
MyPayingCryptoAds - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 

Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

Hallo Community,

möchte Euch heute MyPayingCryptoAds (MPCA) vorstellen.

MPCA ist ein Revshare Programm, dass ausschließlich auf Bitcoin setzt und am 10.11.2016 gestartet ist.

Wie verdienen wir mit MPCA?

Adpacks mit Umsatzbeteiligung:

Wir können hier Adpacks (Werbepakete) erwerben durch die wir Bannercredits erhalten mit denen wir Werbung schalten können und an dem Revenue (Umsatzbeteiligung) beteiligt werden. Folgende Packs gibt es:

Adpack Plan 1:
Kosten: 0.01 BTC
Banner Credits: 5000
Rendite: 120%
Max. Anzahl: 100
Erforderliche Membership: keine

Adpack Plan 2:
Kosten: 0.03 BTC
Banner Credits: 10000
Rendite: 120%
Max. Anzahl: 100
Erforderliche Membership: Coin Explorer

Adpack Plan 3:
Kosten: 0.05 BTC
Banner Credits: 25000
Rendite: 120%
Max. Anzahl: 100
Erforderliche Membership: Coin Professional

Adpack Plan 4:
Kosten: 0.10 BTC
Banner Credits: 50000
Rendite: 120%
Max. Anzahl: 1000
Erforderliche Membership: Coin Elite

Wie Ihr seht, gibt es hier 4 verschiedene Arten von AdPacks die dementsprechend auch unterschiedlich kosten. Von 0.01 bis 0.10 BTC. Für den 1 Plan, wird keine Membership benötigt, ab Plan 2 allerdings müsst ihr einen kleinen monatlichen Betrag (0.03BTC) zahlen um diese Packs kaufen zu dürfen.

Membership Gebühren pro Monat:

1. Coin Explorer: 0.02 BTC
2. Coin Professional: 0.05 BTC
3. Coin Elite: 0.1 BTC

Die Ausschüttung pro Pack beträgt täglich bis zu 2%

Bsp.: Wir kaufen 100 Packs zu je 0.01 BTC, macht in Summe ein Invest von 1 BTC. Nach 120% also 1.2 BTC sind unsere Packs ausgelaufen, was minimum 50 Tage (bei 2%) dauert.

Bedingung für die Umsatzbeteiligung:

Um die Umsatzbeteiligung zu erhalten, müssen täglich 10 x 20 Sekunden Banner Werbungen geschaut werden. (Zeitaufwand max. 5 Minuten!). Für das anschauen dieser Werbung erhalten wir zusätzlich Webseiten Credits, mit denen wir unsere eigenen Seite / Programme bewerben können.

Weitere Werbeprodukte:

MPCA bietet noch weitere Werbeprodukte mit denen wir unsere Seiten / Programme bewerben können. Hier ein paar Beispiele:

Ich selbst hab hier schon verschiedene Dinge getestet, unter anderem die Login Ads, die wohl Ihre größte Wirkung zeigen, aber auch am teuersten sind. Zudem gibt es Cash Links mit denen wir kostenlos ein paar Satoshi verdienen können.

Ein und Auszahlungen:

Ein sowie Auszahlungen sind ausschließlich über BTC möglich.
Einzahlungen: mind. 0.05 BTC

Auszahlungen: mind. 0.01 BTC, max. 1 BTC pro Tag
1 mal pro Tag – 7 Tage die Woche

Dauer für eine Auszahlung ca. 24-48 Stunden
Gebühren fallen seitens MPCA keine an.

Referall Comission:

Beim Adpack kauf der Downline gibt es 6% Comission.

Persönlich Einschätzung:


Hier geht's zur Anmeldung:

[Bild: 625.achtung.gif]
Risikohinweis: Vor dem Investieren in Programme unbedingt lesen!
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MyPayingCryptoAds - Diskussion

Programm-Status: Auszahlungsnachweise fehlen 
#Neuer Status: Weil die Auszahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema dieser Vorstellung zu alt sind, wurde hier der gelbe Daumen als Themenicon gesetzt.
Hinweis: Bitte einen Auszahlungsbeleg im Auszahlungsthema posten, das am Ende der Vorstellung verlinkt ist!
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aktueller Newsletter mit Veränderungen:
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear MPA and MPCA members,

Please be sure to read this entire message.

First of all, we would like to congratulate the entire MPA family on the successful 2nd anniversary event! This is a phenomenal achievement and we look forward to the 3rd anniversary event. The UK is the front runner with regards to location!

Secondly, we have a very important announcement with regards to both MPA and MPCA.
Our key goals are to provide long term and consistent services to our members. With this being said we have reviewed our rewards plan and have decided to implement some changes that will strengthen our ability to uphold our primary goals.

