have got on their balance Ethereum (ETH) will get ETZ 1:1 after the fork will take place.
More information is here https://etherzero.org

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

New crypto currency coming soon!
Dear Octoin users!

The Development Department of Octoin is informing us about the final stage of testing. Soon there will be a start of testing network cryptocurrency OctoinCoin. The cryptocurrency is intended to be used inside the Octoin community. It already consists of all the modern blockchain developments for optimisation of transactions speed inside the network (such as Segwit and Lighting Network), as well as the algorithms of minimising the costs.

As it was already announced, the OctoinCoin cryptocurrency is based on the Proof of Stake algorithm. Its mining will take place on PCs of all its users with the help of desktop wallets of OctoinCoin. In order to start the mining it will be enough to purchase the cryptocurrency. Therefore, the users who already have got some OCC on their balance will be in the more favorable position. They will have the priority opportunity to exchange the internal OCC units for the new cryptocurrency OctoinCoin.

Moreover, we would like to inform all the users that as a result of many meetings with the Leaders of Octoin, we decided to set up the mining percentage of OctoinCoin at 20% per month. The premine of OctoinCoin is strictly limited to 700 000 coins. Considering the integration of the cryptocurrency into the Octoin project its cost will be set up at 1 OctoinCoin = 100 USD.

ATTENTION TO ALL USERS! Due to all of the above, 14.01.2018-15.01.2018 there will be done a process of recalculation of all the balances of users of OCC as per the cost of OctoinCoin cryptocurrency and the established premine. The value of all the assets of OCC users will stay the same.

OCC bank will continue to work as usual until all the premine will be sold out. Besides, our experts are already working on establishing the co-operation relationship with the top cryptocurrency exchanges.

The priority goal for the developers is creation of the efficient and technological crypto wallet with its usage at the desktop. This goal will be accomplished after the start of the working network of OctoinCoin. The next step for us will be the development of mobile OctoinCoin applications for IOS and Android.

Octoin Coin is one coin for the business, savings and living!

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#Neuer Status: Wegen Auffälligkeiten, (technischen) Problemen oder Veränderungen bei den Auszahlungen, wurde hier der Status auf "Warnung / Problem" gesetzt!
Hinweis: Bitte hier vorerst mit Investitionen abwarten bis sich der "Problem"-Status geklärt hat.
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Januar 21, 2018

Octoin management update webinar
Dear participants,
yesterday Octoin senior manager Kate Grace replied the questions and updated all the community about recent new.

You can listen to the webinar and get all the information https://youtu.be/VSTe4ljTumc

The agenda of the webinar was:

- mining question
- bear trend in trading of recent 2 weeks
- OCC futures trading
- trading platform lisiting
- OCC pre-mining, price, mining pool
- analytic information from department

Also specialist from Analytic department Mike Kutcher enlightened us about the main tendencies of the cryptocurrency market.

"Now we obviously observe bear trend in trading, when the price to the top "cryptos" dropped, however, it is a good sign to all long-term traders. After each trend there is a reverse trend, in our situation it will be bull trend, when all the price will jump like year ago to 25-50% so be wise, do not panic and expect the correction" - Mike said.

We also remind you that genesis of pre-mine will be finished within 36 hours, so be ready to test OCC blockchain wallet soon

Octoin - your reliable partner in the world of cryptocurrency!

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Wir haben heute noch mal versucht die OCC auszuzahlen leider war es uns nicht möglich eine Adresse für die AZ zu generieren.

Bei YouBit kommt folgende Meldung bei der Erstellung

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Das gleiche ist es auch bei Exrates. Hier wird geschrieben, dass es leider im Moment nicht möglich ist OCC einzuzahlen.

Support verweist auch nur auf diese Seiten.


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OCToin - Schnellantwort

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