
ETHmine (Lifetime) - Diskussion

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 

Ich möchte euch heute ein BTC-Proggi vorstellen,
das am 23.02.2018 gestartet ist.

Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

Technische Details:

Link für auf Bitcoin basierende Plattform:
*Hier erfolgt dann keine Umrechnung in Dollar sondern BTC bleibt BTC bzw. die anderen
Einzahlungsmöglichkeiten werden in BTC umgerechnet.
Ihr könnt hier nun also selbst entscheiden, was euch lieber ist.
Es sind zwei getrennte Account, also ist eine nochmalige Registrierung notwenig.

Mein Desposit in das Programm:

Es weren 3 Pläne angeboten,
wobei wohl nur der erste Plan aufgrund der Desposithöhe für uns in Frage kommt.
Nach 24 Stunden ist es möglich sein Deposit wieder auszubezahlen,
abzüglich einer Gebühr von 5%.
Gutschriften erfolgen täglich.
Ab 10 $ bzw. 0.001 BTC seit ihr hier am Start.
Es wird alles in USD umgerechnet.

Hier bekommt Ihr 2.60% täglich.
Also zahlt Ihr zB 100 $ ein habt Ihr täglich einen Profit von 2.60 $.
Nach 39Tagen wäre somit BEP erreicht, alles was danach kommt ist Profit.
Ihr könnte eure Einzahlung natürlich nach 24 Stunden jederzeit wieder auszahlen lassen.

Hier die anderen Pläne:

- Bitcoin
- Ethererum
- BitcoinCash
- Litecoin
- Dogecoin
- PerfectMoney

- Auszahlungen instant BTC, Litecoin, Dogecoin; andere können bis zu 24 Stunden dauern
- keine Gebühren bei Auszahlung von seiten des Proggis
- Mindestauszahlungsbetrag: 5$

Für direkte Partner 10% Referral Commission.
Diese wird aber nicht direkt nach dem Deposit eines Partners an euch ausgezahlt,
sondern täglich auf die Earnings des Invests eures Partners.
Sollte euer Partner vorher seinen Deposit auflösen, hört natürlich auch die Provisionsauszahlung auf.
Löst der Partner nur einen Teil auf, erhält ihr weiter die Provision auf den im System verbliebenen Teil.

Aufgrund dieser Staffelung werde ich hier kein RCB anbieten.

Einschätzung / Fazit
(es können keine Garantieansprüche geltend gemacht werden  Frech )

Für die Anmeldung einfach auf den Banner klicken

Für die Anmeldung für die Bitcoin Plattform bitte auf diesen Banner klicken

In diesem Sinne,
nice Profit's

[Bild: 625.achtung.gif]
Risikohinweis: Vor dem Investieren in Programme unbedingt lesen!
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#freigeschaltet [Zur Vorstellung]
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Auszahlung gepostet, grüner Daumen ist somit drinnen.
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Hab hier auch 100$ investiert Lächeln

Auszahlungen funktionieren soweit auch ganz gut, bin zufrieden Lächeln
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Welcome to the world of Ether mining!


We hope this newsletter finds you well and if not, prepare to be revitalized.

With a full and successful launch now complete, ETHMine is proud to announce full-scale operations have commenced. Everyone on the ETHMine team is delighted to welcome you to the first of many exciting newsletter updates on our world of Ether mining. From our Hong Kong base, we send our utmost thanks to those thousands of dedicated early supporters who are already following our path, as well as welcome every member of our rapidly growing global audience.The support we’ve received has been out of this world and now it’s time for us to keep building upon our promise. We’re saving you energy, time and hardware, bringing you the many benefits of collaborative Ethereum mining without any of the expensive investment or stress!

We also believe deeply in the value of every user’s experience, which is why we’d like to invite you to join your fellow ETH miners in our dedicated Telegram group. This is the one-stop shop for you to discover other like-minded individuals, network and create lasting friendships around the world, as well as share the valuable feedback that enables ETHMine’s continuous development and devoted user focus.

Following requests by a number of users, the latest platform development is the creation of a paid out page. Head over here to check out and verify each of your payments, both to your own accounts and to the accounts of other members. Let us know how it works for you!

