
Bitclub Network (Mining) - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

[Bild: 625.BitClubHEader.jpg]

BitClub Network - Altcoin und Bitcoin Mining

Hier habt ihr die Möglichkeit bei einer der Größten Mining-Farmen der Welt zu investieren.

[Bild: 625.BitClubLogo.jpg]

Den Bitclub gibt es seit Anfang 2015. Im Grunde ist Bitclub ein Mining-Anbieter für Bitcoins und Altcoins (welche regelmäßig erweitert werden).
Wir kaufen uns sozusagen Rechenleistung (sogenannte HASH-Leistung) und partizipieren am Mining des Bitclub-Pools. Die Rechenleistung kann in festen Paketen erworben werden (genaueres folgt weiter unten).
Desweiteren bietet der Bitclub zusätzlich einen sehr komplexen Multi-Level-Marketing-Plan an.

Wie immer ist nicht zu 100% klar was im Hintergrund des Bitclubs passiert, jedoch lässt sich durch unabhängige Dritte bestätigen das wirklich ein Miningpool mit dem Namen Bitclub existiert und fleißig Bitcoin schürft. Dieser Miningpool trägt einen nicht zu verachtenden Teil zum aktuellen Bitcoin-Mining bei. Desweiteren wurde einer der Mining-Pools schon von Investoren besucht.

Video1 - Video2 - Video3 - Video4 - Video5 - Video6

Was können wir hier Verdienen?
Bitclub Mining

Bei Bitclub gibt es keine Mitgliedsgebühr welche monatlich bezahlt werden muss, jedoch muss man einmalig seinen Account gegen ein Gebühr in Höhe von 99$ aktivieren.

Wurde der Account aktiviert, können wir uns Paketen kaufen.
Es werden Pakete in Höhe von 500$, 1000$ und 2000$ angeboten.

Zusätzlich gibt es das sogenannte "Founders-Paket" welches alle 3 Pakete enthält. Zusätzlich bekommen wir einen kleinen Bonus und spezielle wechselnde Angebote.

Unsere 1. Rendite erhalten wir am 30. Tag.

Ab diesem Zeitpunkt erhalten wir für 1000 Tage unsere Rendite. Wir partizipieren am Mining welches natürlich täglich unterschiedlich ausfällt. (bitte beachten Renditen steigen und fallen je nach Schwierigkeit und Bitcoin Preis es ist also möglich das ihr am ende einen Verlust verbuchen müsst da diese werte nicht vorherzusagen sind)

Bitclub-Network erweitert und erneuert regelmäßig seine Hardware weshalb sich unsere Partizipierung auf lange Sicht auch steigern kann.

Wenn wir nun von einem gekauften 1000$ Paket ausgehen, würden wir jeden Tag eine Rendite zwischen 2$ und 3$ bekommen. Gehen wir von einem durchschnittlichen Ergebnis von 0,25% aus, würden wir 2500$ zurückbekommen und hätten somit einen Reingewinn von 1500$ erwirtschaftet.

Altcoins Mining (GPU Packete) Wieder Aktiv

Wie oben erwähnt kann man auch Altcoins minen, bzw. daran partizipieren.

Dies erfolgt durch Anteile am sogenannten "GPU-Pool". Diese Anteile kosten aktuell (Okt.'17) zwischen 1000$ und 5000$.
Hier können wir auswählen an welchem Pool wir uns beteiligen. Aktuell z.B. ETH, ETC, ZEC und XMR.

Unser Anteil beteiligt uns für 2000 Tage. Diese Angebote wechseln öfters und sind zumeist stark limitiert.
BC Trader (seit 01.03.2019)

$ 500 Trial Pack - Mit diesem Paket erhalten Sie eine einzige Handelslizenz, mit der Sie an einer Börse bis zu 2.000 USD pro Tag handeln können. Sie können bis zu 3 Handelspaare an der Börse auswählen und dieses Produkt wirklich ausprobieren.

$ 1.000 Trader Pack - Mit diesem Paket erhalten Sie eine Multi-Use-Lizenz, mit der Sie an zwei Börsen bis zu 5.000 USD pro Tag handeln können. Sie können an jeder Börse bis zu 7 Handelspaare auswählen. 

$ 2.000 Elite Trader Pack - Mit diesem Paket erhalten Sie eine Mehrfachlizenz, mit der Sie an 5 Börsen bis zu $ 15.000 pro Tag handeln können. Sie können an jeder Börse bis zu 15 Handelspaare auswählen und mehrere Strategien einsetzen. 

$ 3.500 Gründer-Handelspaket - Genau wie unser Bergbaupaket erhalten Sie alle drei Pakete in einem Paket und erhalten den Gründer-Status im Vergütungsplan. Beim Kauf dieses Pakets können Sie an ALLEN Börsen mit bis zu 100.000 USD pro Tag mit unbegrenzten Handelspaaren handeln.

Sie können jedes Paket einzeln kaufen und dessen Vorteile nutzen, oder Sie können das Founder-Paket kaufen, um alle zu erhalten. Beim Kauf des Gründerpakets können Sie Provision für ALLE Pakete erhalten, die in Ihrem Unternehmen verkauft werden. Die aktuelle Founder-Ebene ist der Top-Zugriff, sodass Sie nicht mehr Founder-Packs erwerben können, um die Vorteile zu kombinieren. Das maximale Limit pro Konto beträgt 100.000 USD. 

Alle Pakete sind 12 Monate gültig. Nach 12 Monaten können Sie eine jährliche Verlängerung bezahlen, um die Software weiterhin verwenden zu können

Ein- & Auszahlung

Alle Ein- und Auszahlungen können über Bitcoin und Bitcon Cash getätigt werden.
Alle Preise sind in US-Dollar festgesetzt und die zu zahlenden Beträge
sind immer abhängig vom aktuellen USD- / BTC / BCH -Wechselkurs.

Auszahlungen erfolgen manuell.
Pro Auszahlung fällt eine Gebühr von 0.002BTC oder 0.01 BCH an.
Auszahlungen sind ab 0.01BTC oder 0.1 BCH möglich.

Mindest- und Maximal-Einzahlungssumme: Keine


Bitclub bietet uns eine sehr komplexen MLM-Plan an, welcher sich hauptsächlich in ein binäres System und Direktprovisionen aufteilt.

Die gesamte Aufschlüsselung gibt es hier:

Binärer Baum
Jeden (aktivierten!) Geworbenen kannst du
entweder im linken oder rechten Bein deiner Downline platzieren.
Für jedes verkaufte Paket in deiner Downline erhälst du folgende Credits:
500$ Paket: 3 Credits
1000$ Paket: 6 Credits
2000$ Paket: 12 Credits

Sobald im linken und rechten Bein jeweils 15 Credits angesammelt wurden,
werden diese zu einem Cycle umgewandelt und es wird eine Provision von 200$ gezahlt.
Man kann täglich nur viermal cyceln bzw. bei Erfüllung bestimmter Voraussetzungen bis zu zehn mal.

