
MXRevshare - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 

Hallo Community,

Ich möchte Euch MXRev$hare (bitte hier klicken), vorstellen.

Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.


=> Offizieller Start-Termin: 1 November 2015

=> Der Admin ist James Lee Valentine, ein weltbekannter Motivationstrainer 

=> Co-Admin ist der deutsche Janus Nowak

=> Sprachen: Englisch, Deutsch, Polnisch und Ungarisch

=> Es gibt 3 verschiedene ADPacks:

     -> 5$ Mini AdPack bringt Dir 5,50$ Aktivitätsbonus (= 110%)
         Maximum AdPacks: 100

     -> 25$ Medium AdPack bringt Dir 27,5$ Aktivitätsbonus (= 110%)
         Maximum AdPacks: 500
         Mini AdPacks benötigt: keine Bedingung

     -> 50$ Millionaire Pack bringt Dir 55$ Aktivitätsbonus (= 110%)
         Maximum AdPacks: kein Limit
         Medium AdPacks benötigt: keine Bedingung

[Bild: p6br3eo8.jpg]

=> Aktivitätsbonus: 2,5% täglich (44 Tage = 110%)

=> Bedingung zum Aktivitätsbonus: 10 Klicks täglich auf Werbebanner.

=> Keine monatlichen Gebühren

=> Für jeden 5$ Wert des AdPacks erhältst 100 Besucher auf Deine Seite und 1000 Einblendungen Deiner Werbebanner 

=> Repurchase Regel: 50/50

=> 3 Referral Ebenen: 10%, 5%, 5%

=> 100% Referral-Boni auf Ca$hklicks (PTC, paid to click) Werbebanner Klicks

=> Akzeptierte Ein- und Auszahlungsprozessoren: PayZa, SolidTrust Pay und Perfect Money

=> Mindestauszahlung: 25$

=> Gebühren für Einzahlungen: 0% Perfect Money, 5% PayZa und SolidTrust Pay

=> keine Gebühren für Auszahlungen

=> Karriereplan für Member ab mindestens 250 Millionaire Adpacks

[Bild: 4rbaqw7q.jpg]

Anmelden kann man sich hier
Bitte beachten! Es handelt sich hierbei um ein Online RevShare Programm und der Totalverlust von deinen Einzahlungen für Werbepakete ist möglich.
Happy Earnings! Lächeln

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MXRevshare - Diskussion

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
This message follows on from my earlier post of 4 days ago (November 27) as tomorrow (December 1) is the start of the new revised pay plan… and I want ZERO CONFUSION by the members.

Here I will repeat the most important points, and give some extra news from our past and future, so there are no more misunderstandings among our members.

The first important point is this: MX.WORLD IS FINANCIALLY STRONG! Even with the fraudsters that hacked and scammed around quarter million USD during the past 3 months, and the panic withdrawals of thousands of cashouts per day during the past few days, we still have massive cash reserves. But we aim to be here in the year 2020 and beyond, so we need the SERIOUS MEMBERS, those individuals that want to earn a lifetime residual income with us, to embrace these new pay plan revisions and have the CONFIDENCE to keep purchasing adpacks and start bringing in greater numbers of serious people, because we aim to become the premier online home business platform not just for revshare business but for a multitude of income opportunities.

During the past 13 months we have given away 2.5% so called “activity discounts” per day EVERY DAY for every purchased adpack. Fifty percent of these purchases went into the MAIN Balance and the other half was allocated on the Advertising Budget of the members. During the first 3 months, from November 2015 to January this year, the Advertising Budget was blocked for buying memberships on the eight MX Matrix Home Business Programs only. No adpack could be bought from this money.

But to give the members a big boost in earnings, we decided in the 4th month (February 2016) to open the Advertising Budget (former Repurchase Balance) for adpack purchases. The daily 2.5% sharing was the same. So the earnings of the members were phenomenal after this decision, because members didn’t have to buy their adpacks from processors and Main Balance only. During the past nine months the amount of adpacks increased dramatically, but it was not REAL MONEY from processors. Around eighty percent of the adpacks that are still active today were bought from Advertising Budget non-real-money funds.

