
Ultimate Revshare - bis zu 12% täglich - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

Hallo Community,
Ich möchte euch hiermit UltimateRevshare vorstellen 

[Bild: 163413_175354582501702_5049008_n.jpg?oh=...e=57B7C816][Bild: 12928271_10208779996998231_6997599877862...e=57970FD5]

UltimateRevshare ist ein Advertising Revshare-Programm und wurde am 15. Februar 2016 gelauncht. Der Admin ist Tom Taylor ein in der Szene bekannter Admin  der in dem Bereich schon seit 2004 tätig ist. Seit dem 11.04.2016 läuft das Programm auf einem 100% selbst Programmierten Skript mit in der Revshare-Szene revolutionären Features (300% Auszahl-Limit, Ambassadors, Ref.Kauf, Automatisches Re-Purchase System). Bis jetzt (11.04.2016) haben sich 5851 Member angemeldet.


[Bild: pack11.png]
[Bild: pack22.png]
[Bild: daily.png]

Für die Stabilität und Langlebigkeit gibt es die 50/50 Regel.
50% Der earnings gehen auf die Cash Balance und können ausgezahlt werden und 50% gehen auf die Repurchase Balance und können zur reinvestierung genutzt werden. 

Bedingung für die Umsatzbeteiligung:

Um die Umsatzbeteiligung erhalten zu können müssen 5 Banner Klicks getätigt werden. Bis zum 15.04 bekommt man die Umsatzbeteiligung ohne Klicks.

URS Featurs:


Mit dem neuen Skript wurde ein "Auszahl-Limit" implementiert welches es in der Form noch nicht gab in der Revshare-Szene. 
Das Auszahlungslimit beträgt 300% der Einlagen, kann aber durch Re-Investieren (nur bei Cash-Balance) oder neue Einzahlungen erhöht werden. 

Beispiel: Zahlt man 100$ ein kann man maximal 300$ auszahlen 
Wird nun z.B. 10$ mit der Cash Balance nachgekauft erhöht sich das Auszahl-Limit um 30$ 
(10$ * 300%) und man könnte dann max. 330$ Auszahlen.

Maximal können 2000$ eingezahlt und 6000$ ausgezahlt werden. Umso mehr packs man hat umso schneller kann man die 6000$ erreichen. Nachdem man sein maximales Auszahl-Limit erreicht hat wird das Konto auf 0 gesetzt und man muss von vorne beginnen.

Diese neue Regel fördert zu einem den Cash-Flow da immer wieder neues Geld eingezahlt werden muss sobald man sein Auszahl-Limit erreicht hat und es verhindert das einzelne Personen Unmengen an Geld Auszahlen und andere auf der Strecke bleiben. Somit macht es das ganze fairer für alle Beteiligten und stabilisiert die Langlebigkeit des Programmes 

Referall Comissions werden nicht mit eingerechnet beim Auszahl-Limit und können "unendlich" ausgezahlt werden. 

Im Video nochmal erklärt ab min. 8:41

Referral Kauf:
Sobald sich Member ohne Sponsor auf der Seite einschreiben und mind. 10$ eingezahlt haben besteht die Möglichkeit diesen Member als Referral zu kaufen. 


Automatisches Re-Purchase System:

Mit dem neuen Skript wurde ein System implementiert welches ermöglicht Adpacks Automatisch,  aus der Cash-Balance oder Re-Pruchase Balance (Re-Investier Konto) nachkaufen zu lassen. Somit muss man nicht selber Online sein und die Packs manuell nachkaufen.  

[Bild: 12419160_1691480874438938_1496275235103081926_o.jpg]


Die URS-Ambassadors sind Member die sich dazu entschlossen haben ein Support Team zu errichten und bei Fragen oder Problemen zu helfen. Sie wurden durch den Admin ausgewählt und stehen in engen Kontakt mit ihm. Aus jedem Land das bei URS vertreten ist wurde 1. Person ausgewählt die sich, auf der jeweiligen Sprache, um Fragen und Support kümmert. Diese Idee hat sich bis jetzt sehr bewährt. Erreichen kann man diese Personen in der Offiziellen Facebook Gruppe. 

