
GlobalTrafficAds - jede Stunde Geld verdienen - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

[Bild: ban2.gif]

Guten Abend liebe Community.

Heute möchte ich euch ein neues Programm vorstellen. Es handelt sich hier um GlobalTrafficAds. Der Start war am 17.09.2015 um 18.00 Uhr.
Es handelt sich hier um ein Revshare Advertising Programm. Ihr könnt hier verschiedene AdPacks kaufen. Für jedes gekaufte ADPack erhaltet ihr Credits die ihr für Werbung ausgeben könnt um somit eure anderen Programme "bewerben" zu können.

Hinweis: Damit ihr die größeren Pakete kaufen könnt, müsst ihr zu erst die vorherige Ebene füllen. Für 10$ Packs benötigt ihr 50x5$ Packs und für 20$ benötigt ihr 50x5$ und 50x10$

  • Es gibt 3 verschiedene Pakete (5$, 10$ und 20$)
  • Es gibt keine Repurchase Regel d.h ihr könnt 100% euch auszahlen lassen.
  • 05$ Pakete erwirtschaften euch 120% 
  • 10$ Pakete erwirtschaften euch 125% 
  • 20$ Pakete erwirtschaften euch 130%
  • Es gibt 12% Referral Commision auf jedes gekaufte Paket
  • Keine monatlichen Gebühren
  • Ein und Auszahlung könnt ihr mit:  Payza, SolidTrust Pay, PerfectMoney und Bitcoin
  • Auszahlung von Montag bis Samstag
  • Ihr müsst 10 mal Werbung am Tag surfen damit ihr aktiv seid und Geld erhaltet
  • Minimum Auszahlung: 5$ und Maximal 200$
  • Einzahlungsgebühr: 5%
  • Auszahlungsgebühr: 0%
  • Es gibt 1 Referral Ebene
  • Rendite: 3-6% täglich
  • Schon über 10000 Mitglieder 
  • Damit ihr immer auf den aktuellen Stand seid empfehle ich die Facebook Gruppe
Das Programm sieht wirklich gut aus und ich selbst bin auch mit 50$ eingestiegen. 
Nach ca. 1 Stunde habe ich nun folgende Balance:

[Bild: globaltrafficad6y143stgjz.jpg]

Denke das kann sich nach der kurzen Zeit echt sehen lassen. Meine Strategie wird sein: bis zum ersten auslaufen der Packs werde ich nur nachkaufen und dann 50/50.

Ich habe dazu auch noch einmal ein kleines Info-video gemacht. Hoffe es gefällt euch^^

Ich biete allen meinen Referrals ein 50% RCB Bonus an auf jedes gekaufte Paket!

Hier noch einmal der Link zum Anmelden: Klick mich
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GlobalTrafficAds - jede Stunde Geld verdienen - Diskussion

Geld erhalten:

Your received funds transfer from Global Traffic Ads - [email protected] for the amount of $5.80 USD is completed.
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kann man von seiner Main Balance Geld auch in die Repurchase Balance transferieren?
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Gibt ein neues Update vom Support:

Zitat:Sorry for my absence as you know I was out of town. Last few days getting all caught up. Still waiting on new server to resolve the cron problem once and for all. I will not longer use FB for support issues. I have said this before. Please send support tickets only.
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Gibt neue Updates von GTA

Zitat:I have been talking to one of our mutual admin friends. We will look into the use of the new processor Cratepay, which will allow PayPal users to come back to the program. Ok gotta go do payouts.

Außerdem wurde die Ref.Com. angehoben auf 12%

Zitat:GTA Update-Referral commission settings have now been changed. You will now earn 12% referral commission and repurchases by your referrals. Now go out and get us some new members. We will change the plans on the front page today. You have the enhanced referral commissions and the 10% bonus to sell GTA should help you.

Zitat: Also, until further notice all deposits over $200 will receive a 10% bonus added to their account. Send support ticket with username and it will be added  to your account. Lets go people.
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Update von GTA:

Zitat:Dear Members,

During the month of November, anybody who refers some one that deposits $500 or more will receive a $50.00 bonus. This is in addition to the 12% we are already paying. This does not have to be a new referral. But it must be a new deposit. Have fun this month, refer and earn some extra money.

