
StartRevShare - Diskussion

Das wars.

Zitat:Hi Everybody,

It's unfortuate to mention this, but the way things are going with SRS i believe it's better we finish SRS in it's current
form and simply deliver the product everybody has bought. Before you panic, this means that:
-> We will deliver the ad credits
-> We will pay back the 150% cashback on your deposit according to our TOS.

There are three main reasons why we have made this decision:

1. The ongoing disputes in Payza
Recent events in other revsharing sites made it clear that this is something we can not stop. It's very unfortunate that
people don't have respect towards other members and simply file disputes putting our account indager with all other
members funds in it. As you might have seen, this behaviour can cause some serious damage.

Just ask yourself: Do we need to wait for something magical to happen like disputes ending, or do we better secure the funds before they get locked away as on other sites?

2. The ongoing abuse
I won't go deeper into how it all happens not to give crooks any ideas, but we have to ban multiple accounts every day. Some people are very creative to squeeze every last dollar out of the system, and we would rather focus on building our business.

3. Counterproductive behaviour
Even though many people post screenshots of payments, just as many post screenshots when they don't get paid and straight up stalk us for payments as if they signed up for something and have no clue what happens (read the terms page). This mindset isn't the crowd we want to suround ourselves with because it's shortsighted and behaviour of
people that will never become succesful. We on the other hand will become succesful so it's best we part ways.

What happens now?

-> We will make a list of all members who deposited on SRS
-> The list will contain the initial deposited amount + 50% plus 15% earnings of referral commissions as stated on
the homepage
-> We will pay back all earnings according to our terms of service

What this means is very simple: We pay back using company earnings and no more ad packs will be sold! If the company makes money, we pay it back to members.

So simply put: Everybody that spreads around bad words or puts down our company causes SRS members to be paid back slower!

Apparantly this wasn't very clear to people before causing slower payments, so i want to make it very clear now.
Again: The faster our company grows, the faster you'll get paid back the 150% cashback on your deposit.

If you still don't understand and post bad stuff about SRS, Startpeeps, ADZ or any other aspect of our business and/or stalk me or our staff, here are some rules which we are entitled to enforce according to our TOS:

-> Strike 1: You will be put at the bottom of the list and paid last
-> Strike 2: You will be paid last but only refunded and paid 100% back of your seed money instead of 150%
-> Strike 3: You will be banned and paid nothing and only receive the ad credits you paid for, no cashback!

ANYBODY who sees another person spreading nonsense or shout scam or whatever may report this to our help desk, because he/she causes YOU to get paid slower!

So in short: let's not sabotage each others earnings but help each other alright?

Some other info:
-> Earnings will be paid in the processor you deposited
-> Earnings will come from our ADZ reserve funds (5 million ADZ), our marketplace which is about to launch, our email marketing platform Lead-swaps, the Wso's we'll create, our payment gateway which is launched today, additional special offers for every new platform we launch.
-> To make clear: EVERYBODY will get paid so there's no point in spamming negativity all over, it will only slow down when you get paid, period.

The future of SRS

Many have asked this already and i can confirm that we are still working on the new script. Only one developer for the moment though so it takes a lot of time. We want to have all the bells and whistles in place, integrate some unique ideas to make it a profitable asset in the Start Network.

What's the big difference? SRS will be ADZ-only!

Yes we will create the first revsharing site that only uses ADZ as method of payment, for the simple reason that we can use an initial budget to form a buffer while we sell additional products using ADZ on SRS, which is what makes long-term revsharing sites stable. We'll also add a PTC script along with multiple advertisng packages all across the Start Network including Startpeeps. SO the quality of advertising will be really high.

It will also help to drastically increase the value of ADZ, which means more cash will flow into the business to help pay the current members of SRS.

Anyways, that's it for now, our team is already working on compiling the list and the buying of ad packs has been disabled on SRS using any processors available. We will work continiously to pay the cashback on ad packs purchased and won't stop until EVERY member is paid, unless you don't follow the simple rules of not posting negativity about our company as it hurts other members.

