
Investrealprojects - Diskussion

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 

ich wollte mal ein, 2 Projekte vorstellen.
Also dachte ich mir ich kopiere einfach mal meinen Post von einem anderen Forum, dann hat man nicht so viel Schreibkram.

diese Woche wurde von meiner guten, alten Investor-Freundin Barbara Korpalska (die einen kennen Sie vielleicht noch von Uinvest Zeiten) (23.03.2015)
ihre Crowdinvesting / Crowdfunding Seite eröffnet.

Die Hauptfunktionen funktionieren schon, ich denke aber es wird hier und da noch ein paar Verbesserungen oder Änderungen geben.

Kurze Fakten:

Erste Angebot Cocoa Beans ( zu erst bei Uinvest gelistet) wer dort von Ihr noch Aktien gekauft hatte, hat Glück denn diese werden nämlich übernommen. Kostenfrei  
So wie in meinem Fall 2 Stück.

In diesem Investment werden Kakaobohnen, angebaut, geerntet und anschließend gewinnbringend verkauft.

Preis: 75$ pro Aktie + 3% Comission
ROI: 5% sprich 3,75$ monatlich
Aktueller Aktienbestand: 1881 von 2120 Aktien
Geld hinzufügen via: Perfect Money, Neteller, Solid Trust Pay und Banküberweisung (10$ Mindestens)
Geld auszahlen via: Perfect Money, Neteller, Solid Trust Pay, Banküberweisung und VISA und DebitCard
Refprogramm: was derzeit bei 5% liegt.

Erste Infos bezüglich Auszahlungen gibts dann in einem Monat?  
Achso es gibt einen Chat aber der ist nicht 24/7 besetzt noch nicht, Menschen schlafen ja auch  . Zwinkern

Ach ja neteller und PM sind Zahlungsmethoden.
Die Registrierung ist kostenlos um sich z.B. im Chat zu unterhalten wird aber ein Login benötigt.

Projektdokumentationen, Zahlungsbelege der Überweisung des Geldes an der Firma und mehr können von der Projektseite entnommen werden.

Falls Ihr Interesse habt meldet euch hier kostenlos an .

Ich erlaube mir mal hier die ersten paar Updates zu posten:

Nr. 1
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

As you can see, the site is a continuation of our work with our projects from Uinvest.
The situation at UI has forced us to start working here and, we believe it will be much better because we can work without stress, virtual fake numbers and constant changes in the principles of cooperation.
We have only real projects! No false calculation and virtual numbers!
As you can see, our site is also committed to be transparent and clear, everyone can see the data and can contact the owner of the business.
The site is for investors who want to have monthly earnings. As well for everyone who wants to import goods (section of our products).
Mr. Moruf Fasasi has 3 companies that run just a few years. He has experience in the marketing of goods.
He is also the Secretary General of one of the farmer’s associations, bringing together more than 2,000 farmers. His companies have licenses for buying crops from farmers. Money collected from the projects will be used to increase turnover.
Companies have large orders but they need to buy a lot of goods at once. Therefore they need money from projects now, they are missing large contracts without the this funding.
Documents of these companies are available to you on our site as well.
Where are the profits of these projects coming from?
From the difference between the purchase and the sales price. The purchase price is always negotiated per month with farmers at the meetings of the Association. The selling price is dictated by the market and purchase price depends on this. But profit from the price difference is always there. Profile of these companies allows us to generate a regular, monthly profits for our investors.
That’s why we welcome you.

Nr. 2
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

We have great information for all our investors.

Mr. Fasasi Moruf, the owner of the business (BO) Cocoa decided to start a project after selling 60% of the amount ( one month after sale this 60%! )
As you can see, 22% is now sold so we have hopes for compiling these 60% in April and starting payments earnings in May. Earlier We planned to start the project after selling all the shares.

We offer for all those who want to earn more. Affiliate program for the sellers. If you want to join us you will get tool-reflink. You get 5% from every amount purchase shares of your referrals in the first market.
Write to us or go here if you want to earn more. Lächeln

Nr. 3
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

Hello Everyone As we reported in previous news the company Mr Moruf Fasasi has started working with a contract 1,000 tons of cashew nuts.