Ein und Auszahlung:

Ein und Auszahlungsprozessoren sind:
Payza, Perfect Money, OkPay, Solid Trust Pay, CratePay, Bitcoin

Einzahlungsgebühren: 3%
Auszahlungsgebühren: keine

Einzahlung: Minimum 5$
Auszahlung: Von Mo-Fr 1 mal pro Tag möglich. 

Minimum 10$ und Maximum 120$

Referall Commission:
1. Ebene 10%  
2. Ebene  2%

Dabei gehen 50% der Commission auf die Cash Balance und können ausgezahlt werden und 50% gehen auf die Repurchase Balance und müssen reinvestiert werden. 

Happy Earning

Bei einer Anmeldung über meinen link biete ich 50% RCB für die erste Einzahlung. Schickt mir dafür einfach eine PN mit euren Daten. 

Angehängte Dateien Bild(er)

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Ultimate Revshare - bis zu 12% täglich - Diskussion

Alter Rakican das sieht gut aus Grinsen

Was hast denn investiert?
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Seit heute morgen komme ich nicht mehr in die Seite bei der ich die packs nachlaufen kann und automatisch kauft das System keine mehr. Könnt ihr mir helfen vielleicht mache ich da einen Fehler?
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mir gehts genauso - mit verschiedenen browsern. liegt sicher an der seite - mal abwarten Lächeln
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(04.03.2016, 08:56)schampus schrieb: Seit heute morgen komme ich nicht mehr in die Seite bei der ich die packs nachlaufen kann und automatisch kauft das System keine mehr. Könnt ihr mir helfen vielleicht mache ich da einen Fehler?
Ja das ist bei mir auch so.

Es steht ja eine Nachricht auf dem Dashboard:

IMPORTANT: I have just been informed that we have an earnings issue for all packs purchased over the past few hours! It is for that reason that I have temporarily suspended the Add Funds and Purchase pages so we can investigate properly! As both hosting and programmers are all in different time zones, that may take a few hours! Your patience and understanding is very much appreciated - Thank you! 

Heisst soviel wie das sie ein Problem mit den Verdiensten hatten von den Adpacks. Jetzt haben sie das Adpack kaufen vorerst deaktiviert um das Problem zu analysieren. Es könnte ein paar Stunden dauern

Lg Gamer
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Hi all, just been informed that we have an earnings issue for all packs purchased over the past few hours! It is for that reason that I have temporarily suspended the Add Funds and Purchase pages so we can investigate properly! As both hosting and programmers are all in different time zones, that may take a few hours! Your patience and understanding is very much appreciated - Thank you

Gab ein kleines Problem mit dem Skript Tom ist aber schon dran und um eine schnelle Lösung des Problems zu gewährleisten wurde das Kaufen von Adpacks und das Geld einzahlen für die Zeit deaktiviert.

Außerdem gab es ein "kleines" update Frech :