Either way, you can use our free to join revsharing social network Startpeeps now to earn free ADZ. We just finished creating the payment gateway and will start selling products using it pretty soon so the value is about to go up drastically.

If you have any questions just let us know!

All the best,

PS: Before posting ANYTHING ask yourself this: Even though we can't promise you a full-time income at the moment, just see how other revsharing businesses have handled the issues they faced. (Revadburst, HQrevshare to name a few) If you don't appreciate the fact that we'll work non-stop to deliver the product and help you earn a profit, then just keep it to youself and let us do our job of paying you back your seed money PLUS your profits

PPS: Before you start posting screenshots of pending payments: Payments will start once the list is ready in a few days!
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Beiträge in diesem Thema
StartRevShare - Wrig - 27.10.2015, 08:58
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 27.10.2015, 14:25
RE: StartRevShare - HomerS - 27.10.2015, 22:53
RE: StartRevShare - efo - 28.10.2015, 22:33
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 28.10.2015, 22:51
RE: StartRevShare - steiermark - 29.10.2015, 16:55
RE: StartRevShare - Charlie - 30.10.2015, 04:09
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 30.10.2015, 02:24
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 31.10.2015, 01:46
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 31.10.2015, 02:24
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 31.10.2015, 09:53
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 01.11.2015, 15:35
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 01.11.2015, 17:46
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 01.11.2015, 17:53
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 01.11.2015, 18:22
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 01.11.2015, 18:27
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 01.11.2015, 18:40
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 01.11.2015, 19:50
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 01.11.2015, 21:21
RE: StartRevShare - gewag - 01.11.2015, 21:42
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 01.11.2015, 21:57
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 01.11.2015, 22:13
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 02.11.2015, 08:49
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 02.11.2015, 09:47
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 02.11.2015, 10:41
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 02.11.2015, 10:48
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 02.11.2015, 12:18
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 02.11.2015, 12:26
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 02.11.2015, 14:21
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 02.11.2015, 18:52
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 02.11.2015, 19:07
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 02.11.2015, 20:13
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 02.11.2015, 20:25
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 02.11.2015, 21:12
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 02.11.2015, 21:58
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 02.11.2015, 22:13
RE: StartRevShare - chrisklei - 02.11.2015, 23:09
[] - hansi69 - 02.11.2015, 23:19
[] - flintstone - 02.11.2015, 23:20
RE: StartRevShare - Frani60 - 02.11.2015, 23:21
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 03.11.2015, 00:02
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 03.11.2015, 09:04
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 03.11.2015, 12:33
RE: StartRevShare - Frani60 - 03.11.2015, 12:56
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 04.11.2015, 03:04
RE: StartRevShare - efo - 04.11.2015, 05:18
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 04.11.2015, 10:28
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 04.11.2015, 15:07
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 07.11.2015, 15:49
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 07.11.2015, 20:13
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 07.11.2015, 20:15
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 08.11.2015, 00:30
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 08.11.2015, 16:36
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 10.11.2015, 00:05
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 11.11.2015, 03:05
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 13.11.2015, 17:18
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 13.11.2015, 20:40
[] - hansi69 - 14.11.2015, 22:25
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 15.11.2015, 14:15
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 15.11.2015, 14:45
RE: StartRevShare - Dojo - 16.11.2015, 16:35
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 15.11.2015, 19:09
RE: StartRevShare - Rusty - 15.11.2015, 19:16
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 15.11.2015, 20:05
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 15.11.2015, 20:32
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 15.11.2015, 23:37
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 16.11.2015, 10:24
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 16.11.2015, 11:31
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 16.11.2015, 16:57
