
StartRevShare - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 
Hallo liebe Community

Ich möchte euch ein ganz besonderes neues RevShare-Programm vorstellen:


Der offizielle Starttermin ist der 2. November 2015. 

StartRevShare baut sich ein komplettes Netzwerk von Online-Projekten auf. Darum gehe ich davon aus, dass StartRevShare nicht nur von den AdPacks Einnahmen abhängig ist und somit ein langlebiges Programm sein könnte.

Im Moment zählt StartRevShare fast 6000 User und an einem Tag haben sich über 500 neue Member angemeldet. 

Wie funktioniert StartRevShare?

Es sind keine 10 Klicks erforderlich. 

Folgende Ad Packs stehen zum Erwerb zur Verfügung:

Beginner 5$, Bronze 10$, Silver 20$, Gold 50$, Platinum 100$,

für Bronze braucht man min. 100 Beginner Packs, für Silver min. 100 Bronze, für Gold min. 100 Silver und für Platinum min. 100 Gold

Maximum der erlaubten Ad Packs für alle 500

Jede Stunde wird ausbezahlt!

Alle Adpacks erwirtschaften dir 150% und du kannst damit natürlich wie immer Bannerwerbung usw. für deine anderen Programme oder Webseiten schalten.

Auszahlung max. 250$/Tag was auch für Langlebigkeit sorgt

Zahlungsprozessoren: Solidtrustpay, Payza, Payeer, Perfect Money und Bitcoin

15% Rev. Boni 1. Ebene
Re-purchase 30%

Jetzt registrieren


Würde mich über neue Partner riesig freuen!   Lächeln

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StartRevShare - Diskussion


ein kurzer Hinweis um Verwirrung zu vermeiden:

das letzte Update, welches Du gepostet hast, ist nicht neu, sondern vom 28.11. und war auch schon gepostet.
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Bist du dir da sicher?

Dann hat er es gestern nochmal gepostet?

Angehängte Dateien Bild(er)

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Der Admin hat da wohl großes vor. Bin mal gespannt ob er das auch umsetzen kann.

Zitat:Hi Everybody,

As i'm about to announce the launch of our own cryptocurrency in bitcointalk and other various forums, i want to talk about something interesting. I alreadymentioned about, which is having the coin added to other revsharing sites. But there's another huge market of people eager to use Adzcoin!

As you know a lot of revsharing sites face issues, and only a couple of them are really stable. That's why we are focusing so much on building that external network for SRS and our own currency as we can create a reserve funds of millions of dollars very soon.

However, for other sites the main problems (which i know everything about) are:
-> Too many hit-and-run people join who just want to make a quick buck.
-> Too many scammers who exploit the loopholes of payment processors to make a quick buck.
-> An usustainable business model.

I'm sure most of you know exactly what i mean and some of you might have even lost some dollars on revsharing sites. And i'm sure you would do anything to recoup your money right? Or if you haven't been duped yet, you would do anything to avoid this right?

Some sites that come to mind are:
-> Rioadshare: Too high profits initially = running out of funds
-> Revadburst: overrun with scammers
-> HQrevshare: Impossible to sustain the next period no matter what they say or do

That's where ADZcoin comes in!

We have the ability to create a 100% sustainable revsharing model using our coin for members and an extra income stream for admins at the same time so they can keep paying members on time.

Let me explain how this will work:

1. Members fund their account or buy ad packs using ADZcoin
Either members can buy Adzcoin on exchanges, or use the free Adzcoins they earn on Startpeeps.

2. Admin refers his members to Startpeeps
This will make him earn commissions 3 levels deep (10% - 5% - 5%) earning him a lot of Adzcoins which he can use to pay members.

3. Members refer more people to Startpeeps
This will allow members to earn more Adzcoin so they can ivest more on the site, plus the admin will earn more referral commissions to pay out members.

As you can see, admins of other sites can make a nice profit when they use this method, and members can feel secure they won't run out of money to pay them, so this makes it a win-win situation for all parties.

So what does this mean for us?

When Adzcoin gets added to multiple other revsharing sites, the volume will inevitably skyrocket. Everybody benefits from the coin hvaing a higher value over time. Members can just hold on to the coin and turn $1 into $2 over and over again. And better yet, smart members will just hold on to the coin until it peaks.

With this i mean a coin worth $0,1 now (just an example) could be worth $20+ in due time. You can imagine your profit if you have 1000's of coins in your wallet?