Des Weiteren wird eine Provision von 10$ ausgeschüttet, sobald eine Person aus deiner Downline 
einen Cycle absolviert. Jedoch je nachdem wo im binären Baum sich dieser Teilnehmer befindet, 
müssen zuerst bestimmte Voraussetzungen erfüllt werden, um die Provision erhalten zu können.

Direkte Provisionen

Direkte Provisionen erfolgen unabhängig vom Binären Baun.

Je größer deine direkte Downline (Firstline), desto mehr Prtovisionen werden durch neue 
Mitglieder ausgeschüttet. Verkaufte Pakete geben hierbei 5%-8%, Teilpakete 10%-18%.
Genaueres entnehmt ihr bitte dem Marketing-Plan.

Zusätzlich ist es möglich in unendlich vielen Ebenen Provisionen, von den beiden erst- 
geworbenen Teilnehmern deiner direkt gesponserten Referrals Provisionen zu erhalten.

Hierbei werden 1%-2% für alle verkauften Pakete und 2%-8% für alle Teilpakete ausgeschüttet.


RCB von 50% gibt es HIER bitte innerhalb von 48 Stunden

[Bild: 625.achtung.gif]
Risikohinweis: Vor dem Investieren in Programme unbedingt lesen!

[Bild: 625.BitclubFooter.jpg]
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Bitclub Network (Mining) - Diskussion

Auszahlungen funktionieren momentan sehr gut bis auf Monero, leider funktionieren die Reinvests immer noch nur manuell.

Mining History für die letzten 7 Tage Founder Pool Bitcoin

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Solutions to some bugs, Mining Power, GPU and more.
Date: March 19th

Included in this update.

Solutions coming online this week
Bitcoin and Ethereum coming back
Mining Power Update
GPU Mining Payments
ClubCoin Updates
Binary Credits Compensation

Solutions coming online this week.

Over the past month, since switching over to BCH, we've been dealing with a lot of issues in our database. Our team is working daily on the solutions and we have many of them going live this week that we believe will finally fix everything.

If you have any commission issues, mining earnings issues, or any other problems with invoices please be patient with us a little bit longer and wait for this next round of uploads to fix it.

The good thing about our system is we track EVERYTHING and we can go back to provide solutions. We may need to take the site down for some of the upgrades to happen smoothly but it's our hope that we wont need to.

However, you may see some periods this week where the website will be slow or your balances may look wrong while changes are being uploaded made. Please don't be alarmed by this we are just making some upgrades and fixes.

Bitcoin and Ethereum Coming Back!

We are going to launch Bitcoin and Ethereum payments for ALL invoices in the coming weeks. So moving forward you will be able to pay invoices with BCH, BTC, ETH, or ClubCoin.

This invoicing system will be on the latest version of CoinPay which will be the full version. Right now we are just using CoinPay in the background but with this next upgrade we will be moving fully to the platform because its A LOT more robust.

We expect to make this live around the first week of April but that is assuming we don't have any issues that require our dev team to spend all of their time on.

One of the best new features is completely eliminating under payments of invoices. The way we do this is by continuing to recalculate the invoice whenever a payment is made. This also allows you to pay for a single invoice with multiple tokens.

For example if you are buying a Founder Pack for $3,500 USD and you pay $3,000 in BTC then it will recalculate the new remaining amount needed and provide an updated exchange rate for the remaining $500. You will see what is left to pay for all four tokens we accept (BTC, BCH, ETH, and CLUB).

This gives you complete flexibility over your payment method and if you accidently close the browser or have any issues then next time you login it will pick up right where you left off with a new exchange rate and countdown clock.

We are very excited about this platform and its something we have been looking to push live for quite some time. This will also give you a good look at the CoinPay platform and the features that other merchants will have.

One other cool thing. Once we start accepting BTC, BCH, ETH and CLUB you will be able to select how you want to receive your binary commissions. Each cycle is $200 USD and you can take it in either token and change it up as often as you would like. You must take the whole amount for that day in a single token but it will give you tons of flexibility.

Bitcoin Mining Power Update

As you have seen from the lack of power being added to our Mining Pool we are having some issues with deployment. There have been some major delays and now we are having an issue with the power at our new the facility. Long story short it was not ready, it was promised but needs to go through a process before being turned on.

The good news is this delay is only affecting the first set of miners being deployed in this particular facility and we are on track for the rest of the scheduled power we purchased over the next few months.

More good news. We will be receiving another large compensation from the delays thanks to our contract and of course we will be passing this on to all members in the form of another large comp.

Not having this power turned on is frustrating, however we are only missing out on our pool fees (which are extremely low right now anyway). But since we are being fully compensated on all the "missed blocks" that we should be hitting with this power it is not affecting our business or payouts at all.

So please don't worry about this short term issue because there is nothing being lost. With that said, we really hope to see the power hitting our pool starting in April and we will keep you posted on the progress.

GPU Mining Payments

We have found a bug with the GPU mining shares. The bug only existed on new GPU shares purchased with BCH. Basically it was not paying some of the invoices (again due to the blockchain detection issue and when the payment was actually marked paid) and second it will not allow users to change their shares to other coins.

We should have this issue fixed within the next 48 hours so you can control your GPU shares by switching between coins and also begin being paid. Any missed payments will be made up as well and the comp will be sent in the form of ETH tokens.

ClubCoin Updates

You may have seen the scare from Bittrex that they are planning to de list ClubCoin on March 23rd. This was part of a big overhaul going on at Bittrex that will see many coins taken off the exchange that do not comply with SEC standards and may be considered securities.

Basically this was an ICO witch hunt to weed out all of the coins that cannot comply with these standards. The good news for us is ClubCoin was created and distributed before the word ICO even existed. We also never "sold" any of our coins. We gave them away 100% free and we have our own blockchain that has history since 2015.

So just to let you know we have submitted all of the documentation required to be compliant including our ClubCoin Factual and Legal Memorandum, an updated listing application proving that we pass the Howey test (which is a set of rules that determines a security or not, which we are not!), and we also submitted our corporate docs and certificate of good standing.

While we have not been officially given the green light on this we are pretty certain they will continue to list ClubCoin on their exchange and the good news is now that we have put all of this documentation together we will be submitting to many other exchanges.