So this is one of our most important steps: From December 1, to reduce the compounded money balloon before it gets too large, we will share 0.5% daily on these adpacks repurchases from repurchases from repurchases from repurchases from repurchases, that the company earned only on the very first purchase of these adpacks. Therefore, I must start to reduce the amount of PREVIOUS Repurchase Balances in a way that offers our members to still get the 110% return on all these adpacks, but it must be done slowly at 0.5% daily sharing because we are giving the daily share into the MAIN Balance of the members which they can withdraw as daily cashouts.

It may take six months, or if we see that real money is coming in faster, we can increase the daily share whenever we want. It does depend on the daily activity of real money IN and real money OUT, because this 0.5% (or more in future) is not covered by real money funds, so we have to make it slow and careful. The aim is to payout on ALL previous purchases and repurchases of adpacks, but we also want the corporation to THRIVE and be profitable until the year 2020 and beyond, so we must take these actions now.

1. Monday 28 November was the last day for buying adpacks from the Advertising Budget.

2. All active adpacks that were purchased via the Advertising Budget (former Repurchase Balance) will still run until their 110% return.

3. All active adpacks that were purchased via the Advertising Budget (former Repurchase Balance) will be paid out at 0.5% daily on all existing adpacks. These previous adpacks will mature slower at 0.5% per day because this is the nature when you want to let air out of a balloon slowly. And it is my executive decision to do this for the long term benefit of the MX.WORLD corporation.

4. The new Advertising Budget, from December 1, will be a PURE advertising balance for companies, marketers, entrepreneurs and other members that want to buy fixed banner-ads and text-ads, PTC ads, login-ads, logout-ads, (like it already is), but NO MORE for adpacks. Members can also receive commissions there on 3 levels with up to 10% | 5% | 5% again, but this money can only be used to buy advertising services, NO adpacks.

5. From December 1, new adpack purchases will earn a standard 1% daily revenue percentage going into the MAIN Balance in each FREE membership. This increases up to 2% daily for BRONZE-SILVER-GOLD members and 2.5% daily for MILLIONAIRE members.

6. Starting on Thursday 1 December, we will introduce 5 membership levels within each currency wallet, as we now have three MX Advertising platforms (revenue share programs) at MX WORLD.

These MEMBERSHIP LEVELS are explained here:


FREE MEMBERSHIP --- active USD adpacks 10/15/25 | commission 3% / 1% / 1% | 1% daily share | cashout $ 25/day | cost $0 per month.

BRONZE --- active USD adpacks 100/150/200 | commission 4% / 2% / 2% | 2% daily share | cashout $ 75/day | cost $25 per month.

SILVER --- active USD adpacks 150/200/500 | commission 5% / 3% / 3% | 2% daily share | cashout $ 150/day | cost $50 per month.

GOLD --- active USD adpacks 150/250/1000 | commission 6% / 4% / 4% | 2% daily share | cashout $ 200/day | cost $75 per month.

MILLIONAIRE --- active USD adpacks 150/250/1500 | commission 10% / 5% / 5% | 2.5% daily share | cashout $ 350/day | cost $150 per month.


FREE MEMBERSHIP --- active EUR adpacks 5/10/15/25/50 | commission 3% / 1% / 1% | 1% daily share | cashout € 25/day | cost €0 per month.

BRONZE --- active EUR adpacks 50/100/200/250/500 | commission 4% / 2% / 2% | 2% daily share | cashout € 75/day | cost €25 per month.

SILVER --- active EUR adpacks 100/150/200/500/750 | commission 5% / 3% / 3% | 2% daily share | cashout € 150/day | cost €50 per month.

GOLD --- active EUR adpacks 100/150/250/1000/1500 | commission 6% / 4% / 4% | 2% daily share | cashout € 200/day | cost €75 per month.

MILLIONAIRE --- active EUR adpacks 100/150/250/1500/2000 | commission 10% / 5% / 5% | 2.5% daily share | cashout € 350/day | cost €150 per month.


FREE MEMBERSHIP --- active BTC adpacks 5/10/15/25/50 | commission 3% / 1% / 1% | 1% daily share | cashout B 0.035/day | cost B0 per month.

