
Bitcoin365club 2.1% - 3.1% täglich - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

[Mid Term

Bitcoin365Club startete am 13/03/16

Nach einer Pause kommt dieser Admin zurück.
Welcome back Bro. 
Er hatte in der Vergangenheit mehrere Short Term Projekte
und ein Long Term Projekt die nicht schlecht liefen.

Deposit in das Programm $201

Die Pläne

Los gehts ab $20. Plan 1 und 2 sind für uns sehr gut spielbar.
Plan 1 mit täglich 2.1% und 42%, Plan 2 mit 2.5% täglich und 50%.
Nach 20 Tagen gibts das Deposit wieder zurück.

Auszahlungen erfolgen manuell.
Kein Minimum.

Referral Commissions betragen 4%.

Facebook und Social Media

Auch hier haben wir eine Facebook Gruppe. Postet auch dort eure Auzahlungen.
Das wird dem Programm sehr helfen. Social Medien sind immer noch die Top Anlaufstellen.
Würde mich sehr freuen euch hier zu sehen Lächeln

Facebook und Social Media

Persönliche Einschätzung / Fazit (Keine Gewährleistung)


Happy Earnings Sehr gut!

[Bild: RCB_de%20Final_zpst0arhks3.gif]

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Bitcoin365club 2.1% - 3.1% täglich - Diskussion

Ich muss ja erstmal eine bekommen um sie posten zu können! Denn wenn man neu Eingestiegen ist, dauerts ja weng.?  Wann erscheint denn das im Dashboard bzw um wieviel Uhr wird immer abgerechnet? 
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(27.03.2016, 01:00)achtus schrieb: Ich muss ja erstmal eine bekommen um sie posten zu können! Denn wenn man neu Eingestiegen ist, dauerts ja weng.?  Wann erscheint denn das im Dashboard bzw um wieviel Uhr wird immer abgerechnet? 

Egal bei welchem Programm erscheint die Zahlung in deinen Account 24 stn nach deiner Depositzeit.

Dann solltest du sie dir Auszahlen lassen was bei jedem Programm unterschiedlich dauert. Danach kannst dann bei deinem Konto wie z.b. PM die Einzahlung Kopieren und hier Posten Lächeln Sehr gut!
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

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Hier findest du die anleitung wie du deine Auszahlungen richtig postest im schönen Grünen Kasten Grinsen
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hat heute schon wer Earnings erhalten oder sind da ab u zu auc TAge dabei wo nix geht?
Bitte net falsch verstehen die Frage.
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(30.03.2016, 13:19)achtus schrieb: Hallo,
hat heute schon wer Earnings erhalten oder sind da ab u zu auc TAge dabei wo nix geht?
Bitte net falsch verstehen die Frage.

Darfst gerne fragen da verstehen wir schon nichts falsch Grinsen
Heute Nacht hat es gezahlt Sehr gut!

Hier im Programm wird jeden Tag gezahlt.
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Aber es wird eine Stunde später gezahlt wegen der Sommerzeit.
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Eine Frage hätte ich mal, was kostet das auszahlen von Bitcoinvlub auf Payeer oder PM?
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(02.04.2016, 13:19)achtus schrieb: Eine Frage hätte ich mal, was kostet das auszahlen von Bitcoinvlub auf Payeer oder PM?

Zu pm hast du keine gebühren die dir abgezogen werden und zu payeer werden die 0,95% abgezogen aber das hat nichts mit diesem programm zu tun sondern ist generell so!
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Deposit ratz fatz ausgezahlt, und Neues gleich wieder rein in die Mühle Sehr gut!

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Investment ausgelaufen und reinvested. Schön glatt die 20 Tage geschafft Sehr gut!

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[Bild: ygobm4wm.png]

Erste Runde beendet auf in die zweite. Cool
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Hier muss ich heute mal eine Lanze für den Admin brechen. Ich hatte beim Re-Invest, warum auch immer, aus Versehen den "After 40 Days"-Plan markiert statt dem "for 20 Days" Plan.

Ich so: "Sch." Hilfe

Über das Kontaktformular auf der Seite dem Admin kurz mein Problem geschildert und der hat innerhalb von 60 Minuten war das Deposit umgestellt.