So how can you help Adzcoin and yourself at the same time? (as every member of SRSis a pioneer here)

1. I'll create an announcement thread on bitcointalk (the biggest crypto forum) and some other forums to promote the coin tomorrow morning. If you have some time, posting a review on some positive words would be great.

2. Some exchanges require voting to have coins added, and everybody can post a free vote for Adzcoin. More exchanges = more volume = higher coin value = more money for you.

3. Once everything is set up and the coin is added to exchanges and coinpayments.net etc, i'll start contacting owners of other revsharing sites. I know they would have to be a fool not to add Adzcoin as option to buy ad packs, but what will definately help is tons of people requesting it. So when i contacted the admins, it would be nice if all of you couls submit a ticket saying something like "Please add Adzcoin to your site, i'll buy a lot of ad packs" or something.

That being said, i have a little surprise for everybody too when everything is set up, some free coins are coming the way of every SRS member who bught ad packs soon!

I'll keep you updated about all if this tomorrow, i already thank you in advance!

Have a nice day,

PS: The new scrpt for SRS is making good progress!
PPS: the wallet for Adzcoin on Startpeeps is almost ready.
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Seit 2 Wochen steht meine Auszahlung auf PM auf "pending"!

Geht das nur mir so?
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.und neue Packs generieren auch nichts seit gestern.

Hat mit startpeeps zu tun der gute Admin und die SRS-Member gucken in die Röhre
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(09.12.2015, 21:34)Riii83 schrieb: Seit 2 Wochen steht meine Auszahlung auf PM auf "pending"!

Geht das nur mir so?

Bei mir mittlerweile auch 4 PM-Auszahlungen auf pending. Seit 27.11. Also auch bereits 2 Wochen. Kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass sich da nochmal was tun soll.

Hat vielleicht jemand in den letzten 2 Wochen versucht, über andere Prozessoren auszuzahlen? Laut Homepage wird auf alle Prozessoren außer PM ausgezahlt ROFL (Lachend über den Boden rollen)
Allerdings heute offensichtlich überhaupt keine Auszahlungen (falls diese Angaben auf der HP überhaupt stimmen sollten)

Gruß stefanf7
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Auszahlung auf BC vor 4 Stunden beantragt, Pending, ich werde berichten
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An alle die mit pm eingezahlt haben kann ich nur den tipp geben mit einem anderem prozessor vieleicht 10$ mehr einzuzahlen. Wenn nicht all zu viel investiert wurde natürlich. Bei mir war es so. Ich habe 330$ mit pm eingezahlt und habe etwa 5 - 6 zahlungen auf pending. Nun habe ich 400$ mit payeer nachgezahlt und hab die auszahlung in kürze bekommen. Die Auszahlung funktionieren im Moment nur bei pm nicht. Wie lange das dauern wird weiss niemand. Ich kann nun wieder auszahlen. Werde die hier auch posten.
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[Bild: 2015-12-12_1612.png]
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Hallo an alle,

aktueller Status:

1. Neue Packs laufen seit 4 tagen nicht!

es $ 0.03000000 2015-12-09 02:21:10 Beginner Ad Pack
Yes $ 0.00000000 2015-12-09 04:08:02 Beginner Ad Pack
Yes $ 0.00000000 2015-12-10 06:01:36 Silver Ad Pack
Yes $ 0.00000000 2015-12-10 06:01:49 Silver Ad Pack
Yes $ 0.00000000 2015-12-10 09:18:54 Beginner Ad Pack
Yes $ 0.00000000 2015-12-10 09:23:06 Bronze Ad Pack

2. Bitcoin $ 35.00 Pending 12-10-2015 02:12:51

3. Minimum Cashout $25.00
Maximum Cashout $250.00
Your Balance: $66.46200000
Your are not allowed to cashout on weekends.

Keine Cashouts am Wochende!

4. Was der Admin da so treibt mit startpeeps, adzcoins und allem möglichen finde ich höchst intransparent! SRS-Investoren sind zunehmend sauer, aber jeder der Kritik übt wird in der FB-Gruppe gleich niedergemacht.

Mein Fazit: Ich bereue den Einstieg zutiefst und hoffe, dass ich wenigstens meine eingezahlte Summe irgendwie zurückbekomme, wonach es im Moment leider nicht aussieht! Ich habe mit Kreditkarte eingezahlt und Rückzahlung sollte aufs Konto sein, das war ja ein paar tage später schon nicht mehr möglich. dann habe ich etwas mit BC eingezahlt und auch eine Auszahlung erhalten und nun passiert hier gar nichts mehr, keine Auszahlung, packs stehen, rudimentäre Kommunikation u.s.w.