BRONZE --- active BTC adpacks 50/100/200/250/500 | commission 4% / 2% / 2% | 2% daily share | cashout B 0.10/day per wallet | cost B0.03 per month.

SILVER --- active BTC adpacks 100/150/200/500/750 | commission 5% / 3% / 3% | 2% daily share | cashout B 0.20/day | cost B0.06 per month.

GOLD --- active BTC adpacks 100/150/250/1000/1500 | commission 6% / 4% / 4% | 2% daily share | cashout B 0.30/day | cost B0.1 per month.

MILLIONAIRE --- active BTC adpacks 100/150/250/1500/2000 | commission 10% / 5% / 5% | 2.5% daily share | cashout B 0.50/day per wallet | cost B0.2 per month.

Note-A: ZERO PROCESSOR FEES on membership payments.

Note-B: Members pay these membership levels with REAL MONEY, like they paid for their ID verifications (real money IN is the only way that any business can sustain long term until the year 2020 and beyond).

Note-C: After every payment the time for the membership expiry is set to one month. These are individual monthly payments without any subscription. If the member pays, he/she will extend the membership level. If not, the membership level falls down to FREE.

LIMITED TIME OFFERS: There will also be 3-months, 6-months, 12-months memberships with reduced prices. Check out these special offers in your back office from December 1.

7. The sponsor earns 10% REFERRAL COMMISSION on the monthly membership fee which goes to the sponsor’s AMBASSADOR BALANCE of each currency, which can be withdrawn as a daily cashout. There are NO DAILY LIMITS on withdrawals for commissions.

8. Our aim is to get more REAL MONEY from our advertising services, our resources (Generizer launching December, and our other tools), our MX GAME (coming early next year) and share the money with all verified members up to 2.5% in Main Balance (depends on the membership level).

9. The daily share in your Main Balance is withdrawable as daily cashouts SEVEN DAYS PER WEEK (Monday to Sunday) 24 hours per day. This is YOUR BUSINESS, and one that YOU want to earn on for many years into the future, so keep your adpack amount on a level that makes you EXCITED with your annual MX income. Remember that you can buy adpacks directly from your MAIN Balance if you want to save the 5% processor fees.

10. You can see the daily cashout limits in the Membership Levels. For maximum earnings you can have the MILLIONAIRE membership in USD, EUR and BTC of course. From DECEMBER 1 the maximum MAIN BALANCE cashout per day per member is USD1,100 equivalent total from the 3 currencies/wallets combined. This means USD is 350 maximum cash withdrawal per day, EURO is 350 maximum cash withdrawal per day (approx USD375), and BITCOIN is 0.500 BTC maximum cash withdrawal per day (approx USD375). This is for the long term stability of MX WORLD and it is something that the most sustainable revshare companies do. Later I can always approve higher daily cashouts limits, but let us first make the MX Advertising platforms profitable for the corporation long term.

11. No more AMBASSADOR BONUS. Instead of this bonus you are receiving real commissions in each one of your three AMBASSADOR BALANCES (USD + EUR + BTC). And as you can read in Point-13 below, we may add GOLD as a fourth currency for you to earn in by early next year.

12. BITCOIN daily cash withdrawals start from January 1 to allow the corporation to first build BTC reserves.

13. We now have three currencies and six pay processors for our members to more effectively expand their MX.WORLD business around the globe: USD-EURO-BITCOIN via Payza, STP, Perfect Money, Advcash, BitBayPay, CoinPayments. Even more pay processors will be added next year. Plus we may add GOLD as a fourth currency to the MX Advertising platforms next year if enough members also want to earn and save in GOLD reserves.

14. Today you should join and promote every one of our eight MX MATRIX programs. Some members have been earning from these matrix programs for more than five years already. Why earn just one income with MX WORLD when you can earn up to eleven incomes: 3 with MX Ads (USD-EURO-BTC) and 8 with the MX MATRIX programs (MX1-MX3-MX7-MX9-MXF-MX20-MX500-MXM). THINK BIG and earn ELEVEN incomes EVERY DAY.

