
Development - BT 4.5% - 5.5% täglich - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

[Bild: 728.gif]

Hallo Community,
ich möchte euch heute ein Programm vorstellen,
dass seit 25. Dezember 2015 online ist.

Development - Building Technology

So nun gleich mal zum wichtigsten, was können wir verdienen:
Es werden 4 Investment-Pakete angeboten, wobei für uns wahrscheinlich nur die 3 ersten Pläne (Standad, Business und Corporate) interessant sein dürften. Dabei handelt es sich um Tages-Pläne (Kalendertage), wo das investierte Grundkapital während der Laufzeit gemeinsam mit den täglichen Zinsen zurückgezahlt wird (Pincipial Included).
Mehr dazu in der folgenden Grafik.

Ein weiterer Plan, Laufzeit 7 Tage ist hier ersichtlich:

Hier mein Backoffice:


- Auszahlungen manuell innerhalb 24h
- keine Gebühren bei Auszahlung
- min. Beitrag für Auszahlung 0.10 USD

Referral System:
Um Referral zu sein muss man keine aktive Einzahlung haben.
5% auf alle geworbenen Mitglieder in erster Linie und 1% bzw. 0.5% für Mitglieder in zweiter und dritter Linie.

Ihr bekommt von mir 50% RCB auf eure Einzahlung. Einfach innerhalb 48h per PN melden mit allen relevanten Daten (Username,eCurrency, InvestBetrag)

Würde mich freuen euch in meiner Downline begrüßen zu dürfen und mir hier ein LIKE hinterlässt.

In diesem Sinne,
nice Profit
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Development - BT 4.5% - 5.5% täglich - Diskussion

Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
Payeer Auszahlung erhalten


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Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
+ 1.27 $
Date: 21.01.2016 09:33:14
Details: P2xxx → P2xxx
Amount: 1.27 $
Comment: rcb development-bt

Danke Nuggi, RCB erhalten Sehr gut!
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Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
11:02 21.01.16 Received Payment 12.5 USD from account U10749363. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to stefanf7 from Development-BT Limited.
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Es wurde ein neuer Plan hinzugefügt. Anpassung im Hauptbeitrag wird später gemacht.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
According to numerous requests from our partners and for the convenience of investing in the company, we open a short 7-day plan with a yield of +10% "Swift"
See it for yourself. Tell your friends and family about the new billing plan, among them obviously someone was waiting for this day for investing ! It's time to earn quick money!
Participate, earn, get richer!

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Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
04:08 22.01.16 Received Payment 12.5 USD from account U10749363. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to stefanf7 from Development-BT Limited.
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Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
+ 2.25 $
Date: 22.01.2016 04:55:14
Details: P25081085 → P2xxx
Amount: 2.25 $
Comment: Withdraw to Snuggles from Development-BT Limited

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Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
22.01.16 11:24 Received Payment 12.55 USD from account XXX to account XXX. Batch: HIDDEN. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw from Development-BT Limited.
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Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
23.01.16 09:23 Received Payment 12.55 USD from account XXX to account XXX. Batch: HIDDEN. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw from Development-BT Limited.
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Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
+ 2.25 $
Date: 23.01.2016 09:45:22
Details: P25081085 → P2xxx
Amount: 2.25 $
Comment: Withdraw to Snuggles from Development-BT Limited

Antworten Top
Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
08:49 23.01.16 Received Payment 12.5 USD from account U10749363. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to stefanf7 from Development-BT Limited.
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Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
+ 2.25 $
Date: 23.01.2016 20:38:12
Details: P25081085 → P2xxx
Amount: 2.25 $
Comment: Withdraw to Snuggles from Development-BT Limited

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Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
08:34 24.01.16 Received Payment 12.5 USD from account U10749363. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to stefanf7 from Development-BT Limited.
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Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
24.01.16 09:11 Received Payment 12.55 USD from account XXX to account XXX. Batch: HIDDEN. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw from Development-BT Limited.
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Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
+ 2.25 $
Date: 24.01.2016 23:10:25
Details: P25081085 → P2xxx
Amount: 2.25 $
Comment: Withdraw to Snuggles from Development-BT Limited

Antworten Top
Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
02:32 25.01.16 Received Payment 12.5 USD from account U10749363. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to stefanf7 from Development-BT Limited.
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Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
09:27 25.01.16 Received Payment 12.55 USD from account XXX. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw from Development-BT Limited.
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Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
05:04 26.01.16 Received Payment 12.5 USD from account U10749363. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to stefanf7 from Development-BT Limited.
Antworten Top
Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
+ 2.25 $
Date: 26.01.2016 07:19:10
Details: P25081085 → P2xxx
Amount: 2.25 $
Comment: Withdraw to Snuggles from Development-BT Limited

Antworten Top
Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
26.01.16 09:16 Received Payment 12.55 USD from account XXX to account XXX. Batch: HIDDEN. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw from Development-BT Limited.
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Good afternoon, dear partners and visitors of the website!

We want to congratulate all partners of our company on small, but very important event. Today 31 days since the moment as we began work of ours online project!
A lot of work has been done and it is necessary to make even more work in the future. We seek to make our service even more qualitative, reliable and popular. We work on improvement of quality of our service every day. Our programmers for the first month of work updated a personal area, having made of the company website completely adaptive for all types of devices.
We quickly and without delays make daily payments to all our investors and partners. You can be convinced about it, having read posts about payments on MMGP, the most authoritative investment forum of the world. Thanks to smooth development of an advertizing campaign, we managed to reach of evenly development of the company project. We shall to adhere of such format of development and further. Without sharp and huge financial advertizing expenses and without use of aggressive methods of promotion.
We thank all who participates in development of the project, leaving testimonials about daily payments at various investment forums. We believe that in an advertizing campaign of the project give the greatest share exactly our active partners, because only personal testimonial about stable work of company is the strongest, efficient and effective advertizing to the project both today, and in the short term. Leave your posts at investment forums, make own contribution to development of the company project! Don't forget that having inviting of new participants in the project, you get instant profit up to 6.5% of all investments which have been made by your referral structure!
Within this month we periodically published reports on growth of popularity of the company website around the world. Just for short term in 30 days, the level of popularity of the company website has been grew more than by 1,100,000 points in a world ranking. It is result which we reached together with you! Besides, we are pleased to inform, that now take part in work of the project of the company investors from such countries as: Great Britain, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, France, Bangladesh. And it is not the complete list of countries participating in investment process of the company! On the platform we really unite the countries in the united single investment world!
We shall continue to develop of Development-BT Limited, making the maximum efforts for it and we show all already now on the example of its achievements that it isn't just words.

Stay with us! Build own reliable future with Development-BT Limited together!

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Development - BT 4.5% - 5.5% täglich - Schnellantwort

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