
Future Bank - Verdopple deine BTC/ETH - Diskussion

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 

Ich möchte euch heute ein Proggi vorstellen,
das am 15.11.2017 gestartet ist.

Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

Future Bank

Mein Desposit in das Programm

Es wird 1 Plan angeboten,
und in diesem Plan geht es darum eure BTC/ETH innerhalb 30 - 40 Tagen zu verdoppeln.
Je nachdem wieviel ihr investiert, danach richtet sich auch die Laufzeit.
Ab 0.001 BTC bzw. 0.04 ETH seit ihr hier am Start.
Sobald ihr euch angemeldet habt, könnt ihr auch "freie Satoshis" claimen.
Alle 20 Minuten könnt ihr 84 Satoshis abholen, maximal 6000 Satoshis am Tag.
(aktuell sind hierfür verschiedene Bedinungen zu erfüllen.)

Plan "200% innerhalb 30 - 40 Tage"
Min Einzahlung: 0.001 BTC bzw. 0.04 ETH
Max Einzahlung: 5 BTC bzw. 100 ETH
Planlaufzeit: 30 - 40 Tage
Erträge werden sekündlich im Backoffice gutgeschrieben. Da könnt ihr vor dem PC sitzen und zusehen wie es steigt Smile
Eine genaue Aufteilung wann wieviel gutgeschrieben wird, gibt es nicht.

Investiert ihr zB 0.5 ETH, dann bekommt ihr täglich ca. 0.028 ETH retour und erreicht BEP nach 18Tagen.
Nach 36 Tagen habt ihr somit 1 ETH ausgezahlt, was einem Gewinn von 0.5 ETH entspricht.

- Bitcoin
- Ethereum

- Auszahlung manuell innerhalb 24 Stunden
- keine Gebühren bei Auszahlung von Seiten des Programms
- Mindestauszahlungsbetrag 0.00002 BTC Bzw. 0.005 ETH

10% in erster Linie

Voraussetzung hierfür, man benötigt ein eigenes Deposit (min. 0.001 BTC bzw. 0.02 ETH)

Da das hier sowieso High-Risk ist, bekommt ihr von mir 70% RCB auf eure Einzahlung.

Einfach innerhalb 48h per PN melden mit allen relevanten Daten (Username, eCurrency InvestBetrag)
Es steht mir frei, solltet ihr in BTC einzahlen, euch die RefCom auf PM oder ADV auszuzahlen.
Daher erfolgt dies immer in Abstimmung mit mir.

Persönliche Einschätzung (keine Gewährleistung für entstehende Verluste):

Für die Anmeldung einfach auf den Banner klicken

Seit euch bitte des Risikos bewusst, ein Total- bzw. Teilverlust eures eingesetzten Kapital kann immer drohen.
Daher investiert bitte nur das was ihr auch bereit seit zu verlieren.

In diesem Sinne,
nice Profit's,
sollte es welche geben  Frech

[Bild: 625.achtung.gif]
Risikohinweis: Vor dem Investieren in Programme unbedingt lesen!
Antworten Top
#freigeschaltet [Zur Vorstellung]
Antworten Top
Ich bin mal dabei. Irgendwie gefällt mir das Konzept der beiden BTC Counter (Einen für die freien satoschis und einen für den Invest Plan). Schaut spielrisch aus und macht Spaß zu beobachten wie beide Zähler sekündlich nach oben ansteigen.

Weitere Gründe für mich: Schon sehr kleine Beträge ohne Gebühr auszahlbar, Live chat, facebook Auftritt, Übersichtlicher Seite.
Wobei die hier anscheinend doch Geld in die Hand genommen haben um Abonennten und likes zu bekommen:

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
[Bild: zxeYyNbyaeW.png]

15.533 Personen gefällt das
[Bild: 5q4NoySP1vE.png]
15.568 Personen haben das abonniert

Edit: Hier mein kurzer Chat mit dem support, Antwort bekam ich nach 30 Sekunden:
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
You — Hello! Can you give me some informations about the admin?
Future Bank Agent Support: what kind of info?
You — How many Programs did he started yet and what was his last Program?
Future Bank Agent Support: I dont have so information
You — Wink I understand. I like your concept and your homepage. So I'll give it a try. Hope for a long life time
Future Bank Agent Support: I have a deposit in this bank and I hope too)
You — Smile

Antworten Top
Schon wieder so ein Programm, bei dem ich auch überlegte, es zu ganz nah unter die Lupe zu nehmen.
Hab dann ein bisschen gekuckt, was bei Hyip-Club aka Rolex los ist und mich nur noch gewundert.
Wer wohl der Admin ist? Grübeln
Und wer da wo seine Finger im Spiel hat?

Da ich mich entschied, nicht selbst zu investieren, habe ich heute nicht weiter in den internationalen Foren gestöbert.