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Heute Zahlung erhalten:

Bitcoin $ 35.00 Paid 12-10-2015 02:12:51
Bitcoin $ 100.00 Paid 12-14-2015 08:12:34
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Programm-Status: Zahlt aus 
Vorgestern Auszahlung auf Payeer beantragt und heute erhaltenLächeln

Operation date: 16 Dec 2015 20:25
Operation ID: 113689862
Operation type: transfer
Status: execute
Receiving sum: 30.07 $
Payeer commission: 0.29 $
Deposit amount: 29.78 $
Comment: Startrevshare Payment!

From: P23047344

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PM geht immer noch nicht. Was soll ich nun tun um mein Geld da raus zu bekommen?

Sind schon 4 Aufträge "pending"!
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Ich habe zu payeer gewechselt, habe da mehr einbezahlt als mit pm. Dann konnte ich mit payeer geld auszahlen. Habe auch einige pendete Zahlungen mit PM aber dies bis nächste Woche sollte das Problem behoben werden sein. Die pendenten Zahlungen mit pm sind nicht verloren.

Hi Everybody,

Just a quick update on proceedings and an a question to the community about something that could change the revsharing world forever.

-> As you know we're working hard on putting together everything o Startpeeps and making ADZcoin our wn currency popular. Just think of it this way, if ADZcoin becomes popular, we have a huge external income source to pay members of SRS. Now i need to shuffle money around from different processors and it's simply risky and not the way i want to run this business (see what happened to other revsharing sites). I know everybody wants to get paid asap, so we're working hard ot make that happen.

- We'll start selling advertising products using ADZcoin soon, mainly ad space on Startpeeps, our forum and static banners on SRS.
- We're finalising the payment gateway to be integrated in the marketplace, which will look quite similar to Fiverr for instance and allow users to buy and sell micro services and/or products. So we're looking forward to add this addition to our network soon!
- I'll be launching some heavy promo campaigns to mainly attract advertisers. This will both allow us to make more sales and leverage their marketing skills to attract more users to Startpeeps. The marketing angle is very simple: "Get Free Advertising For Life!" How can they get that? Be active and invite all your friends and family to Startpeeps to earn a lot of ADZcoin!

-> We have started distributing free ADZ, and i'm now busy with setting up the promotions for people who have ordered the special offer. We'll be distributing a lot of free referrals so you'll be able to see your earnings grow fast!

Also make sure to get active on Startpeeps, it's the main platform that will be the catalyst to make our project succeed so any help is appreciated.

- Share your referral link on social media
- Invite your friends and family
- rebrand the free report, add your affiliate link and share it everywhere
- add a mention on your website or blog
- send an email to your email list

Or if you have other creative ways to promote Startpeeps just share with the group!

-> The coin has been added to various exchanges and is now pending approval. So i hope to get good news on that very soon so the coin be exchanged, bought and sold.

I think i mentioned this already but for EU and UK members there's good news as in january the coin will be added to bittylicious.com which is a buying and selling platform for cryptocurrencies so you'll be able to easily sell your coins for cash straight to your bank account.

-> Changing the revsharing world
Now here's something i already talked about before, but which is more relevant than ever. As yu might know (and experienced) several revsharing sites are closing doors lately. Revadburst and HQrevshare for instance stopped paying and any people lost money.

We can help them!

Yes that's right, we can esnure everybody that lost money (or wasted a lot of time) on other sites can recoup their money and make a very solid profit on the sites that were forced to close doors. Here's the concept:

1. Admin adds option to buy ad packs using ADZcoin (same gateway as Bitcoin can be edited in minutes)
2. Admin invites all his members to Startpeeps and earns referral commissions and a lot of ADZ (3-tier referral program)
3. Admin uses these referral commissions to pay his members the ad pack returns

It's a very simple but very effective method for the members to earn a lot of ADZ easily, and the admin to add an extra income stream to the site which is basically 95% hands-free. A win-win situation for everybody involved.

Now i'm just talking about the revsharing sites that failed, i'm not even talking about the revsharing sites that already do well and can expand their business! Just thinking about this gives me chills because if we can convince the admins to add ADZcoin as a form of payment to buy ad packs, the volume will go through the roof and the value of the coin will go up like crazy and could make ADZcoin a top 5 coin in a matter of weeks!

