
Clikdelivery - Diskussion

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear members,
We are doing some major yet good changes in Clikdelivery to make it the stable of all in the longterm.
Recently, we've seen a lot of revenue sharing programs failing off because of unhealthy ROI, unrealistic daily earnings, too high referral commissions, and obviously, a very bad management.
I can make a list of those, but as an admin, i have the obligation to stay neutral, so i will not name any of them because it's well known to all of you.
Now, the question that a lot of you may ask: why the hell are you doing changes to Clikdelivery, it's already well designed and established to run smoothly for years.
The answer to this is the following:
Yes, you're right, Clikdelivery is really well established and it took me almost 3 months to finalize the payplan and other details.
But i want to play it more safely now that our program is well known and we are near from our 10.000 members milestone.
If the current payplan is good, then what i'm going to announce to you right now is going to make it PERFECT !
Then if my plans go right and our reserve funds increases in a huge way, then i promise you that i will not hesitate to return back to the initial plan, but if it's not, then the new changes will make sure that our Clikdelivery is gonna prosper for years to come!
You know what are the major problems i personally see in actual revshares?
In term of management: >> Admins don't do the needed changes in the right timing, in an industry where the competition is too high and new programs rise every single day, changes are inevitable and timing is crucial! So you not only have to do changes but have to predict things before it actually happen. Better more, in a perfect world, i would say an admin have to prevent things from happening!
The recent two days, we've seen together two popular yet rising revshares failing off too quickly because of changes that haven't been done earlier. Some people say the admins they scammed on members, but what we really know.
In term of the actual program itself: >> The major problems i see are the following:
1. High ROI: It's a secret for no one that high ROI generates more debt from the program means money more to be paid. Plain and simple.
So the ROI should be kept realistic to control debt accumulation.
2. High daily earnings: I believe that something between 1-3% is very good for program sustainability because it helps reduce compounding power that some members are using at its maximum to generate the more from the program.
3. Referral commission: in two words, this thing is a KILLER for every program! Yes it helps of course attracting big and serious promoters, but it also help those fatten their bank accounts costs to small and new members.
Ok, now that you see the big picture, here are the changes that i wanted to announce some days earlier but i did not because i was sick (passed last Monday night in the hospital).
1. The referral commission will be lowered to 8% with immediate effect. (as usual, referral commission is only distributed to paid members who made an initial deposit, on all adpacks purchases and repurchases from both earnings and commission balance).
Why? Because like i just said, referral commission only benefit to those mega promoters and leaders who keep draining funds from the system without actually putting much money from their own to help others benefit at their turn. And you cannot imagine how much those reduced 2% can be beneficial for the program on the long term. It will help keeping enough funds in the system to ensure that every one of our members, no matter how smallest is his deposit, will be paid at his turn when he asks for a withdrawal.
2. The Adpack plan 4 (130% ROI) will be permanently removed, with immediate effect as well.
Members who have active adpacks on this plan will continue receiving their hourly earnings normally until their adpacks expire.
Also, the adpack plan 3 (120%) will have unlimited packs purchases and its price will be increased to 40$ to match the price of the adpack plan 4 that was just cancelled.
Why also this? I will go straight to it, it's too high in my sense.
Yes, i was the one who made the payplan first, but now that our program is already well known (almost 10.000 members in no time), i can't permit myself to leave anyone behind because of a high ROI, I CANNOT IMAGINE MYSELF IN 6 MONTHS FAILING OFF AND SAYING IN FRONT OF THE MIRROR, DAMN ! WHY I DIDN'T LOWERED IT BEFORE !
Because yes, believe it or not, i'm a man of honor, i love challenges and hate failure, and definitely don't want this to fail, i want to make it succeed and so i will !
Does anyone of you want to lose their money? I'm sure the answer is NO, then let us manage things our way and you'll see how things will progress and how bright our future will be.
3. Another big problem of revshare are leaders !
YES LEADERS ARE A PROBLEM! This statement may shock you but it's the pure reality!
Leaders put huge amounts since day 1, refer a crazy number of people, then compound for a short period of time to hit the maximum withdrawal limit, then start to withdraw this maximum (1000$ in our case) INDEFINITELY !
Just think of this for one second please, imagine our great leaders withdrawing 1000$ every single day in two or three months from now.
Let's say we have just 20 leader in Clikdelivery that maxed out our at our program so it will be 1000$ x 20 = 20.000$.
So it will be 20.000$ x 30 = 600.000$ per month !
Do you realize this figure? Imagine 600.000$ being withdrawn every month indefinitely by 20 members.
What if we go bigger and count some 100 or 200 leader?
How much will be withdrawn daily by the same members again and again?
Then what will be left for regular/small members that put in their hard earned 100 or 200$ and compounding for 6 months dreaming to make some decent cash to pay their monthly bills?
Yes, we are here to change lives, to make people prosper, to help them achieve their financial freedom, buy their own house.etc
But the point here is that we want to help ALL OF OUR MEMBERS, not only a selected few.
During my experience in revshares, i always heard that revshares are ONLY profitable to leaders, and that's definitely TRUE!
We don't want our Clikdelivery to be another regular revshare that confirms this rule, we wanna stand out from the others, we want to benefit all of our members by ensuring a loyal wealth distribution between all of our members.
Therefore, i've personally decided to put a GLOBAL WITHDRAWAL LIMIT for all members without any exception.
This withdrawal limit is of 30.000$ !
I believe it's fair enough to keep our leaders motivated to promote our program yet keep our reserve funds sufficient enough to pay all of the other members.
So What happen when a member hit this cap ?
When a member total withdrawal amount hits 30.000$, all his account data is reset back to 0. Including his adpacks, cash balance, earning balance and even commission balance. Only his referrals are kept because it's he did a huge effort to bring them to the program so it makes no sense to remove them from his account.
At that point, he has two options, he could either benefit from his future referral commissions or make new deposits again and purchase new adpacks like any new member.
Once we reset a member's account, a new withdrawal cap of 30.000$ will be open to him again and once he hits that cap again, his account will be reset back to 0 and so on.
I think this is very clear and needs no more explanations.
So to make a summary of the changes that will take effect immediately:
1. Referral commission has been lowered to 8% instead of 10%.
2. Adplan 4 (130%) has been removed and Adpack plan 3 (120%) will have unlimited amount of adpacks that can be purchased, and its price will be increased to 40$ to match the price of the adpack plan 4 that was just cancelled.
3. A global withdrawal limit of 30.000$ has been set to control cashflow and prevent the same members from draining funds indefinitely.
Apart from those, we also inform you that daily cap will vary between 1 and 2.5% in maximum depending on sales.
Combine this to the recent changes and we are good to live for YEARS to come, yes this is a plan for years of longevity not for the next 6 months!
Once again, if you are looking for a program that will pay you 1000$ a day in a secure way, you're in the right place, if you're looking for something else, then we cannot do much things unfortunately.
I know that some skeptical people may see this announcement as the following : oh my god, Clikdelivery is out of funds and is doing a desperate move to save things, guess what ? you are WRONG !
We have enough funds to pay every single member and our reserve keeps increasing every single day, and we have no problem with frozen funds, hacked accounts. or anything that you may imagine. Just look at our recent payouts, look at server time and the amount of cash we are paying every hour and how fast we are doing so.
I'll repeat this to you one more time, if we are doing this, it's only because we wanna prevent writing something like this in the next 6 months: "Guys, our funds are getting low, so please promote to keep us alive". Or better more: "guys our reserve is done, so restart or close?"
Look, I don't want to beg anyone of you, if you are really satisfied with our services, i believe you will promote us by yourself without any incentive like "promote and get 5$ for every referral" and those pity posts!
Another thing,
We all know that a revshare cannot live forever without an external income source, now i don't want to anticipate things, but all i can say for now is that i assure you will be amazed by what you'll see in the next months about our upcoming services which will really boost our sales and bring a real second income source to consolidate our position as one the best revenue sharing programs ever made!
Thank you for taking the time to read this as it's really very important.
Also, please inform your downlines about these MAJOR changes, a mass email will also be sent regarding this and the news section will be updated as well.
Keep promoting CD with 100% confidence as we are here to stay!
Admin of Clikdelivery.com