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Hi all, As you all now by now, I have always been as transparent as possible to you! This will never change, any admin hiding behind BS and excuses should not be in business - PERIOD! So here we go 1 x 1: 1. Surfing requirements: I am starting to tear out that little hair I have left as I am getting the run around from my programmer in regards to re-coding the surfing file. I was promised to be finished a few days ago and then it wasn't, 24h ago I send a NOT so nice Email, asking for a definite date to get that delivered, got a reply overnight saying you WILL have that file by March 5th. hmmm, lets see. As I am ahead around 12h of server time, that should be enough for me to implement that file, so we can start surfing requirements as planned! Going by past experience, that MAY not be the case, so some last minute change might happen, sorry, not much I can do about when relying on a 3rd party to fix things! 2. Singapore: Let's Meet! My wife Cathy has been taking a back seat far too many times over the past few month whilst I was busy creating and tweaking the URS plan and turn it into reality! To make it up to her, I will take her to Singapore for a few days over the upcoming Holiday period, known as Easter to most of you! Now, among just being a holiday, I already organized to meet up with our FB admin Albert and the great man Uday from MPA, who I hold in the utmost respect! Those of you that are a member at MPA, let me assure you all will be well VERY soon and you will be ready to take off with this great site once again. Now, Albert had a great suggestion: Anybody in the Singapore area, I would like to invite you to have a little get together over coffee on Sunday Match 27th, venue and time to be announced as we get closer. This will give me a chance to meet some of you in the 'flesh' so to speak, vice versa! So I am looking forward to see as many as possible during my short trip to Singapore, stay tuned for more Details! 3.Banner Ads: Guys, I cant say it often enough! Please CHECK your banner sizes and make sure the image shows within a few seconds BEFORE submitting your Banners! I started my day today by checking over 160 (YES) banners manually, of which over 20% I had to reject due to wrong size or image not showing. Sometimes it just helps to change from https to http or the other way around! 4. URS - The App That is ready and I need to get it approved before I can give you access to download the app. I called it URSeverywhere, approval may take another 2-3 days, so pls be patient, the developer has assured me that it will work on ALL platforms, me being a novice to apps, I have to say, we will see huh? 5. BTC payments Step 1, try to use the Add Funds page, if that doesn't work, at least it will trigger an alert in my admin area, from which I can approve the transaction and make sure it shows in your history, even IF you end up sending it manually (another thing for the programmer to fix, grrrr). Step2. After you have made the payment, please send a ticket via our support page stating your username, BTC address send from and exact amount, makes life a lot easier, especially if I been ssleep and wake up to several payments needing approval - YES, I try to sleep too, lol. That is all for now, hope you had a great week, let's have an even better Weekend!

Kurze Zusammenfassung:

1) Es sind jetzt über 3000 Member an Board Sehr gut!
2) Das Werbung schauen wird voraussichtlich wie geplant am 5.März starten
3)Wer am 27. zufällig in Singapor ist. Der Admin lädt zum Kaffee ein Frech  er wird sich dort auch mit Uday Nara treffen einige werden den Namen kennen - Admin von MPA
4) Die URS App ist fertig, steht kurz vor den Startlöchern und wird "URSeverywhere" heißen.
5) BTC Einzahlungen werden teilweise Manuelle bestätigt

Member: 3033
Total Purchases: 394614.00$ 
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geht zur zeit keine einzahlung . ? und muß man z.B. nach 9 tage wieder neue 1$ packs kaufen ?
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Eigentlich sollte man jeden Tag neue AdPacks nachkaufen.
Wenn du Beispielsweise mit 20$ anfängst dann bekommst du 20*0.12$ = 2.40$ täglich bis die Pakete auslaufen. Das heißt du könntest am 1.Tag 2 neue Pakete dazu kaufen und würdest am folgenden Tag 22*0.12$ = 2.64$ bekommen.
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(04.03.2016, 15:40)Rmztrader schrieb: geht zur zeit keine einzahlung . ? und muß man z.B. nach 9 tage wieder neue 1$ packs kaufen ?

Auszahlungen sind nicht betroffen. Es kann weiter ausgezahlt werden die Earnings laufen bei mir auch weiter.
Es ist zurzeit nur nicht möglich neue Packs zu kaufen aber an dem Problem wird gearbeitet. 

Mit der cash Balance kann man neue Packs kaufen muss man aber nicht.
Wenn du weiter aufbauen willst dann ja wenn du auszahlen willst dann nicht.
Die Repurchase Balance - Reinvestiert Konto kann nur zum Packs nachkaufen verwendet werden. 
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Hi all,
just a quick note to let you know that all services are now available again,
we just installed some temporary measures to get back to normal operations and will closely monitor ongoing procedures within the script, whilst developing a more long term solution that will be acceptable to all of us.
I thank you so much for your patience and understanding, I am so lucky to have such a great bunch of members - YOU ROCK!

