
StartRevShare - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 
Hallo liebe Community

Ich möchte euch ein ganz besonderes neues RevShare-Programm vorstellen:


Der offizielle Starttermin ist der 2. November 2015. 

StartRevShare baut sich ein komplettes Netzwerk von Online-Projekten auf. Darum gehe ich davon aus, dass StartRevShare nicht nur von den AdPacks Einnahmen abhängig ist und somit ein langlebiges Programm sein könnte.

Im Moment zählt StartRevShare fast 6000 User und an einem Tag haben sich über 500 neue Member angemeldet. 

Wie funktioniert StartRevShare?

Es sind keine 10 Klicks erforderlich. 

Folgende Ad Packs stehen zum Erwerb zur Verfügung:

Beginner 5$, Bronze 10$, Silver 20$, Gold 50$, Platinum 100$,

für Bronze braucht man min. 100 Beginner Packs, für Silver min. 100 Bronze, für Gold min. 100 Silver und für Platinum min. 100 Gold

Maximum der erlaubten Ad Packs für alle 500

Jede Stunde wird ausbezahlt!

Alle Adpacks erwirtschaften dir 150% und du kannst damit natürlich wie immer Bannerwerbung usw. für deine anderen Programme oder Webseiten schalten.

Auszahlung max. 250$/Tag was auch für Langlebigkeit sorgt

Zahlungsprozessoren: Solidtrustpay, Payza, Payeer, Perfect Money und Bitcoin

15% Rev. Boni 1. Ebene
Re-purchase 30%

Jetzt registrieren


Würde mich über neue Partner riesig freuen!   Lächeln

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StartRevShare - Diskussion


Auszahlung auf Bitcoinwallet:
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Auszahlung auf Perfect Money heute hat nur knapp über 4 Stunden gedauert:

12:01 23.11.15 Received Payment 24.25 USD from account U9416126. Memo: Startrevshare Payment

Gruß stefanf7
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Hoffe das die Einnahmen mit dem neuem Script besser funktionieren. Mein Adpack hat jetzt nach 2 Tagen 0,2 cent erwirtschaftet.
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Da kommt so eine Meldung wenn ich Adpacks kaufen will. Mein englisch ist nicht das beste aber da steht das es nicht garantiert ist das ich Geld bekommen.

Heisst das nichts gutes?
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Kann sein dass das schon immer steht und ich es einfach übersehen habe.

By Purchasing Advertising Packages you are agreeing to the following :

The purchase of Advertising Credit Packages are NON-REFUNDABLE per our No Refund Policy and Terms Conditions.
Profit-Share Earnings Are Not Guaranteed!
You are purchasing an electronic product that is instantly available to you. The revenue from your purchases is shared with all members, therefore NO REFUNDS can be offered.

Members who despite agreeing to this terms by purchasing advertising packages, will file any disputes with Payment Processors, will have their accounts suspended and all account earnings will be forfeited.
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neues Update vom Admin:

Zitat:Hi Everybody,

I hope you're doing good!

Well first of all i want to mention that all cashouts are going according to schedule except perfectmoney atm. You wouldn't believe how creative some people get at trying to abuse the system so we really need to double check all transactions, hence a delay. This is for the good of the program and nobody needs to take this personal.

More importantly, we're finalising the creation of our own cryptocurrency! What this will do is allow you to earn more money from ad packs and earn more on Startpeeps which launches next week.

Tha currency will be called "Adzcoin" aka "ADZ" as we'll use the currency as an in-house currency to buy advertising on our various sites, plus use it as the sole currency in our marketplace (fiverr clone). What we're doing now is the following:
-> Integrate a wallet into Startpeeps
Everybody who has an account in Startpeeps will have a wallet. This will make it easy to store your coins and use the wallet address to exchange your coins or buy products using them.
-> Adding the coin to various exchanges
The market will decide the value of the coin, so we as a community can definately help to make the coin gain value. Reaching $1 per coin would be great and everybody who is currently a members of SRS will get 1000's of coins for free guaranted.

