
AdsPayPro => 10$ geschenkt - Hauptbeitrag

Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! 
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GRUND: Es zahlt gar nicht mehr oder nur noch sehr vereinzelt
und kann jederzeit offline sein, sofern noch nicht geschehen.
Selbst wenn nicht, hat das Programm die Aktivität eingestellt.

[Bild: banner_468.gif]

Hallo X-Invest Community,

Ich möchte Euch AdsPayPro (bitte hier klicken), ein neues Ad Revshare Programm in Pre-Launch, vorstellen.


- Offizieller Start-Termin: 3.1.2016

- Bekannter Admin: Sean Kelly

- 10$ geschenkt (gültig bis zum 3.1.2016). Nach dem ersten Login muss man auf "Click here to activate your Pre-Launch zero risk Trial Package" klicken (oben), um den 10 geschenkten RA Units (10$) zu bekommen. Die AdPacks sind geteilt durch 1$ Realtime Accumulation Units (RAUs).

- Einzahlungen, Auszahlungen und Upgrades sind schon jetzt möglich.

- Hier sind die Combo AdPacks (110% bis 120% je AdPack, derzeit ca. 2% Gewinn täglich) mit dazugehörigen Advertising Credits.

[Bild: wbgn6oie.jpg]

- Unten sind die verschiedenen Stufen der Rückzahlung und wie man dort hin kommt.
Referrers Match ist eine zusätzliche 5%-25% Vergütung (nur als Reserved Purchase Balance), von den Einnahmen der Referrals.

[Bild: j7m3wwiu.jpg]

- Man kann auch Werbung kaufen: Standard AdPacks (keine Revshare Gewinne), Startpages, Login Ads und Solo Mails.

[Bild: 9b44bw89.jpg]

[Bild: cagqkaqo.jpg]

- Bedingung zum AdPack Gewinn: derzeit 2 Banner Klicks (10 Banner Klicks ab 3.1.2016) täglich, die neuen E-Mails von Admin nach dem Login lesen und mindestens einen AdPack in den letzten 30 Tagen kaufen.
Man kann die täglichen Banner jederzeit anklicken und nicht unbedingt auf dem Timer warten.

- Keine monatlichen Gebühren.

- Repurchase Regel: keine.

- 1 Referral Ebene mit 10% Referral-Boni.

- Akzeptierte Ein- und Auszahlungsprozessoren: PayPal, SolidTrust Pay, Perfect Money, OK Pay.

- Mindestauszahlung: 10$.

Anmelden und die 10$ sichern.

Tipp: Am bestens eine Gmail Adresse für die Registrierung benutzen.
Bei anderen E-Mail Providern, könnte man die Aktivierungsemail, nicht bekommen.

Happy Earnings!  Sehr gut!

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AdsPayPro => 10$ geschenkt - Diskussion

War ne gute Party Juhu
Hab $10 gewonnen Smile
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Zitat:Hi Team,

THIS IS YOUR AdRevBoost upline. Please pay attention!

Your $10 bonus awaits - Nothing to lose, no risk

Pay attention - AdsPayPro is now at 2300+ members!

200+ Are joining daily!

All new members registering during our Active Pre-Launch until January 3rd, 2016 will receive 1000 AD CREDITS and 10 REAL TIME UNITS at NO CHARGE!

Free ad pack earns you REAL $$$ - Do not miss it!

AdsPayPro is growing fast.
2300+ members joined during pre launch so far!


It is now official!

Join AdsPayPro (free)

Log in

Hit the $10 bonus link on top (free)

Start earning real $$$ while testing the system - WOW!


A chance to test this MONSTER program. Absolutely free!

Abwesenheitsnotiz: Ich bin im Urlaub von dem 23 Dezember bis 10 Januar.
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(21.12.2015, 23:11)myjob1 schrieb: Abwesenheitsnotiz: Ich bin im Urlaub von dem 23 Dezember bis 10 Januar.
Wünsche einen schönen Urlaub, frohe Weihnachten und gutes, gesundes, erfolgreiches Neues Jahr.
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(22.12.2015, 11:41)MBO99 schrieb: Wünsche einen schönen Urlaub, frohe Weihnachten und gutes, gesundes, erfolgreiches Neues Jahr.

Danke! Frohe Weihnachten, Gesundheit, Zufriedenheit und ein glückliches Neues Jahr!
Zitat:Payza has now been added to the site.
Have a great day, weekend and holiday all.
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Unglaublich, wie sich AdsPayPro entwickelt. Schon 1 Woche nach den 1.000 Mitgliedern waren es über 2.000 und Stand jetzt ist die 5.000 gerissen mit 5041 Mitgliedern.
[Bild: members5041.png]
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Zitat:Good day folks. Welcome to AdsPayPro and welcome to 2016!

We are now officially OPEN!

I trust everyone has had a very enjoyable holiday or break and we are all ready and refreshed in preparation for what is going be a fantastic year.

We have already had a very good start and even though we are only just over 7 weeks old we have had some stunning growth. We are now at 7369 members and are currently growing at an average of around 500 to 600 new members every day, and this in creasing steadily.