Läuft wieder  Sehr gut!

Member: 3108
Total Purchases: 406657$
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Bin dann auch mal dabei, Rakican, habe dir eine pn gesendet. Schönes Wochenende noch allen.
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(05.03.2016, 11:46)timeout schrieb: Bin dann auch mal dabei, Rakican, habe dir eine pn gesendet. Schönes Wochenende noch allen.

Auch hier nochmal willkommen an Bord Lächeln 

Die Stats gefallen mir immer noch sehr gut  Sehr gut!

Werbung gucken wurde auf den 12.03 verschoben, da das Skript wohl im Hintergrund optimiert wird damit es nicht wieder zu Earning Problemen kommt wie am 04.03. 
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Komisch irgendwie, heute steht: Total Members: 3156.wie geht das nun?
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(06.03.2016, 23:39)timeout schrieb: Komisch irgendwie, heute steht: Total Members: 3156.wie geht das nun?

Das hatte der Admin am Anfang des Programmes bei Facebook erklärt. Member die nicht aktiv sind und nichts eingezahlt haben werden nach einiger Zeit gelöscht. Deswegen kommt es zu den Schwankungen bei der Member Anzahl Zwinkern 
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Ah okay, danke für die schnelle Antwort, rakican, TOP!
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News Update:

Good day everyone.
So remember that all important update I mentioned to you guys earlier? well here it is. Read every word very carefully so there are no misunderstandings.

We made a promise to offer our customers a high quality program complemented by high service standards.

So as I'm sure most of you are aware, there have been some inconsistencies with earnings over the past couple of days. Unfortunately these are all very common issues experienced by most programs especially in the early stages of launch. However, we ARE NOT most programs and take all reported issues very seriously.

With the industry flooded with frauds, scams, trolls among other things, it is our duty to show you that we mean business and we also have the backing of some of the top leaders in the industry who has already joined our program recognizing it's potential and value.

So Tom (owner) has mentioned to you guys several times about the horrible service provided by the current script company being used. Therefore some of the issues that arise are not being addressed in a timely and efficient manner. This is not in line with our set objectives outlined in our Customer Service policy. We said from day one that our goal is to offer the highest quality program coupled with impeccable customer service.

Unfortunately it has proven to be a bit difficult as our reliance on the script company has set us back in trying to maintain our set objectives and standards. We have made a decision by saying NO MORE. We WILL NOT sacrifice the quality of our program because of their inefficiencies. So we scanned the market looking for the highest quality script out there to meet our needs. Unfortunately, we found none that would enable us to implement our future plans and offer the level of service that we desired. I told you guys we were working on something huge that will eliminate all earnings and script issues in the future, well here it is.

We have contracted one of the top programmers from Microsoft to develop OUR VERY OWN 100% custom built script. Yes, it came at a hefty price but as I said, quality and consistency of service is of utmost importance. Please be advised that this was always intended however we did not expect such amazing growth in such a short space of time.

What this means is that we would have 100% control of our own script while working with some of the best programmers and support staff in the industry. No more having to wait and beg for service. We are in full control now. This is being done as part of our efforts to ensure we have one of the best programs online with the highest quality service and infrastructure. We might as well get it done now than wait until we have 10000 members right?

However with that being said, with every great accomplishment comes a trade off. The expected timeframe to get everything transferred over and tested by our beta testers is approximately one(1) week from today. Therefore we will need to freeze all operations 1 by 1 until all work and testing is completed. We are fully aware of the inconvenience this may cause and therefore thought about how we can make it up to you guys. So what we are going to do when we resume operations is ?
Answer: We will double the current earnings for 3 full days when we resume on the new script!