Once again, we’d like to thank each and every one of our valued supporters and are so pleased to have you with us on this exciting journey. The fertile world of Ether mining is at our fingertips and ETHMine is at the head of this thrilling revolution in crypto generation. Tell your friends (or don’t, and keep all of the rewards to yourself!) and stay tuned for more exciting updates over the next few days.

Until then, it’s been a pleasure reaching out to you and we look forward to connecting again soon.

The ETHMine Team

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Auf der Seite ist nun auch ein Livesupport integriert.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Your latest ETHMine developments!


Whether you´re suffering from the crazy cold or out enjoying the sun, we hope you are well.

In our second official ETHMine newsletter, we have some announcements that follow the theme of feedback and support, because we`re nice and organised like that!

First, we are happy to inform all of our friends and followers across Russia that ETHMine is now offering full live support in Russian, so you can now ask any question you want via live chat or email and receive an answer in Russian. No question is too small our live support teams love nothing more than to help, so please do not hesitate to get in touch with any query you may have.

Next, we are just as pleased to promise that phone support will be available any day now. We are excited to be able to bring worldwide telephone assistance to your ETHMine experience and are in the final steps of setting up. As soon as everything is complete and has been thoroughly checked, phone lines will be opened and you will be able to reach us in a simple call.

At ETHMine, we value your opinion more than anything. We welcome all feedback, positive or negative, because we understand that our platform is only as good as you think it is. There would be no ETHMine at all without your support and enjoyment, which is why we love giving back to our users who contribute to our development.

If you have been using ETHMine and have found some way we could improve our service, and subsequently your experience, let us know by emailing us at [email protected].

 It pays to offer your opinion, because we´ll be awarding the best suggestion with $100USD now we have your attention!

We hope you keep enjoying ETHMine as much as we enjoy bringing it to you. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and getting in touch soon with more exciting developments.

The ETHMine Team

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Congratulations to our Best Suggestion Winner!


Wherever you are around the world, we'd like to wish you a wonderful day and thank you for being a valued ETHMine supporter!

Today, we'd first like to celebrate the winner of the “best suggestion” contest that we announced in our last newsletter. We received hundreds of wonderful suggestions, and in the end, the tasty prize of $100USD goes to Paul Okonkwo, who came forward with some brilliant and much-appreciated ideas on building a strong ETHMine foundation in his native Nigeria. Paul, we hope you both enjoy your prize, and continue to share your insights with our team!

We also found that lots of users were finding it difficult to locate their payout verification information. We'd like to apologise for any confusion and remind everyone that you can easily find this information on the ETHMine website. Navigate to the Latest Payments button, which is located at the very top right hand corner of our site, and you will find your detailed verification info right here. If you're having trouble navigating absolutely any other part of the ETHMine process, just let us know by getting in touch with our friendly support team!

 Our last port of call for today's newsletter is another exciting invitation to every user to share your best ideas with us. Our team never rests as we look to make the ETHMine experience as simple and as exciting as possible for you, no matter the currencies in which you hold funds. 

We hope you're starting to see a pattern – when it comes to improving our platform, we know that there's no more efficient and transparent way than simply asking you what you think!

Whether it's a lesser-known cryptocurrency or local fiat format that you feel is lacking from our current options, let us now right now at [email protected]. There's no prize this time we're afraid, apart from the chance to supercharge your mining experience!

That's all for now – wishing you all happy mining and continued success until our next communication.

The ETHMine Team

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Es gibt jetzt wohl auch einen Telefonsupport.
Ich hab noch nicht angerufen und nachgeforscht wo man landet Wink.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Telephone support is now live!


Just a short announcement today, though it's one that many of our valued supporters have been anticipating hotly.

We're pleased to announce that the lines have all been thoroughly checked, and that ETHMine's global live telephone support is now available!

Our dedicated phone support teams are ready and waiting to help solve any issues and boost your Ether mining experience in any way possible, so don't hold back.

 No matter how big or small your problem, how relevant you think it might be, give us a ring and we will do everything we can to solve it for you.

Call us now on +852 5801 4210 between 8:00am-6:00pm (UTC+8). We look forward to your call!

Wishing you all the best until we reach out again.

The ETHMine Team

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Video contest!


Do you believe you have what it takes to introduce more people to the wonderful world of Ethereum mining? Now is your chance to reach out and win big as we launch the new ETHMine video contest.