Thank you for your understanding and your help in making MX WORLD stronger and more prosperous for all members as we strive to reach our target of one million happy members by the year 2020.

Say yes to success!

James Lee Valentine


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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Now we have 20% commissions on upgrades
December 6, 2016, 8:25 pm

MX.WORLD has now 20% commissions for every membership payment.

This commission can be withdrawn from the EUR Ambassador Balance every day.

December 6, 2016, 2:30 pm

I could convince James to the following deal:

1. USD Commissions for Adpack purchases FROM PROCESSORS (real money) are allocated in the AMBASSADOR Balance now.

2. The USD Ambassador Balance can be withdrawn without problems (or used to buy adpacks after stransfer to main balance) from.

3, 2, 1 -> Start


Janus Nowak

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Programm-Status: Problem / Warnung 
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
US Dollars Cashflow Situation Explained By James Lee Valentine
December 9, 2016, 1:49 pm

Dear MX Members… Hi I am James Lee Valentine (along with the chickens, dogs and airplanes)!

First I want to sincerely apologize to each and every one of our members for the distress of the US Dollars cashflow situation. The fact is that we have PAID OUT TOO MUCH MONEY FOR TOO LONG TIME!

This is part of the reason for the massive success of our MXREVSHARE business during the past one year, because the members were earning too much money EVERY DAY. Of course, because of this DAILY SUCCESS the enthusiastic feelings of the members fueled the growth of the business and led to the US Dollars cash flow crisis.

Though his video (and the transcript posted at Facebook) I want to reassure our members that the newly revised pay plan with the December revisions is now strong and profitable for the corporation in US DOLLARS and EUROS and BITCOINS (and from next year, GOLD as well). And we have managed to find and TERMINATE most of the fraudsters that were illegally hacking into our systems and stealing our online reserves.

On the positive side, all 8 of the MX matrix programs and the EURO and BITCOIN advertising platforms are business-as-normal with no cash flow problems at all. Plus most aspects of the USD advertising platform are normal with clicking ads, buying adpacks, earning referral commissions, and doing all aspects of the US DOLLAR business working correct now.

Some facts for your information…

We launched our revshare platform 13 months ago in November 2015… and since then…

Our total REAL MONEY IN… is just over USD 6 million.

Our total REAL MONEY CASHOUTS… is just under USD 6 million.

Giving us our present ONLINE CASH RESERVES… of around USD350,000.

But our total adpack RE-PURCHASES… is USD 37 MILLION… this is the one aspect of our pay plan that nearly KILLED us this week!

It is these re-purchases of adpacks and the accumulated available cash balances of the members that have caused us to have this cashflow crisis… over ONE MILLION DOLLARS too much money was in the MAIN BALANCES of the members because of the accumulated earnings of the re-purchased adpacks.

However, FANTASTIC NEWS! The majority of our million-dollar cash flow crisis has already been solved in just the past two days.

I want to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to four of our members who discussed our emergency situation and decided the BEST SOLUTION for them to help MX WORLD through this crisis was to reset their USD MAIN BALANCE to zero dollars. Adrian sacrificed $177,000 of his personal earnings; Rafal gave up $111,000 of his earnings; Janus forfeited $106,000 of his earnings; and Marek surrendered $103,000 dollars. Amazing! This totals HALF MILLION US DOLLARS wiped clean from the main balance from just these top 4 leaders.

WOW! What an extraordinary example of sacrifice and noble leadership by these 4 men. Also, some of these leaders are voluntarily having some of their ACTIVE ADPACKS EXPIRED to further help alleviate our cashflow crisis.

I also want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to our great leader DAMIAN ZUKIEWICZ for his phenomenal video full of dedicated power words to our MX WORLD members and his inspiring long term strategy for promoting our platform to make it OUR REALITY to have one million happy people by the year 2020.

Also, I will say another BIG THANK YOU to the hundreds and thousands of other MX WORLD members who are now following the leaders and VOLUNTARILY helping to resolve the USD cashflow problem in these 4 ways:

1. Reset their USD MAIN BALANCE to zero dollars or transfer it into their Advertising Budget.


3. Buy NEW adpacks in real money from our 6 processors: Payza, SolidTrustPay, Perfect Money, AdvCash, BitBay, and CoinPayments.