Also, during this process we have created an updated version of ClubCoin that is now running live on our seed servers and is available for download in linux. We expect to roll the windows version out in the next few weeks and we will be pushing this version hard.

If you have any concerns about ClubCoin please contact us and if for some reason Bittrex does de-list ClubCoin we think it will be very temporary before they re-list it and before we push for many new exchanges. We will keep you posted on this!

Binary Credits Compensation

The last big issue we are fixing is the binary compensation paid on March 5th. Basically, some of the credits that came in during the first two weeks were not properly recorded in our system. We had some issues with the blockchain detection on BCH and therefore the invoices were not marked as "paid."

When we fixed this and went back to mark all of the invoices properly it credited everything on a single day. This caused many accounts to have blocked credits because instead of crediting them on the day they were suppose to be credited it did them all at once.

This is a really hard issue to fix properly because it was not happening for all the credits in the binary it was only for a few types of invoices and situations that it occurred. So we have pinpointed these accounts and will be running a special compensation credit based on all of those binary credits from March 5th. This will include cycle bonuses and matching bonuses.

If you have a large account that is already being blocked on a daily basis then you will not see any new credits or additional cycles. No new credits will be added to the binary (this is too hard to track accurately). Instead you will be paid on all missed cycles and matching bonuses from those cycles.

So if you are a Monster Builder who has 1,000 missing credits during this time but you maxed out your cycles then you will not see the 1,000 credits being added to your legs. We are doing the calculation in the background to figure out how many missing cycles you were allowed during the time frame and then running the cycles for that single date only.

Example: If you would have cycled 15 more times then for March 5th you will see an additional 15 cycles and matching bonuses paid upline. This is a one time credit that will appear under the March 5th date.

We will put an alert up when this credit has been paid so you can go check it.

Thanks again for your patience, we really hit a perfect storm of bugs and issues the past two months and although the year has not started out how we intended things like this only make our system stronger and allows us to build on them for the future.

We hope to get back to adding new features and focusing on development instead of bug fixing very soon!

-BCN Support

Antworten Top
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Solutions to some bugs, Mining Power, GPU and more.
Date: March 19th

Included in this update.

Solutions coming online this week
Bitcoin and Ethereum coming back
Mining Power Update
GPU Mining Payments
ClubCoin Updates
Binary Credits Compensation

Solutions coming online this week.

Over the past month, since switching over to BCH, we've been dealing with a lot of issues in our database. Our team is working daily on the solutions and we have many of them going live this week that we believe will finally fix everything.

If you have any commission issues, mining earnings issues, or any other problems with invoices please be patient with us a little bit longer and wait for this next round of uploads to fix it.

The good thing about our system is we track EVERYTHING and we can go back to provide solutions. We may need to take the site down for some of the upgrades to happen smoothly but it's our hope that we wont need to.

However, you may see some periods this week where the website will be slow or your balances may look wrong while changes are being uploaded made. Please don't be alarmed by this we are just making some upgrades and fixes.

Bitcoin and Ethereum Coming Back!

We are going to launch Bitcoin and Ethereum payments for ALL invoices in the coming weeks. So moving forward you will be able to pay invoices with BCH, BTC, ETH, or ClubCoin.

This invoicing system will be on the latest version of CoinPay which will be the full version. Right now we are just using CoinPay in the background but with this next upgrade we will be moving fully to the platform because its A LOT more robust.

We expect to make this live around the first week of April but that is assuming we don't have any issues that require our dev team to spend all of their time on.

One of the best new features is completely eliminating under payments of invoices. The way we do this is by continuing to recalculate the invoice whenever a payment is made. This also allows you to pay for a single invoice with multiple tokens.

For example if you are buying a Founder Pack for $3,500 USD and you pay $3,000 in BTC then it will recalculate the new remaining amount needed and provide an updated exchange rate for the remaining $500. You will see what is left to pay for all four tokens we accept (BTC, BCH, ETH, and CLUB).

This gives you complete flexibility over your payment method and if you accidently close the browser or have any issues then next time you login it will pick up right where you left off with a new exchange rate and countdown clock.

We are very excited about this platform and its something we have been looking to push live for quite some time. This will also give you a good look at the CoinPay platform and the features that other merchants will have.

One other cool thing. Once we start accepting BTC, BCH, ETH and CLUB you will be able to select how you want to receive your binary commissions. Each cycle is $200 USD and you can take it in either token and change it up as often as you would like. You must take the whole amount for that day in a single token but it will give you tons of flexibility.

Bitcoin Mining Power Update

As you have seen from the lack of power being added to our Mining Pool we are having some issues with deployment. There have been some major delays and now we are having an issue with the power at our new the facility. Long story short it was not ready, it was promised but needs to go through a process before being turned on.

The good news is this delay is only affecting the first set of miners being deployed in this particular facility and we are on track for the rest of the scheduled power we purchased over the next few months.

More good news. We will be receiving another large compensation from the delays thanks to our contract and of course we will be passing this on to all members in the form of another large comp.

Not having this power turned on is frustrating, however we are only missing out on our pool fees (which are extremely low right now anyway). But since we are being fully compensated on all the "missed blocks" that we should be hitting with this power it is not affecting our business or payouts at all.

So please don't worry about this short term issue because there is nothing being lost. With that said, we really hope to see the power hitting our pool starting in April and we will keep you posted on the progress.

GPU Mining Payments

We have found a bug with the GPU mining shares. The bug only existed on new GPU shares purchased with BCH. Basically it was not paying some of the invoices (again due to the blockchain detection issue and when the payment was actually marked paid) and second it will not allow users to change their shares to other coins.

We should have this issue fixed within the next 48 hours so you can control your GPU shares by switching between coins and also begin being paid. Any missed payments will be made up as well and the comp will be sent in the form of ETH tokens.

ClubCoin Updates

You may have seen the scare from Bittrex that they are planning to de list ClubCoin on March 23rd. This was part of a big overhaul going on at Bittrex that will see many coins taken off the exchange that do not comply with SEC standards and may be considered securities.

Basically this was an ICO witch hunt to weed out all of the coins that cannot comply with these standards. The good news for us is ClubCoin was created and distributed before the word ICO even existed. We also never "sold" any of our coins. We gave them away 100% free and we have our own blockchain that has history since 2015.

So just to let you know we have submitted all of the documentation required to be compliant including our ClubCoin Factual and Legal Memorandum, an updated listing application proving that we pass the Howey test (which is a set of rules that determines a security or not, which we are not!), and we also submitted our corporate docs and certificate of good standing.

While we have not been officially given the green light on this we are pretty certain they will continue to list ClubCoin on their exchange and the good news is now that we have put all of this documentation together we will be submitting to many other exchanges.