This is the step by step timeplan:
Step 1. Adding funds will be disabled from Monday midnight servertime!
Step 2. New purchases will be disabled from Tuesday midnight.
Step 3. Earnings will be stopped as of Wednesday midnight!
Step 4. Withdrawals and ALL other functions will be disabled by Thursday midnight!
Step 5. All data, your details, media packs etc, will be transferred over Friday and Saturday to the new setup, this is a HUGE operation as we are talking 2 complete different programming languages and will take at least 2 full days, it's a bit like trying to make a french onion soup out of chinese chicken and sweet corn soup Lächeln

I hope you guys can comprehend what we are about to do here. This is huge. We are really setting the standard here. Hell I would rather wait 1 week than having to continuously send support tickets about earnings. I am sure you guys would agree with me on this.
So just to pre-answer some concerns you may have:

1. Would this affect my shares and earnings currently in the system
No. None of your shares or earnings will be affected. You will meet everything the way you left it when we resume service.

2. Would this script be different.
All of the features that you are accustom to in this script will be the same in the new custom built one minus the bugs. The most important thing at this point is to ensure your media packs are earning as normal. Other features would be added on as we move along. The script will be hosted on the programmers server to allow almost instant access for him in case we encounter any more gremlins!

3. Is this the Profit Booster taking effect
NO. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Profit Booster. This is simply us changing the script by creating our own to ensure there are no issues in the future.

4. Can I purchase, repurchase, withdraw or fund my account while this is taking place.
As explained in the timeplan above!

5. Would I loose earnings
Operations will be halted so the only thing being lost is time. And yes I know time is money so as mentioned earlier we are going to the double earnings for 3 full days when we resume operations.

This is one of the most positive and understanding group of members I have ever come across and on behalf on Tom, the admins, our current Ambassadors and myself, we sincerely thank you for understanding and continuing to support us to make this program 100% flawless and much stronger in the future.

Our admins and some of our Ambassadors and leaders will also be beta testing this new system.

We appreciate your understanding as we try to improve our services to make URS one of the top revshares online. As I have always told you guys, we are nothing without you and in 1 week from now we are going to emerge, BIGGER, BETTER, and ready to rock your financial world.

Thanks for reading - Julz Steve & Tom Taylor
Antworten Top
(07.03.2016, 12:41)timeout schrieb: News Update:

Good day everyone.
So remember that all important update I mentioned to you guys earlier? well here it is. Read every word very carefully so there are no misunderstandings.

We made a promise to offer our customers a high quality program complemented by high service standards.

So as I'm sure most of you are aware, there have been some inconsistencies with earnings over the past couple of days. Unfortunately these are all very common issues experienced by most programs especially in the early stages of launch. However, we ARE NOT most programs and take all reported issues very seriously.

With the industry flooded with frauds, scams, trolls among other things, it is our duty to show you that we mean business and we also have the backing of some of the top leaders in the industry who has already joined our program recognizing it's potential and value.

So Tom (owner) has mentioned to you guys several times about the horrible service provided by the current script company being used. Therefore some of the issues that arise are not being addressed in a timely and efficient manner. This is not in line with our set objectives outlined in our Customer Service policy. We said from day one that our goal is to offer the highest quality program coupled with impeccable customer service.

Unfortunately it has proven to be a bit difficult as our reliance on the script company has set us back in trying to maintain our set objectives and standards. We have made a decision by saying NO MORE. We WILL NOT sacrifice the quality of our program because of their inefficiencies. So we scanned the market looking for the highest quality script out there to meet our needs. Unfortunately, we found none that would enable us to implement our future plans and offer the level of service that we desired. I told you guys we were working on something huge that will eliminate all earnings and script issues in the future, well here it is.

We have contracted one of the top programmers from Microsoft to develop OUR VERY OWN 100% custom built script. Yes, it came at a hefty price but as I said, quality and consistency of service is of utmost importance. Please be advised that this was always intended however we did not expect such amazing growth in such a short space of time.