D. Purchase 3 months, 6 months or (the best choice) 12 months yearly memberships

After these first two days, the wave is still rolling with members who are asking for their MAIN BALANCE to be reset to zero, or reduced, without asking to have something in exchange for this.

However, I am making an accurate note of the exact dollar amount every member is helping reduce the cashflow crisis balance. Because one day I will introduce a LONG TERM plan so these members benefit financially in the FUTURE from their self-less actions NOW. But that is for the FUTURE, so no more talk of this today… but something BIG will go to those big-hearted members.

Here, let me focus on what dollar cashouts our members can STILL do within the USD platform:

1. USD daily cashouts on Referral Commissions up to 20% via the Ambassador Bonus.

2. USD daily cashouts on Membership Commissions of 20% (up from 10% previous) via the Ambassador Bonus.

Also starting on Monday 12 December, just 3 days from now, as part of our easing of temporary restrictions on cashouts for our long term stability, we WILL allow these other USD cashouts:

1. Fully open USD main balance cashouts for NEW members. So all members that join from today will have the full USD daily withdrawal options from Dec-12.

2. Open USD main balance withdrawals for members that have NOT yet withdrawn any money, ever. I want to allow these people to make a cashout so that EVERY MX member, especially the members with the smallest purchases, feel like they have at least earned some money with MX. But the limit will be only ONE cashout per member, so that we do not have any immediate cashflow problems again.

3. We will install a CASHOUT WITHDRAWAL RATIO OF 1:1 meaning that for every dollar used for adpack purchases from Dec-12… that member can withdraw the same amount of dollars from their main balance.

The above is all what we term PHASE-1. Later, perhaps from early January, we can introduce PHASE-2 for the benefit of more members. However, first, for the long term success of MX WORLD, I must control the cashflow to increase our cash reserves.

Thank you for your time and commitment to our future prosperity.

Say yes to success!

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Gibt es hier Neuigkeiten oder Auszahlungen?
Bitte das Thema updaten und aktuell halten.
Sonst wird es in 3 Tagen archiviert, RefLinks entfernt und jemand anderes darf es vorstellen.
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Programm-Status: Problem / Warnung 
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
December 12, 2016, 1:32 am

More information for you to fully understand the PHASE 1 (now activated since December 12):

1. NEW members have NO USD withdrawal restrictions. You may introduce new members and they will not have any restrictions.

2. OLD members:

a. Members who have never ever made a withdrawal MAY withdraw one time up to $350 (depends on membership level). These members have priority in withdrawals.

b. Members with a NEW deposit/buy adpacks from processors ($25+) MAY withdraw the same amount of their Main balance.

Example: You have a Millionaire membership and you want to withdraw $350 cashout. Just buy adpacks for $350 via processors, then you may withdraw up to $350.

3. It is a TEMPORARILY security restriction for PHASE 1, not for ever! We MUST reduce the uncovered Main balances. It depends on how fast members take responsibility for the future.

4. Buy Adpacks via Main balance. These adpacks will of course go to 110% eventually. WHEN depends on the flexible daily sharing percentage. The earlier we don't have high numbers in Main balances, the earlier we can go to PHASE 2 with less restrictions or no restrictions.

5. Of course there are no more commissions for purchases with uncovered money. (no commissions for main balance purchases)

6. Let us also focus on what dollar cashouts our members can do within the USD platform:

a. USD daily cashouts on Referral Commissions up to 20% via the Ambassador Bonus.

b. USD daily cashouts on Membership Commissions of 20% (up from 10% previous) via the Ambassador Bonus.

7. Members who are LEADERS and who are already in BIG (with positive earnings) can show their social responsibility and transfer their main balances into Advertising Budget to use it for adverts. Show your greatnes and let us have a solidarity. TOGETHER WE STAND !