Also, during this process we have created an updated version of ClubCoin that is now running live on our seed servers and is available for download in linux. We expect to roll the windows version out in the next few weeks and we will be pushing this version hard.

If you have any concerns about ClubCoin please contact us and if for some reason Bittrex does de-list ClubCoin we think it will be very temporary before they re-list it and before we push for many new exchanges. We will keep you posted on this!

Binary Credits Compensation

The last big issue we are fixing is the binary compensation paid on March 5th. Basically, some of the credits that came in during the first two weeks were not properly recorded in our system. We had some issues with the blockchain detection on BCH and therefore the invoices were not marked as "paid."

When we fixed this and went back to mark all of the invoices properly it credited everything on a single day. This caused many accounts to have blocked credits because instead of crediting them on the day they were suppose to be credited it did them all at once.

This is a really hard issue to fix properly because it was not happening for all the credits in the binary it was only for a few types of invoices and situations that it occurred. So we have pinpointed these accounts and will be running a special compensation credit based on all of those binary credits from March 5th. This will include cycle bonuses and matching bonuses.

If you have a large account that is already being blocked on a daily basis then you will not see any new credits or additional cycles. No new credits will be added to the binary (this is too hard to track accurately). Instead you will be paid on all missed cycles and matching bonuses from those cycles.

So if you are a Monster Builder who has 1,000 missing credits during this time but you maxed out your cycles then you will not see the 1,000 credits being added to your legs. We are doing the calculation in the background to figure out how many missing cycles you were allowed during the time frame and then running the cycles for that single date only.

Example: If you would have cycled 15 more times then for March 5th you will see an additional 15 cycles and matching bonuses paid upline. This is a one time credit that will appear under the March 5th date.

We will put an alert up when this credit has been paid so you can go check it.

Thanks again for your patience, we really hit a perfect storm of bugs and issues the past two months and although the year has not started out how we intended things like this only make our system stronger and allows us to build on them for the future.

We hope to get back to adding new features and focusing on development instead of bug fixing very soon!

-BCN Support

Antworten Top
Abgesehen davon, dass Bittrex Münzen jetzt aussortiert bzw. gar nicht annimmt, hat sie auch eine NEUregistrierung unterbunden. Man kann also momentan nichts mit den Clubcoins machen. Die anderen Börsen sind sehr fragwürdig.
Weiss da jemand was man sonst tun kann, ausser w a r t e n ?
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(26.03.2018, 06:14)Elvira schrieb: Abgesehen davon, dass Bittrex Münzen jetzt aussortiert bzw. gar nicht annimmt, hat sie auch eine NEUregistrierung unterbunden. Man kann also momentan nichts mit den Clubcoins machen. Die anderen Börsen sind sehr fragwürdig.
Weiss da jemand was man sonst tun kann, ausser w a r t e n ?

Biete sie doch mal im Marktplatz an vielleicht, hat jemand Interesse.
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Mining History für die letzten 7 Tage Founder Pool Bitcoin

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Ich hab mal die durchschnittliche Senkung der Erträge für den mine 3 von Kingpin berechnet.
Der 6 Tagesdurchschnitt beträgt ca. 0,93 % weniger Ertrag vom Vortag.
Es könnte durchaus sein das Ertrag für den mine 3 am 25.04.2018 ca. 0.00020830 betragen könnte.
Mal sehen wie es wirklich wird.
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Repurchase funktioniert wieder. Provisionen wurden auch nachgebucht. Geht wieder vorwärts. Schönen Abend noch
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#Neuer Status: Weil aktuelle Zahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema der Vorstellung gepostet wurden, hat der Vorsteller den grünen Daumen als Themenicon vergeben!
Repurchase und Refcom läuft wieder normal
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#Neuer Status: Weil aktuelle Zahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema der Vorstellung gepostet wurden, hat der Vorsteller den grünen Daumen als Themenicon vergeben!
Ich denke kann hier jetzt guten Gewissens auf Grün stellen.
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Programm-Status: Auszahlungsnachweise fehlen 
#Neuer Status: Weil die Auszahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema dieser Vorstellung zu alt sind, wurde hier der gelbe Daumen als Themenicon gesetzt.
Hinweis: Bitte einen Auszahlungsbeleg im Auszahlungsthema posten, das am Ende der Vorstellung verlinkt ist!
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Programm-Status: Zahlt aus 
#Neuer Status: Weil aktuelle Zahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema der Vorstellung gepostet wurden, hat der Vorsteller den grünen Daumen als Themenicon vergeben!
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Programm-Status: Auszahlungsnachweise fehlen 
#Neuer Status: Weil die Auszahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema dieser Vorstellung zu alt sind, wurde hier der gelbe Daumen als Themenicon gesetzt.
Hinweis: Bitte einen Auszahlungsbeleg im Auszahlungsthema posten, das am Ende der Vorstellung verlinkt ist!
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Mining History für die letzten 7 Tage Founder Pool Bitcoin

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Quick Summary, New Upgrades, and Big Updates.
Date: April 25th

Included in this update.

Quick Summary of last 6 months
BCN Support & Legal Updates
New Invoicing System (BTC, BCH and ETH)
ClubCoin Update
Mining Power Update - Large Credit
Debit Cards in Testing
Mining Earnings and Wallet Balances
GPU Shares
Transaction History for Deposits
Scheduled Updates

Quick Summary of last 6 months

Right now is a crazy time to be involved in this space! Bitcoin and the entire digital currency market is going mainstream right in front of our eyes and the opportunities are plentiful. Many of you reading this have been fortunate enough to find Bitcoin early and maybe you joined this opportunity 1, 2, or even 4 years ago when we first started mining Bitcoin.

If you are among the early adopters then it's likely you are holding a small fortune made up of many different digital currencies (BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, ZEC, XMR and even CLUB). If you are brand new to BitClub then your journey is about to begin and we are excited to help you make the next few years just as lucrative as the first ones.

But either way if you are newbie or a long time member of BitClub we want you to know that our vision goes way beyond mining as we plan to add more value and more features in the next 90 days than we have in the previous 2 years.

Some people think it's too late because they missed the initial rise of Bitcoin and the opportunity is over to cash in, but these people are dead wrong!

It is still very early in Phase 1 of this digital currency revolution and we believe the next phase is where the real money will be made. Just think about it, every major industry and government organization will soon be affected by crypto and blockchain in some shape or form.

We will see huge competition for market share on services like wallets, exchanges, and newly mined blocks Lächeln Right now BitClub has a huge advantage over companies fighting for market this share. That advantage is YOU!

We have built an army of distributors around the world and many members of BitClub are becoming some of the largest crypto currency holders in the world. Our network is full of early adopters and with millions of members now enrolled in our organization we have the power to build and shape the services of tomorrow.

