
Footballchange - ab 1% täglich für 30 Tage (Principal-Back) - Diskussion

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 

Hallo Community,
ich möchte euch heute ein Proggi vorstellen, das am 07.09.2017 gestartet ist.

Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.


TV-Spot  Zwinkern + Grinsen

Es gibt auch eine Online-Präsentation die man Verwenden kann.
Online Präsentation

Mein Desposit in das Programm:

Es werden 4 Pläne angeboten,
Gutschriften erfolgen täglich.
Die Einzahlung gibt es am Ende der Laufzeit retour.
Ihr könnt hier in EUR, USD und BTC einzahlen.
Jede Währung bleibt die Währung in der Ihr investiert habt.
Ab 50 USD/50 EUR/0.0125 BTC seit ihr hier am Start.

Beispiel für Plan "Junior":
Hier könnt ihr zwischen 50EUR - 1000EUR einzahlen,
dann bekommt ihr 1% - 1.2% für 30 Tage.
Danach gibts die Einzahlung retour.
Zahlt Ihr also 100EUR ein bekommt täglich zwischen 1 EUR und 1.20 EUR für 30 Tage.
Somit habt ihr inkl. Einzahlung zwichen 130 EUR und 136 EUR ausgezahlt nach 30 Tagen.
Das ergibt dann einen Gewinn zwischen 30 EUR und 36 EUR.

Beispiel für Plan "Youngster":
Hier könnt ihr zwischen 1000EUR - 5000EUR einzahlen,
dann bekommt ihr 1.2% - 1.4% für 45 Tage.
Danach gibts die Einzahlung retour.
Zahlt Ihr also 1000EUR ein bekommt täglich zwischen 12 EUR und 14 EUR für 45 Tage.
Somit habt ihr inkl. Einzahlung zwichen 1540 EUR und 1630 EUR ausgezahlt nach 45 Tagen.
Das ergibt dann einen Gewinn zwischen 540 EUR und 630 EUR.

Beispiel für Plan "Youngster":
Hier könnt ihr zwischen 5000EUR - 15000EUR einzahlen,
dann bekommt ihr 1.4% - 1.6% für 60 Tage.
Danach gibts die Einzahlung retour.
Zahlt Ihr also 10000EUR ein bekommt täglich zwischen 140 EUR und 160 EUR für 60 Tage.
Somit habt ihr inkl. Einzahlung zwichen 18400 EUR und 19600 EUR ausgezahlt nach 60 Tagen.
Das ergibt dann einen Gewinn zwischen 8400 EUR und 9600 EUR.

Es gibt dann noch einen VIP Plan ab 15K Invest, dazu muss man mit dem Betreiber Kontakt aufnehmen.

- Perfect Money
- AdvCash
- Payeer
- Bitcoin

- Auszahlungen innerhalb 24 Stunden
- Auszahlungen von Montag bis Samstag
- keine Gebühren bei Auszahlung
- Mindestauszahlungsbetrag: 1EUR/USD


7% - first level, 1% - second level, 1% - third level, 1% - fourth level

Ihr bekommt von mir 50% RCB auf eure Einzahlung.
Also zahlt ihr Zb 100 EUR ein bekommt ihr 3.5 EUR als Ref-Bonus retour.

Einfach innerhalb 48h per PN melden mit allen relevanten Daten (Username, eCurrency, InvestBetrag)

Einschätzung / Fazit
(es können keine Garantieansprüche geltend gemacht werden  Frech )

Für die Anmeldung einfach auf den Banner klicken

In diesem Sinne,
nice Profit's

[Bild: 625.achtung.gif]
Risikohinweis: Vor dem Investieren in Programme unbedingt lesen!
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#freigeschaltet [Zur Vorstellung]
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Hello dear members of our international FootballChange family. To begin I would like to say that I'm greatly moved that my project has received so much approval and has started off so well. It is incredible how many of you want to change the rules of the game with us! This is just the beginning of our amazing adventure together and there will undoubtedly be many more joining us. From the beginning our intention was to give people the opportunity to change their lives but apart from us providing those possibilities, the next step is up to you. We know that many will be watching with curiosity from the sidelines and wondering whether or not to join. This is completely natural and nothing to worry about. Over the coming weeks our platform will continue to grow and this should help to convince you of the soundness of the little voice inside telling you to join our growing family.