This is simply phenomenal folks. It just goes to show that what we have here is something special. Everything is lining up for this.

We have the right product, the right plan, the right people and the needed know-how and experience to back it all up and make sure everything runs smoothly.

This is a result of a lot of hard work and preparation, and trying and testing different things, finding what works and what doesnt and figuring out where we can improve. Much has been done by so many people who are active both in and behind the scenes.

And the best part of this? Even though its been quite a journey to get to this point, we are just getting started!

We have barely even touched the surface. There is so much potential here for you to build and develop a life changing income as a member and an affiliate by promoting and sharing AdsPayPro and helping us to grow into the massive opportunity that it presents.

We already know it can be done, not only from past experience, but also from the results of some of our hard working members who have committed and started building their teams.

We already have a number of TITANIUM members. Yes, really! Even in the space of 7 short weeks. This is not an easy achievement, its tough!

We also have many GOLD and many more SILVER members. Again, nothing to be sniffed at, but this is being achieved by ordinary people, folks who have never had much success before.

And we have so many BRONZE and other members who are just getting started but are putting their best efforts into making the most of this opportunity. Thats just awesome!

So come on folks, if you havent yet upgraded or purchased a few adpacks, get to it! Dont waste another opportunity! There are so many people out there kicking themselves because they passed over a revshare opportunity a year ago that has now grown into an absolute giant.

If you are having issue, pop into the skype room. The link is at the top of your dashboard. There are also webinars held at the weekends, that link is at the top of your dashboard too. Next one is a 11.00am CST tomorrow, Sunday. There are forums where you can ask questions, click on the SOCIAL tab in back office. What ever you do, just dont give up! we will help get you going!

Going to leave it at that for today folks. Before I go, I sincerely want to thank those that have helped get this underway.

People like Marc, and Dave and Larry and Merry. You guys rock! Its because of people like you that we are absolutely ensured of success, if ever an obstacle may fall in our path.

Take care everyone, and I wish the best of success to you all!

Kind Regards,

AdsPayPro Founder.
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Es gibt ein neues Tool (aktuelle Rückzahlungsrate, voraussichtliche Tagesrückzahlung und voraussichtliche Restlaufzeit) Sehr gut!

[Bild: ctw62fde.jpg]
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Programm-Status: Problem / Warnung 
Info von der Upline:
Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Das folgende habe ich erlebt. Jeder der bei traffiquick, adrevboost oder/und adspaypro investiert hat sollte dies lesen.

Seit Weihnachten kommen die Auszahlungen bei adrevboost und traffiquick nur sehr sperrlich oder gar nicht mehr.
Ich habe ab Ende des Jahres mindestens 4 support-Anfragen bei adrevboost gestellt. Alle blieben unbeantwortet.
Da adspaypro, meiner Erkenntnis der gleiche Betreiber ist (Sean Kelly) habe ich auch dort nachgefragt. Nach meiner Dritten Anfrage wurde mir dann mitgeteilt, dass adspaypro nichts mit adrevboost zu tun hat. Diese Antwort war schon sehr verwunderlich. Darauf hin habe ich eine AZ bei adspaypro beantragt.
Diese kam dann auch sehr schnell. Auffällig war, das diese von Sean Kelly [email protected] kam.
Meine Einzahlung war an [email protected]. Auch meine anderen Ein- und Auszahlung für adrevboost und traffiquick liefen darüber.

Wie ging es weiter?
Ich habe dann weiter gewartet und habe auch gefragt, ob Sie den nun Pleite sind. Es kam keine Antwort. Darauf hin habe ich gestern meinen Käuferschutz für meine Einzahlung bei adrevboost bei pp beantragt.
5 Minuten später hatte ich meine EZ von adrevboost und adspaypro auf meinem Account. Die Rückzahlung adspaypro hatte ich gar nicht beantragt.
Gleichzeit wurde mein Account bei adspaypro gesperrt.

Rückschlüsse müsst Ihr daraus selbst ziehen.
Nur soviel, es ist zu vermuten, dass bei einer Rückforderung bei adrevboost das account bei adspaypro gesperrt wird. Also muss man sich das gut überlegen.

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Programm-Status: Zahlt aus 
Tut mir Leid sowas zu lesen.

Ich habe mir gerade mal etwas auszahlen lassen, um zu testen und es hat nur Minuten gedauert.
[Bild: payment-proof-2016-01-14_10.01.43.png]
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PayPal Auszahlung beantragt.
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):


We will have a call tonight at 7:00 CST.in the conference room,

BLUE LINK in Dashboard.


Get your folks on the call, let's fill that 500 person room.here is the link:


Be there or be square (that's an American joke)
This message is NOT spam. It has been sent to you through the AdsPayPro internal messaging system.
You are receiving it because you are a current and verified AdsPayPro member.
If you no longer wish to receive such messages please submit a ticket at 0 to have your account closed.