The sky is the limit on how big we can grow from here and over the past 6 months our top priority has been to anchor BitClub and strengthen our foundation for the next phase of this growth.

With that said. We want to address a few growing pains that we've been experiencing. Basically, it all started around September of last year when our sales skyrocketed to heights we never dreamed of, the sales were doubling each month and the market was in a total buying frenzy at the time. We quickly realized our company needed some serious help in order to scale and stay on track.

The first thing we did was limit our sales to only allow what we could purchase. This helped to manage the mining operation side but it did not slow down the BCN membership side and pretty soon just about every aspect of BitClub was bursting at the seams.

Some companies may have have folded under this hyper growth, but luckily for us all of our issues were minor and we could handle them, it just took some time and effort.

First it was the database which grew to over 1 TB in size and started to cause commissions issues, delays, and forced us to pause all the repurchases and infinity commissions until we could stabilize the database. We are still catching up on this!

At one point just trying to run the repurchase script was crashing and slowing down our servers to a crawl for 48 hours or more because of the millions of commission records it was creating and paying in real time.

Next it was the mining operation and some delays on trying to scale it (more details below), and then finally there was the support and legal side that needed major upgrades as the industry was evolving.

We realized we could no longer operate in the shadows, we needed to hire fast, get organized and tackle all of this head on if we wanted to continue providing a good user experience.

This is exactly what we've been doing and in this update you will get details on some of the key pieces we have put together as well as an outlook on the future of BitClub.

Please read and pass this along to your team. Thanks!

BCN Support & Legal Updates

We are happy to report the formation of a new operations company that was formalized and is now running the support and compliance side of our business. We have incorporated the company in Nevis under the name BitClub Network Inc.

We have also put together a structure that allows us to operate and protect our business in many jurisdictions around the world. With the formation of this new structure we will soon be launching brand new policies and procedures, terms and conditions, and very specific contract details for our mining shares moving forward.

One of the main reasons we needed to incorporate now was to stop scammers and people who are using our name to run their own scams. There are dozens of fake sites that we have come across and its been hard to go after them without a legal leg to stand on.

We have even seen fake events happening that are giving people false or misleading information and we will no longer stand for this. If you have come across any scams like this please continue to reach out and let us know so that we can begin shutting them down!

We are also incorporating to become compliant in many jurisdictions that we are operating in. This will work both ways because any unfriendly jurisdictions who make it hard to comply (like the United Sates) will be blocked and enforced.

You will see BitClub corporate taking a much stronger approach to termination in these countries and you can expect a different look as we move from the shadows into the light and make our company compliant.

Please understand this is necessary for us and we will likely be closing down more markets in the future as we evaluate the laws in each of them. Our goal is to be able to operate everywhere but at this time it's just not realistic so we will act quickly and pull out of markets who may threaten our model.

Better Support.

Under our new operations company we have hired over twenty new support people including customer service agents, management level employees, a full compliance department, a new marketing department, and lots of new programmers.

We have really been focusing on getting our ducks in a row and we are now in a position to expand fast and support all the new projects we have coming down the pipeline this year and beyond.

If you've submitted a support ticket recently you've likely noticed a significant improvement in response times and general customer service levels, this includes local language capabilities with full support in Korean and Japanese. (if you have not tried our support tickets in Korean and Japanese please do, we are ready to handle them).

We will continue to build a world-class support infrastructure to support you and part of these support improvements we have formed a dedicated leadership support team to provide VIP-level support for Master, Monster and Mega Builders in your local language. Stay tuned for additional details on when these services will launch.

Finally, after some delay, the withdrawals team is now facilitating XMR withdrawals and we are pushing all withdrawals in a much more efficient way. You can expect to see 24 hour response times for all currencies moving forward.

NOTE: If you have an XMR withdrawal pending, you should receive confirmation when complete along with details of how to access your funds. The Monero chain has been a tough one for use to navigate with the new forks and overall process Monero requires, but we are finally ahead of it and will clear out all the Monero pending withdrawals this week.

New Invoicing System (BTC, BCH, ETH)

Starting on May 10th we are bringing back Bitcoin (BTC) and we are also adding Ethereum (ETH) to all invoices. This means you can now chose from 4 different ways to pay for all products and services that BitClub offers. (Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and ClubCoin).

Even better news. It doesn't matter how you pay for your invoice or what your downline chooses to pay with because you have full control over which currency you want your commissions to be paid in. We will continue to expand this model as we make it live and improve it, but you can expect it to happen on the 10th of May.

This will include an internal conversion tool that you can easily use to swap your tokens within your virtual wallet. We are really excited to launch this system because it lays the foundation for what we want to do in the future and it also eliminates our #1 biggest problem.

That problem is overpayment and underpayment of invoices!

With our new invoice wallet if you overpay the invoice it will be auto credited to your virtual wallet, if you underpay an invoice it will sit in limbo and continue to refresh every 10 min with the new exchange rate until you pay it. You will constantly be redirected to the invoice to finish your transaction.

This is a full integration with CoinPay and you will see the invoices fully powered on the CoinPay platform when it launches. Thank you for your patience as we finalize this move and update the system accordingly.

ClubCoin Update

We have made significant progress on re listing ClubCoin on some other exchanges. Unfortunately, for reasons outside of our control, ClubCoin was de-listed from Bittrex at the end of March along with 80+ other coins. We've provided Bittrex with all the required documentation to comply and with the formation of a new legal entity and structure ClubCoin is now in good standing and full legal compliance.

We are currently submitting the coin on dozens of other exchanges and we have hired a new development team and legal team to take over the marketing, social media, and promotion of the token moving forward.

Nothing has changed with our future plans to deploy ClubCoin inside of CoinPay and we know one day it be a very valuable utility token on the platform.

What to do with your ClubCoin in Bittrex?

We just added a new internal ClubCoin wallet so that you can generate a deposit address from inside your Back Office. You can find this in your ClubCoin wallet under the Deposit Club tab. This works in the same way you generate an address for for BTC and BCH and then you can send from your Bittrex wallet or any other CC wallet.

Or we strongly recommend you can download our latest ClubCoin core and begin staking your coins and running a full node on your computer. The more nodes we have the more secure and safe the network is. Plus, you will earn staking rewards automatically (download ClubCoin here - http://www.ClubCoin.co)

Stay tuned for more updates on ClubCoin development and also the much anticipated launch of CoinPay (which we will have a big update on after this next round of BitClub upgrades is complete).

Mining Power Update – Large Credit

Our Bitcoin mining operation is currently experiencing some bad luck. We are not talking about the bad luck that is normal in mining a block, instead we are referring to overall bad luck in some circumstances.

