
Triple Threat TT3 - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 
Dieses Thema wurde zu geschlossene Programme verschoben:
Daher raten wir von einer Investition ab - selbst wenn möglich!
GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

[Bild: ban3.jpg]

Hallo Freunde,

ich würde hier gerne den Thread zu Triple Threat weiterführen.

Triple Threat ist am 2.11.2015 gestartet. Der Admin ist Ray Scott. Macht auf mich einen guten Eindruck und er hält die Leute fast täglich auf dem Laufenden.
Als Ende 2015 PayPal die Kooperation mit fast allen RevShare Programmen beendet hat, wurde sämtliches PayPal Guthaben im System eingefroren. Bei mir sind das 150$ und diese sollen irgendwann auf einen anderen Zahlungsprozessor übertragbar sein. Ob das wirklich realisierbar ist und wie sich das auf System auswirken wird kann ich nur schwer abschätzen.
Zu der Zeit war Triple Threat mit 5.000 zahlenden Membern dabei.
Am 18.03.2016 sind es 17.953 zahlende Member und es kommen täglich einige Hundert hinzu.

Payza, Payeer, Coinbase(Bitcoin) und STP.
Es gibt eine Einzahlungsgebühr von 4.5% und man muss mindestens 10$ einzahlen.

von Montag - Freitag und werden je nach Prozessor schneller oder langsamer ausgezahlt.
Auf die Auszahlung gibt es keine Gebühren. Minimum Auszahlung liegt bei 10$.

Wie kann man mit dem Programm Geld verdienen?

Bietet 3, aber eigentlich nur 2 Möglichkeiten Geld zu verdienen.

1.) Werben
Zunächst muss man monatlich 10$ für die "Mitgliedschaft" zahlen. Dafür bekommt man aber auch 5$ monatlich für jeden geworbenen Referral der ebenfalls die Mitgliedschaft bezahlt. 2.50$ direkt und 2.50$ nach 15 Tagen.

2.) AdPacks

Zum Kauf der AdPacks ist eine Mitgliedschaft nötig
Außerdem muss man täglich Werbung schauen, damit die AdPacks arbeiten.
  • AdPack 1 : 10 Klicks täglich notwendig - 30% Repurchase
  • AdPack 2 : 10 Klicks täglich notwendig - 35% Repurchase
  • AdPack 3 : 15 Klicks täglich notwendig - 40% Repurchase
  • AdPack 4 : 15 Klicks täglich notwendig - 45% Repurchase
  • AdPack 5 : 20 Klicks täglich notwendig - 50% Repurchase
Täglich kann man maximal 50 AdPacks kaufen

[Bild: 2015-11-10_1517.png]
Heute, am 16.02.2016 habe ich 81$ in den aktiven Shares. Eingezahlt habe ich mit Bitcoin.
Alle 24h kriege ich konstant 1.20$ pro AdPack.

3.) Solo Ads - Bitte nicht einzahlen!
Soweit ich das verstanden habe handelt es sich hierbei um eine 3x1 Matrix. 
Leider steht diese Still. Hier einen Platz zu kaufen wäre weggeworfenes Geld.

Referral System
  • 5$ monatlich pro zahlenden Referral
  • 10% pro gekauftem AdPack
Die 5$ die ich durch eure Mitgliedschaft bekomme würde ich euch als RCB zurückgeben

Der Admin hat bisher gut auf Probleme reagiert und die Mitgliederzahlen sind seit Mitte Januar stetig am wachsen.
Außerdem sind die 3$ AdPacks, die innerhalb von 72h auslaufen, sehr attraktiv.
Bei Fragen fragen!

[Bild: Beleg.png]

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Triple Threat TT3 - Diskussion

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Quick update for everyone!
We said we wanted to go global and not hinder anyone who wants to participate in TT3, so that's exactly what we are doing!
We are making some major changes in reference to Bitcoin and the way you deposit and cashout. Blockchain we will be switching to that will allow us to receive payments via your wallet address and send payments out to your wallet address!
What does this mean. This means that it will allow you to use your address from ANY wallet to receive you payouts!
In the mean time you are probably already seeing when you go to add funds via coinbase you're getting an error, but for a good reason „smile“-Emoticon.
Also working with the programmer to allow you all to go in and change your email addresses or payout ids without the system showing a blank id. This will allow each and everyone of you to change your settings with no issues.
So if you you haven't got your payout for coinbase just yet this is the reason why because in the process of switching this it all has to be done manually.
I know allot of your referrals may be eager to sign up via coinbase, but let them know they will have to wait or test the system in another processor with shares . They won't be disappointed.
I have requested an API key for Blockchain and await there response!
This is the perfect time to take such leaps and bounds to make TT3 the best it can be during the week of "The Great Migration"

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Programm-Status: Zahlt aus 
Also bin auch mit TT3 + Payeer sehr zufrieden.

