
Quantum Hedge Fund (Principal-Back) - Diskussion

Hallo Freunde Cool ,

Quantum Hedge Fund macht uns aufmerksam auf die Wichtigkeit der Entwicklung der eigenen Blockchain, die gegen Quanten Computers resistent wäre.

Hier die neueste Mitteilung vom QHF-Team Peace .

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Dear clients,

Our team has understood the importance of quantum technologies and is already developing its own Quantum Blockchain.  

Text of article: 

Freie Übersetzung:

Sehr geehrte Kunden,

Unser Team hat die Bedeutung von Quantentechnologien verstanden und entwickelt bereits eine eigene Quantum Blockchain.

Text des Artikels: 

Und hier die freie Übersetzung des o.g. Artikels:

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Charles Hoskinson prognostiziert den wirtschaftlichen Zusammenbruch, den Anstieg des Quantencomputers, der Raumfahrt und der Kryptowährung in den 2020er Jahren

Das neue Jahrzehnt wird eine Menge seismischer Verschiebungen auslösen, prognostiziert der Schöpfer von Cardano und Ethereum, Charles Hoskinson. Und diese Änderungen werden Kryptowährungs- und Blockchain-Lösungen in den Vordergrund rücken, wenn ältere Systeme knicken, sich verwandeln oder auflösen.

In einer Frage-an-alles-Frage-Sitzung, die am 3. Januar, dem 11. Geburtstag von Bitcoin, hochgeladen wurde, bestätigt Hoskinson, wie die beliebte Kryptowährung ihm einen aufschlussreichen Einstieg in die Welt der globalen Finanzen verschafft hat und wie dramatisch sich die offiziellen Einstellungen und Wahrnehmungen geändert haben .

„Jede Zentralbank auf der Welt kennt Kryptowährungen und einige nehmen sogar Positionen in Kryptowährungen ein. Es hat in der Geschichte der Menschheit wirklich nie eine Zeit gegeben, in der ein technologisches Werk eine derart enorme globale Relevanz erlangt hat, ohne dass ein zentral koordinierter Aufwand, ein zentral koordiniertes Marketing, erforderlich wäre. Kein Unternehmen kontrolliert es und die Revolution fängt gerade erst an. “

Und er erwartet, dass seine Entstehung mit anderen epischen Veränderungen verschmelzen wird. In einem Gesamtüberblick zeichnet Hoskinson einige der wichtigsten Ereignisse auf, von denen er glaubt, dass sie das neue Jahrzehnt prägen werden.

Prognosen für 2020

- Die ersten Geräte für die Schnittstelle zwischen Gehirn und Computer werden in die Verbraucher implantiert.
- Private Raumfahrt wird abheben.
- Virtuelle Realität und Augmented Reality werden von lustigen Dingen zu Mainstream-Dingen.
- Die Handy-Technologie geht in die nächste Phase.
- Der Markt für Elektrofahrzeuge wird sich verdoppeln oder vervierfachen.
- Batterien für Elektroautos halten mit einer Ladung 600 bis 1.200 Meilen.
- Selbstfahrende Autos und intelligente Infrastrukturen werden an Zugkraft gewinnen.
- Alternative Energiequellen werden sich vermehren.
- Quantenteleportationsexperimente werden sich entwickeln.
- Quantencomputer werden die volle Lebensfähigkeit des Mainstreams erreichen.
- Eine oder mehrere afrikanische Nationen werden dieselbe wirtschaftliche Bedeutung wie Brasilien und Südkorea erlangen.
- Neue Pass- und Identitätssysteme wirken sich auf die Mobilität der Menschen rund um den Globus aus.
- Daten werden als Ware behandelt und unterliegen den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen.

Laut Hoskinson werden die Konsequenzen dieser Technologien jeden Regierungsdienst erreichen und die Kryptowährungen werden eine Öffnung erfahren, sobald ein weiterer wirtschaftlicher Zusammenbruch - ähnlich wie 2008 - die Märkte in diesem Jahrzehnt erschüttert.

