
Advertzer - Advertising Revenue $1 - Diskussion

Advertzer Prelaunch

We are moving servers!
Due to high traffic and current hosting issues we are moving everything to a new server for better functionality and security.
You voted, we reset!
Currently with the move Advertzer is in prelaunch until 22 July, during this time this page can change and show different websites as we are also working on a redo of services and a new look for advertzer.
News regarding the reset will be constantly posted here and on the forum.
Pending cashout will be paid by tommorow.

Auszug aus dem Forum:

Due to some issues a lot of users abused the system and the bugs, therefore we are working on the bugs and fixing every issue that our moderator WoodyBalto notified us. We are trying our best to move as fast as possible but fixing all the bugs will take some time, so bare with us.

If the voting will be favorable we will change some of the feature and how they work for maximum exposure on advertisers.

We expect that in 2 weeks all issues will be fixed and we let you decide that once with the fixes if there will be a fresh start or not so start voting.

…. auf ein Neues … zum zweiten Mal nun Veränderungen … hoffendlich haben se jetzt den richtigen Weg im Visier

ups erst jetzt gesehen … dieser Schritt wurde bereits am 05.07. angekündigt.
Es durften auch die Benutzer abstimmen ob sie einen Reset wollen oder nicht. 59,23% stimmten für ja.
BP werden wieder in Shares gewandelt.
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Advertzer - Advertising Revenue $1 - Schnellantwort

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Beiträge in diesem Thema
[] - marin71 - 16.03.2015, 12:02
[] - MBLcapital - 14.05.2015, 23:44
[] - AdminPeter - 15.05.2015, 08:37
[] - AdminPeter - 29.05.2015, 22:34
[] - AdminPeter - 31.05.2015, 14:14
[] - AdminPeter - 01.06.2015, 12:04
[] - RPresche - 21.06.2015, 12:42
RE: Advertzer - Advertising Revenue $1 - RPresche - 13.07.2015, 09:53
[] - AdminPeter - 27.08.2015, 21:48
[] - AdminPeter - 28.08.2015, 15:11

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