Auszahlung innerhalb von 1 Stunde


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Wechselangebote / Investment-Angebote 
Wieder mal ne Auszahlung, bin aber hauptsächlich am aufbauen  Frech 

Angehängte Dateien Bild(er)

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
So. The great day alot of you have been waiting for is finally here!

Friday, March 4th EST (Around 10AM) those who have long waited for funds to be migrated will have the opportunity to transfer funds over to other processors. You will be able to transfer everything over that is available in your spendable wallet for Paypal, FirstData, and both Credit Card wallets. Those wallets will be the only wallets you will be able to move your balances from to other processors such as Payza, Payeer, STP, or Coinbase. This will ONLY be available for a 24hour period from when we make this option available in your backoffice. This options will appear under your My Wallet tab!

We want everyone to know that we expect very high traffic to the the website! We are on FIRE and guess whats going to happen over the weekend. We are going to explode like an Atom Bomb with new membership, so I HIGHLY recommend any referrals that are looking to join get in as soon as possible because we don't want anyone left behind! WE ARE ON FIRE!


[Bild: Beleg.png]
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Hallo Leute,

ich mache ein paar Videos zu meiner Entwicklung in TT3-Triple Thr3at.

Gestartet bin ich mit ungefähr 100$.

Wem es interessiert hier der Link:


Lg Gamer
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Quick Update,
I am working with the programmer now in reference to blockchain! I know you all are patiently waiting for blockchain to be accessible so that you can add funds and get referrals who want to join, but hang in there. We just tested blockchain with a payment and it hasnt shown up in the test wallet or on the blockchain account.
The reason for this is because when payments are made via blockchain its not immmediately that we receive. They first confirm the transaction then sends callbacks to our website to credit your wallet. We have to make sure this works correctly or it will cause alot of unnecessary work!
In the meantime if you have referrals that want to join via bitcoin have them go through payeer to add funds.
As far as Tier 1 shares, we are aware they are coming to you a little late, but i want to make sure that everyone is aware that we did MIGRATE on saturday which means that Adpacks increased substantially which in terms would slow the processing rate daily! Keep one thing in mind WE are still the FASTEST!

Ich habe hier erstmal den gelben Daumen reingemacht.
Payza Auszahlungen hängen mehrere Wochen hinterher.
Durch die Umstellung von Coinbase auf Blockchain sind zurzeit auch keine BTC Auszahlungen möglich.
Warten wir mal ab wie sich die kommenden Tage entwickeln.
Bitte nichts Einzahlen
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Hier gibt es ein paar Ankündigungen:

1) Alle offenen Auszahlung von Payza und STP werden zurückgebucht. Die Auszahlungen hingen zulange hinterher, wodurch vorallem neue Mitglieder gelitten haben.

2) Das tägliche Auszahlungslimit soll angehoben werden

3) Die Umstellung auf Blockchain ist noch am machen. Die Programmierer tun sich etwas schwer bei der Integration

4) Es wird am 25. März der Name des neuen RevShares von den beiden Admins vorgestellt

Außerdem kann man bis einschließlich Donnerstag keine Auszahlungen machen.
Am Freitag soll der Betrieb wieder weitergehen und die ersten Änderungen sollen aktiv sein.
Bis jetzt sind die Admins gut mit solchen Problemen umgegangen, mal schauen wie sie dadrauf reagieren, am Freitag wissen wir mehr.

Auszahlung über Payeer habe ich heute noch erhalten
[Bild: Beleg.png]
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Programm-Status: Prelaunch / Idee 
Geht ja ganz schön ab bei Triple zur Zeit. Hier eine weitere aktuelle Admin-Ankündigung:

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Hello all, we will turn off all payment processors withdraw ability NOW. We will be refunding all pending withdrawal requests through Payza and STP only. Bitcoin and Payeer are already caught up and have no issues as far as payments are concerned. We are working diligently to resolve our bitcoin processor issue and should have a resolution sometime soon.