(23.10.2015, 19:03)Wrig schrieb: kann man von seiner Main Balance Geld auch in die Repurchase Balance transferieren?

Hallo, ich glaube das geht nicht. LG
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Guten Morgen, derzeit kommt es zu Serverausfällen. Es sind auch leider noch andere Programme betroffen.

Zitat:The site is down due to problems at OVH our provider, this has affected other programs suchc as MPA nad HQRevshare. Out of our hands until they come back up.
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Neues Update vom GTA

Zitat:This Year Deposits $929002.72 Withdrawals $476807.37
This Month Deposits $6195.63 Withdrawals $27991.34
These are the facts.we have an imbalance. Needs to be corrected. If you do the math, we still have plenty of cash, but the earnings drop because of deposits. What other admin team would tell you the numbers and true facts?

Zitat:Dear Members,
As we set the caps back to normal, you may have noticed the drop in earnings. These are the true earnings. I have kept the earnings up to make you happy and hope people would keep promoting and depositing. This did not happen. We have too many people that just want to withdraw and move on, which is fine. However, this is not how the program was designed. People keep saying to raise the earnings and people will return. This has not been the case for 2 weeks. When we raise the earnings the only thing that increases is the withdrawals. I will not raise the earnings again. This is a revshare. Its sucking cash out of the program without getting the proper balance. There is no reason for people to move on or quit trying. We have always paid. People have made alot of money with us. We are here for the long term and we need repeat customers. So if you made your money, there is no reason why you should not do it again. Redeposit and keep earning. Its good for eveyone. We have done all we can as admins to stimulate the process. We currently have 12% referral commission, 10% deposit bonuses for deposits over $200, upline bonus of $50 for referral deposits over $500.seriously what more do you need? The earnings will take care of themselves if people get back to the work that needs to be done, otherwise earnings will be slow. We will be around long after the programs you are currently chasing earnings in, better to stay with us and put your money where you know you will be treated fair.
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Gibt neues Update:

Zitat:Dear Members,

As we have announced on Facebook, we are currently working on the outside project to bring outside income to GTA. Before the launch of this PTC site this month, we will purge our system of inactive accounts. Only GTA members with at least $100 in active shares will receive the lifetime membership in the PTC site. Once the PTC site is launched we will plan a date to close open registrations and become an exclusive invite only program. We will not allow hit and run investors to come back and drain profits from our most loyal members. So if you want to benefit from the outside projects in the future, better support us now or stay on the sidelines. This lifetime membership will entitle you free advertising and enhanced benefits that nobody else in the world will have. We will release info as it comes and show you the site when the designer is finished. Have a nice weekend.
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Neues Update heute werden wohl neue AdPacks eingefügt.

Zitat:Tomorrow we will announce the start time of our NEW Elite Packs
$50 adpack
150% at maturity
50% repurchase
no previous purchase requirement
6% Daily Cap
Separate pool
I hope everyone will join in and make this our most popular adpack. This is what everyone asked for. So make your deposits and get ready for the new adpack launch. This will bring fresh cash to the program and enhance your earnings.
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Morgen gehts los mit den 50$.
Hier nochmal das kurze Update:

Zitat:Dear Members,

We will launch the new Elite Plan tomorrow at 2pm server time(CET). Plan as follows:

$50 adpacks

150% at maturity

50% repurchase

6% daily cap

Separate pool for faster earning

Everyone get in and we can get the earning going at GTA again. Make your deposits now to avoid the rush tomorrow.

Note: The new code for surfing still does not work. Dont know what wrong with these people at 2GoSoft
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Neues Update:

Zitat:7 hours in and the launch of the new packs was a success. We are once again increasing the size of the pool. Earnings are good and we will keep the momentum going. Those of you who passed on this are really missing out. Join us.
Achja und glückwunsch GTA: Geile Sache!
Zitat:Thre it is .$501526.33.yes thats a half million paid. Congratz everyone and thanks! I am telling you, another huge program is selective paying already, we all know who it is. Put your money back to work here. Its your best choice.