"Ich denke, das bedeutet, dass Kryptowährungen eine großartige Gelegenheit haben, die globale Wirtschaft zu übernehmen."

Hoskinson fügt hinzu, dass er froh ist, all die Änderungen mitzuerleben, die er erwartet, einschließlich einer Neuorganisation der Medien.

„Meiner Ansicht nach ist dies das letzte Jahrzehnt der traditionellen organisierten Medien. Wir werden wahrscheinlich weniger CNNs und Fox Newses und Bloombergs und Wall Street Journals und mehr Joe Rogans haben, besonders wenn wir in die 2025er und darüber hinaus gehen. Und ich denke, gerade unser Raum wird die Anreize des Journalismus grundlegend verändern. Und wir gehen tatsächlich zu einer anderen Art der Bezahlung von Inhalten über, nämlich dem Kuratieren von Inhalten. "

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Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.03.2019, 18:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - Melius - 21.03.2019, 01:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.03.2019, 01:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.03.2019, 02:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.03.2019, 22:50
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.03.2019, 11:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.03.2019, 02:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.03.2019, 23:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.03.2019, 10:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.03.2019, 14:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.03.2019, 18:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.03.2019, 21:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.03.2019, 09:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.03.2019, 11:21
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.03.2019, 02:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.03.2019, 14:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.03.2019, 01:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.03.2019, 16:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.03.2019, 20:16
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.03.2019, 11:21
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.03.2019, 11:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.03.2019, 11:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.03.2019, 13:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.03.2019, 22:40
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.03.2019, 13:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Kairos - 31.03.2019, 21:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.03.2019, 21:44
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.04.2019, 13:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.04.2019, 12:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.04.2019, 16:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.04.2019, 19:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.04.2019, 10:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.04.2019, 10:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.04.2019, 13:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.04.2019, 10:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.04.2019, 21:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.04.2019, 01:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.04.2019, 13:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.04.2019, 21:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.04.2019, 12:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.04.2019, 20:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.04.2019, 13:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.04.2019, 00:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.04.2019, 16:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.04.2019, 00:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.04.2019, 12:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.04.2019, 14:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.04.2019, 13:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.04.2019, 10:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.04.2019, 21:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.04.2019, 14:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.04.2019, 14:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.04.2019, 13:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.04.2019, 16:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.04.2019, 11:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.04.2019, 13:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.04.2019, 15:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.04.2019, 13:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2019, 00:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2019, 13:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2019, 23:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.04.2019, 14:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.04.2019, 13:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.04.2019, 16:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.04.2019, 12:59
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.04.2019, 12:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2019, 00:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2019, 14:33
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.04.2019, 11:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.04.2019, 14:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.04.2019, 13:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.04.2019, 14:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.04.2019, 15:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.05.2019, 12:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.05.2019, 23:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.05.2019, 01:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.05.2019, 13:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.05.2019, 14:05
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.05.2019, 13:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.05.2019, 13:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.05.2019, 04:08
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.05.2019, 13:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.05.2019, 10:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2019, 00:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.05.2019, 22:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.05.2019, 11:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.05.2019, 14:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.05.2019, 10:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.05.2019, 13:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.05.2019, 21:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.05.2019, 11:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.05.2019, 13:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.05.2019, 10:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.05.2019, 19:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.05.2019, 13:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.05.2019, 10:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.05.2019, 10:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.05.2019, 10:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.05.2019, 00:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.05.2019, 13:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 29.05.2019, 00:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.05.2019, 00:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.05.2019, 13:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.05.2019, 19:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.06.2019, 13:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.06.2019, 13:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2019, 14:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.06.2019, 13:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.06.2019, 12:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.06.2019, 14:05
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.06.2019, 13:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.06.2019, 13:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.06.2019, 13:37