And that's not all, ADZcoin could be used in this way for ALL hyip and other reward programs online. The potential is just huge.

Now as you see, this can (and will) benefit all SRS members because you all have the opportunity to earn a lot of ADZ on Startpeeps right now as we're still in the initial phase, and ensure SRS to have a solid reserve funds that will allow us to keep paying members forever.

So that's why i want to ask if there are members here who can somehow get in touch with either other admins or members from other revsharing sites? Perhaps through facebook groups or whatever just to elighten them about thsi opportunity we're about to unleash.

Obviously i'll contact all admins of other sites myself too, but i think as a group we can make a serious impact and have ADZcoin added to even the biggest revsharing and hyip's out there.

Anybody who has any suggestions or wants to help out, just reply to this post!

I look forward to hearing what you think!

Have a nice day!

[Bild: 2015-12-21_1934.png]
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Hi Everybody,

Hope you had a great time this week during the holidays!

Well the moment is finally here to introduce the launch of ADZcoin on the first exchange Yobit and it's trading already. So this is great news for SRS and Startpeeps members as we have created a major asset that will secure the future of our project. (more about that later)

Here you can find the exchange: https://yobit.net/?bonus=cqrFh (ref link, sign up here as every bit helps )

Trading can be done in the ADZ page, and you first need to fund your Bitcoin wallet. You can see that ADZ is currently selling for about 2-5 cents here: http://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/adzcoin/ but it fluctuates a lot which is common with cryptocurrencies.

So in short to trade:
-> Fund your yobit Bitcoin wallet
-> Go to the ADZ page and check the "sell" orders (prices are listed in Bitcoin)
-> Click the amount of ADZ available and "buy" and your Bitcoins will be traded for ADZ
-> For selling the same applies but in the other column.

As i said, ADZ can be bought in large amounts for a couple of pennies which is an absolute steal. In fact, everything below $1 is an absolute steal as our coin has so much potential it's crazy.

So how will this help SRS members i hear you wonder. Well, here's an overview of solutions and measures:

-> Securing SRS's future
As some have already suggested, setting a reserve funds is something that will help secure SRS's future. So we'll be setting aside 5 million coins as a reserve funds for SRS cashouts. Anybody who read the report about Startpeeps and making the coin useful in our network understands that the only way for this coin is up, so 5 million coins is more than enough for SRS members to feel secure. Read the report here if you haven't done so yet: https://startpeeps.com/report.pdf

-> No more begging and name calling
The important measure is that the admins and staff of SRS and Startpeeps need to be treated with respect. You wouldn't believe how people behave for a couple of dollars pending in their account. Clearly they don't have a long-term vision, don't respect the hard work we put in and they can simply go elsewhere. So the rule is very simple:
No more begging for cashouts, stalking any admin, member or SRS staff or your SRS and Startpeeps account will be suspended and your initial deposit minus paid cashouts will be sent back to you and we wish you all the best making quick bucks elsewhere (you'll need it).

-> So before asking and losing your account and not making a dime on SRS, let me make it very clear that everybody will keep on earning on SRS and get paid in due time. I think by now that should be clear as Startpeeps is exploding, the ADZcoins gain value and we're working on several other projects simultaneously. PLUS, without the beggars and complainers, we'll have a lot more time as our staff will be able to actually help grow our business, not needing to deal with people trying to destroy our business. While we build up this business, we'll do as many cashouts as possible.

-> Earn more using Startpeeps, trading ADZcoin and help the community!
As you know now, negativity will bring our project down, so we need to illiminate that and weed out the people looking for a quick buck which we will do efficiently starting today. That being said, we're also looking to build a solid community of people helping each other, and what's a better way to help each other than to make extra money in the process?
So what you can do is:
- Start using Startpeeps on a daily basis to earn free ADZcoins. If not a member yet join here: https://startpeeps.com/index.php…
- Invite your friends and family, show them the Startpeeps report and earn affiliate commissions in the process (it's free)
- Spread positivity about Startpeeps and ADZcoin, as perception is a main aspect of determining coin value, so every bit of positivity helps a bunch.
- Buy ADZcoin NOW and stash them some months to cash out big! Seriously you're able to buy ADZ for some pennies at the moment which is absolutely crazy. If you want to learn about a solid investment, this is about as solid as it gets.