For our latest expansion we had a very specific deployment schedule when the machines were to be turned on but it's been one thing after another causing delays in deployment.

Without getting into all the specifics and pointing fingers or blame we will just touch on some of the issues. There have been electricity issues, customs delays, shipping issues, missing power supplies, problems with racks, cooling, and even electricity rates, etc.

We are working as hard as we can to get these machines turned on ASAP and its been a real challenge that we have not encountered before. However, the good news is we are being compensated by the datacenter and by the manufacturer of this equipment on a daily basis for the downtime we are having.

As we mentioned in a previous update there is a strong clause in our contract that pays us daily for the machines not being online and while this is a good thing to have, we would much rather have the machines hashing in our pool and minting new Bitcoin.

Big Compensation Coming May 4th.

We collected another large chunk for the compensation owed to us on these delays and we will disburse this to all members on May 4th.

We are hoping to see a significant amount of power come online before the end of the month and the rest of the power is on track and scheduled to be deployed in other regions of the world without delay, so we should catch up quickly after this hiccup.

This has been a major pain point for us and we are just as anxious and excited to get this power in our pool as you are. This will provide a big boost in our overall market share and increase daily mining earnings to what they should be. So please be patient as we do everything we can to get there.

Debit Cards in Testing

We appreciate the excitement around debit cards and the ability it will provide members to utilize their earnings in everyday transactions. This undertaking hit a few legal hurdles that we are addressing now and we hope to roll out the cards to all Mega Monster and Monster Builders in the next few weeks.

We are putting significant resources behind this partnership and we will have a fully integrated solution that is exclusive to BitClub members only. This is one of our highest priorities and we will announce a rollout date very soon for everyone so please stay tuned for additional details.

Mining Earnings & Wallet Balances

We have seen many inquiries about mining earnings and wallet balances that seem to be off. This has been from the database overload and the restructuring process and its only a display issue that is temporary. We are now all caught up with commissions and any payments that were delayed or were showing wrong should now be fixed.

If you are still having an issue please open a ticket and we will take a look and make sure your balance is correct. Thanks for your patience on this, we keep very good records and accurate data so if you see something is off usually it will be automatically fixed when the next commission run is done or when one of our audit scripts kicks in.

Its actually amazing how many daily records we are now generating from all the commissions, mining earnings, partial shares, and infinity payments. All of these records you see in your back office are actually a small fraction because we summarize them to help not overload you. If you saw all the calculations that happen on a daily basis it would make your head spin.

But again most important is we have a check and balance system in place that will correct itself and save us from ever paying out more than we should without serious alarms going off. This protects us all!

GPU Shares Update

Similar to the Mining Earnings and Wallet Balance display issues, we are aware and apologize for the technical glitch not allowing you to set your account to mine anything outside of Ethereum. This has to due with invoices that were paid in BTC and some in BCH (which will soon not be an issue).

In fact, you will be able to fully control ALL of your GPU shares to mine whatever you want. So if you purchased a 5 pack right now all you can do is move all 5 to a single coin. This next upgrade will allow you to control each of them individually.

And even more exciting you can control your repurchases on each individual share. This feature was intended to work like Bitcoin mining partial shares but we had to put out some much needed fires with our DB structure and other top priority features before moving back to this.

We expect this to be live on May 1st before the new invoicing system goes into play on the 10th. We also have some big things planned on the GPU side as far as expansion and mining opportunities.

In fact, we believe 2018 will be the year to gear up on GPU shares and accumulate as much power as we can for the future because there is so much upside in the GPU shares.

With all the coins ASIC proofing their model it means GPU's will continue to be profitable and we are now starting to see demand for AI data mining, rendering, and much more. So GPU shares will become a big focus of our expansion this year!

Transaction History for Deposits

Over the past month or so we have seen a significant number of support tickets and inquiries relating to the inability to view transaction history for deposits – this is a feature that used to exist in your wallet history. This feature is also making it's way back online and will be further enhanced with the launch of our new invoicing platform on May 10th.

If you are missing a transaction or credit please let us know. At this point we have received all deposits sent and there are clear records of everything but we are seeing an issue from certain transactions that are not showing up on the member side at all.

Again, this is nothing to be concerned about because if you sent any amount of crypto to an address generated from our system we will credit it to your account. The amount may be stuck in the old table and not displaying in your balance. This will be completely fixed for all deposits and history after May 10th.

Scheduled Updates and Better Communication

Moving forward in May we are implementing a news structure that will have two updates per month. One on the 1st of the month and one on the 15th of the month. This will give you a consistent overview of everything we are doing and allow us to translate these updates in the future.

We are working on a lot of cool features right now. This includes an entirely refreshed website, member back office, marketing tools, and reporting tools to make managing your downline much easier. Now that we have a solid team in place you will begin to see huge improvements in your BitClub membership.

It took us a lot longer to get here than expected, but we now have the pieces in place for Phase 2 and we hope the lack of communication and all the issues we had over the past few months will be forgotten as we move forward and have big plans for this year.

As always, we appreciate your patience and we will continue to work hard to build this company for you!

-BCN Support Team

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Quick Summary, New Upgrades, and Big Updates.
Date: April 25th

Included in this update.

Quick Summary of last 6 months
BCN Support & Legal Updates
New Invoicing System (BTC, BCH and ETH)
ClubCoin Update
Mining Power Update - Large Credit
Debit Cards in Testing
Mining Earnings and Wallet Balances
GPU Shares
Transaction History for Deposits
Scheduled Updates

Quick Summary of last 6 months

Right now is a crazy time to be involved in this space! Bitcoin and the entire digital currency market is going mainstream right in front of our eyes and the opportunities are plentiful. Many of you reading this have been fortunate enough to find Bitcoin early and maybe you joined this opportunity 1, 2, or even 4 years ago when we first started mining Bitcoin.

If you are among the early adopters then it's likely you are holding a small fortune made up of many different digital currencies (BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, ZEC, XMR and even CLUB). If you are brand new to BitClub then your journey is about to begin and we are excited to help you make the next few years just as lucrative as the first ones.

But either way if you are newbie or a long time member of BitClub we want you to know that our vision goes way beyond mining as we plan to add more value and more features in the next 90 days than we have in the previous 2 years.

Some people think it's too late because they missed the initial rise of Bitcoin and the opportunity is over to cash in, but these people are dead wrong!

It is still very early in Phase 1 of this digital currency revolution and we believe the next phase is where the real money will be made. Just think about it, every major industry and government organization will soon be affected by crypto and blockchain in some shape or form.