Das ist Service, der begeistert. TOPP  Sehr gut! Sehr gut! Sehr gut!
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was kann das bedeuten, dass es ein fast identisches Programm seit gestern gibt?
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(08.04.2016, 12:33)cln7 schrieb: was kann das bedeuten, dass es ein fast identisches Programm LINK entfernt seit gestern gibt?

Garnichts bedeutet das.
Das ist eher Pishing und wäre nicht die erste Seite die diesem Programm ähnlich sieht weil es gab schon vor kurzem ein Hourly Programm das diesem ähnlich sah.

Hauptsache man ist beim RICHTIGEN Programm dabei ROFL (Lachend über den Boden rollen)
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Hallo, eine Frage bezüglich der Seite. Ich kann mich nicht einloggen bzw ist sie nicht erreichbar. Werden irgendwelche updates gemacht oder weis jemand was los ist?
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(09.04.2016, 21:16)achtus schrieb: Hallo, eine Frage bezüglich der Seite. Ich kann mich nicht einloggen bzw ist sie nicht erreichbar. Werden irgendwelche updates gemacht oder weis jemand was los ist?

Ich hatte mich eben eingeloggt und es läuft alles wie ein Uhrwerk Sehr gut!
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Ich frage mich gerade ob es jetzt noch ratsam ist zu investieren. In 10 Tagen werden ja die after 40 Tage Pläne fertig. Denkt ihr der Cashflow ist dann noch so groß dass der Admin die Auszahlungen händeln kann?
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Weiß nicht, obs sonst schon wo gepostet wurde, aber auf Davidnews ist ein sehr interessantes Interview mit dem Admin von Bitcoin365Club erschienen. Ist recht lang, aber sehr lesenswert wie ich finde.