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Hallo myjob1,
bin dann eben mal mit ein paar Talern eingestiegen. No risk, no fun.
Beste Grüße
gtsports Lächeln
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(24.01.2016, 17:40)gtsports schrieb: bin dann eben mal mit ein paar Talern eingestiegen. No risk, no fun.

Danke! Sehr gut!
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Meine RA Units Lächeln
[Bild: 2f9v6fsb.jpg]
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Diese 10$ geschenkt gibt es immer noch Grinsen
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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

Yesterday was a pivotal point in the history and direction of AdsPayPro!

We had a very productive strategy session with Sean Kelly - owner of APP, and some of the leaders:
Marc Freidberg - Global Sales Manager
David Meade - Global Team Leader
Todd Disner - Global Team Leader
Merry Makowski- Poland Team Leader
as well as our awesome Skype room moderators Larry Saenger and Kitty Sanders.

We had a fantastic round-table discussion about what will make APP the best Rev-share company on the planet!

Sean also contributed greatly with what he is willing to do on all fronts and I can tell you he is willing to do whatever it takes!

It was a meeting that was beyond excitement as he addressed so many concerns, issues, and suggestions we all had. with a resounding "yes" to everything.

You will see improvements to the website that will help eliminate support tickets. IE; folks purchasing non-rev-share ad packs when they wanted Rev-share packs.

We discussed putting together training, Power Points, addressing a clear presentation, videos on ALL aspects covering the back office.

The leaders have gathered talent from the field in creating the necessary videos, Power Points, training, etc.

The workload is going to be tremendous, but will be done to make this the dream business we have all envisioned.

Sean said he has been diligently negotiating with banks over the past month. In the next week or so we will have our own merchant account for funding/purchasing ad packs!

That is huge!

Next, he will be working on our own debit card for withdrawals! (Time frame is not known at this time) Again.Huge!

Also in the works is Union-pay for Asia Pacific and Bitcoin on our own server.

The goal is to make this business one we can all feel proud and super confident when sharing with others!

Our Alexa rating continues to improve and over the next few weeks as you see these positive changes take place it will continue to progress at a rapid pace making us noticeable to more large companies which again, will bring increased revenue into the company, which we all share.

Many of you have brought to my attention your concerns, which ALL were addressed yesterday!

It was the most exciting day I have ever experienced in my AdsPayPro journey.

I am sure, yesterday will pale in comparison with the growth and additions you will see in the coming weeks and months!

David Meade-Titanium Member

Thanks sooo much Dave for this nice update.


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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Sean has asked us to do this ASAP! (Please read as this is vitally important!)

We are putting in place many positive things on the back-end to make APP the best company of it's kind in 2016 and beyond!

Now, we need YOU to do your part in molding all the pieces together. What am I referring to?

We MUST place ads and assign credits to them consistently! Below is How to do it, which I sent a few days ago.
By the way, we only send messages that are necessary.

Hello team,

First, I want to say I only send very important information to help those who are seriously wanting to build a full-time income with APP. (Or any income level)

I have been asked lately: "Why am I seeing blank pages when I surf?"
It probably is because folks forget they need to be aware of assigning credits to their ads.

The credits are used up rapidly so you should keep a check on it.
Below is a "How to place your ads"

How to place ads in APP

1- Click on "Manage my ads" -Green link-

2-Click on My First Advertising Campaign
(Should be a blue link)

3-If you had already have placed an ad then you will see it under "Current Campaign Adverts"

Look on the far right for the status of your campaign. If it is in green and says "Running" you are fine. If it is in yellow, click on it and proceed to add credits.

You will see:

Your Ad Reference: (The name of your website you added to the campaign is here)

First Box:
Current Status: NEEDS CREDITS

You will see "10" in this box, but, change to
Assign Total Credits (Maximum: XXXXX-the amount you have accrued-you can assign whatever amount up to the max credits you have)

Second Box:
Set Credits Per View (10 to 10) Leave this 2nd box at 10.

Click on the Green Box: Set Credits

You should go back to the previous page and will then see on the far right."Running" & Yes in Green.

You should see your website below if done correctly.

To add a campaign if you don't have one, click on the box :New Surf Ad"

Then add your website URL under "Required Values"
Then click "Save My Page Link" in the Green box at the bottom.

After clicking on the "Save My Page Link" it will check your site to ensure all is ok and working correctly.

If so, in a few seconds you will see a white box on the top left:
Frame Test Ok. Click to Save. (Click it to save it)

It will then take you to a page where you can add the credits as previously explained.

Remove the 10 and add the credits you see on the left of the box.

Add and then click: Set Credits
Please keep and eye on this and make sure you assign credits frequently. Teach your members the same.

Thanks folks!

Dave Meade/Titanium member

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Letzte Auszahlung vom 29/01/16.

Gibt es hier neue Auszahlungen?
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(13.02.2016, 12:57)Chris Cross schrieb: Gibt es hier neue Auszahlungen?

Sorry, vergessen zu posten.


[Bild: hzh7ihmb.jpg]

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Saturday meeting in 1 hour and 30 mins.Come Join Us.

See you guys soon.



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AdsPayPro => 10$ geschenkt - Schnellantwort

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