With profit of this contract , we can start dividend for Cocoa bean trading project after percent sale reach to only 33,21 % !

Current percent sale is 30.73 % so just need to 2.48% !
What does this mean?

Payments for all our investors, without exception, will start after completing this 2.48% . Thus only need to sell 70 shares before starting payments . I am sure this is great news for all investors that were waiting for starting payments . If you buy now you will get a extra BONUS in June too . Do not miss the opportunity for additional earnings 5% . Be with us now !


Ich denke der Newsbereich ist vielleicht für den Einen oder Anderen auch ganz interessant, es gibt auch ein Forum, Chat und auch sind Leute via Skype kontaktierbar.
Aktuell ist es also so, dass das Projekt mit der Zahlung im Juno beginnt.
Ich würde mich freuen falls jemand von Interesse an diesem Investment hat. Lächeln

*Edit : achso es gibt auch eine Prepaid-Card für Auszahlungen, habe diese aber noch nicht geordert, da es sich nicht lohnt für mich bis dato Zwinkern.

Falls jemand Fragen hat, gern her damit.


CEO: Moruf Fasasi,  Address: Suite 1&2, salvation shopping complex, Oguntula street off barracks road, Ojoo Ibadan, Oyo state Nigeria.  Tel; +2348054099809  +2348088431873    Email:  [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
SKYPE:  moruf.fasasi    WHATSAPP:  +2348088431873
EMAIL:  [email protected] or [email protected]
SKYPE:  korpalska67
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Ab sofort findet man mich auch auf der Support Seite  von IRP Lächeln
Also genau hier https://www.investrealprojects.com/community-support/

Falls jemand  Fragen von euch hat einfach eine E-Mail schreiben an dort angegebene Adresse oder hier in diesen Bereich schreiben.

P. s: Thema Auszahlungen später im Verlaufe  des Monates.
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Ja super! Sehr gut! Vielen Dank für die Info! Sehr gut!
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Hab mir mal erlaubt die PrePaid-Card zu kaufen, man bekommt sie hier : https://www.investrealprojects.com/product/dividends-prepaid-card/
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Der 2. IRP Chat hat stattgefunden hier die Historie : IRP Chat , einfach auf Hello klicken dann geht der Chat auf.

Der nächste Newsletter :
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

Financial Partner system will start soon !

Our IRP Chat this week will be held on Saturday, 15:00 London time.
Because we want to bring more payment options now, we organize Financial Partners system now. PayPal, Webmoney, Moneybookers, Okpay, Payza will be added to our website in the near future. We begin to add local banks. 

The first will be the Indian banks, this option will be handled by our trusted financial partner amrutrk87 very honest FP from UI with history more 700 transactions there.

In the future, when we will introduce changes to the system, the system will run automatically. We need a FP now because we have decided for this solution now without waiting for changes in the system with these changes more FP will be able to work in the future, but for now only the selected person. We plan on working only with proven and reliable partners
We are working on the introduction of the trade market actually too.

The National Cashew Association of Nigeria said on Wednesday that it had signed a N1 billion deal with shipping companies in Nigeria to export cashew nuts.
The national spokesperson of the association, Sotonye Anga, disclosed this in an interview in Lagos.
He explained that the deal was sealed at a meeting with cashew exporters, shipping companies and forwarding agents.
He said cashew exporters will export 6,700 containers of cashew nuts to Vietnam, India and other Asian countries this year.

“We are pleased with the outcome of the cashew logistics meeting, held on Saturday the February 20 with stakeholders.
“We are giving shipping companies more than 6,700 container loads of cashew nuts for shipment to India, Vietnam, and other Asian countries.

“This translates to $5 million (N1 billion) worth of business which is about One billion naira as our industry wide cost of shipment.  In return, we demand from them the best of service.
“We want the best in terms of care in handling our cashew shipments, shorter delivery and transit time at a pocket friendly rate.
“We insist on global best practice for cashew handling and so we will work closely with the shipping companies to come up with an industry friendly programme for cashew exports from Nigeria,” Mr. Anga said.