8. The company must EARN FIRST to be able to SHARE the profit.

9. BIG Adpack purchases via processors = BIG daily sharings the next day. SMALL purchases = SMALL daily sharings.


Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Partnership with Booking.com
December 15, 2016, 2:41 pm

As you can see MX.WORLD started a partnership with booking.com to give our members more value for their MX.World-wide activities.
Other external resources will come very soon as well. Smile

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Programm-Status: Problem / Warnung 
Technical Admin Janus Nowak about the process of resolving the USD Revenue Share Issues

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/J1SG7Qbcb_g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Programm-Status: Problem / Warnung 
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Project: PHOENIX
December 20, 2016, 10:01 pm


1.    Sharing 2.5% daily as a fixed rate for 13 months from November 2015 and allowing re-purchase of adpacks meant over USD 3 million too much money was earned by the members.

2.    All cashflow problems have the root in the 2.5% fixed sharings.

SOLUTION: SOFT RESTART of the USD platform as a win-win compromise from Monday January 2, 2017

A – Get rid of balloon money:

1.    Cut to ZERO the Main Balances of every member that has withdrawn more real money than put in. This means burn the active balloon money.

2.    NO other Main Balance cuts.

B – Get rid of balloon adpacks:

1.    Set ALL Adpacks of every member to EXPIRED and allocate the difference between TOTAL REAL MONEY DEPOSIT and TOTAL REAL MONEY WITHDRAWALS to a SPECIAL Balance called “Restart Balance”. This balance is dedicated to buy new Adpacks only and it will be unblocked step by step, depending on the daily difference between USD real money IN and money OUT transactions to have a balance in daily revenue sharings.

There will be no commissions from those purchases, because they were already paid in

the past.

FORMULA: Total Deposits minus Total Withdrawals minus Main Balance = Restart Balance

2.    NOTES: This will cause that daily sharings are for REAL adpacks ONLY. No more balloon adpacks in the system. NO member will lose his/her deposits of real money with this rule.

C – Sharing System (for all currencies USD-EUR-BTC):

1.    65% of all real money adpack purchases through processors will be shared in a balanced ratio of the active adpacks into the Main Balance.


a)    As there will be no more balloon USD in the Main Balance any more (only real money deposits and real money sharings) the MAIN BALANCE must be treated as REAL MONEY balance. It will not be blown up to millions any more with balloon money.

b)    Instead of feeding Payza or other processors with unnecessary fees, members can purchase adpacks from their Main Balance (as it always was) AND the referrers will earn REFERRAL COMMISSIONS on these purchases. This will not be balloon money.

3.    65% of all Main Balance purchases will be shared in daily sharings, same balanced ratio as real money adpack purchases through processors, because it must be treated as real money that has not been withdrawn and reduced by unnecessary processor fees.

4.    We will reduce the maximum amount of adpacks per member to a lower number to increase the sharing amount per adpack, because too many adpacks in the system cause smaller daily sharing percentages (too many mouths to feed).

D – Commissions (for all currencies USD-EUR-BTC):

1.    Allocate all commissions into the Ambassador Balances.

2.    Ambassador Balances can be withdrawn daily OR transferred into the Main Balance.

E – Memberships:

1.    USD Memberships (existing and new purchases)

Increase all membership upgrades that are already active up to: 120 days: so all existing USD memberships expire on March 31, 2017.

2.    EUR + BTC Memberships (existing and new purchases)

Increase all membership upgrades that are already active up to: 60 days: so all existing EUR and BTC memberships expire on January 31, 2017

NOTE: This one-time gift is the company giving something back to the members because of the turmoil of the past few weeks.

F – PHASE 2 (everything mentioned above is PHASE 2 and it all starts on January 2):

1.    No additional restrictions on USD cashout withdrawals from January 2, as there will be only real money in the Main Balance of the members.

2.    USD advertising platform (also EURO and BITCOIN) are all BUSINESS-AS-NORMAL from January 2.

G – PHASE 3 (just some things coming your way in early 2017)

1. The much anticipated MX GAMES will be launched during early 2017 and will feature HIGH COMMISSIONS for the MX members.

2. The older software for 5 of the original MX MATRIX programs (MX1-MX3-MX7-MXF-MX20) will be upgraded to newer, more sophisticated software during the first quarter of 2017 for re-launch by April.

3. Our next MX Europe Tour with Janus and James hosting meetings in several cities is scheduled for early April 2017. See our MX Facebook group for exact event details.