-> Create a payment gateway for the coin
As you know expantion is our main goal, and using our own currency will benefit everybody in our community. For that we need a payment gateway so people can buy services and products using our coin.

Cryptocurrencies are the future for sure. Millions of dollars are being invested in infrastructure to support the various coins available. This is the perfect time to get started with our coin which has a purpose and a large community that will directly benefit from the popuarity of the coin.

Another important aspect is the fact the for instance Bitcoin can't be mined anymore except by a few large corporations. Our coin will enable everybody to get it for free through our social media platfom Startpeeps. I feel this is needed to make cryptocurrencies popular by the general public, and giving everybody a wallet and free coins is definately a good first step. Bitcoin will probably remain number one, but with our plans we can easily become a top 5 coin in the very near-future.

Anyways, sorry if i don't reply to each one of you instantly, i'm just working full-time on this and just want to get this done asap so we can keep moving forward with the next step in our great plan!

It's been a long day so i'll get some sleep now, i'll check reactions first thing in the morning tomorrow.

Have a great weekend!

PS: For people that wonder about the special offer, we'll add all referrals at once to your account the day before Startpeeps launches end of next week. Everybody pays the same $500 and we want to make it fair so everybody will get an equal amount of referrals. Currently 150 spots sold so plenty left!
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Hört sich doch gut an!?

Vielleicht hält das programm doch noch ein bisschen! Lächeln
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Gibt es hier Auszahlungsnachweise?

Im letzten Newsletter steht zwar, dass PM verzögert ist momentan. Allerdings auf pending schon seit 5 Tagen.

Der letzte Auszahlungsbeleg ist ja auch schon lange her (im Hinblick auf den grünen Daumen).

Gruß stefanf7
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also in der Facebookgruppe und im MMG sind etliche Auszahlungsbelege von allen Prozessoren gepostet, nur bei PM warten viele schon seit über 1 Woche. Ich habe meine 1. Auszahlung über pM am letzten Sonntag beantragt und werde berichten, wenn ich Sie erhalten habe.
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mir gehts auch grad so.*nerf*
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Mir auch seit 25.10. auf pending
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weiss jemand bescheid, wie es ist, wenn man mit pm eingezahlt hat und eine grössere summe mit zb. payeer einzahlt. ob man dann mit payeer auszahlen kann statt mit pm.'? ich hab mal in der fb gruppe gefragt und warte auf antwort
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Normalerweise gilt immer, dass man auszahlen muss, mit der Währung mit der man eingezahlt hat.
Aber explizit zu diesem Programm kann ich keine genaue Auskunft geben.
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Also es ist möglich. Habe in der FB nachgefragt. Beispiel. Wenn du 200 Dollar mit pm einbezahlt hast und nun mit payza oder payeer oder was auch immer mit 210$ nachzahlst, kannst du mit dem anderen prozessor auszahlen. Theoretisch sogar wenn du gleichviel bezahlst. Aber sicherheitshalber würde ich 10$ mehr bezahlen. Ich werde das so machen und dann berichten.
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Seit 25.10. auf pending!
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(06.12.2015, 15:45)Riii83 schrieb: Seit 25.10. auf pending!

bei mir mittlerweile auch bereits 3 Auszahlungen auf pending! die längste seit 27.11.

Gruß stefanf7
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hier das nächste Update vom Admin:

Zitat:Hi Everybody,

Hope you had a good weekend!

Just a quick update:

>>> Cashouts for all processors have now started again as normal. Obviously there's a delay so we'll catch up the next period as that's not easy to do, but nobody has to fear anything really with what we have in store

>>>> More importantly than these short-term issues is the progress on our cryptocurrency. As you know we'll introduce our own coin called "Adzcoin" very soon, hopefully this week! Here's a bi of an overview of how that will work, and how it can most probably make you some serious cash if you're smart.