Zitat:Hello, Bitcoin365Club owner! Tell us a little bit more about yourself, your previous experience and why did you choose to participate in the interview after review publication instead of doing it together with the review.
Hello David and thank you for the opportunity to make this interview. Based on the questions you have prepared for me I am pretty sure it will be very interesting article for everybody involved in hyip industry.
I am serious with hyip industry for little over 4 years now but my history with money games of any kind is more than 8 years. I was part of golden age of PTC’s and e-gold era. It was lots of fun and I have some good memories with both investing in PTC’s and running my own show.
Briefly, introduce us to Bitcoin365Club and why do you decide to purchase Standard listing? Do you have some strategy in mind when it comes to DavidNews.com readers?
Bitcoin365Club is a new high yield investment platform that we have created and that is online from 13th of March 2016. The idea behind website design and “family friendly” look like is to bring Bitcoin investors together to our “investment club” where they are able to make money without any effort so the time they would normally spend on working elsewhere, they can enjoy with their families. I admit it might be a bit of kitsch, but hey stories with business men smiling at you and pretending to be working in forex trading company is not exactly the most original story either .
The reason why I bought only Standard listing at Davidnews’s blog is quite simple. My advertising strategy is a bit different from others. As we are at the golden time of the year for hyip market, there is a lot of programs promoting at the same time at the same places. It’s too much competition for too much money for me. My strategy is to buy smart – buy only ad spots that I think offer the best return on investment and promote heavily on places I wanna target the most. My plan from the start is to target Bitcoin investors and investors involved with Bitcoin trading/advertising/etc.
Bitcoin365Club - why all the spotlight is on Bitcoin? Is there some particular reason for that? Do you have a clear vision how to promote this "Bitcoin-related" project to attract the biggest amount of investors?
It’s without any doubt that Bitcoin is industry leader right now and it won’t change any time soon. Bitcoin market is so much bigger than hyip market so it is no surprise every admin tries to come up with some kind of Bitcoin story and get his slice of pie.
As I said in previous question, my plan from the start was to target Bitcoin community. I am pretty sure I did very well because in Bitcoin365Club over 50% of deposits are done though Bitcoin system.
As we all know each company some day comes to the end, how about Bitcoin365Club? How stable is Bitcoin365Club presently and can you share us with some inside information so we could trust your project?
I can tell you that the industry is in the best shape since the LibertyReserve shut down. This is the best time for investors to step up to the plate and go ahead with investments to their favorite long running programs, because biggest programs most likely will be here for much longer.
As for Bitcoin365Club I must say I did not expect the program to be such a hit and I am not even exaggerating. Program is actually doing so good that it’s my biggest program yet and I am pretty sure it can get much bigger at this point. Thanks to the excellent performance of the whole hyip industry, many more programs will do very well which will lead to even better performance of the industry overall.
Bitcoin365Club right now is at the end of the first 20-day investment cycle. How many investors invest for the second cycle and what can you offer to investors that still can't decide about reinvestment?
We have actually started second investment cycle on Sunday so it’s been a week since first investors finished their round of investments. I would say around 70% of first circle investors have reinvested to the second one so far. What’s even better is that countless new investors have joined after they saw we have successfully paid all initial deposits back to investors.
I see that your project accepts AdvCash and NixMoney as deposit methods. If I'm not wrong then these payment processors are not that long in the market - do you see any future for these payment processors and is there market space for some new payment processor or there is enough of them already?
NixMoney is pretty much dead processor as far as I know. Hyip admins like to add it because it’s extremely easy to create account there and there are no restrictions whatsoever. It’s actually quite a good processor for investors too (mainly for Russians), but I guess it’s still too young and doesn’t have proper member’s base.
AdvCash is actually starting to be quite popular among hyip investors and in Bitcoin community so there might be bright future for this processor. It’s quite oblivious it’s a new system so there is a lot of things that need to be done better (extremely slow and inconsistent support) and automatized (credit card verification, funding, withdrawing, delivery).
To the last part of the question – I don’t think there is space nor need for another payment processor. Many tried, many failed.
So much about your program, but now a little bit about the industry in general. Are there some changes in HYIP industry within past years? Do you think that these days industry has become more stable?
Ahh my favorite part of the interview is coming. I always like to talk about the industry with experienced investors. It’s really good to share your opinions on certain things with people who know what they talk about.
As I already said in the interview and I am going to say it one more time: The industry has never been stronger in last 3 years. I am pretty sure it will only get better at this point and I also think there will be nothing like dry summer in hyips this year.
A lot of has changed in last few years. First of all US players don’t invest in hyips as they used to anymore. The market has changed and now most of admins focus on different parts of the world. Obliviously Russia still has the biggest market share in the hyip industry and there are also many new countries joining the industry as well. From Europe  - Germany and Netherland are on a rise again. I see huge potential in Brazil and of course Vietnam and China have been really active lately.
I'm sure we can see this trend that many administrators produce one project after another and mostly all of them are quick scams, but some administrators make one project per year, a quality one. What strategy do you use and why?
One can never make a successful long running project if the plan is to simply secure small profit and close the shop. The administrator must be a bit of gambler to create big successful program. He must let some investors to win big to create positive buzz around the program. Sometimes he has success, sometimes he doesn’t and he loose the money. Not counting the result if you do it right, that’s the way to run programs.