What are we looking for?
ETHMine wants to see your explainer video!

That's a video at least 1 minute long featuring you sharing with potential new miners how they can register, invest, and withdraw via the ETHMine platform. If you'd like to add any more information feel free but those are the three main elements.

No big production value needed, just your face and your voice (no robots!) so your audience can see and hear your passion! Please also ensure that all videos are in English.

Consider it done – what next?
Now that you've filmed and edited your video, you just need to share it with the world. Upload it to YouTube then share it via all of your social media channels and any other medium you wish.

And once it's live, you have to let us know about it (of course, we may come across it organically as a result of your great publicising, but you can send it anyway!). Email us your video's links to [email protected] and we will immediately reward you with a $10 bonus for sharing it on your social media channels.

Please note – only one video can be emailed per user, and all social media accounts must be at least three months old. Multiple videos and accounts made specifically for this contest will all be ignored! Then one week from the date of this newsletter, we will select the best explainer video of the bunch and present the winner with a well-deserved $100 bonus!

Lights, camera, action!
Whether you fancy yourself as the next Spielberg or would simply like to share your thoughts, we can't wait to see what you guys come up with, and to feel the enthusiasm!
Let's show the world what's waiting in the unexplored new world of Ethereum mining with ETHMine!

Until next time, we wish all fellow miners the very best and happy filming!

The ETHMine Team

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Es wurde nun eine zweite Plattform ins Leben gerufen, wo das Investment nicht in Dollar umgerechnet wird,
sondern in BTC. Somit bleibt BTC in BTC wenn ihr so investiert.
Hab die Vorstellung aktuell ein wenig angepasst. Werde das noch abklären ob ich das alles in einer Vorstellung lassen kann. Ist im Prinzip alles gleich nur das man einen eigenen Account registrieren muss. Seit ihr also schon registriert müsst ihr euch noch einmal registrieren wenn ihr dies nutzen wollt.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Mar-18-2018 02:27:10 PM
Huge News! We’re addressing BTC users with a new separate ETHMine platform!

Dear customers,

It seems like not a day goes past without us adding to the ETHMine platform so that we can keep your Ethereum mining experience as convenient and as powerful as possible – we wouldn’t have it any other way. And so we move onto some big news today, which many of you will be delighted to hear.

We know that around 50% of our existing clients enjoy that ETHMine’s primary account format is in US Dollars (USD). We also know that a majority of our other users would love to skip out the whole USD conversion process and enjoy Bitcoin (BTC) instead as your main value when using our mining platform.

We get it – our team is similarly divided, and so, we’ve launched a subsidiary platform that offers exactly that!

Find our new ETHMine variant right here and instantly start to enjoy your mining rewards in your preferred BTC denomination. Please keep in mind these few factors:

- All wallet amounts, interest rates and other figures will be calculated in BTC. Perfect!
- This new platform is under the ETHMine banner yet is an entirely separate platform. That means you will have to register a new account for use on this
platform, and that none of your existing mining records will feature on this new platform.
- You can hold accounts on both platforms, no problem!

We hope those of you who called out for BTC-based Ethereum mining will be happy with the new platform we have provided. As always, if you have absolutely any issues or suggestions for improvement, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our friendly support team at [email protected].

Thanks guys, wishing you the most enjoyable mining experience whatever your chosen currency. Until next time!

The ETHMine Team

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Vorstellung abgesprochen mit XI und kann so bleiben mit den beiden Reflinks.
Bin hier nun bei 78% ROI auf ETH gerechnet. Sehr nice gelaufen bis jetzt.
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Man kann nun auch mit Perfect-Money einzahlen,
aber nur auf der Haupt ETHMINE-Plattform,
nicht auf der BTC-Plattform.
Vorstellung wurde angepasst.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear Customer,
We are writing today to inform all of our valued Representatives about some small policy changes. If you are not yet a Representative, we hope you will consider taking part and enjoying a whole new level of profitability in your Ethereum mining.

As you may know, all users are eligible to become Representatives as soon as they have crossed over $1000 in active contribution. There's no time limit on this pivotal point, so it doesn't matter whether it takes you one day or one year to hit this number. Once you're in you're in, and the rewards can reach rather tasty heights.