Erste Auszahlungen von einem User sind in FB zu finden.

Bzw im Forum
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Ein Update / Newsletter

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

Financial Partner (FP) system on our website launched.

As you can see, in addition to our payment methods you have already added the local banks of India and Bitcoin (BTC) I think that all of our investors from 2014 know ngortan and amrutrk87Lächeln
How does the FP system now on our site?
It's easy and safe for you and for the FP

If you want to fund your account (buy balance), you go to the menu Money-Add funds, choose the option you want to use and do order the amount you want to fund your account. If you want to use the FP in the order you have given all the information from that person as contact details. After placing the order You will always get a email with the data or get them from the FP after contact with him.

Why our system is safe?
Because we control all transactions in the system.
FP must buy balance from us before and we send the balance to him and then to you. So you can be sure that after your payment You get the balance on your account from us. Always attach the screen with the confirmation of the payment order. This helps avoid confusion.

If you want to withdraw the money (sell balance) you go to menu Money-Withdraw, you choose the payment option from the list and you do order for the amount you wish to withdraw In the order you have a place where you have to enter your payment method and account number. If you are using the services of FP your balance will be sent to him after confirming his payment to you. We see all orders in the system and we control it.

As the FP we now choose the people we already know for a long time and know their work with investor as FP In our system there is no place for cheats. Our system FP is based on a small group of proven people. I think it's a very lucrative offer for them. Because FP has an extra profit from trading cash-Commission
Who can be our FP? The first people we know already for a long time as fair FP and our investors. They must be active, must want to work, be available to our users. In the future our loyal customers will have this option too  ( Loyal status- customer with 10k or more investment)

The maximum Commission which may dictate is 15% to avoid uncontrolled cost fund account and withdraw with their participation. You have a example now with BTC. FP ngortan now gives offer 0% commissions on fund account and 5% commission to withdraw amrutrk87 0% commissions on fund account and withdraw (only the exchange rate need to go ask him USD/Rupee) We are now talking with other FPs, who will bring more options into our system. We will work for better system FP with more functions for them.

The IRP Team

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Oder du stellst den Editor zuerst einfach auf Quellcode modus,
dann wird automatisch alles standardformatiert eingefügt Zwinkern

(einfach auf das Textdatei-Symbol ganz rechts klicken)
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Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
Ab 10$ kann man überweisen bzw. lohnt es sich erst abzüglich den Gebühren.
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

On June 30, according to our plan, the project started to pay a profit to all our investors.

If you have our shares of Cocoa project – log on to the website and you saw your cash balance.
You can withdraw or use and buy shares.
Very many of our investors have started now build their portfolio.

Our forum is a topic where we started pasting screens-confirmation of our payoff for investors.
We invite everyone there to confirm the receipt of the payments from us.

Our financial partners are ready to help you if you want to use a different payment method like we have.

As you see in system we have now :

Neteller , PM, STP, wire transfer , prepaid cards for withdraw

With our FP we have now :

BTC, OKpay, Pyeer,Indian local banks, Standard Chartered Pakistan.

And we work for more options Lächeln
Congratulations to ngortan and amrutrk87 for their first transactions in our system as FP.

Article : http://agronigeria.com.ng/2015/07/02/farmer-groups-call-for-the-appointment-of-a-farmer-as-next-minister/
In view of the increasing need to advance the agric sector and ensure food security in the country, a group of Nigerian farmers are calling for the appointment of a practicing farmer as the next Minister of Agriculture by the Buhari government

According to the National President of the Sorghum Association of Nigeria, Mr. Yusuf Adams, who made the call, the agriculture sector had overtaken the oil sector due to the fall in oil price in the international market and if given major priority can ensure increased revenue for the nation.

He commented on the need to have a practicing – farmer minister, who will pilot affairs of the ministry, thus making policies that will favour the farmers at large.

“We need a seasoned farmer this time around as minister. That is why I am calling on the new administration who is yet to appoint its cabinet” he added.