I think it’s pretty oblivious what way I have chosen to run my programs. I am a gambler my whole life, I always aim for better results to reach a bit higher than before so for me it is kind of nobrainer decision.
Any why? As I said before - if you do it right, it’s more fun, more thrill and more money.
Every day we see that for example on allmonitors.net pops up new programs, and mostly all of them are very low quality, why is it like that and is there anyone that invests in these low-life projects?
I am pretty sure that if you would want to start new program and buy low cost unique design, licensed script, verified PM and low cost DDOS protected hosting with SSL – which is the absolute minimum to run any decent program, you would loose money. 2 years ago you would have had no problem make profit on this setup, but these days investors are not stupid anymore and don’t put their money blindly in first program they see.
Most of the programs that pop up daily on allmonitors don’t cost anything. Stolen design, one PM for 20 sites, fake monitors - only thing admin must buy is a domain for a dollar. Can he catch one or two $10 deposits? At most.
Projects close because of various reasons, but I think that biggest reason is the greed of the administrator, do you agree with that? Are there any other reasons why projects close?
If administrator closes his project because of greed, it means he scammed many investors including ones that supported him and his program. I know people have a short memory but still, you don’t want to support this administrator again in his next program if you know he is capable of screwing you over. I would rather choose the way of smaller short term profits and keep my good reputation because overall in a long term, I am pretty sure it’s better for every party involved.
The most common reason to close the program is in my opinion the simplest one. Program just run out of money. You as an investor might sometimes feel that administrator should have run the program longer with the funds he had, but you need to count in a lot of things you might not see on a first glance. Just few rough numbers: spend on creating the program ($1500-$3000 or ever more for custom scripts), hosting ($300-$800 monthly), monitoring ($100-$200 daily), advertising ($1000-$5000 weekly).
Other reasons are kind of unexpected ones and it’s always on the administrator whether he can handle the pressure like a pro or packs his backs early. Getting hacked or robed is never a nice thing. It’s mostly used as an excuse by administrators, but there are many programs that were forced to close because of their funds were stolen and the damage was simply too big to continue. Bad votest, on monitors, fake scam statuses and other shady things are sometimes also the reason a program closes it’s doors.
How much in past years has changed the way how administrators promote projects? Is there a big difference how administrators did promotion in the past and these days? How big role today plays HYIP monitors and forums?
Well my strategy was always different from other admins. I don’t see any point in buying overpriced advertising spots or listings just to show I have big budget to run the program. This is the common thing between old rusty admins who are not willing to adjust current market situation and accept the fact that there is many places where to spend your money smart end effectively.
I think that the quality is what (finally) separates good and bad monitors. I see many old monitors go down in flames. Monitors that were on the top once, now send spam emails and beg for deposit bonus for (useless) monitoring services. It took many years but now it’s finally clear that doing things right, without cutting corners, is the proper way to go for monitors.
What I am really missing is blogs made by hyip enthusiasts. The reason for that is the industry was in a really bad shape in last couple of years and everybody who tried to make a blog about their investments got eventually burn and lost their passion for hyips. I am pretty sure this is gonna change pretty soon because of the industry is getting stronger every day and we will see some hyip fans spreading the positive vibe around the web again.
We touched payment processor topic earlier a little bit, but I would like to ask what would be the best payment processor when it comes to investors and why they should use that particular processor?
First of all I would like to say I am very happy with current payment processors offer and I don’t think there is need for some new and better pp, because I am pretty sure every investor can choose his favorite one. As far as the best processor for investors (and even for admins and everybody) goes I would say it would be something very similar to Bitcoin but with stable fixed currency exchange market value.
When I started this blog, most favorite projects for everyone was long-term HYIPs, but now I see that people prefer middle term and short term projects. Why do you think that there is such drastic change?
The current popularity level for every investments term depends a lot on what programs are the successful ones on the market at given time. If there is enough popular long term programs, I am pretty sure people would wanna play those as well.
Personally I am a fan of mid and short term programs as well. I think it makes more sense to make an investment in program that offers higher returns on shorter period of time because it’s more fun and thrill and investors can also make more money if the game is right and fair.
And finally - what kind of future do you see for HYIPs, is it possible that one day there will be no HYIPs anymore around, or maybe future will transform them to different "creatures"?
As long as there is greed, there are hyips as well! It is possible they will transform into something different – today you have tons of revadshares, cyclers, matrixes,  etc, but one thing is for sure -There will always be some type of money game.
Thank you David for very good question. I had really great time answering them and I hope your readers enjoyed the whole interview.
Yes, it was a lot to read here, but I'm sure everyone who read this interview till the end learned a lot about some other side of our industry and how things look from administrator view. I will bring more this kind of interviews to the blog in near future, but now I say bye till tomorrow when review of one interesting project will be published here on DavidNews.com.
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<div style="background: #478DDC;">UPDATE</div>

Da ich heute mit dem Admin kommunizierte, hat es sich ergeben,
daß er nun eine deutsche und vietnamesische Übersetzung hinzufügen möchte.
Ich hab alles in die Wege geleitet und vielleicht haben wir bis Mitte nächster Woche
die deutsche Übersetzung.
Das ändert für mich ein paar Dinge und eines davon ist
ein weiteres Reee in den 20 Tagesplan von mir zu machen.

<div style="background:#478DDC;"> Update Ende</div>

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Bitcoin365club 2.1% - 3.1% täglich - Schnellantwort

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