What this means is that we would have 100% control of our own script while working with some of the best programmers and support staff in the industry. No more having to wait and beg for service. We are in full control now. This is being done as part of our efforts to ensure we have one of the best programs online with the highest quality service and infrastructure. We might as well get it done now than wait until we have 10000 members right?

However with that being said, with every great accomplishment comes a trade off. The expected timeframe to get everything transferred over and tested by our beta testers is approximately one(1) week from today. Therefore we will need to freeze all operations 1 by 1 until all work and testing is completed. We are fully aware of the inconvenience this may cause and therefore thought about how we can make it up to you guys. So what we are going to do when we resume operations is ?
Answer: We will double the current earnings for 3 full days when we resume on the new script!

This is the step by step timeplan:
Step 1. Adding funds will be disabled from Monday midnight servertime!
Step 2. New purchases will be disabled from Tuesday midnight.
Step 3. Earnings will be stopped as of Wednesday midnight!
Step 4. Withdrawals and ALL other functions will be disabled by Thursday midnight!
Step 5. All data, your details, media packs etc, will be transferred over Friday and Saturday to the new setup, this is a HUGE operation as we are talking 2 complete different programming languages and will take at least 2 full days, it's a bit like trying to make a french onion soup out of chinese chicken and sweet corn soup Lächeln

I hope you guys can comprehend what we are about to do here. This is huge. We are really setting the standard here. Hell I would rather wait 1 week than having to continuously send support tickets about earnings. I am sure you guys would agree with me on this.
So just to pre-answer some concerns you may have:

1. Would this affect my shares and earnings currently in the system
No. None of your shares or earnings will be affected. You will meet everything the way you left it when we resume service.

2. Would this script be different.
All of the features that you are accustom to in this script will be the same in the new custom built one minus the bugs. The most important thing at this point is to ensure your media packs are earning as normal. Other features would be added on as we move along. The script will be hosted on the programmers server to allow almost instant access for him in case we encounter any more gremlins!

3. Is this the Profit Booster taking effect
NO. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Profit Booster. This is simply us changing the script by creating our own to ensure there are no issues in the future.

4. Can I purchase, repurchase, withdraw or fund my account while this is taking place.
As explained in the timeplan above!

5. Would I loose earnings
Operations will be halted so the only thing being lost is time. And yes I know time is money so as mentioned earlier we are going to the double earnings for 3 full days when we resume operations.

This is one of the most positive and understanding group of members I have ever come across and on behalf on Tom, the admins, our current Ambassadors and myself, we sincerely thank you for understanding and continuing to support us to make this program 100% flawless and much stronger in the future.

Our admins and some of our Ambassadors and leaders will also be beta testing this new system.

We appreciate your understanding as we try to improve our services to make URS one of the top revshares online. As I have always told you guys, we are nothing without you and in 1 week from now we are going to emerge, BIGGER, BETTER, and ready to rock your financial world.

Thanks for reading - Julz Steve & Tom Taylor

Warst schneller als ich, danke  Sehr gut!

Meiner Meinung nach ein gutes und wichtiges Update da URS zurzeit  "Scriptbolt" verwendet was bei vielen Revshare Programme ärger macht, und auch hier in Zukunft bestimmt zu Problemen geführt hätte. 

Es wird jetzt an einem eigenen Skript gearbeitet wie zum Beispiel bei Get Profit Adz welches wenn alles gut läuft nur Vorteile mit sich bringt. Die Fertigstellung und Implementierung des neuen Skripts soll in etwa 1 Woche von heute an dauern. Nacheinander werden dafür einzelne Prozesse abgeschaltet. 
Was auf uns zu kommt in der Woche:

1) Heute ab 00:00 wird das Einzahlen abgeschaltet
2) Ab Dienstag 00:00 wird das Kaufen von neuen Packs abgeschaltet
3) Ab Mittwoch 00:00 werden die Earnings abgeschaltet
4) Ab Donnerstag 00:00 wird das Auszahlen und alle anderen Funktionen abgeschaltet
5) Am Freitag und Samstag werden dann alle Daten zum neuen Server transferiert.