Now, however, we are delighted to announce that we are extending Representative eligibility to all those users who possess unique promotional skills and experience. You can think of this as an invitation for platform Influencers, just like those who play a prominent part in spreading the message of many online platforms these days.

All you have to do is to share with us why we should add you as a Representative so that you can immediately start collecting 5% direct from all contributions!

Just write to us [email protected] explaining how your past experience and current role can be used to promote our platform on a regional or global scale. Make sure your application letter includes your full name ETHMine or BitCoin-ETHMine (or both) username and country, and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

We also understand there has been some confusion regarding the specifics of our Regular Affiliate and Representative Programs. We've just rewritten our site text on the matter, and we've shared our new version below to clarify any residual confusion:

ETHMine provides users with two levels of award incentive program.

The first is our Regular Affiliate Program, which every ETHMine user benefits from. Here's how:In the Regular Affiliate Program you earn commission from all referral earnings. If you refer a friend who then invests $1000, the very next day they will receive $26. At this point you will then receive 10% commission from your friend's earnings – that's $2.60.

Now, the Representative Program goes one step further and enables you to earn directly from referral contributions. If you refer a friend who then invests $1000, you immediately earn 5% commission on their contribution – that's $50. You will also continue to enjoy Regular Affiliate benefits every time your friend earns interest on his contribution. So there we have it! We hope you find our new explanation easier to understand, and invite you to get in touch if you have absolutely any further questions. The ETHMine team is incredibly grateful for any independent contribution to and promotion of our platform, past and future. We look forward to receiving your Representative applications!

The ETHMine Team

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Hab hier mit meiner heutigen ETH-Auszahlung BEP erreicht.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear customers,
It seems like not a day goes past without us adding to the ETHMine platform so that we can keep your Ethereum mining experience as convenient and as powerful as possible – we wouldn't have it any other way. And so we move onto some big news today, which many of you will be delighted to hear.

We know that around 50% of our existing clients enjoy that ETHMine's primary account format is in US Dollars (USD). We also know that a majority of our other users would love to skip out the whole USD conversion process and enjoy Bitcoin (BTC) instead as your main value when using our mining platform.

We get it – our team is similarly divided, and so, we've launched a subsidiary platform that offers exactly that!

Find our new ETHMine variant right here and instantly start to enjoy your mining rewards in your preferred BTC denomination. Please keep in mind these few factors:

 1.  All wallet amounts, interest rates and other figures will be calculated in       BTC. Perfect!

 2.  This new platform is under the ETHMine banner yet is an entirely       separate platform. That means you will have to register a new account for       use on this platform, and that none of your existing mining (ethmine.biz)       records will feature on this new (bitcoin.ethmine.biz) platform.

 3. You can hold accounts on both platforms, no problem!

We hope those of you who called out for BTC-based Ethereum mining will be happy with the new platform we have provided. As always, if you have absolutely any issues or suggestions for improvement, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our friendly support team at [email protected].

Thanks guys, wishing you the most enjoyable mining experience whatever your chosen currency. Until next time!

The ETHMine Team

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Akueller ROI 130% in ETH. Very Nice.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Happy Easter from the ETHMine!

Dear customer,
Everyone at ETHMine would love to wish you a Happy Easter!

Wherever around the world you are, we hope this message finds you in the very best of health and with your Ether mining experience ticking along at its utmost capacity.

Whether you are practising some admirable form of abstinence for Lent this Easter, or are simply indulging in the most chocolate you can possibly fit into your mouth, we wish you the very best during this special time of year.

Easter transcends religion and nationality – it is simply a time to think about everything for which we are grateful. And for the ETHMine Team, the answer to such a thing is simple – you guys!

That's right, we value every single one of our audience for so many reasons, mainly that ETHMine would not be where it is right now without the incredible support that you have shown us. So please keep spreading the word about ETHMine and let's share the rather profitable love of Ethereum mining with as many people as possible around the world!

As always, we love to hear what our users are up to. If you're doing anything special this Easter to boost your Ethereum mining output, let us know on Twitter, Facebook or Telegram!

Once again, we hope you enjoy this special time and spend it with loved ones, as well as continue raking in the rewards of Ether mining with us.

Until next time!