Die Leute machen einen sehr guten Job, immer Updates. usw! Top!
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Neues Update:

Zitat:Dear Members,

Starting at midnight tonight we will turn on surfing and you will need to begin surfing to earn starting tomorrow.  You must surdf 10 ads per day.

Also, the feature everyone has been asking for has been added.combine balance.  It will be added to navigation bar today or tomorrow.

We do listen to you and want to add the features you want.

Habe auch wieder eine Auszahlung erhalten.

Your received funds transfer from Global Traffic Ads - [email protected] for the amount of $6.44 USD is completed.
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Mit der Seite geht es bergab, wie viel % gibt es pro Tag?
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Kann ich nicht genau sagen. Wird aber nicht viel sein weil es bei mir extrem langsam voran geht. Auszahlungslimit wurde auch angehoben.
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Neue Infos vom Admin:

Er plant ein neues Programm: Werde dazu ein neuen Thread eröffnen um eventuell ein wenig darüber zu Diskutieren.

Zitat:Really excited about the new PTC program we are creating for you guys. The built in features for outside income are awesome. Especially AdFly. There will be PTC ads, offers, our own forum, rented referrals, YouTube videos and much more. Still with designer when the design is finished I will unveil the site for all to see. WE will launch as soon as possible. So if you want to be on the inside for the PTC and Ecurrency exchange site better start working on getting your account up to $100 in active adpacks, before we close open registration and purge all inactive accounts. The future minimum buy in to GTA will be $200, and its coming soon. Have a great day!

Your received funds transfer from Global Traffic Ads - [email protected] for the amount of $10.00 USD is completed.
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Interessiert mich auch.in welchem Themenbereich wird denn der Thread eröffnet ?
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Habe ihn hier eröffnet: http://x-invest.net/forum/thread-globaladfusion-von-den-machern-gta?pid=18156#pid18156

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Hallo, gibt neues Update zu GTA:

Zitat:Dear Members,

I have received some support tickets regarding earnings. I have told all of you over and over. Earnings are based on sales. When all people do is try to withdraw as fast as they can, the pool drops. Repurchase and fresh deposits is the only way your earnings will rise. Everybody knows how this works. We have provided a safe and stable program for nearly 3 months now. Offered all kinds of promotions, infused our own money into the pool to make you happy. If you dont want to participate in the proper manner then the earnings will drop. Those of you with smaller deposits will see your daily earnings dwindle because the others are repurchasing and taking more share of the money. If every member added $10 a week the earnings would raise significantly. We were advised to charge a membership fee to accomplish this, but I decided not to do this. The reason reason we raised the minimums is to stop these nickel and dime withdrawals that have been going on. If you truly want to earn money, then make a deposit and grow your account. It will help you and it will help everyone. This is a group effort. The funny thing is the people with the $5-$10 deposits are always the ones that complain about not making alot of money off their little purchase,.come on. We will continue to serve our customers, as long as you guys want us around. Think about the alternatives, the people that shut down after 2 weeks. We are up there with the fairest admins available, dont forget that. Have a great day.
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Heute gab es ein Update vom Owner: Das Script läuft zurzeit nicht rund und er will wohl ein neues Aufsetzen. Die Seite ist somit für 2 Wochen nicht zu erreichen.

Zitat:Dear Members,

The script is unworkable for me and for the members. So I as I previously announced we will move to a new script. I have disabled new registrations, deposits, and withdrawals. We will turn off the cron to freeze all info. Do not panic all your adpack info has been backed up and will be moved to the new script. We have decided to do a relaunch with GTA on the same day as the new PTC launch so everything will be in place at the same time. We expect to be down for about two weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience, but this must be done. Please be patient and we will be back stronger than ever. I will be on Facebook regularly to address concers, answer questions, and provide progress updates.
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ich war heute auf gta. kann nicht auszahlen. muss ich jetzt trotzdem klicken?
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GlobalTrafficAds - jede Stunde Geld verdienen - Schnellantwort

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