My dear friends it is impossible to stop us growing. Today our FootballChange family stands at almost 800 registered users and it has only been 10 days that our platform has been open for investment! Just the thought of what will happen in the next month or two gets me so excited I feel the need to break out the herbal tea to calm myself down!

Although FootballChange has been around for several years, it's only now that we see how powerful a medium the internet really is. It has massively accelerated the development of our company. At this point I would like to thank my son Will Junior, Amanda and the rest of the team. It is with their fresh young minds and a little of my experience that we have been able to create something truly amazing. I would also like to thank all those actively supporting our charity activities. It is a beautiful thing that we are able to do some good for those who didn't get the best start in life. This week we are sending more packages for our pupils and soon you will be able to see the videos I'm sure you're all so eager to see.

Changing someone's life can be a very delicate affair but we are very experienced with this. So it is with great pleasure I can tell you we have gained another talented member for our FootballChange family! Our last visit to the football camp (videos and reports can be found on our website) turned out to be very fruitful. Our friend and scout Judith Walters signed a contract with a young Asamoah Atsu and now he is under our wing. We will provide him with all the necessary training and support to become a great player!

My dear friends I hope I don't bore you but I'm so excited about everything that's going on around us that I feel the need to share it with everyone I meet! Remember that our support centre, technical and marketing departments are always at your service so don't hesitate to contact them if you have any questions.

We are also awaiting further applications from the players! Believe in your abilities and don't let opportunity pass you by! Remember that we change the rules but only you can change the game! I encourage you to believe in your strengths and to apply. We will definitely look into your skills and we will respond. With the accelerated development of our company internationally we will need to employ more people for our support centre. We need people who speak German, Russian, Polish, Vietnamese or Japanese besides English as these are the countries most of our members are from.

Again, I hope I haven't bored you but as my dear wife used to tell me: "Will, a few more seconds and you'll talk me to death!"

I wish you all the best
Will Thornton Senior
Remember we change the rules but only you can change the game!

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Programm-Status: Auszahlungsnachweise fehlen 
#Neuer Status: Weil die Auszahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema dieser Vorstellung zu alt sind, wurde hier der gelbe Daumen als Themenicon gesetzt.
Hinweis: Bitte einen Auszahlungsbeleg im Auszahlungsthema posten, das am Ende der Vorstellung verlinkt ist!
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Programm-Status: Zahlt aus 
#Neuer Status: Weil aktuelle Zahlungsbelege im Auszahlungsthema der Vorstellung gepostet wurden, hat der Vorsteller den grünen Daumen als Themenicon vergeben!
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Hello friends, I've been looking forward to writing a few words to let you know what's been going on around us. I'm not sure where to start so maybe I'll pour a glass of my favourite brandy, after all I've finished work for today Lächeln

It gives me great pleasure to welcome our new members to our growing family. Today we have exceeded 1400 registrations! We are meticulously selective with applications to become our partners to ensure that we only have people who genuinely want to build a successful business together.

Due to the large number of requests and to the growth of the company, we have decided to further help our partners by creating promotional material that will make it easier to present our company. It was posted in our news section last Thursday. Special thanks for help with creating this material to our Polish friend and partner Sebastian - Easyprofit. Great to have you on board Sebastian.

Since we're already giving our thanks I would like to mention Mr. Jordinho, who has bought up all of our charity towels! Jordinho I don't know what you're going to do with all those towels but thank you very much. All funds raised will be allocated to our pupils in Lagos.

We are glad that many of you responded positively to our appeal for star submissions. For this reason we would like to announce a new contest for best video submission in the field of freestyle with a ball. After the last videos from Abel Henriquez among others, we were amazed at the skills on show. The best videos will win prizes. There's a PS4 console up for grabs and 3 copies of Fifa 2018. Contest details will be posted in the news section soon.