We will see huge competition for market share on services like wallets, exchanges, and newly mined blocks Lächeln Right now BitClub has a huge advantage over companies fighting for market this share. That advantage is YOU!

We have built an army of distributors around the world and many members of BitClub are becoming some of the largest crypto currency holders in the world. Our network is full of early adopters and with millions of members now enrolled in our organization we have the power to build and shape the services of tomorrow.

The sky is the limit on how big we can grow from here and over the past 6 months our top priority has been to anchor BitClub and strengthen our foundation for the next phase of this growth.

With that said. We want to address a few growing pains that we've been experiencing. Basically, it all started around September of last year when our sales skyrocketed to heights we never dreamed of, the sales were doubling each month and the market was in a total buying frenzy at the time. We quickly realized our company needed some serious help in order to scale and stay on track.

The first thing we did was limit our sales to only allow what we could purchase. This helped to manage the mining operation side but it did not slow down the BCN membership side and pretty soon just about every aspect of BitClub was bursting at the seams.

Some companies may have have folded under this hyper growth, but luckily for us all of our issues were minor and we could handle them, it just took some time and effort.

First it was the database which grew to over 1 TB in size and started to cause commissions issues, delays, and forced us to pause all the repurchases and infinity commissions until we could stabilize the database. We are still catching up on this!

At one point just trying to run the repurchase script was crashing and slowing down our servers to a crawl for 48 hours or more because of the millions of commission records it was creating and paying in real time.

Next it was the mining operation and some delays on trying to scale it (more details below), and then finally there was the support and legal side that needed major upgrades as the industry was evolving.

We realized we could no longer operate in the shadows, we needed to hire fast, get organized and tackle all of this head on if we wanted to continue providing a good user experience.

This is exactly what we've been doing and in this update you will get details on some of the key pieces we have put together as well as an outlook on the future of BitClub.

Please read and pass this along to your team. Thanks!

BCN Support & Legal Updates

We are happy to report the formation of a new operations company that was formalized and is now running the support and compliance side of our business. We have incorporated the company in Nevis under the name BitClub Network Inc.

We have also put together a structure that allows us to operate and protect our business in many jurisdictions around the world. With the formation of this new structure we will soon be launching brand new policies and procedures, terms and conditions, and very specific contract details for our mining shares moving forward.

One of the main reasons we needed to incorporate now was to stop scammers and people who are using our name to run their own scams. There are dozens of fake sites that we have come across and its been hard to go after them without a legal leg to stand on.

We have even seen fake events happening that are giving people false or misleading information and we will no longer stand for this. If you have come across any scams like this please continue to reach out and let us know so that we can begin shutting them down!

We are also incorporating to become compliant in many jurisdictions that we are operating in. This will work both ways because any unfriendly jurisdictions who make it hard to comply (like the United Sates) will be blocked and enforced.

You will see BitClub corporate taking a much stronger approach to termination in these countries and you can expect a different look as we move from the shadows into the light and make our company compliant.

Please understand this is necessary for us and we will likely be closing down more markets in the future as we evaluate the laws in each of them. Our goal is to be able to operate everywhere but at this time it's just not realistic so we will act quickly and pull out of markets who may threaten our model.

Better Support.

Under our new operations company we have hired over twenty new support people including customer service agents, management level employees, a full compliance department, a new marketing department, and lots of new programmers.

We have really been focusing on getting our ducks in a row and we are now in a position to expand fast and support all the new projects we have coming down the pipeline this year and beyond.

If you've submitted a support ticket recently you've likely noticed a significant improvement in response times and general customer service levels, this includes local language capabilities with full support in Korean and Japanese. (if you have not tried our support tickets in Korean and Japanese please do, we are ready to handle them).

We will continue to build a world-class support infrastructure to support you and part of these support improvements we have formed a dedicated leadership support team to provide VIP-level support for Master, Monster and Mega Builders in your local language. Stay tuned for additional details on when these services will launch.

Finally, after some delay, the withdrawals team is now facilitating XMR withdrawals and we are pushing all withdrawals in a much more efficient way. You can expect to see 24 hour response times for all currencies moving forward.

NOTE: If you have an XMR withdrawal pending, you should receive confirmation when complete along with details of how to access your funds. The Monero chain has been a tough one for use to navigate with the new forks and overall process Monero requires, but we are finally ahead of it and will clear out all the Monero pending withdrawals this week.

New Invoicing System (BTC, BCH, ETH)

Starting on May 10th we are bringing back Bitcoin (BTC) and we are also adding Ethereum (ETH) to all invoices. This means you can now chose from 4 different ways to pay for all products and services that BitClub offers. (Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and ClubCoin).

Even better news. It doesn't matter how you pay for your invoice or what your downline chooses to pay with because you have full control over which currency you want your commissions to be paid in. We will continue to expand this model as we make it live and improve it, but you can expect it to happen on the 10th of May.

This will include an internal conversion tool that you can easily use to swap your tokens within your virtual wallet. We are really excited to launch this system because it lays the foundation for what we want to do in the future and it also eliminates our #1 biggest problem.

That problem is overpayment and underpayment of invoices!

With our new invoice wallet if you overpay the invoice it will be auto credited to your virtual wallet, if you underpay an invoice it will sit in limbo and continue to refresh every 10 min with the new exchange rate until you pay it. You will constantly be redirected to the invoice to finish your transaction.

This is a full integration with CoinPay and you will see the invoices fully powered on the CoinPay platform when it launches. Thank you for your patience as we finalize this move and update the system accordingly.

ClubCoin Update

We have made significant progress on re listing ClubCoin on some other exchanges. Unfortunately, for reasons outside of our control, ClubCoin was de-listed from Bittrex at the end of March along with 80+ other coins. We've provided Bittrex with all the required documentation to comply and with the formation of a new legal entity and structure ClubCoin is now in good standing and full legal compliance.

We are currently submitting the coin on dozens of other exchanges and we have hired a new development team and legal team to take over the marketing, social media, and promotion of the token moving forward.

Nothing has changed with our future plans to deploy ClubCoin inside of CoinPay and we know one day it be a very valuable utility token on the platform.

What to do with your ClubCoin in Bittrex?

We just added a new internal ClubCoin wallet so that you can generate a deposit address from inside your Back Office. You can find this in your ClubCoin wallet under the Deposit Club tab. This works in the same way you generate an address for for BTC and BCH and then you can send from your Bittrex wallet or any other CC wallet.

Or we strongly recommend you can download our latest ClubCoin core and begin staking your coins and running a full node on your computer. The more nodes we have the more secure and safe the network is. Plus, you will earn staking rewards automatically (download ClubCoin here - http://www.ClubCoin.co)

Stay tuned for more updates on ClubCoin development and also the much anticipated launch of CoinPay (which we will have a big update on after this next round of BitClub upgrades is complete).