-> 84 million coins are created and 50% will be available for mining similar to how people mine bitcoin. The other 50% will be used to give away as bonuses for helping us growing our network, manly our social platform startpeeps.
-> It will be possible to buy ad packs with the coins and grow your coins this way. Not only that, we'll contact all other revsharing sites and make them a deal to add our coin to their site as an option to buy ad packs. Just think about the benefits for everybody:
- Everybody that joins Startpeeps will get a wallet and earn coins = huge potential for ad pack sales
- The admins can refer all their members to Startpeeps and earn affiliate commissions 3 levels deep = external income
As you can see the ad pack sales from the Adzcoins are self-sustaining and will actually allow the admins to make a profit and help sustain their site.
-> Added to coinpayments.com to integrate in other sites. To increase the value of the coin we'll create our platforms using our coin only as payment method. Just think of it as if Fiverr and ebay would ony allow Adzcoin. If you wondered why we haven't launched this sites yet, this is the reason.

So how will this benefit members of SRS?

-> You can easily acquire tons of coins on Startpeeps or buy ad packs using the coins. The coin will probably be very cheap after it's added to exchanges this week so you can get a nice stash to get started. Just think of how well those early adopters of Bitcoin are doing.

-> External revenue for SRS. We will use part of the pre-mine to pay out members on SRS. We decided that this is the best way to become the biggest revshare site on the planet, as having our own money used on tons of other revsharing sites will give SRS an authority image and feeling of security for the long run, which is all we care about here.

What are the plans and prognose?
We don't have the intention to try to beat Bitcoin, that's probably not possible (but who knows right), but becoming the strong second online currency should be possible eventually. Just think about the fact that litecoin was worth about $50 per coin at one point. You think you'll be able to make money as an early adopter? Don't doubt it

Another thing is that we'll keep on expanding the usage of our coin. First we'll promote to marketers, and the perfect platform to introduce is the Fiverr clone platform. Everybody will have enough coins to buy products, and everybody can easily list their products to earn more coins. The next platforms we'll introduce is an Ebay clone, which is what will attract the masses, and a crowdfunding platform which will empower our image as a filantropic company.

Anyways, that's it for now, no need to worry or complain or whatever, we just need to focus on two things, which is running SRS and building a sold network, and it's not easy to d this simultaniously, especially with all the loopholes regarding our scrpt and payment processors and the scumbags trying to exploit this. But that's life i guess

It's time for some sleep now for me, have a nice day!

seit 5. Dezember sollen auch wieder PM Auszahlungen gemacht werden laut Info auf der FB Seite, aber meine AZ vom 29.11 und 4.12. sind noch auf pending.
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Zitat:Hi Everybody,

I hope you're doing good!
Well first of all i want to mention that all cashouts are going according to schedule except perfectmoney atm. You wouldn't believe how creative some people get at trying to abuse the system so we really need to double check all transactions, hence a delay. This is for the good of the program and nobody needs to take this personal. „wink“-Emoticon
More importantly, we're finalising the creation of our own cryptocurrency! What this will do is allow you to earn more money from ad packs and earn more on Startpeeps which launches next week.
Tha currency will be called "Adzcoin" aka "ADZ" as we'll use the currency as an in-house currency to buy advertising on our various sites, plus use it as the sole currency in our marketplace (fiverr clone). What we're doing now is the following:
-> Integrate a wallet into Startpeeps
Everybody who has an account in Startpeeps will have a wallet. This will make it easy to store your coins and use the wallet address to exchange your coins or buy products using them.
-> Adding the coin to various exchanges
The market will decide the value of the coin, so we as a community can definately help to make the coin gain value. Reaching $1 per coin would be great and everybody who is currently a members of SRS will get 1000's of coins for free guaranted. „wink“-Emoticon
-> Create a payment gateway for the coin
As you know expantion is our main goal, and using our own currency will benefit everybody in our community. For that we need a payment gateway so people can buy services and products using our coin.
Cryptocurrencies are the future for sure. Millions of dollars are being invested in infrastructure to support the various coins available. This is the perfect time to get started with our coin which has a purpose and a large community that will directly benefit from the popuarity of the coin.
Another important aspect is the fact the for instance Bitcoin can't be mined anymore except by a few large corporations. Our coin will enable everybody to get it for free through our social media platfom Startpeeps. I feel this is needed to make cryptocurrencies popular by the general public, and giving everybody a wallet and free coins is definately a good first step. Bitcoin will probably remain number one, but with our plans we can easily become a top 5 coin in the very near-future. „smile“-Emoticon
Anyways, sorry if i don't reply to each one of you instantly, i'm just working full-time on this and just want to get this done asap so we can keep moving forward with the next step in our great plan!
It's been a long day so i'll get some sleep now, i'll check reactions first thing in the morning tomorrow.
Have a great weekend!
PS: For people that wonder about the special offer, we'll add all referrals at once to your account the day before Startpeeps launches end of next week. Everybody pays the same $500 and we want to make it fair so everybody will get an equal amount of referrals. Currently 150 spots sold so plenty left!
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Und wie kann man nun geld auszahlen künftig?
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Hier das nächste Update. Hoffe die Auszahlungen kommen jetzt bei euch an.