Großes Update zusammengefasst:

Es wird eine Änderung im PayPlan geben. Die Stats sahen in den letzten tagen immer noch sehr gut aus die Änderung scheinen also wirklich nur vorbeugend zu sein.

1) Referral Commission wird von 10% auf 8% gesenkt
2) das 130% Pack fällt weg.
3) das 120% Pack kann jetzt unendlich gekauft werden und kostet jetzt 40$
4) Es gibt jetzt neben dem 500% Auszahlungslimit ein 30.000$ Auszahlungslimit für die Großen Fische Zwinkern
5) Die tägliche Ausschüttung wird zwischen 1%-2,5% liegen abhängig von den täglichen Umsätzen des Programmes.

An sich gute Entscheidungen für die Langlebigkeit des Programmes. Abzuwarten ist aber wie die Community drauf reagiert. Weil ohne neue Member bringen auch die besten Neuerungen nichts.
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Clikdelivery - Rakican - 06.04.2016, 00:09
[] - Gamer123456 - 27.04.2016, 08:12
RE: Clikdelivery - Gamer123456 - 29.04.2016, 08:51
RE: Clikdelivery - lottikarotti86 - 29.04.2016, 10:03
RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 29.04.2016, 11:57
RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 29.04.2016, 18:30
RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 30.04.2016, 14:57
RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 02.05.2016, 14:04
RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 03.05.2016, 14:45
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RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 04.05.2016, 17:31
RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 05.05.2016, 18:15
RE: Clikdelivery - patrice - 05.05.2016, 18:20
RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 07.05.2016, 11:15
Clikdelivery - Kingpin - 08.05.2016, 14:08
RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 08.05.2016, 21:08
RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 11.05.2016, 16:31
RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 12.05.2016, 22:16
RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 13.05.2016, 12:15
RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 15.05.2016, 12:43
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RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 16.05.2016, 12:10
RE: Clikdelivery - Jumper244 - 16.05.2016, 16:12
RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 16.05.2016, 18:59
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RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 17.05.2016, 09:59
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RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 17.05.2016, 16:56
RE: Clikdelivery - Jumper244 - 17.05.2016, 17:34
RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 18.05.2016, 12:17
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RE: Clikdelivery - Rakican - 29.06.2016, 18:17
RE: Clikdelivery - Whiteknight - 29.06.2016, 19:40
RE: Clikdelivery - lottikarotti86 - 01.10.2016, 07:40
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