
StartRevShare - Diskussion

Hier das nächste Update. Hoffe die Auszahlungen kommen jetzt bei euch an.

Zitat:Hi Everybody,

Hope you had a good weekend!

Just a quick update:

>>> Cashouts for all processors have now started again as normal. Obviously there's a delay so we'll catch up the next period as that's not easy to do, but nobody has to fear anything really with what we have in store

>>>> More importantly than these short-term issues is the progress on our cryptocurrency. As you know we'll introduce our own coin called "Adzcoin" very soon, hopefully this week! Here's a bi of an overview of how that will work, and how it can most probably make you some serious cash if you're smart.

-> 84 million coins are created and 50% will be available for mining similar to how people mine bitcoin. The other 50% will be used to give away as bonuses for helping us growing our network, manly our social platform startpeeps.
-> It will be possible to buy ad packs with the coins and grow your coins this way. Not only that, we'll contact all other revsharing sites and make them a deal to add our coin to their site as an option to buy ad packs. Just think about the benefits for everybody:
- Everybody that joins Startpeeps will get a wallet and earn coins = huge potential for ad pack sales
- The admins can refer all their members to Startpeeps and earn affiliate commissions 3 levels deep = external income
As you can see the ad pack sales from the Adzcoins are self-sustaining and will actually allow the admins to make a profit and help sustain their site.
-> Added to coinpayments.com to integrate in other sites. To increase the value of the coin we'll create our platforms using our coin only as payment method. Just think of it as if Fiverr and ebay would ony allow Adzcoin. If you wondered why we haven't launched this sites yet, this is the reason.

So how will this benefit members of SRS?

-> You can easily acquire tons of coins on Startpeeps or buy ad packs using the coins. The coin will probably be very cheap after it's added to exchanges this week so you can get a nice stash to get started. Just think of how well those early adopters of Bitcoin are doing.

-> External revenue for SRS. We will use part of the pre-mine to pay out members on SRS. We decided that this is the best way to become the biggest revshare site on the planet, as having our own money used on tons of other revsharing sites will give SRS an authority image and feeling of security for the long run, which is all we care about here.

What are the plans and prognose?
We don't have the intention to try to beat Bitcoin, that's probably not possible (but who knows right), but becoming the strong second online currency should be possible eventually. Just think about the fact that litecoin was worth about $50 per coin at one point. You think you'll be able to make money as an early adopter? Don't doubt it

Another thing is that we'll keep on expanding the usage of our coin. First we'll promote to marketers, and the perfect platform to introduce is the Fiverr clone platform. Everybody will have enough coins to buy products, and everybody can easily list their products to earn more coins. The next platforms we'll introduce is an Ebay clone, which is what will attract the masses, and a crowdfunding platform which will empower our image as a filantropic company.

Anyways, that's it for now, no need to worry or complain or whatever, we just need to focus on two things, which is running SRS and building a sold network, and it's not easy to d this simultaniously, especially with all the loopholes regarding our scrpt and payment processors and the scumbags trying to exploit this. But that's life i guess