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 16.11.2015, 18:05
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 16.11.2015, 21:08
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 16.11.2015, 21:14
[] - hansi69 - 17.11.2015, 20:28
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 18.11.2015, 09:12
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 18.11.2015, 09:31
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 18.11.2015, 09:40
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 18.11.2015, 09:47
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 19.11.2015, 09:58
[] - fastmoney - 19.11.2015, 17:10
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 19.11.2015, 20:08
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 19.11.2015, 20:13
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 19.11.2015, 20:25
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 19.11.2015, 20:28
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 19.11.2015, 20:38
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 19.11.2015, 21:04
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 20.11.2015, 20:35
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 20.11.2015, 21:23
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 22.11.2015, 13:04
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 22.11.2015, 13:25
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 22.11.2015, 17:05
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 22.11.2015, 17:21
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 22.11.2015, 17:42
RE: StartRevShare - ElonGale - 22.11.2015, 17:53
RE: StartRevShare - Dojo - 22.11.2015, 18:05
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 22.11.2015, 18:11
RE: StartRevShare - Dojo - 22.11.2015, 18:15
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 22.11.2015, 18:24
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 23.11.2015, 09:32
RE: StartRevShare - Dojo - 23.11.2015, 09:36
RE: StartRevShare - cthulhu - 23.11.2015, 10:26
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 23.11.2015, 10:37
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 23.11.2015, 13:45
RE: StartRevShare - Darkey15 - 23.11.2015, 17:24
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 27.11.2015, 08:42
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 27.11.2015, 11:39
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 28.11.2015, 16:58
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 30.11.2015, 17:55
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 02.12.2015, 19:13
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 02.12.2015, 22:38
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 03.12.2015, 01:56
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 03.12.2015, 23:29
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 04.12.2015, 00:21
RE: StartRevShare - cthulhu - 04.12.2015, 00:33
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 05.12.2015, 16:47
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 06.12.2015, 15:45
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 06.12.2015, 15:49
[] - fastmoney - 07.12.2015, 17:28
RE: StartRevShare - Darkey15 - 07.12.2015, 17:49
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 07.12.2015, 19:46
RE: StartRevShare - Darkey15 - 08.12.2015, 10:55
RE: StartRevShare - fastmoney - 08.12.2015, 18:14
RE: StartRevShare - Darkey15 - 08.12.2015, 18:20
RE: StartRevShare - Darkey15 - 09.12.2015, 16:42
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 09.12.2015, 21:34
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 09.12.2015, 21:45
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 10.12.2015, 19:54
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 10.12.2015, 20:01
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 12.12.2015, 11:46
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 12.12.2015, 17:14
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 13.12.2015, 16:32
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 15.12.2015, 09:40
RE: StartRevShare - chrisklei - 16.12.2015, 20:20
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 21.12.2015, 12:15
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 21.12.2015, 20:26
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 27.12.2015, 18:15
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 28.12.2015, 13:06
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 29.12.2015, 14:55
RE: StartRevShare - Charlie - 29.12.2015, 17:11
RE: StartRevShare - Wrig - 03.01.2016, 14:33
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 03.01.2016, 14:41
[] - chrisklei - 03.01.2016, 14:47
RE: StartRevShare - Dojo - 03.01.2016, 14:49
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 03.01.2016, 15:05
[] - hansi69 - 03.01.2016, 15:23
[] - AdminPeter - 04.01.2016, 20:51
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 04.01.2016, 20:53
[] - Wrig - 04.01.2016, 23:45
[] - hansi69 - 05.01.2016, 20:46
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 05.01.2016, 23:55
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 06.01.2016, 00:00
RE: StartRevShare - flintstone - 06.01.2016, 00:12
StartRevShare - Jens - 23.01.2016, 22:28
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 26.01.2016, 18:42
RE: StartRevShare - hansi69 - 26.01.2016, 20:59
RE: StartRevShare - Riii83 - 01.02.2016, 19:49
[] - AdminPeter - 01.02.2016, 20:09
StartRevShare - Kingpin - 07.05.2016, 10:51

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