
Elixir Heaven - "principal included"-Midterm - Diskussion

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 

Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

Start 14.11.2016

Mein Investment

Was können wir verdienen?

Alle Pläne sind "principal included",
das heißt, wir erhalten unser Investment
anteilsmäßig jeden Tag ausbezahlt, was
einem frühzeitigen Totalverlust entgegen wirkt

Plan 1
16 % täglich | 7 Tage | 112 % ROI
mindestens 1 $ | maximal 1.000 $
Plan 2
9 % täglich | 15 Tage | 135 % ROI
mindestens 1 $ | maximal 1.000 $

Plan 3
6 % täglich | 26 Tage | 156 % ROI
mindestens 1 $ | maximal 1.000 $
Plan 4
3 % täglich | lifetime
mindestens 1.000 $ | maximal 10.000 $

Beispiel Plan 1:
Wir investieren 100 $ und erhalten
täglich 16 % (= 16 $) zurück.
Am 7. Tag haben wir 112 % unserer
Einlage zurück, verdienen also 12 $.


Alles zum Thema Ein- und Auszahlungen

Investieren können wir mit PM, BTC, Payeer und Payza,
los geht es ab einem Investment von 1 $

Auszahlungen müssen beantragt werden, sie kommen
innerhalb von 12 Stunden aus unseren Zahlungsprozessor

(Gebühren werden noch hinzugefügt)

Re-Investitionen von der Balance sind möglich

Für seine Downline erhält man 8 % von deren Investments,
fürs 2. Level sind es 3 %, fürs 3. Level 2 noch 2 %

Mehr Informationen
persönliche Einschätzung


Zur Anmeldung

[Bild: 625.achtung.gif]
Risikohinweis: Vor dem Investieren in Programme unbedingt lesen!

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#freigeschaltet [Zur Vorstellung]
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Erste Auszahlung kam instant auf die Wallet
und täglich kommt ein Newsletter der auf
facebook sehr aktiven Admina Lächeln

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Hello Friends,

How are you? Everyone is enjoying Elixir Heaven I believe. We now running our 4th day of business and things are improving everyday. I am very happy seeing your supports. We have a positive vibe going around the program. And deposits are increasing day by day.

Running Days: 4
Total Accounts: 747
Total Deposits: $29001.40
Total Withdraws: $ 4087.16

We are planning to appoint some staffs in live chat section. So after that it will be online 24/7 for members support. Isn't that wonderful?

We have some good news coming. Some contests and giveaways are on-the-way. Also we will acknowledge some good supporters and investors. Stay tuned for more news and updates.

Admin Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zenobia.agama
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ElixirHeaven4You/

Have a great day ahead

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neuer Newsletter: ab sofort läuft für eine Woche ein referral contest, für den ersten Platz
gibt's 400 $, für den zweiten 300, für den dritten 200 und für den vierten 100 $

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

Hello Friends,

As per some of the top leaders suggested, we are starting a REFERRAL CONTEST from today. Contest will be held for 1 WEEK from now and only PAID REFERRALS gets qualified.

1st place: $400
2nd place: $300
3rd place: $200
4th place: $100

This prize ($1000) will be given from our advertising and promotional funds, not from members deposit. We will also give some prizes for members who are active and supportive in Facebook group.

Meanwhile, my team is also going to start mass promotion in all major websites and monitors. If you liked your program, you can also support us by sharing it with friends.

Admin: https://www.facebook.com/zenobia.agama
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ElixirHeaven4You/


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Auf facebook ist die gute Admina tatsächlich sehr aktiv,
die aktuelle Nachricht von heute - in der Gruppe sind bereits
über 1.200 Member

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

Zenobia Agama
9 Std.

Hello Friends,

I am very happy and excited today Lächeln Guess why? We reached 1000 members in just 1 week.

Running Days: 7
Total Accounts: 1002
Total Deposits: $39832.60
Total Withdraws: $ 9759.11

Some members asked me how can I trust EH?
My answer was simple. I am updating every news and update showing my real identity to everyone. I have nothing to hide because we are here to run a honest business Lächeln And that wouldn't be possible without your help and team effort. I really thank every one of you for that supporting me <3

Past week, I have listened many good suggestions from our loyal supporters and soon it will be implemented. We can rewind what happened in this 1 week ride.