We will turn all processors withdraw function back on Friday, March 11th. 10 a.m EST. You can then resume withdraws as usual from all processors at this time and we will process requests as normal.

If you don't understand, what this will do is allow everyone who withdraws Friday to receive their request within a relatively short period of time. Ex: same day Friday or over the weekend. We look forward to all payments being handled the same day Friday. Then Monday you will be able to request payouts daily, as usual, the rest of the week.

Essentially this will allow all processors for all members to pay out the same day or the next day that the payment is requested. I saw members last night saying they were waiting weeks and now they have to wait more weeks, NO THAT IS NOT THE CASE. YOU ARE MAKING THIS UP IN YOUR MIND AND UPSETTING YOURSELF FOR NO REASON!

Everyone will be paid on time after we complete this task. I repeat . EVERYONE WILL BE PAID ON TIME AFTER WE COMPLETE THIS TASK. So stop confusing people with comments that make no sense if you read this correctly. That's your responsibility! Lol. I shouldn't have to say that but unfortunately I do.

There is nothing negative about this news so I can't imagine how some members will see this as a bad thing. But go ahead let the comments roll. we're used to it. Just know we have your best interest in mind. PROMOTE STRONG ALL WEEK FAMILY. This is about to be the best time ever to be a member of Triple Thr3at!


Heißt: Ein- und Auszahlungen sind bis Freitag ausgesetzt, danach sollen Auszahlungen über alle Prozessoren noch am gleichen Tag erfolgen. In einem Nebensatz wird allerdings erwähnt, dass das Problem mit dem BTC-Prozessor immer noch nicht gelöst ist (und ich glaube nicht, dass das unbedingt bis Freitag der Fall sein wird).
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BTC soll wohl wieder funktionieren, habe ne 100$ Auszahlung beantragt.
Ansonsten ist das Auszahlen ab heute für alle weiteren Prozessoren auch möglich.
Hat hier jemand schon ne Auszahlung bekommen ?
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(11.03.2016, 21:00)Rusty schrieb: BTC soll wohl wieder funktionieren, habe ne 100$ Auszahlung beantragt.
Ansonsten ist das Auszahlen ab heute für alle weiteren Prozessoren auch möglich.
Hat hier jemand schon ne Auszahlung bekommen ?


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Meint ihr TT3 wird sich wieder stabilisieren oder geht es jetzt den Bach runter?


[Bild: ImageProxy.mvc?bicild=&canary=wAIoW7USk5...2flogo.png]
+ 80.37 $
Date: 12.03.2016 02:56:49
ID: 1X5X7X2X0
Amount: 80.37 $

History of transactions

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(12.03.2016, 10:17)Gamer123456 schrieb: Meint ihr TT3 wird sich wieder stabilisieren oder geht es jetzt den Bach runter?
Werde auf Nummer sicher gehen und das was rauszuziehen geht auch rausziehen.
Den Rest weiterkaufen.
Bin aber auch schon nah an der 100$ / day Grenze.
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
After much thought and consideration we have come up with a solution to our payout situation. We will implement these changes within the weeks to come.
1) We will place a limit on the amount of active ad packs that can be purchased at a time. The limit will be a max 200 active ad packs from all tiers at any given time. Except tier 5 which will be unlimited.
What this means is for example if you buy 200 $3 ad packs then you will have to wait till each ad packs expires before you can buy anymore. What this will do is force members to purchase ad packs in higher tiers and relieve the strain being placed on the $3 and $7 ad tiers. This will allow all tiers to payout our more consistently and frequently. Tier 5 will be unlimited as far as the max amount of active ads that can be purchased.
2) We will be changing the max withdraw amount according to the amount of UPGRADED referrals you have.
If you have 0 - 9 upgraded referrals your max daily withdraw limit will be $50. That's a total of $250 per week.
If you have 10 - 24 upgraded referrals your max daily withdraw limit will be $100. That's a total of $500 per week.
If you have 25 - 49 upgraded referrals your max daily withdraw limit will be $150. That's a total of $750 per week.
If you have 50+ upgraded referrals your max daily withdraw limit will be $200. That's a total of $1000 per week.
We feel that this is more then fair to everyone. This gives new members a great starting commission for joining us, as well as veterans the ability to strive for something greater. There is still no limit to the amount of money anyone can make, it will only be a limit on the speed you can withdraw your money in.
We know this philosophy will also boost our membership even faster because if you want you bigger payday then you're forced to promote. Which is better for us all as a whole. This will make things competitive and fair. It will also balance out the withdraw requests as it will be fewer $100 requests which means more money to go around.
We will keep you posted on when these updates will take place. Should be within 2 weeks. We know that this is the best direction for our program. Please adapt accordingly and still thrive!