Aber allemal hoch interessant, auch als reiner Beobachter. Sehr gut!
Antworten Top
Erste Auszahlung kam eben instand an. Smile So kann es mal weiter gehen
Antworten Top
Auszahlung gepostet, grünen Daumen gesetzt.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Some changes of the funds withdrawals rule
Dear clients of bank! For the purpose of minimization of the expenses, which are associated with payments of the commissions for the transactions, directed to service of the small amounts and also in order to your requests for payment will be processed as much as possible quickly, administration of the bank has made the decision about increasing of the minimal available amount for funds withdrawal.
Now to create a request for the funds payment , on your account balance there has to be an amount 0.00002 BTC (in the current equivalent it is $0.16) or more.
We make all possible efforts in order that your cooperation with our bank was the most convenient and productive in the most long term.

Yours faithfully, the Future Bank management.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Contest on the best video review
Dear clients of bank and also visitors of our website!

We inform you that today will begin the Contest on the best video review about the Future Bank!
It is an opportunity not only to win very interesting and valuable prizes. But it is also an opportunity to tell people about your successful achievments, at the cooperating with us!

The Contest conditions:
Create a video that details the cooperation with our bank. Details will be an advantage when determining the winner.
Tell and show, for example, how you created an investment, how you withdraw funds. Also you can display payments received from our bank.
The duration of the video should be: from 2 to 5 minutes.
You must post this video on your YouTube channel. In the video description, be sure to include "My review about Future Bank" and a link to our official website.

The Council of the Bank provided 20 prizes in this Contest.

The first prize for the best video review the winner will get the Apple iPhone X 256 GB or deposit of $1,500!

2 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of $1,000 which will bring profit to the owner $2,000!
3 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of $500 which will bring profit to the owner $1,000!
4 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of $250 which will bring profit to the owner $500!
5 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of $150 which will bring profit to the owner $300!
6 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of $100 which will bring profit to the owner $200!
7 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of $90 which will bring profit to the owner $180!
8 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of $80 which will bring profit to the owner $160!
9 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of $70 which will bring profit to the owner $140!
10 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of $60 which will bring profit to the owner $120!

Winners who took 10-20 places will receive a prize in the form of a deposit of $ 50 which will bring them a profit of $ 100

11-20 places the winners will get a prize-winning deposit of $50 which will bring to the owner $100!

All prize deposits will work with accruals for every second, you do not need to enter captcha, the value of the prize deposits will be very impressive The withdrawal of funds is available at any time.

As you can see, we give an excellent chance, which will be a good addition to your deposits in our bank and to cooperation with us as a whole.

Participation in the contest for the best video review about our bank is a real opportunity for every client of our bank!
The contest will begin: today 11/19/2017
The results of the competition and the winners will be announced on: 11.24.2017

Send links to your video reviews here: [email protected]
In the subject line of the letter, write: "Competition for the best video review"
In the email content, send us a link to your YouTube video and your username in our bank.

Videos that were published before November 20.11.17 do not participate in the competition. Only new videos!

Hurry and good luck! The number of prizes is limited!
Sincerely, management of the Future Bank.

Antworten Top
Na da schauen wir mal, wie lang das hier läuft. Das der Admin jetzt schon mit einem Contest kommt, kann ein schlechtes Zeichen sein. Zumindest sind erstmal nur wenige Monitore die das HYIP listen. Naja, schauen wir mal.

Die 1. AZ habe ich gerade beantragt, mal schauen wie lange es dauert bis das Geld im Wallet ankommt.

Edit: Da schreib ich es und die AZ war in dem Moment da. Ging also deutlich schneller als 24h, wie es im BO angezeigt wurde.
Antworten Top
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Important news in the life of the bank
Dear clients of our bank and also visitors of the company site!
First of all, we want to announce important news about the first results of the bank's work
For a current period over 100,000 people from around the world became clients of our bank. And every 24 hours we are become more by several tens of thousands users. This fact is very pleasing to the management of the Bank, because we see the real results of our hard work and our bank and our customers are progressing day by day. Because daily customers of our bank place thousands of deposits and begin to receive a stable and secure profit from Future Bank. Trust and activity are growing, the level of effectiveness of interaction and progress is increasing.

Besides, we perform over 20,000 transactions daily allocated for the funds payments to our clients. And we are sure that this number will also grow day by day, give profit to a growing number of our customers.
At the same time, management of the Bank decided to expand the number of employees who serve the payments of our clients. We have increased the number of such employees by three times, and now the level of service remains at the highest level. If required, we will continue to increase the number of employees serving customer payments.