1. Massive Referral Contest for $1000. https://www.facebook.com/groups/ElixirHeaven4You/permalink/1012493988876142/ Lächeln
2. Three more support staffs in Live Chat will be appointed from next week and it will be operational 24/7 Lächeln
3. Making Payza deposits and withdrawals automatic. We have already submitted website for review Lächeln
4. We will give daily $10 for the most active member in facebook group. First winner I will announce in few hours Lächeln

More updates and good news coming. Stay tuned.

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Neuer Tag, neuer Newsletter

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Hello Friends,

Hope you have enjoyed your weekend. I also enjoyed time with my family and kids. Now I'm fully back online.

It was a good 8 days run of Elixir Heaven. We have reached over 1150 members, $45,000 deposits and almost $11,000 payouts. This is massive guys. And we are only starting! This wouldn't be possible without your support, trust and team efforts. Keep it up friends.

Running Days: 8
Total Accounts: 1156
Total Deposits: $ 44723.26
Total Withdraws: $ 10916.45

1. We have submitted documents for Payza Website approval. Hopefully soon it will be approved and then deposit and withdrawals will be instant. For now, you can fund manually. Please follow these steps if you are funding with Payza: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ElixirHeaven4You/permalink/1010734105718797/
2. Referral Contest of $1000 is running until Nov 27th: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ElixirHeaven4You/permalink/1012493988876142/
3. We will be appointing 3 more staffs in Live Chat for making it 24/7 operational.

Please join our FB official group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ElixirHeaven4You/
Keep posting proofs and support us in growing together

Elixir Heaven

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Der aktuelle Newsletter vom 23. November:

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

Elixir Heaven Successfully Completed 10 Days!

Nov-23-2016 04:25:32 AM

Hello Friends, how are you? Lächeln

I am excited to announce that we have successfully completed our 10th day of our journey and I must say this is only a beginning of something big and huge.

I would also like to thank Mr. Ibadullah Khalil for writing such a wonderful testimonial for our program and we have already added that into website. He also receive $50 in account as we promised earlier.

Some of the leaders from Brazil have asked me to make a meeting. So today I will be going to see them. You can also join us if you're nearby. Lets discuss about the program and help it grow bigger and successful for months/years to come.

Exiting things are coming for you. Stay tuned.

Have a blessed day

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Neuer Tag, neuer Newsletter

Admina reden offensichtlich nicht nur gerne, sondern schreiben auch viel

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Hello Friends, How are you doing?

I was having a busy schedule last 2 days and was less available for Facebook chats, I apologize for the same. I had met some leaders and promoters from Brazil and they have started with us already.

More and more members are joining daily and our Facebook support group is also active. I thank each and every one of you for supporting us. Join us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ElixirHeaven4You/

Running Days: 12
Total Accounts: 1592
Total Deposits: $ 67878.87
Total Withdraws: $ 26941.57

We have already submitted necessary documents for Payza website approval. It might take upto 7 business days. After approval, Payza deposit and withdrawals will be instant too. Isn't that great?

Some members have reported me that they are getting logged out of account without any reason. We have contacted our hosting and script team to resolve this issue. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Also some members are facing delay in BTC deposits. Please understand that it is not issue from our side, but whole block chain transaction is pending for confirmations. Please wait upto 5 hours for payment to get cleared.

Some new features will be added to website in this weekend. More details to follow. Stay tuned.


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Es gab gestern Auszahlungsprobleme bei Payeer,
aber jetzt sollte wieder alles klappen.

Meine PM-Auszahlung kam eben instant - wie immer

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
----------------ISSUE RESOLVED SUCCESFULLY---------------.

Dear members ,
Nowadays we can see that almost every popular websites got hacker's attempts on their payment processors and i come to know many of the owners are now processing the deposits and withdrawals manually. Yeah , and even we got some damn attacks lasted for some minutes and i was able to track this attack a little bit early and disabled our payeer account to protect the funds and we have reset our merchant ID . Now we have moved to a new merchant id and our funds are safe in our guard and From this point payeer is gonna function as before . Deposits and Withdrawals are as usual super instant and No other issues on payeer . Let me tell , everything is working perfectly now . We had also upgraded our security system to higher end and re-encrypted all the databases and coded .
I have many more updates to give you and will do in my video updates .