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Programm-Status: Prelaunch / Idee 
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
We have not come up with an exact date on which we will make the noted changes to our program as far as limited ad packs being able to be purchased as well as referrals dictating the withdraw limit. We are working with our programmer to update the system which will take approximately 2 weeks.
In the meantime everything will remain as is until the day we implement these changes. So up until we change the system anyone can still withdraw up to $100 per day and we will process them as they come in as usual.
We suggest you start getting those upgraded referrals now though. That way when the system changes you'll be ahead of the curve and able to expand your withdraw limit faster. Anyone who already has over 10 referrals will still be able to withdraw $100 per day after changes. If you have over 25 referrals on that day you will be able to withdraw $150 PER DAY for the first time EVER! If you have over 50 referrals you will be able to withdraw $200 per day for the first time EVER.
We have decided for even extra incentive to allow those incredible members who help us all eat and have over 100 paid referrals to withdraw a max of $250 per day! That's 5k per month or 60k per year! That's also something amazing to actually strive towards and stop being static and satisfied with meager efforts. Many college graduates don't make 60k per year and they go to school for 17 years to get a bachelor's degree. All we ask you to do is get 100 referrals for the same pay they WISH THEY MADE!
Make no mistake this will FOR SURE allow withdrawal requests to be processed the same day in all processors. This is because most members will only be able to withdraw $50 per day instead of $100 so essentially the money that's able to go around is more then doubled. Generally we can payout more then half of the requested payouts since we reset the processors. So we will be able to pay out all on time after this. As well we will grow our membership at twice the speed of not triple with everyone who usually doesn't promote, now promoting in order to increase their withdraw limit. It's a win, win all the way across the board! We understand this already and we hope u will too. This is the perfect solution we needed for longevity with such a high daily payout percent without changing the fundamentals of our system. This just forces more of what got us here.GOOD OLD FASHIONED MARKETING!
If some of you cry baby's actually knew how easy it was to get referrals you wouldn't be complaining. All it takes is a couple proof pics posted on your personal wall everyday of different people getting paid. Including yourself if you have got paid already. Then place your referral link under the proof pic as well as a link to this group so they can see all the other proof. This opportunity is so good it really sells itself. All you have to do is put eyeballs to it and you will get referrals because everyone wants to make easy money just like you!
Of course you can't get any referrals if you never try. And I mean a actually put effort into it, not some half ass attempt that only last 2 days and when you get no results you say "promoting just isn't for everyone". That's BULLSHIT! ANYONE CAN MARKET ON THE INTERNET! I know from personally coaching many people to success who had no prior marketing experience. Ray Scott being the PERFECT EXAMPLE of this. He knew nothing and I mean nothing about Internet marketing just a year ago, now he's a guru. We will help you all market this isn you do what we ask.
It's just a lazy mentality people have but that's most of you complainers mentality. I've been in marketing for years as many know and I meet people like you all everyday. Who want everything and don't want to work for anything. WAKE UP CALL. Life doesn't work that way. If Ray and I had your mentality there would be no Triple Thr3at because we'd have been sitting around WAITING FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO BUILD IT!

