
Laser Online - 12% täglich für 12 Arbeitstage - ROI 144% - Diskussion

Interessent finde ich ja, dass da anscheinend doch einiges an Arbeit von dem Admin reingesteckt wird, aber keinerlei Kommunikation erfolgt.
Normal wäre ja eher, dass viel News und Updates gepostet werden und dann eigentlich nichts passiert.
Habe zwar nicht viel Hoffnung das es hier nochmal was gibt, aber trotzdem gespannt was hier noch kommt.

Edit: Und ich hab grad im BO gesehen, dass da heute jemand 10k investiert hat.

Edit2: Das habe ich auf Facebook gefunden. Gestern gepostet:

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

Dear partners at Laser Online! We appreciate your patience and support; it means a lot to us. Despite some negativity we are moving forward and building up an official ICO platform with full power & focus.
Today we are happy to report that from now you can manually convert all your available balance into Laser Tokens straight from your L.O.P account. If you want to recover your available balance with our upcoming ICO campaign and continue growing your capital with Laser Online, please login your platform’s account and click at the BALANCE CONVERTER feature. Select a payment processor on which you have some funds and then set a desirable amount to convert. Down below choose “LASER COIN” and click “CONFIRM” After conversation process is complete you’ll see some LZR balance at your account. This amount of tokes will be transferred into the ICO platform for free, where you can continue receiving your profit in no time!
Starting a conversion procedure is completely up to you, you can convert any amount of an available balance into new tokens with a rate of $5 for 1 Token perspectival. By converting your AB into LZR you automatically agree with a 12/12 plan deposit cancelation and new marketing offer.

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Laser Online - 12% täglich für 12 Arbeitstage - ROI 144% - Schnellantwort

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