Zitat:Hi Everybody,

Hope you had a good weekend!

Just a quick update:

>>> Cashouts for all processors have now started again as normal. Obviously there's a delay so we'll catch up the next period as that's not easy to do, but nobody has to fear anything really with what we have in store

>>>> More importantly than these short-term issues is the progress on our cryptocurrency. As you know we'll introduce our own coin called "Adzcoin" very soon, hopefully this week! Here's a bi of an overview of how that will work, and how it can most probably make you some serious cash if you're smart.

-> 84 million coins are created and 50% will be available for mining similar to how people mine bitcoin. The other 50% will be used to give away as bonuses for helping us growing our network, manly our social platform startpeeps.
-> It will be possible to buy ad packs with the coins and grow your coins this way. Not only that, we'll contact all other revsharing sites and make them a deal to add our coin to their site as an option to buy ad packs. Just think about the benefits for everybody:
- Everybody that joins Startpeeps will get a wallet and earn coins = huge potential for ad pack sales
- The admins can refer all their members to Startpeeps and earn affiliate commissions 3 levels deep = external income
As you can see the ad pack sales from the Adzcoins are self-sustaining and will actually allow the admins to make a profit and help sustain their site.
-> Added to coinpayments.com to integrate in other sites. To increase the value of the coin we'll create our platforms using our coin only as payment method. Just think of it as if Fiverr and ebay would ony allow Adzcoin. If you wondered why we haven't launched this sites yet, this is the reason.

So how will this benefit members of SRS?

-> You can easily acquire tons of coins on Startpeeps or buy ad packs using the coins. The coin will probably be very cheap after it's added to exchanges this week so you can get a nice stash to get started. Just think of how well those early adopters of Bitcoin are doing.

-> External revenue for SRS. We will use part of the pre-mine to pay out members on SRS. We decided that this is the best way to become the biggest revshare site on the planet, as having our own money used on tons of other revsharing sites will give SRS an authority image and feeling of security for the long run, which is all we care about here.

What are the plans and prognose?
We don't have the intention to try to beat Bitcoin, that's probably not possible (but who knows right), but becoming the strong second online currency should be possible eventually. Just think about the fact that litecoin was worth about $50 per coin at one point. You think you'll be able to make money as an early adopter? Don't doubt it

Another thing is that we'll keep on expanding the usage of our coin. First we'll promote to marketers, and the perfect platform to introduce is the Fiverr clone platform. Everybody will have enough coins to buy products, and everybody can easily list their products to earn more coins. The next platforms we'll introduce is an Ebay clone, which is what will attract the masses, and a crowdfunding platform which will empower our image as a filantropic company.

Anyways, that's it for now, no need to worry or complain or whatever, we just need to focus on two things, which is running SRS and building a sold network, and it's not easy to d this simultaniously, especially with all the loopholes regarding our scrpt and payment processors and the scumbags trying to exploit this. But that's life i guess

It's time for some sleep now for me, have a nice day!
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