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Ich bin bis 8ten Januar im Urlaub. Ein neues Jahr heißt neue Hoffnung, neues Licht, neue Gedanken und neue Wege zum Ziel.Einen guten Start ins Jahr 2017!
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Gibt es hier Neuigkeiten oder Auszahlungen?
Bitte das Thema updaten und aktuell halten.
Sonst wird es in 3 Tagen archiviert, RefLinks entfernt und jemand anderes darf es vorstellen.
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Meiner Meinung nach haben die Jungs das Programm mit Ihren Hals ueber Kopf Aenderungen gruendlich vergeigt,es gibt mangels oder zu geringer Einzahlungen (logisch wer will da noch Geld reinstecken
nur noch einen Return der USD-Packs,der weit unter 1 % liegt und wenn man kritisch nachfragt gibts freche Antworten und einenRausscmiss aus der FB-Gruppe.
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#Moderation: Vorstellung zu "geschlossene Projekte" verschoben!
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.
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Ich wurde irgendwie verarscht hier, Ich hatte weniger auszahlen können als ich investiert hatte und aus dem Restart wurde mir von Nowak gesagt ich soll Pakete kaufen. gesagt getan Jetzt habe ich 60 USD Minuns von 260 USD die ich investiert hatte. Es läuft aber sehr wenig Earnings, da Cent Beträge. Es ist sehr nervig -.- war eine Fehlinvestition eben ohne richtiges Bauchgefühl und ohne viel Erfahrungen und ohne Beratung.
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Ja typische Abzocke,das schlimmste ist die Zeit die man hier vergeudet hat,die bekommt man nicht wieder zurueck.Ich habe Mitte 2016 angefangen mit den PTC-Klicks und mir davon Packs gekauft,solange bis ich 5 Packs hatte mit dem virtuellen Wiederkauf,dann wurden die PCT-Klicks gekickt und ich konnte aber nicht abheben,dann die Abzocke mit der Account Verifizierung usw,dann der Restart und alles verloren
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(26.06.2017, 20:33)pichoncito schrieb: Ja typische Abzocke,das schlimmste ist die Zeit die man hier vergeudet hat,die bekommt man nicht wieder zurueck.Ich habe Mitte 2016 angefangen mit den PTC-Klicks und mir davon Packs gekauft,solange bis ich 5 Packs hatte mit dem virtuellen Wiederkauf,dann wurden die PCT-Klicks gekickt und ich konnte aber nicht abheben,dann die Abzocke mit der Account Verifizierung usw,dann der Restart und alles verloren

Ja, mit diesen Betrüger mache ich keine Geschäfte mehr. Wenn du magst können wir uns auf Skype austauschen. Wir haben sicher viele Erfahrungen und auch gute Sachen am Start die auch laufen. Mein Skype findest du in meinem Profil. freue mich Smile

LG Valeriy
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Und erschreckend die Unverfrorenheit mit der versucht wird schon wieder sich mit fremder Leute Geld ein angenehmes Leben zu machen

[Bild: mWfdtQ]

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5 kürzlich aktive Themen dieses Bereichs
Thema Themenersteller Antworten Ansichten Letzter Beitrag
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Principal-Back: ArtMind.trade - mind. 0,35% täglich MaKoTrade 19 1.790 Gestern, 12:38
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Frage zu Alpina.trade Shibelu 3 989 27.06.2024, 13:05
Letzter Beitrag: Melius
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! LIQFARM thechaot 2 146 27.06.2024, 11:03
Letzter Beitrag: Melius
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Principal-Back: Vortic United MarkusMFI 87 12.744 17.06.2024, 18:19
Letzter Beitrag: AdminPeter
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! After-Plan: Svuex | KI-Krypto-Broker (0,7% - 3,5% Täglich) thechaot 33 3.998 16.06.2024, 12:54
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Keymon - NFT Trade Konsti 19 3.234 11.06.2024, 18:06
Letzter Beitrag: AdminPeter
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 100$ Listing: Safe Assets: ab 0,24% täglich X-Invest 6 4.891 10.06.2024, 10:01
Letzter Beitrag: Smart