Happy Earnings ,

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Drei Wochen liegen hinter uns - bei mir wird ab sofort
nur noch mit den Gewinnen gespielt, bin hier bereits
gut im BEP Lächeln

Neuer Newsletter wurde veröffentlicht:

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Hello Friends, how are you all doing?

Its been almost a week since I gave a video update. Like I said in my last group post, I was having some health issues, but I am perfectly fine now. Thanks to each and everyone who supported me until now. I am sure you'll keep supporting in future.

So, we have achieved another milestone now, completed 3 successful weeks. And I know its only a start of our long journey. We are now almost 2200 members and over 70% of them have an investment. We already paid out massive $55,000 to our loyal members.

I know I was late for announcing the winners of our 'Referral Contest'. I apologize for the delay. We only count the ACTIVE REFERRALS for this contest of $1000.

1st Place: Nikifor Kesha ($400)
2nd Place: Alekhya Nair ($300)
3rd Place: Rubén Carmelo ($200)
4th Place: Dipalbehan Shah ($100)

Congratulations winners. You deserve this. There are many who supported me right from beginning. Thanks for everything.

There will be more contests. I can make a quick contest today itself so that more members would get prizes and it will create a positive atmosphere in group.

So stay tuned for next contest. Details will be posted in few hours.
Video Update: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ElixirHeaven4You/permalink/1031529403639267/


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Hab heute nochmal etwas in den 7-Tages-Plan nachgelegt,
Programm läuft weiter sehr stabil, es gibt nichts zu klagen Lächeln
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und schon gibt es einen neuen plan - mag jeder davon halten, was er will Lächeln

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Hello Friends Lächeln

As you all know Elixir Heaven isn't just a ponzi program like other HYIPS with fake admins. We are doing a real business with the help of experienced Forex Traders.

Last week I was mentioning about an exciting news. Well the exciting news was, our Forex traders did a wonderful job last week as bitcoin price was was going up and it gave us 19% extra profit compared to last week.

I wanted to give something special to members for their limitless support and trust towards the program. But I also wanted to make sure that program stability wont be compromised. That is why this took few days to announce.

So here we are.
Elixir Heaven introducing limited period plan: #ElixirElite.

Deposits into plan will only be open for 48 hours. After that we will close it to ensure sustainability.

***New Plan***
Minimum Deposit: $5
Maximum Deposit: $500
Daily: 37%
Maturity: 3 days
Total Return: 111%

# This plan can only be purchased from Processors.
# Plan will be closed in 48 hours from now.



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der neue "elite"-plan (37 % - 3 tage) wurde so gut angenommen,
dass er nur mehr 6 stunden verfügbar ist

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Hello Friends, Hope you are enjoying the day Lächeln

24 hours is almost over since we launched #ElixirElite plan and those members who invested yesterday will start getting 37% now which they can withdraw instant.

I have opened this plan for 48 hours in calculation that we will get $25,000 deposit so that profit will only be $2750 ($25,000 x 11%) and we could easily pay $2750 in 3 days from our Forex profits generated.

But the response received was huge and almost $14,000 fresh deposit came into this plan already. So we are forced to close it 6 hours prior to what we announced yesterday.

In short, #ElixirElite plan will be closed in next 18 hours.

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Auszahlungen sind seit gestern auf Pending und nun ist die Seite offline.  Negativ
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(09.12.2016, 08:53)Hannebambel schrieb: Auszahlungen sind seit gestern auf Pending und nun ist die Seite offline. Negative

jap, schaut leider nach scam aus - 22 Tage ist das ding gelaufen, ich konnte 3 cycles (16 % | 7 tage) mitnehmen = ROI 115 %
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#Moderation: Vorstellung zu "geschlossene Projekte" verschoben!
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.
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Elixir Heaven - "principal included"-Midterm - Schnellantwort

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5 kürzlich aktive Themen dieses Bereichs
Thema Themenersteller Antworten Ansichten Letzter Beitrag
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Principal-Back: ArtMind.trade - mind. 0,35% täglich MaKoTrade 19 1.799 Gestern, 12:38
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Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Principal-Back: Vortic United MarkusMFI 87 12.755 17.06.2024, 18:19
Letzter Beitrag: AdminPeter
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