Furthermore, Adams called on the present administration to continue with the Agricultural Transformation Agenda in the sector. He urged for an expansion of the Growth Enhancement Support (GES) Scheme to include more agricultural input


The IRP Team

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Sind AZ`s von anderen Mitgliedern auch erlaubt ?
Beziehungsweise Überweisungen vom eigenen Business Owner an Mitglieder ?
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):


What's new with us?

We are working now on optimizing our site. Thank to everyone who participated in our test last Friday. This has helped us optimize the page. In this connection, it is possible that you will see some changes.

We have a procedure for our larger investors. If You want to invest more than $ 15 k you can take advantage of it. Did you see the initial partnership agreement on our website ( in project cocoa)

1. Print it

2. fill in your data and the amount of

3. Sign and send us an email scan this ( our e-mail [email protected] )

After receiving the data the company lawyer prepare and will send you a contract of partnership. You will receive it in the mail first, and then post. You will be able to consult with your lawyer and decide.

If You choose to subscribe to:

1. you must send the signed agreement to the address by post (all copies)

2. a scan of your Passport

3. utility bill (if it is not in English must be translated

4. 2 your photos (passport-size)

After receiving these documents, lawyer will take it to court to seal it. Then the agreement with all the signatures and stamps will be returned to you. After all these formalities you send money to the account of the company. As you can see, the procedure is simple.

article http://www.nairaland.com/1964243/making-millions-sesame-seed-value Sesame seed is the second most sought after cash crop in Nigeria after cocoa, Nigeria is the second largest producer of sesame seed in Africa, and ranking seventh in the World. Other African countries also producer sesame seeds are Chad, Sudan, Ethiopia, Niger, mail, Kenya and Burkina Faso.

Sesame seed is highly valued for its oil which has a very low level of cholesterol. The oil is used in production and as a preservative in canned sardine, margarine, corned beef and soap. It is also used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Sesame seed comes in four colour namely clear white, brown, gold and black.

Ninety percentage of sesame seed produced in Nigeria is exported out to different countries. However we could add more value to sesame seed apart from cleaning and exporting if as an investor extract oil from seed which sells more in the international market and the chaff used for animal feeds or as a raw material for another industrial used.  Sesame seed is produced in Benue, Taraba, Kebbi, Kano, Bauchi, Kogi, Plateau, Adamawa, Kwara, Cross-River, Ebonyi, Niger, Gombe, Katsina, Yobe, Bomo and Nassarawa States.

To make money from the sesame seed you could decide to source for the product from any state that farms it. It means that you could decide to talk to the farmers to gather their stock for you and you pay once you see their stocks. Secondly you could also decide to visit the cleaning mill and arrange for a buyer from there and you get commission. For example if you get over to the milling and sesame is selling for N260,000 a ton if sell to your suppliers for N265,000 a ton you will make a N150,000 in one trailer load of 30tons, so if you can load 10 trailers in one month that is N1,500,000 in a month. If you have the resources or you can leverage on relationship you can supply to your buyers directly in lagos and you make over N10,000 to N20,000 per ton thereby making N300,000 to N600,000 per trailer. Since the world is a global village you could connect with international buyer around the world through the internet and export directly without going to sell in lagos.

This might be your blue print to success

Greetings The IRP Team

AZs vom Business Owner (Inhaber des Projektes)
Bild einfügen ging leider nicht.

















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Habe am Donnerstag meine Prepaid Visa Card bekommen endlich nach dem langen Poststreik, so lässt sich nun auch auf diese Karte von Investrealprojects auszahlen, jedoch lohnt es sich nicht für meine 7,5$.

Weitere Infos zu der Karte hier : https://www.investrealprojects.com/product/dividends-prepaid-card/
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(13.07.2015, 00:07)germanpolice schrieb: Sind AZ`s von anderen Mitgliedern auch erlaubt ?

Erlaubt auf jeden Fall, doch für den grünen Daumen zählen sie nur, wenn diese Mitglieder sie hier selber posten.

Sorry, ist schon eine Weile her deine Frage. Habe sie übersehen. Für sowas ist übrigens auch die Shoutbox da. Zwinkern

Edit AdminPeter:

#Moderation: Vorstellung zu "geschlossene Projekte" verschoben!
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.
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