We have taken action, for our members, to ensure that the MPA Network stands strong for the next 5 to 10 years. We have seen time and time again many online platforms surviving less than 5months, this is a result of not understanding the demands of the market and not making the necessary adjustments to their business. The key reason that MPA stands at the peak of the industry and is in the best possible standing is that we make the required adjustments to ensure smooth business transition. We are also well aware that our decisions have an impact on shaping our industry. All this being said, we make our decisions after meticulous preparation and careful thought.
MyPayingAds are officially announcing new rewards functionality for both MPA and MPCA.

The new rewards functionality is summarised below:

1] The maximum withdrawals that can be made is 2 times the purchase amount (i.e. purchases made with payment processor and/or cash balance i.e. leader's commission)

2] A new Adpack plan has been introduced to both MPA and MPCA i.e. Adpack Plan 5 which is almost identical with Adpack Plan 4 with an exception that the Adpacks can only be bought using the payment processor and/or cash balance i.e. leader's commission.

2a] The maximum number of Adpacks that one can buy from different plans at MPA are as follows:

Adpack Plan 1: 100;
Adpack Plan 2: 100;
Adpack Plan 3: 100;
Adpack Plan 4: 1200;
Adpack Plan 5: 1000;

2b] The maximum number of Adpacks that one can buy from different plans at MPCA are as follows:

Adpack Plan 1: 100;
Adpack Plan 2: 100;
Adpack Plan 3: 100;
Adpack Plan 4: 1000;
Adpack Plan 5: 1000;

3] Both MPA and MPCA will include a purchase fee and withdrawal fee of 2% for Bitcoin purchases and withdrawals.This fee amount is used for the site maintenance and staff.

4] All these features will be enabled in both MPA and MPCA at 12 noon Indian Standard Time (IST) on 7th Apr 2017.

5] Whatever the outstanding withdrawals at the time of the enabling of the above features will be cancelled and all the funds will be returned to the earning balances. New withdrawal requests can be made after the enable of the above new features.

This functionality in combination with the leadership commission, will provide a fair reward opportunity to all members.
Members that have already withdrawn x2 of their purchase amount will not be penalised with a negative account. The Adpacks in their accounts will be paused and will become active as soon as more Adpacks are purchased with either fresh funds or leadership commissions.

Just to re-iterate, our key goals are to provide long term and consistent services to our members. The new rewards functionality will strengthen our ability to uphold our primary goals. This concept will take our platform to a new level of steadiness. As we mentioned previously, as industry leaders we need to ensure that we can shape and improve our industry and help it grow from strength to strength. This is the new era of online advertising & revenue share and MyPayingAds are leading the industry to new heights.

Many thanks,

MPA & MPCA Admin Team

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Hier läuft soweit alles wie gehabt, Earnings laufen gut, Auzahlungen kommen pünktlich
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Programm-Status: Auszahlungsnachweise fehlen 
#Neuer Status: Weil die Auszahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema dieser Vorstellung zu alt sind, wurde hier der gelbe Daumen als Themenicon gesetzt.
Hinweis: Bitte einen Auszahlungsbeleg im Auszahlungsthema posten, das am Ende der Vorstellung verlinkt ist!
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Ich warte noch immer auf die Auszahlung, die ich am 24. April beantragt habe. Dabei sollte es diese Woche eigentlicher schneller gehen (zumindest laut Ankündigung).

Dafür gibt es einen neue Regelung betreffend des letzten Plans.
Es erhöht nun den möglichen Auszahlungsbetrag.
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(03.05.2017, 10:59)Gogo93 schrieb: Ich warte noch immer auf die Auszahlung, die ich am 24. April beantragt habe. Dabei sollte es diese Woche eigentlicher schneller gehen (zumindest laut Ankündigung).

Dafür gibt es einen neue Regelung betreffend des letzten Plans.
Es erhöht nun den möglichen Auszahlungsbetrag.

Hmm also die Auszahlungen dauern etwas länger, aber seit 24. April ist schon recht lang. Bei mir dauert das in der Regel max 5 Tage. Evtl. canceln und neu beantragen?
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(06.05.2017, 12:23)MoneyMaker schrieb: Hmm also die Auszahlungen dauern etwas länger, aber seit 24. April ist schon recht lang. Bei mir dauert das in der Regel max 5 Tage. Evtl. canceln und neu beantragen?

Bei mir auch so in etwa. ich zahle täglich aus und es hat sich jetzt ne Pipeline von 5 Pendings gebildet. dauert also tatsächlich so etwa 5 Tage inzwischen. aber länger hat es noch nicht gedauert. würde da auch mal über deine Upline an den Support gehen oder die Auszahlung canceln und neu beantragen.
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Heute kam wieder eine Auszahlung an, die am 2. Mai beantragt wurde.