Die Zeit in der keine Earnings laufen (um die 3 Tage) wird durch doppelte Ausschüttung, sobald das Skript steht, kompensiert. 
Antworten Top
Schade. so einen guten Start hingelegt.
Damit hätten die Betreiber auch vorher rechnen können, dass das Skript irgendwann streikt.
Mal schauen was die Woche über passiert. Aber ich wage es zu bezweifeln das am kommenden Montag alles wieder flüssig läuft.
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(07.03.2016, 15:32)Rusty schrieb: Schade. so einen guten Start hingelegt.
Damit hätten die Betreiber auch vorher rechnen können, dass das Skript irgendwann streikt.
Mal schauen was die Woche über passiert. Aber ich wage es zu bezweifeln das am kommenden Montag alles wieder flüssig läuft.

Ja da gebe ich dir recht hätte man vorher bedenken sollen. Warum dieses "Scriptbolt" immer noch von vielen Revshare Programmen verwendet wird obwohl es öfters ärger macht ist wohl der niedrige Preis des Skripts.  

Dennoch bin ich guter dinge das Tom dieses Problem schnell löst. Ob es jetzt wirklich nur bis Montag dauern wird werden wir sehen. 
Ich habe mal mit einen der Admins gesprochen und der hat auf die Frage ob es wirklich nur bis Montag dauert dass geantwortet: 

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
I cannot say yes or no cause I cannot predict the future. Anything can happen that may cause delays. What I will say is what was communicated to me by Tom. The programmers are not average programmers. They are one of the best in the industry. It's not just one programmer but a team of 12 persons working on this script so it is very possible to get done. As well as its not being done in php. So the coding language is different and easier to get done and the programmer assured Tom twice that it will be ready.

Das hört sich erstmal sehr positiv an. Der Admin hat wohl etwas mehr Kohle in die Hand genommen und sich Professionelle Programmierer an Bord geholt. Diese haben Tom versichert das es bis Montag fertig ist. Mal sehen ob sie halten können was sie Versprechen Zwinkern 
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Ich werde mir nicht den Kopf zerbrechen, sondern die Woche weiterhin genießen. Wir wissen doch um die Risiken und können eh nichts ändern, also warum jetzt schon grübeln, bevor wir das Ergebnis sehen? Übrigens sind die Jungs laut Servertime eine Stunde jünger als wir, so dass wir bei den 5 Punkten nicht bis Mitternacht Zeit haben, sondern bis 1 Uhr morgens, das ist doch was. So, abtreten und weitermachen, lol.[Bild: blum3.gif]
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Quick Update
Step 1 towards our big move is now active: Adding Funds is disabled now!
As you probably have noticed by now, earnings are once again NOT happening for newer packs purchased! As I have absolutely NO response from the programmer of this script for the past 6 days, I have applied the following changes until we move to the new script:
ALL levels, the maximum you can purchase is 120! Why? There are obviously more ACTIVE packs in the system then the script/cronjob can handle! To ensure ongoing earnings for all, this reduction should take the total number of shares back to a level, where at least all of you will earn ongoing until we transfer to our own script!
It is for the same reason, that purchasing new packs will stay disabled for around 12h, to give the measures set into place time to take effect!
The sooner we get going with our own script, the better, just be reminded, you simply can NOT get a custom made script ready in a few days!
Thanks for all your support and understanding, just a small hiccup compared to the BIG picture!

Wichtigste zusammengefasst:
Die ersten Schritte zum Skript Wechsel wurden in kraft gesetzt. Um das akutelle Skript zu entlasten wurde bis zur Einführung des neuen Skripts die Maximale Pack Anzahl für alle Level auf 120 reduziert außerdem wird die nächsten 12 Stunden das Nachkaufen von Packs nicht möglich sein. Earnings und Auszahlungen laufen weiter.
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