So i think everything is pretty clear now, if needed we'll add more measures as our only goal is to build a long-term sustainable business, and nobody can hold us back from achieving this. If it's needed to go on a mass banning spree, so be it. I think it's pretty clear SRS is not a regular revshare site, so we just want to work with people who understand what we are doing and support us. I don't think that's too much to ask right as you'll be the one earning a solid passive income.

Have a nice day and all the best,
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Bitcoin $ 26.00 Pending 12-21-2015 02:12:39
Bitcoin $ 25.00 Pending 12-22-2015 06:12:11
Bitcoin $ 25.00 Pending 12-23-2015 01:12:34
Bitcoin $ 35.00 Pending 12-24-2015 03:12:10
Bitcoin $ 35.00 Pending 12-25-2015 09:12:55
Bitcoin $ 93.00 Pending 12-28-2015 04:12:10

Meine persönliche Meinung ist, dass dieses Programm nur für eine kleine eingefleischte Gemeinde um den Admin herum gemacht ist und alle, die nicht mit dem Strom schwimmen werden, auch in der FB-Gruppe, niedergemacht. Ich möchte eben nur entsprechend der Regeln meine Pakete kaufen und verkaufen aber verkaufen ist hier nicht gewollt und man ist vom "good will" der Admins abhängig. Kritik ist nicht erwünscht (s. offizielles Posting oben).
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Bitcoin $ 26.00 Pending 12-21-2015 02:12:39
Bitcoin $ 25.00 Pending 12-22-2015 06:12:11
Bitcoin $ 25.00 Pending 12-23-2015 01:12:34
Bitcoin $ 35.00 Pending 12-24-2015 03:12:10
Bitcoin $ 35.00 Pending 12-25-2015 09:12:55
Bitcoin $ 93.00 Pending 12-28-2015 04:12:10
Bitcoin $ 29.00 Pending 12-29-2015 04:12:39
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Ich habe heute zwei Auszahlungen erhalten, nachdem sie einige Zeit auf pending waren.

Bitcoin $ 25.79 Paid 12-14-2015 01:12:11
Bitcoin $ 26.20 Paid 12-28-2015 03:12:26


Hat aber wie man sieht über zwei Wochen gedauert, und es wurden auch beide Auszahlungen in einer Überweisung gemacht.
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Hi Everybody,
Hope you're doing well today!
The last day fo the year today and it's been quite a year 2015 isn't it? „wink“-Emoticon
Let's say we have used 2015 to make the next year amazing! Learned a lot, adjusted where needed and now ready to roll!
As you know we're now working on stabalizing SRS, getting our other project in full gear to ensure we can create an amazing platform that will help a lot of people earn a full-time income online.
But as i stated many times already, this takes time as money doesn't come falling out of the sky. We need to be on our toes and work hard and luckily for you we are doing just that. „smile“-Emoticon
ADZcoin is going well and is starting to gain traction, and as you know we have a 5 million ADZ reserve funds ready so nobody needs to fear we'll end like Hrevshare or Revadburst etc. They didn't have a solid plan, we do!
And the next addition to end 2015 and kickstart 2016 will be the announcement of the first version of our very own ADZ payment gateway! Soon everybody will be able to accept payments straight to their ADZ wallet.
When this is ready we'll add it to our Fiverr-like marketplace too and get this project off the ground, and from then on the sky is the limit really. Just think about it:
-> Everybody can earn free ADZ on Startpeeps = Tons of buyers
-> Advertisers can promote their products to those buyers for free in our network = No Ad costs
This will mark the start of something that can make a complete change on how payments are being made online, and how people advertise their business. We just need to ensure both buyers and advertisers can connect the dots and ADZcoin will go to the moon pretty fast.
I'll be creating some WSO's about all these new additions next week and make some serious announcements for the Start Network pretty soon, so stay tuned.
AND REMEMBER: All of this is to benefit the SRS community, if you're a member now i'll make it my personal goal to help ALL of you live the good life from home in 2016. I started this concept and i won't stop until i finish it. People that been working with me the past year KNOW i mean this. So please don't beg for cashouts again, it's simply not relevant atm because we're building a multi-million dollar business you all get a share in „wink“-Emoticon
For now enjoy the evening at the party or with your family, we're going to rock 2016 that's for sure!
All the best,
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Keine Auszahlungen BC seit 21.12.
Packs stehen auch wieder
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