And there's more positive news! We have a large number of interested investors from Germany! Due to their requests we will be publishing further documents demonstrating the transparency of our company. They will be posted in the legal documents section. You can also expect another video this week from me in the office.

One more thing before I finish, next week you can expect to see material from our Hannover 96 visit! We hope the material will give you much to think about.

My dear friends as always I send you my warmest greetings, my love, kindness and trust. We live in a time where the haters want to share in our society but I assure you they can't divide our family, I will not allow it! FootballChange is my life's work, it's my dream being realised and nobody will stop it.

Remember, we change the rules but only you can change the game!

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear investors,

In response to our top leaders requests we would like present our new promotion video. Please feel free to use this video for informational and educational purposes. Now you can clearly see footballchange platform advantages:

- company was primarily founded in 2012 and works uninterrupted till now
- £100,000 - registered company capital in UK
- branch offices in couple countries like England, Germany, Poland, Ukraine (in the next news we will upload additional documents)
- strong business plan for the next 15 months.

We are planning to add japanese, russian and chinese subtitles to the video soon.

Footballchange management decide to reward our partner from Poland - Easyprofit for creating such a good promotion tool and sharing it with us. In the context of thanks Will Thornton decided to award him with FootballChange giveaways and a bonus to his account.

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear members of FootballChange family;

Due to numbers of requests from our German's promoters and investors we have decided to the public our official registration documents from 2012.

From now on they can be found in the Legal Documents section.

We would like to also invite you to watch a short company's CEO speech.

We wish you all the best

Link zum Dokument

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear friends,

My favourite part of the week has come around again. Just like last week I have more great news to tell you about. You may have already noticed that due to the fast growth of our company we are constantly making improvements. We are always open to your suggestions to make our site even better.

By request of our promoters, we have recorded a short video tutorial demonstrating how to make a new investment with Bitcoin. You can find the video at the top of the Invest page in your account. Just click the big green button that says 'learn how to invest'. Also, due to some criticism, the company has published additional registration documents in a bid to become even more transparent. You can find them on the Legal Documents page.

Another exciting development is that we have exceeded 2500 registered members already! I am proud that within just a few weeks we have achieved such great success.

We have been receiving your entries to our freestyle with the ball contest. Competition is looking very strong but don't let that put you off. Closing date for video submissions is this Friday at 23:59 UK time and the winner will be announced next week.

These are just some of our achievements over the past week, now I would like to tell you what you can expect over the coming weeks and there's lots to tell!

First of all, we will begin publishing our long-awaited video series about FootballChange in Rwanda with our scout Gbenga Oluwanifise and manager Marcus Oliseh. We hope these videos will give you an idea just how far our scouts will go to reach even the farthest corners of the African continent and how football changes people's lives.

The number of registrations has reached a point where next week we have decided to publish a list of top promoters from around the globe. Also, you will be able to contact a local partner and talk with them in your native language. Rest assured that they are determined to help you.

We are currently adding English subtitles to our Hannover recording where we had the opportunity to interview members of our friendly club some time ago!

My beloved life project is gaining momentum and nothing can stop it! Not even the haters who stand on the sidelines watching while we are changing people's lives! We don't just talk about it, we show with our actions that FootballChange changes the rules so that you can change the game!

The Footballchange management have decided to become a sponsor of December's Ultra White Collar Boxing event which will be held at The Leisure Center, Milton Keynes. Details about promotional tickets for our investors will be announced shortly.

Best regards from myself and the rest of the FootballChange family.

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
As Mr. Thornton mentioned earlier in his weekly newsletter - we would like to announce a new contest - freestyle with the ball. Simply record what you can do with the football ball and send it to us.

to take a part in the contest you must be registered member of FootballChange family
no age or gender restrictions
submission must be sent by Friday 06.10.2017 23:59 London time
fill up the form Submit a Star in CAREER page https://footballchange.com/career
you can either submit yourself or somebody you know

1st place - Playstation 4
2nd, 3rd and 4th - Fifa 2018 game.

Our management team will choose the best four videos and the winners will receive above prizes.

Good luck to everyone!

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Hier mal eine Grafik der letzten täglichen Erträge.