The ETHMine Team

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Programm-Status: Auszahlungsnachweise fehlen 
#Neuer Status: Weil die Auszahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema dieser Vorstellung zu alt sind, wurde hier der gelbe Daumen als Themenicon gesetzt.
Hinweis: Bitte einen Auszahlungsbeleg im Auszahlungsthema posten, das am Ende der Vorstellung verlinkt ist!
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear customers,
Wherever in the world you may be, we hope you had a truly wonderful Easter weekend. Much too much chocolate was consumed here in the ETHMine office, and many festivities were had. Nothing but salad for a week now or we won't fit through the door!

Today we'd simply like to remind you that you can very easily monitor ETHMine payments by using the “Paidout” page, which can be accessed from our website – ethmine.biz/paidout. Check they're going through as well as that they are the correct amount!

This simple list is totally decentralised so that it cannot be altered by anyone – user or ourselves alike – and we like to think of it as a super simple way for you to not only verify your payments but your peace of mind.

After all, your confidence in our platform is our priority – that's why we encourage you to check it often and let us know if there is any issue with a payment or general concern you may have.

In a further note, we also invite you to join (if you have not already!) our dedicated Telegram Messenger group for the latest updates, instant support and ability to communicate with other users. Make the most of our platform, and make friends at the same time. There's nothing to lose!

If you'd like to join, simply download Telegram Messenger via your local app store and add our group's name: https://t.me/ETHMinechat

We look forward to connecting with you there and, until next time, wish you all the best in your mining experience from everyone here at ETHMine.

The ETHMine Team

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Programm-Status: Auszahlungsnachweise fehlen 
#Neuer Status: Weil die Auszahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema dieser Vorstellung zu alt sind, wurde hier der gelbe Daumen als Themenicon gesetzt.
Hinweis: Bitte einen Auszahlungsbeleg im Auszahlungsthema posten, das am Ende der Vorstellung verlinkt ist!
Antworten Top
Aktuell bin ich hier bei einem ROI von 193% in ETH gerrechnet angelangt.
Somit steht die 200% Marke kurz bevor.
Das ganze innerhalb 48 Tagen, seitdem ich dabei bin.
Dies wurde natürlich durch den sinkenden ETH-Kurs möglich, innerhalb dieser kurzer Zeit.
Da hier ja eine Umrechnung des Invests in Dollar stattfindet.
Ein kurzes Beispiel, damit ihr euch das besser vorstellen könnt:
Kurz nach Start erhielt ich für meine eingezahlten ETH täglich ca. 0.012 ETH retour,
gestern waren es z b. 0.024 ETH die ich retour bekam.

Also bei diesem Invest konnte eigentlich nichts besseres passieren, als das der ETH-Kurs sinkt.
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear customer,

We hope you’re doing fantastically, wherever in the world you are.

Today we're delighted to say we are finally bringing you exclusive photos of our Ethereum mining farms. So many of you have asked, and we thank you for your patience.

This is where the mining happens, where you and your ever-growing ETHMine community contribute to massive global profits!

So, a little bit of info behind this magical place where the mining happens…

Our Ethereum mining farms are based in Iceland and there are a few key reasons for this. Aside from the general isolation that such a position brings, we all benefit from highly efficient electricity costs and ample space to grow as our community grows also.

With on-site teams of technical experts we continue to implement the latest technologies, pushing the power of your combined mining efforts. Our sites are also monitored 24/7 by carefully vetted security teams to preserve the profitability of your experience.

So without further ado, please enjoy these first shots of our mining headquarters – https://ethmine.biz/about

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and hope these images inspire you to keep contributing to our already incredible impact in the world of crypto mining.

Until next time, we wish you the very best!

The ETHMine Team

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Programm-Status: Auszahlungsnachweise fehlen 
#Neuer Status: Weil die Auszahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema dieser Vorstellung zu alt sind, wurde hier der gelbe Daumen als Themenicon gesetzt.
Hinweis: Bitte einen Auszahlungsbeleg im Auszahlungsthema posten, das am Ende der Vorstellung verlinkt ist!
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ETHmine (Lifetime) - Schnellantwort

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5 kürzlich aktive Themen dieses Bereichs
Thema Themenersteller Antworten Ansichten Letzter Beitrag
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Principal-Back: Vortic United MarkusMFI 87 12.608 17.06.2024, 18:19
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