It's time for some sleep now for me, have a nice day!
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Beiträge in diesem Thema
StartRevShare - Wrig - 27.10.2015, 08:58
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 27.10.2015, 14:25
RE: StartRevShare - HomerS - 27.10.2015, 22:53
RE: StartRevShare - efo - 28.10.2015, 22:33
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 28.10.2015, 22:51
RE: StartRevShare - steiermark - 29.10.2015, 16:55
RE: StartRevShare - Charlie - 30.10.2015, 04:09
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 30.10.2015, 02:24
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 31.10.2015, 01:46
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 31.10.2015, 02:24
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 31.10.2015, 09:53
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 01.11.2015, 15:35
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 01.11.2015, 17:46
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 01.11.2015, 17:53
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 01.11.2015, 18:22
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 01.11.2015, 18:27
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 01.11.2015, 18:40
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 01.11.2015, 19:50
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 01.11.2015, 21:21
RE: StartRevShare - gewag - 01.11.2015, 21:42
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 01.11.2015, 21:57
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 01.11.2015, 22:13
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 02.11.2015, 08:49
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 02.11.2015, 09:47
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 02.11.2015, 10:41
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 02.11.2015, 10:48
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 02.11.2015, 12:18
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 02.11.2015, 12:26
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 02.11.2015, 14:21
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 02.11.2015, 18:52
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 02.11.2015, 19:07
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 02.11.2015, 20:13
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 02.11.2015, 20:25
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 02.11.2015, 21:12
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 02.11.2015, 21:58
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 02.11.2015, 22:13
RE: StartRevShare - chrisklei - 02.11.2015, 23:09
[] - hansi69 - 02.11.2015, 23:19
[] - flintstone - 02.11.2015, 23:20
RE: StartRevShare - Frani60 - 02.11.2015, 23:21
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 03.11.2015, 00:02
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 03.11.2015, 09:04
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 03.11.2015, 12:33
RE: StartRevShare - Frani60 - 03.11.2015, 12:56
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 04.11.2015, 03:04
RE: StartRevShare - efo - 04.11.2015, 05:18
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 04.11.2015, 10:28
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 04.11.2015, 15:07
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 07.11.2015, 15:49
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 07.11.2015, 20:13
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 07.11.2015, 20:15
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 08.11.2015, 00:30
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 08.11.2015, 16:36
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 10.11.2015, 00:05
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 11.11.2015, 03:05
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 13.11.2015, 17:18
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 13.11.2015, 20:40
[] - hansi69 - 14.11.2015, 22:25
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 15.11.2015, 14:15
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 15.11.2015, 14:45
RE: StartRevShare - Dojo - 16.11.2015, 16:35
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 15.11.2015, 19:09
RE: StartRevShare - Rusty - 15.11.2015, 19:16
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 15.11.2015, 20:05
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 15.11.2015, 20:32
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 15.11.2015, 23:37
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 16.11.2015, 10:24
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 16.11.2015, 11:31
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 16.11.2015, 16:57
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 16.11.2015, 18:05
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 16.11.2015, 21:08
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 16.11.2015, 21:14
[] - hansi69 - 17.11.2015, 20:28
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 18.11.2015, 09:12
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 18.11.2015, 09:31
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 18.11.2015, 09:40
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 18.11.2015, 09:47
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 19.11.2015, 09:58
[] - fastmoney - 19.11.2015, 17:10
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 19.11.2015, 20:08
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 19.11.2015, 20:13
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 19.11.2015, 20:25
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 19.11.2015, 20:28
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 19.11.2015, 20:38
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 19.11.2015, 21:04
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 20.11.2015, 20:35
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 20.11.2015, 21:23
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 22.11.2015, 13:04
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 22.11.2015, 13:25
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 22.11.2015, 17:05
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 22.11.2015, 17:21
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 22.11.2015, 17:42
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 22.11.2015, 17:53
RE: StartRevShare - Dojo - 22.11.2015, 18:05
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 22.11.2015, 18:11
RE: StartRevShare - Dojo - 22.11.2015, 18:15
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 22.11.2015, 18:24
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 23.11.2015, 09:32
RE: StartRevShare - Dojo - 23.11.2015, 09:36
RE: StartRevShare - cthulhu - 23.11.2015, 10:26
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 23.11.2015, 10:37
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 23.11.2015, 13:45
RE: StartRevShare - Darkey15 - 23.11.2015, 17:24
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 27.11.2015, 08:42
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 27.11.2015, 11:39
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 28.11.2015, 16:58
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 30.11.2015, 17:55
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 02.12.2015, 19:13
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 02.12.2015, 22:38
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 03.12.2015, 01:56
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 03.12.2015, 23:29
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 04.12.2015, 00:21
RE: StartRevShare - cthulhu - 04.12.2015, 00:33
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 05.12.2015, 16:47
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 06.12.2015, 15:45
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 06.12.2015, 15:49
[] - fastmoney - 07.12.2015, 17:28
RE: StartRevShare - Darkey15 - 07.12.2015, 17:49
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 07.12.2015, 19:46
RE: StartRevShare - Darkey15 - 08.12.2015, 10:55
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 08.12.2015, 18:14
RE: StartRevShare - Darkey15 - 08.12.2015, 18:20
RE: StartRevShare - Darkey15 - 09.12.2015, 16:42
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 09.12.2015, 21:34
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 09.12.2015, 21:45
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 10.12.2015, 19:54
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 10.12.2015, 20:01
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 12.12.2015, 11:46
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 12.12.2015, 17:14
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 13.12.2015, 16:32
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 15.12.2015, 09:40
RE: StartRevShare - chrisklei - 16.12.2015, 20:20
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 21.12.2015, 12:15
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 21.12.2015, 20:26
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 27.12.2015, 18:15
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 28.12.2015, 13:06
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 29.12.2015, 14:55
RE: StartRevShare - Charlie - 29.12.2015, 17:11
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 03.01.2016, 14:33
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 03.01.2016, 14:41
[] - chrisklei - 03.01.2016, 14:47
RE: StartRevShare - Dojo - 03.01.2016, 14:49
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 03.01.2016, 15:05
[] - hansi69 - 03.01.2016, 15:23
[] - AdminPeter - 04.01.2016, 20:51
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 04.01.2016, 20:53
[] - Wrig - 04.01.2016, 23:45
[] - hansi69 - 05.01.2016, 20:46
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 05.01.2016, 23:55
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 06.01.2016, 00:00
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 06.01.2016, 00:12
StartRevShare - Jens - 23.01.2016, 22:28
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 26.01.2016, 18:42
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 26.01.2016, 20:59
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 01.02.2016, 19:49
[] - AdminPeter - 01.02.2016, 20:09
StartRevShare - Kingpin - 07.05.2016, 10:51

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