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Es ist nun auch möglich mit Payza einzuzahlen.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear Partner,

I would like to send you a personal message before that I will publish weekly newsletter. Starting today we are returning the first deposits to our investors and we will continue to do so for a long time. It's a very important day for our company because investors can clearly see that FootballChange is legit and we have strong budget. So far our Partners and Independent Partners group has grown up to 50 members. We are still getting plenty of new partners application therefore from Monday we will start applying filters to make sure that only active Partners will stay on board.

What is more, our top performance Partners will be promoted to Independent Partners. Each member of a new group will be awarded with 1000$ marketing budget for local FootballChange promotion. If you haven’t put enough time to promote footballchange.com yet now is a perfect time to change it!

Please find below company summary and some of the update:
- over 3000 registered members
- Payza available for deposit and withdrawals
- We’ve ordered site translation to: russian, spanish, japanese, chinese and german
- New banner design is coming soon
- HQ video from visit in Hannover 96
- Ordered special campaign on whoscored.com and sports blogs with a total cost of $15,000.

We are working also on a set of new professional promotional videos for you guys and we have invested a lot of money and effort into this. We do not deliver videos with fake faces like you can see on other videos in this industry. We will provide only ultra high quality materials for you!

I would like to also encourage you guys to bring new ideas to us. We are always looking for smart ideas so please feel free to contact me on [email protected] or skype – willthorntonjunior. We really appreciate your opinion.

Thank you so much for representing FootballChange platform in your local country. Being an international company is a difficult task and I couldn’t do it without your support.

Wishing you an amazing weekend,

Will Thornton Senior

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear members of our FootballChange family.

Today's newsletter brings me more joy than all those previous and the reason is very simple. Since Saturday, we began to payout on the first 30 days deposits and we'll be continuing to do so for the foreseeable future as more and more people are joining and the new transfer market window is getting closer. Now, for many of you, our motto "We change the rules, you change the game" has a completely different value - real value - because you are changing your lives right now!

Although this letter is full of positive news, I must also keep you informed of the not so positive. A friend of our company Mr. Shreeda, a Federal Insurance Adjuster, came back recently from the flood-hit areas of the US and told us about the extent of the damage that has been caused there. We pray for all those poor people that have lost so much and they are always in our thoughts. We are glad still that Mr. Shreeda can now be with us and we look forward to his insight as to ways in which we can help. From my own experience in Africa, I know how often a small gesture can change a lot.

We are glad so many of you enjoyed Wednesday's video from Hannover 96 in which we heard some really nice comments about our company. It is also my pleasure to announce that we will be posting another video this Wednesday in which I will personally be giving you some great information regarding the numbers of registrations. You'll be amazed at the momentum we're picking up every day! Can you wait until Wednesday? Of course you can!

Would you like some more good news? No problem! After many requests from our European investors, we've made strides to live up to your expectations and introduced another payment system called Payza! You can now start using Payza to make new investments and negotiations with VISA are underway.

Considering that FootballChange reaches all four corners of the globe, we have made the decision to publish a list of our best promoters who are prepared to answer your questions in your native language. You can view the list in the 'Top Partners' tab.

Last but not least, to help satisfy your curiosity we are almost ready to post the video we mentioned last week, the first video in the series 'Rwanda - FootballChange Coalition'.

We are also happy to announce that member Kalum05 has won our Freestyle with the ball contest. You can see his recording below. PlayStation 4 is ready to diapatch. Congratulations to the other winners as well: Gturk, Monti97 and Argos who won Fifa 18 game. Thank you all for participation.

My friends, this is just the beginning of our great path to success and we have achieved so much already! This is a lifelong project for me and I assure you that I will do everything I can so that you too can change your lives!

FootballChange changes the rules but only you can change the game!

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Also der Admin hats wohl überhaupt nicht drauf gehabt.
Oder waren es die Hit&Runner. Schließt an Tag 32.
Da haben wohl zu viele nach einem Cycle beendet.
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#Moderation: Vorstellung zu "geschlossene Projekte" verschoben!
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.
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Footballchange - ab 1% täglich für 30 Tage (Principal-Back) - Schnellantwort

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