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Die angekündigten Änderungen finde ich gut. Die Admins machen sich die Gedanken das Projekt möglichst lange weiterlaufen zu lassen und alle Änderungen dienen der Langlebigkeit.
Meine Auszahlung über BTC die ich am Freitag beantragt habe ist leider noch nicht angekommen.
Sobald sie da ist setze ich den grünen Daumen wieder rein.
Ansonsten bin ich sehr zuversichtlich, dass TT3 noch einige Zeit weiterlaufen wird und wir hier gute Resultate abliefern können Lächeln

Edit : Auszahlung über Payeer kam innerhalb von wenigen Stunden
[Bild: Beleg.png]
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Programm-Status: Zahlt aus 
Wieder mal eine Auszahlung erhalten Juhu

+ 19.81 $
Date: 14.03.2016 22:41:46
ID: 1X6X9X8X5
Amount: 19.81 $

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Headlines for this week. Stay Informed!
*Downlines Must Be Upgraded*
Changes will begin in about 2 weeks!
We will update the back office functions to help you all see who is upgraded and who isn't in your referral tree. We will also allow you to "place" referrals if you so choose to. This means if you get a referral you can place it under one of your downlines to help them build if they aren't as good at promoting as you! Or if you have reached your desired withdraw level you can give all new incoming referrals to members under you in your tree. This will be a total TEAM effort in building, as it should be.

Weiter geht die Show

Das Auszahlungslimit wird dann von der Anzahl der geworbenen Referrals bestimmt.

0 - 9 Refs : 50$ täglich
10 - 24 Refs : 100$ täglich
25 - 49 Refs : 150$ täglich
50 - 99 Refs : 200$ täglich
100+ : 250$ täglich

Ich kann mit meinen 550$ in den aktiven Shares täglich etwa 20$ auszahlen und trotzdem weiter aufbauen. Also dauert es noch ein wenig bei mir bis ich an die 50$ Grenze komme.
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(15.03.2016, 15:15)Rusty schrieb: Weiter geht die Show

Das Auszahlungslimit wird dann von der Anzahl der geworbenen Referrals bestimmt.

0 - 9 Refs : 50$ täglich
10 - 24 Refs : 100$ täglich
25 - 49 Refs : 150$ täglich
50 - 99 Refs : 200$ täglich
100+ : 250$ täglich

Ich kann mit meinen 550$ in den aktiven Shares täglich etwa 20$ auszahlen und trotzdem weiter aufbauen. Also dauert es noch ein wenig bei mir bis ich an die 50$ Grenze komme.

Du kannst dir doch bereits täglich 30$ auszahlen, sobald du 3-4 Tage hintereinander 50x 3$ Shares gekauft hast.
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Wie gesagt, ich baue parallel dazu ja noch weiter auf.

Meine BTC Auszahlung ist seit Freitag auf Pending. Hoffe die kommt die Woche noch an.
Falls jemand einsteigen möchte so würde ich eher zu Payza oder Payeer raten.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Good evening family. I see more and more members are adapting to our new referral process that we are about to change to. I see members making capture pages and seeking knowlege on how to promote and that is EXCELLENT! We appreciate you all changing with us, as this is what it takes sometimes to keep programs such as this going. It's very easy to give an opinion but it's never easy to make tough decisions that effect thousands of people. Yet that's the burden Ray Scott and I bear, but more importantly chose to bare!
We will do everything we can to keep paying you all money as fast as we can. We didn't build this program to work against you all. We built it for you all. So when we make tough decisions understand we are the same people who brought you the opportunity in the first place! We are here to help everyone so please stay on our team and adapt as we do.
Payouts are still behind in stp, bitcoin, and payza. We are still processing requests from Friday. On the positive side we have been paying out everyday as you can see by our payout total in this screen shot. Also the payouts are faster then they were before we held the withdrawals. Previously the wait was upwards of 3 weeks, but currently we hope to pay out all of Fridays payments by the middle of next week. That's a difference of about 2 and a half weeks in the time members have to wait and any improvement is better then none!
We will eventually pay you all out from Friday and move towards the next days payouts. We apologize for the delay, but we are sure that the new referral policy will not only build our membership faster and bring in new money more frequently, but also catch the payments up so members will be paid on time.
With that being said please remember that there is NO GUARANTEED TIME FRAME FOR PAYOUTS. We will do the best we can to keep them as current as possible, but don't get upset if it doesn't come the same day or week because we simply can't guarantee that. What we do guarantee is that we will pay out our members what we have EVERDAY! That's the best we can do and so far that has been life changing for thousands of people across the world! We are happy with that. The best is yet to come! We won't stop until we have over 100 thousand members!

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Übersehe ich hier irgendwas, denn merkwürdigerweise wird mir nichts gutgeschrieben. Ich habe aktuell eine aktive Mitgliedschaft, sowie qualifizierte Adshares.

Your active shares are qualified to earn until 2016-03-18 05:48:32
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