Werde später auch noch den Zahlungsbeleg posten. Also es dauert ein bisschen
kommen aber an!
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Hier mal die letzten News:

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
#MPA and #MPCA update on 11th May 2017:

Dear All,

Here are some updates from the management to MPA and MPCA members:

[1] We have been working on clearing the payouts received on 9th May 2017. We use the revenue as it generates to clear the payouts.

We have also canceled all the pending withdrawal requests made prior to 7th May 2017 and returned the funds to the respective account balances.

[2] The next set of withdrawal request submissions will be opened when we have at least $50,000 worth of revenue generation at MPA (so that a minimum of $5 withdrawal of 10,000 members can be honored) and 100 BTC worth of revenue generation at MPCA (so that a minimum of 0.01 btc withdrawal of 10,000 members can be honored), respectiely.

Hence, until further notice, the new withdrawal request submissions are closed. As soon as we generate the sufficient revenue, we will open for the new withdrawal request submissions.

At the management we are doing our best to promote our two platforms and please continue doing the same so that through team work we can achieve the success.

[3] We thank everyone for all of your suggestions on Facebook, through support tickets and through personal messages. We have noted every single suggestion and we are currently going through them so that a suitable strategy will be made to overcome the current situation.

Please kindly remember that the avergae withdrawals used to be upto $200,000 to $340,000 per day at MPA and 200-250 BTC per day at MPCA, respectively, when we have the earlier maximum withdrawal limits and that is the kind of revenue that we need to generate to go to our normal functioning. So, any new strategy we work on shall make us to reach to such revenue generations per day.

Hence, we are carefully going through each suggestion and doing all the necessary thinking to finalize a workable solution.

We will communicate to you all about our strategies to move forward as soon as we finalize them.

Please note that one or few good strategies can be able to improve the situation and bring MPA and MPCA back on track in terms of withdrawals processing and our current hard work is to come up with such solutions. We are in consultation with many senior members, leaders and industry experts for ideas and suggestions. We hope to finalize this excercise soon.

[4] While it is difficult to ask for your patience and cooperation at this situation of daily withdrawals being disabled, but we do not have any better option at this moment. Please visualize that once we find a suitable solution, all our waiting will finish and we will be on our successfull journey for many months and years to come.

[5] Please suggest your team members to read all our announcements which are being placed in "Admin Messages" page under Account Activity tab in the back offices.

Thanks and wish you all a great time ahead.

MPA Management

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Tja. so schnell kann das Blatt sich wenden. bin gespannt, ob die das nochmal in den Griff bekommen. ansonsten würde ich sagen. eindeutig Verzögerungsphase eingeläutet.
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Hier die letzten News vom 15.05.17

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
#MPA and #MPCA Announcement (15th May 2017):

Dear MPA/MPCA Members,

Firstly, we would like to thank all the members and team leaders who have offered their valuable suggestions to continue our journey. We have carefully gone through each and every suggestion before arriving at the possible options to find the solution for the current stalling at MPA and MPCA, respectively.

We have also carefully analyzed the revenue generation in the last one week and possible future revenue generation with the current stalling. The revenue generation has been very less but it is also due to the disabling of the withdrawal requests.

There are some serious concerns in terms of the continuity of the business wherein the revenue generation will be good enough to deliver the satisfactory daily earnings. If the daily earnings are not satisfactory, then the stalling may occur again.

Hence, after careful consideration of all possibilities, we came up to the below two options to choose from:

Plan A:

Reset all ad packs and earning balances to zero in every account
Reduce referral commission to 5%
The daily earnings will be set between 0.0% to 2.0% which is variable everyday and which strictly depends on the daily revenue generation
The maximum worth of adpacks that one can buy is of $10,000.
The maximum withdrawal limit per day is: $200. Will vary also depending on the revenue generation.
The minimum withdrawal limit per day is: $5
The maximum withdrawal limit is 3 times to the processor purchase.

Members will be required to complete 16 promotional tasks per day to earn daily;
profit share will start at 0% and then go up based only on daily sales.
These tasks will include posting to Facebook, posting to Twitter, posting to a Blog site, posting text messages to traffic exchanges etc.
Each task of 4 completed, then the members will qualify for that daily set of earnings (25% of the daily earnings for the completion of each task).

More emphasis will be placed on members to promote the business to sustain sales and long term growth.

Below are some important points to note regarding this Plan:

(a) Though the members have bought the advertising services from our programs while revenue sharing rewards are non-guaranteed, we still want to generate the revenue through the sales of other advertising services and through other partner programs and return the amount that was spent on the advertising and hence if we choose this option, we have the defeciet of that amount to begin with. So, this defeciet will have severe effect on the successful continuion of the programs.