Mining Power Update – Large Credit

Our Bitcoin mining operation is currently experiencing some bad luck. We are not talking about the bad luck that is normal in mining a block, instead we are referring to overall bad luck in some circumstances.

For our latest expansion we had a very specific deployment schedule when the machines were to be turned on but it's been one thing after another causing delays in deployment.

Without getting into all the specifics and pointing fingers or blame we will just touch on some of the issues. There have been electricity issues, customs delays, shipping issues, missing power supplies, problems with racks, cooling, and even electricity rates, etc.

We are working as hard as we can to get these machines turned on ASAP and its been a real challenge that we have not encountered before. However, the good news is we are being compensated by the datacenter and by the manufacturer of this equipment on a daily basis for the downtime we are having.

As we mentioned in a previous update there is a strong clause in our contract that pays us daily for the machines not being online and while this is a good thing to have, we would much rather have the machines hashing in our pool and minting new Bitcoin.

Big Compensation Coming May 4th.

We collected another large chunk for the compensation owed to us on these delays and we will disburse this to all members on May 4th.

We are hoping to see a significant amount of power come online before the end of the month and the rest of the power is on track and scheduled to be deployed in other regions of the world without delay, so we should catch up quickly after this hiccup.

This has been a major pain point for us and we are just as anxious and excited to get this power in our pool as you are. This will provide a big boost in our overall market share and increase daily mining earnings to what they should be. So please be patient as we do everything we can to get there.

Debit Cards in Testing

We appreciate the excitement around debit cards and the ability it will provide members to utilize their earnings in everyday transactions. This undertaking hit a few legal hurdles that we are addressing now and we hope to roll out the cards to all Mega Monster and Monster Builders in the next few weeks.

We are putting significant resources behind this partnership and we will have a fully integrated solution that is exclusive to BitClub members only. This is one of our highest priorities and we will announce a rollout date very soon for everyone so please stay tuned for additional details.

Mining Earnings & Wallet Balances

We have seen many inquiries about mining earnings and wallet balances that seem to be off. This has been from the database overload and the restructuring process and its only a display issue that is temporary. We are now all caught up with commissions and any payments that were delayed or were showing wrong should now be fixed.

If you are still having an issue please open a ticket and we will take a look and make sure your balance is correct. Thanks for your patience on this, we keep very good records and accurate data so if you see something is off usually it will be automatically fixed when the next commission run is done or when one of our audit scripts kicks in.

Its actually amazing how many daily records we are now generating from all the commissions, mining earnings, partial shares, and infinity payments. All of these records you see in your back office are actually a small fraction because we summarize them to help not overload you. If you saw all the calculations that happen on a daily basis it would make your head spin.

But again most important is we have a check and balance system in place that will correct itself and save us from ever paying out more than we should without serious alarms going off. This protects us all!

GPU Shares Update

Similar to the Mining Earnings and Wallet Balance display issues, we are aware and apologize for the technical glitch not allowing you to set your account to mine anything outside of Ethereum. This has to due with invoices that were paid in BTC and some in BCH (which will soon not be an issue).

In fact, you will be able to fully control ALL of your GPU shares to mine whatever you want. So if you purchased a 5 pack right now all you can do is move all 5 to a single coin. This next upgrade will allow you to control each of them individually.

And even more exciting you can control your repurchases on each individual share. This feature was intended to work like Bitcoin mining partial shares but we had to put out some much needed fires with our DB structure and other top priority features before moving back to this.

We expect this to be live on May 1st before the new invoicing system goes into play on the 10th. We also have some big things planned on the GPU side as far as expansion and mining opportunities.

In fact, we believe 2018 will be the year to gear up on GPU shares and accumulate as much power as we can for the future because there is so much upside in the GPU shares.

With all the coins ASIC proofing their model it means GPU's will continue to be profitable and we are now starting to see demand for AI data mining, rendering, and much more. So GPU shares will become a big focus of our expansion this year!

Transaction History for Deposits

Over the past month or so we have seen a significant number of support tickets and inquiries relating to the inability to view transaction history for deposits – this is a feature that used to exist in your wallet history. This feature is also making it's way back online and will be further enhanced with the launch of our new invoicing platform on May 10th.

If you are missing a transaction or credit please let us know. At this point we have received all deposits sent and there are clear records of everything but we are seeing an issue from certain transactions that are not showing up on the member side at all.

Again, this is nothing to be concerned about because if you sent any amount of crypto to an address generated from our system we will credit it to your account. The amount may be stuck in the old table and not displaying in your balance. This will be completely fixed for all deposits and history after May 10th.

Scheduled Updates and Better Communication

Moving forward in May we are implementing a news structure that will have two updates per month. One on the 1st of the month and one on the 15th of the month. This will give you a consistent overview of everything we are doing and allow us to translate these updates in the future.

We are working on a lot of cool features right now. This includes an entirely refreshed website, member back office, marketing tools, and reporting tools to make managing your downline much easier. Now that we have a solid team in place you will begin to see huge improvements in your BitClub membership.

It took us a lot longer to get here than expected, but we now have the pieces in place for Phase 2 and we hope the lack of communication and all the issues we had over the past few months will be forgotten as we move forward and have big plans for this year.

As always, we appreciate your patience and we will continue to work hard to build this company for you!

-BCN Support Team

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Mining History für die letzten 7 Tage Founder Pool Bitcoin


Es gab wie im Newsletter angekündigt am 04.05 das 3,7~ fache der normalen Earnings aber wir haben
auch wieder eine Drop nach unten gemacht am 02.05 gab es ca 15%weniger als am Tag zuvor
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Programm-Status: Auszahlungsnachweise fehlen 
#Neuer Status: Weil die Auszahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema dieser Vorstellung zu alt sind, wurde hier der gelbe Daumen als Themenicon gesetzt.
Hinweis: Bitte einen Auszahlungsbeleg im Auszahlungsthema posten, das am Ende der Vorstellung verlinkt ist!
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Mining History für die letzten 5 Tage Founder Pool Bitcoin

Antworten Top
Programm-Status: Auszahlungsnachweise fehlen 
#Neuer Status: Weil die Auszahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema dieser Vorstellung zu alt sind, wurde hier der gelbe Daumen als Themenicon gesetzt.
Hinweis: Bitte einen Auszahlungsbeleg im Auszahlungsthema posten, das am Ende der Vorstellung verlinkt ist!
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Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! After-Plan: Svuex | KI-Krypto-Broker (0,7% - 3,5% Täglich) thechaot 33 3.452 Vor 5 Stunden
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