To optimize costs, as well as reduce the number of requests for payment of funds containing small amounts, the Council of the Bank adopted the final decision on the nominal minimum allowable amount of withdrawal.
From the moment of publication of this news and forever, the minimum allowable withdrawal amount will be 0.00004 BTC (at the moment it is equivalent to $ 0.40). Additional changes in the nominal value of this amount (0.00004 BTC) are not provided.
These measures will help maintain a high level of customer service without loss of time for processing payment transactions. Convenience and safety of each client is the basis of our bank's work!

And in conclusion, we also want to inform all participants of the cooperation process that Demo Deposit has become available to all registered users. Do not waste time, start studying the process of mutual cooperation without real investment, using for this Demo Deposit!

Sincerely, Management of Future Bank.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Get free of charge 1 of 30 deposits!
Dear clients of bank!
We see that our cooperation actively develops and we want to offer the new contest directed to cooperation process improvement for all clients of bank.
Contest conditions:
Create a deposit of any face value, since November 21, 2017 and post a screenshot or video about it in your Instagram, You Tube or Facebook.

To publish a video on Youtube, just create a video clip "My deposit in Future Bank" about how you create a deposit in our bank for any amount, place it on Youtube and send us a link to your video here: [email protected]

To post a screenshot or video at Instagram, just make a screenshot or video of your personal account where your new deposit to our bank is seen, and place that screenshot or video in Instagram. Be sure to specify a hashtag "#futurebank".

To post a screenshot or video at Facebook, as well as in a case with Instagram, just make a screenshot or video of your personal account where all can seen your new deposit in our bank and place at Facebook, having specified in comments a phrase “My Deposit to Future Bank” and the link to the site of our bank.

The winner and prize-winners will be defined on the basis of assessment of your work on placement of videos or screenshots at the social media.
The face value of a deposit won’t be the factor influencing to the victory!
It is a contest for all and we want to equalize chances!
Only your creativity will be a victory incentive!

To increase chances of a victory, use all opportunities offered by contest conditions and all social media for a placement of screenshots or videos.
Send your username and links to your screenshots or videos posted at the social media here: [email protected]

Results of a contest will be announced:
The winner of the first place will get a prize-winning deposit of 0.1 BTC, which will bring profit to the owner 0.2 BTC ($1600)
2 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of 0.05 BTC, which will bring profit to the owner 0.1 BTC ($800)
3 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of 0.02 BTC, which will bring profit to the owner 0.04 BTC ($320)

4 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of 0.01 BTC, which will bring profit to the owner 0.02 BTC ($160)
5 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of 0.01 BTC, which will bring profit to the owner 0.02 BTC ($160)
6 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of 0.01 BTC, which will bring profit to the owner 0.02 BTC ($160)
7 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of 0.01 BTC, which will bring profit to the owner 0.02 BTC ($160)
8 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of 0.01 BTC, which will bring profit to the owner 0.02 BTC ($160)
9 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of 0.01 BTC, which will bring profit to the owner 0.02 BTC ($160)
10 place the winner will get a prize-winning deposit of 0.01 BTC, which will bring profit to the owner 0.02 BTC ($160)

Winners who took 11-20 places will receive a prize in the form of a deposit of 0.05 BTC which will bring them profit 0.01 BTC in the equivalent of $80

Winners who took 21-30 places will receive a prize in the form of a deposit of 0.003 BTC which will bring them profit 0.006 BTC in the equivalent of $48

Good luck to all participants of contest!
Yours faithfully, management of the Future Bank.

Antworten Top
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Free deposit is closed
At the moment the free deposit is over. If you want to continue to use the free deposit you need to fulfill any 2 of 3 conditions.
- Record a video about how you work with our bank and post it to your YouTube channel
- Make a screenshot of your backoffice, put it on your Facebook wall. Attach a link to our site (it can be your referral link). And write a short review about how you work with our bank
-Make a screenshot of your backoffice, put it on your Instagram wall. Attach a link to our site (it can be your referral link). And write a short review about how you work with our bank

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Contest results on the best video review
Dear clients of bank and visitors of the company's website also!

We present to your attention Contest results on the best video review!
Customers of our bank showed great activity! It was not easy for us to determine the winners of the competition.
All those who took part in the contest were worthy to be among the twenty winners.
But nevertheless we chose the best.
Meet! Prize-winners of the Competition for the best video review!