(b) There will still be a possibility of stalling if the revenue generation stops, through members not supporting the re-launch etc.
When the revenue is low and if earnings are like 0.1% or 0.5% per day,
new people making purchases will stop and want to wait until earnings get picked up.
But, earnings percentage cannot be increased unless the revenue generation picks up.
So, such situation may lead to stalling again.

© Members who lose adpacks now may disappoint and stop supporting the business.
Members who are waiting to receive the seed money may not support the system immediately with dedication and focus.

Plan B:

Stop Adpack sales until further notice and run MPA and MPCA as non-revenue sharing Traffic Exchange platforms.
We see enormous growth in this sector to increase our member base in the new traffic exchanges,
with thousands of online marketers looking to spend their advertising money on a well run modern platforms like ours.
This will generate income for the platforms straight away.
Income generated will be directed to paying members seed money.

There will be one upgrade membership offered at each platform as follows:

$10 or 0.01 btc per month upgrade membership 10000 Banner views per month
50% referral commissions on every purchase to the sponsor

All revenue generated through the continuition of MPA and MPCA Traffic Exchange platforms and our other two upcoming partner programs, CC and the 'dream product' as we have outlined, a local business directory index product,
which will start generating income within 3 weeks from now, hopefully,
will be used to refund to the members who have not withdrawn their seed money balance. This does not affect the partner programs in any way. We are here stating that any revenue generated that would normally go to the admin fund will be used to return to the members.

All Adpacks and current account balances will be made to zero.

The revenue sharing platform will resume operation in early 2018 after building our external revenue generation streams. These external revenue generation streams will help the programs to sustain longer without the possibility of any stalling, hopefully.

The Management's Decision in moving forward:

The majority of leaders and members that we approached, preferred a long term approach to the business and have indicated Plan B as their preferred option.

The management team have agreed with their reasoning for long term stability and growth.

The key points being:

1. 80% of the member base are non marketers and have no wish to promote or
recruit, believing the business model is clicking the adverts and withdrawing the earnings.

2. Only 2% of the active members chose to purchase the suggested $5 booster packs to generate sales
We sold 5000 ad packs which is $25,000. Our sales target every day is $100,000 minimum to pay the minimum withdrawal request amount per day to each eligible member.
Most believed the site would stall again in a short while, making Plan A a short term option,
to be back in the same situation and still having the burden of the seed money to be paid to members.

3. Traffic Exchanges, as a business model, have operated for over 10-15 years and are proven.
Traffic generated will bring in sales to stabilize the business and pay seed money to members.

4. With immediate funds coming from the Traffic Exchanges and the new partner programs starting within 2-3 weeks, the clear profit generated could be given to the member's seed money fund straight away, to start payments to the members.

5. Once the seed money debt is finalised, the business would be stable and in profit, when relaunching with the improved revenue share model in early 2018.

Therefore our decision is to adopt Plan B and move forward.

More details will be shared through a hangout tomorrow. We thank everyone for your great support for our two platforms. Let us continue working as a team so that we can re-launch the revenue sharing platforms soon after building the necessary external revenue generation streams.u


MPA and MPCA Management

Setze hier mal das Ausrufezeichen, bis alles geklärt ist und feststeht ob und wie es weiter geht
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Wieder mal ein Beispiel weshalb man die Finger weg lassen sollte von RevShare Programmen. Alle scamen (TNA, MPCA, MyAdsino etc) meist nach kurzer Zeit.
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Es ist tot. Keine Auszahlungen mehr. Es bekommen max die Leute ihr Invest zurück falls sie BEP nicht erreicht haben. Earnings sind tot. Das Geld soll durch neue Projekte finanziert werden. Eigentlich gehört hier eindeutig der rote Daumen rein. Das gleiche gilt für MyPayingAds. Durch "Zufall" sind beide Zeitgleich eingegangen.
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#Neuer Status: Wegen selektiven, limitierten oder ausbleibenden Auszahlungen und/oder Berichten eines "Scams" (Schließung), ist hier der neue Status "Zahlt nicht"!
Hinweis: Bitte hier gar nicht mehr investieren, da der Status eindeutig "Zahlt nicht" ist!
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(17.05.2017, 13:40)internetoffice schrieb: Wieder mal ein Beispiel weshalb man die Finger weg lassen sollte von RevShare Programmen. Alle scamen (TNA, MPCA, MyAdsino etc) meist nach kurzer Zeit.

Naja, das würde ich so nicht sagen - ich hab bei MPCA fast einen ROI von 200 % erreicht - Timing ist alles Lächeln
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#Moderation: Vorstellung zu "geschlossene Projekte" verschoben!
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.
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