The winner of the competition and his prize Apple Iphone X 256 GB Space Gray or a free deposit with a nominal value of $ 1500:
username jose98godinez https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeL8hWo_F5I

2 place winner username DUUHSOUZ get a prize-winning deposit of $1,000 which will bring profit to the owner $2,000! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bKLD61rlY0
3 place winner username mahendars get a prize-winning deposit of $500 which will bring profit to the owner $1,000! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilZCqwyxq6Y
4 place winner username Gurpreetvirk get a prize-winning deposit of $250 which will bring profit to the owner $500! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7VMquW3Xd8
5 place winner username janeair get a prize-winning deposit of $150 which will bring profit to the owner $300! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObE9LrQgzhA
6 place winner username vendawa get a prize-winning deposit of $100 which will bring profit to the owner $200! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prw4ccpa9rY
7 place winner username mahmud1 get a prize-winning deposit of $90 which will bring profit to the owner $180! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWZxdfYKrco
8 place winner username Anashus get a prize-winning deposit of $80 which will bring profit to the owner $160! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoBi4XpvIME
9 place winner username meusinvestimentos get a prize-winning deposit of $70 which will bring profit to the owner $140! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W_ZM5_73_k
10 place winner username Adrian Decina get a prize-winning deposit of $60 which will bring profit to the owner $120! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHVKh-fEXmA

11-20 places the winners get a prize-winning deposit of $50 which will bring profit to the owner $100! :
11) username isaaciqu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haDp3IQRTBc
12) username HM42 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1DCZpbJwUc
13) username oroprt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Gi8yevpuOI
14) username kenzishirogane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOy5Ih_FXy4
15) username zhaaday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icFjXoeoB-g
16) username mohbink https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zrh-IGnapBQ
17) username vigovigo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pXJeD_sT08
18) username Roger35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTghft9AbVc
19) username rie64 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpe3o_ZWZTk
20) username Sinanshaan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m8XlvuJY7o

We hope that those who this time could not become a winner will be able to take revenge in the very near future!
Because there are a lot of interesting events and competitions ahead of us.
Congratulations to the winners and prize-winners and wish to all clients of our bank the prosperity and success!

Sincerely, management of the Future Bank.

Antworten Top
Aktuell bin ich hier bei 75% ROI angekommen,
also gut 3/4 zum ersten Ziel, das lautet
reach BEP,
ist erreicht.
Antworten Top
Ja, hier läuft in der Tat alles sehr gut. Auch dauern die Auszahlungen nicht lange, obwohl sich der Admin 24h einräumt. Ich habe aber noch nie länger als 1 Stunde gewartet.

Allerdings fände ich es positiv wenn er die AZ Limits für BTC deutlich anheben würde, damit er nicht unnötig Gebühren zahlt, gerade jetzt, wenn der Mempool wieder ordentlich voll ist. Da zahlt er bestimmt teilweise mehr Gebühren als die AZ Summe ausmacht. Evtl. sollte man damit mal den Admin ansprechen?
Antworten Top
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Expansion of deposit policy
Dear clients of bank!
We would like to inform you that due to the expansion of our bank's deposit policy, we have received several large deposit contracts from corporate clients from Southeast Asia. In this regard, we want to share some of the profits from these contracts with our online customers.
For full justice, we provide each of our customers with our new deposit offer, «Actual deposit». This deposit will be valid for 3 days from the date of publication of this news. Get the opportunity to place money on a deposit with increased profitability!

«Actual deposit» double your money, depending on amount face value, within 14-25 calendar days! The difference between this deposit offer and the group of "Classic" deposit offers is that the accrued profit, as well as the actual amount that you placed on the "Actual Mode", can be withdrawn at the end of the term of this deposit offer. Hurry, there are only three days to take advantage of the good opportunity and earn much more! Sincerely, Management of Future Bank.

Antworten Top
hab soeben mit der heutigen Auszahlung den BEP erreicht.
Etappenziel 1 erreicht.
Schaun wir mal, was es noch zu verdienen gibt und wie lange.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
“Actual deposit” continues to work
Dear clients of our bank!
Due to the high popularity of the our “Actual deposit” deposit offer, the bank board made the decision to prolong the term of its work for 48 hours!
The offer is relevant for all clients of bank. Do not miss chance to open the most profitable deposit solution and to get a maximum of profit from the investments!
Also we remind you that for all clients of bank is activated an opportunity to leave comments about our work directly after creation of a deposit!
Stay with us and continue to create the better future!
Sincerely, management of the Future Bank.

Antworten Top
Wobei ich von dem neuen Plan Abstand halten würde. Das sind afterpläne mit relativ langer Laufzeit. Da wird es wohl dann spätestens Eng werden wenn da die ersten auslaufen.
Antworten Top
So, auch ich hab hier nun meinen BEP erreicht! Smile

Nach meinen ganzen Scams in letzter Zeit (FCT, Garansis, Biostry, Kayza, Terminal skynet, Cryptonet.club) wirklich mal wieder was feines Smile
Antworten Top
So, meine Auszahlung von gestern ist nun bald 24 Stunden im Pending.
Das wirds hier gewesen sein.
Antworten Top
#Moderation: Vorstellung zu "geschlossene Projekte" verschoben!
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.
Antworten Top

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Future Bank - Verdopple deine BTC/ETH - Schnellantwort

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