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.06.2019, 14:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.06.2019, 01:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.06.2019, 13:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.06.2019, 16:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.06.2019, 21:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.06.2019, 14:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.06.2019, 13:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.06.2019, 15:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.06.2019, 22:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.06.2019, 13:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.06.2019, 16:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.06.2019, 22:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.06.2019, 13:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.06.2019, 14:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.06.2019, 17:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.06.2019, 13:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.06.2019, 14:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.06.2019, 13:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.06.2019, 13:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.06.2019, 11:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 25.06.2019, 16:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.06.2019, 17:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.06.2019, 13:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.06.2019, 22:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.06.2019, 13:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.06.2019, 21:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.07.2019, 21:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.07.2019, 19:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.07.2019, 14:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.07.2019, 18:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.07.2019, 09:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.07.2019, 20:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.07.2019, 19:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.07.2019, 18:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.07.2019, 21:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.07.2019, 18:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.07.2019, 07:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.07.2019, 18:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.07.2019, 22:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.07.2019, 09:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.07.2019, 18:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.07.2019, 11:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.07.2019, 14:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.07.2019, 14:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.07.2019, 23:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.07.2019, 11:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.07.2019, 02:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.07.2019, 03:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.07.2019, 15:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.07.2019, 22:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.07.2019, 13:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.07.2019, 23:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.07.2019, 15:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.07.2019, 15:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.07.2019, 00:44
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.07.2019, 12:46
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.07.2019, 20:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.07.2019, 13:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.07.2019, 19:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.07.2019, 23:16
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.07.2019, 13:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.07.2019, 13:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.07.2019, 15:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.07.2019, 13:24
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.07.2019, 16:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.07.2019, 16:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.07.2019, 21:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.08.2019, 17:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.08.2019, 12:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.08.2019, 21:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.08.2019, 12:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.08.2019, 15:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.08.2019, 12:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 06.08.2019, 16:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.08.2019, 17:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.08.2019, 21:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.08.2019, 13:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.08.2019, 14:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.08.2019, 18:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.08.2019, 11:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.08.2019, 14:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.08.2019, 17:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.08.2019, 22:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.08.2019, 23:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.08.2019, 19:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.08.2019, 16:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.08.2019, 01:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.08.2019, 13:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.08.2019, 20:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.08.2019, 20:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.08.2019, 23:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.08.2019, 14:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.08.2019, 21:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.08.2019, 16:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.08.2019, 22:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.08.2019, 02:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.08.2019, 13:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.08.2019, 21:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.08.2019, 14:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.08.2019, 16:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.08.2019, 23:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.08.2019, 14:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.08.2019, 12:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.08.2019, 12:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.08.2019, 14:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.08.2019, 14:18
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.08.2019, 17:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.08.2019, 13:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.08.2019, 19:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.08.2019, 20:58
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.08.2019, 14:59
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.08.2019, 22:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.08.2019, 13:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.08.2019, 10:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.08.2019, 13:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.08.2019, 20:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.09.2019, 14:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.09.2019, 15:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.09.2019, 12:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.09.2019, 14:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.09.2019, 23:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.09.2019, 22:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.09.2019, 15:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.09.2019, 22:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.09.2019, 22:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.09.2019, 12:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.09.2019, 13:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.09.2019, 11:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.09.2019, 18:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.09.2019, 14:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.09.2019, 18:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.09.2019, 20:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 11.09.2019, 00:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.09.2019, 11:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.09.2019, 12:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - tsubasa - 12.09.2019, 23:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.09.2019, 23:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - tsubasa - 13.09.2019, 11:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.09.2019, 12:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.09.2019, 13:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.09.2019, 11:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.09.2019, 13:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.09.2019, 00:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.09.2019, 23:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.09.2019, 12:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.09.2019, 16:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.09.2019, 21:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.09.2019, 21:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.09.2019, 23:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.09.2019, 21:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.09.2019, 13:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.09.2019, 16:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.09.2019, 12:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.09.2019, 12:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.09.2019, 12:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.09.2019, 12:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.09.2019, 15:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.09.2019, 22:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2019, 12:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2019, 13:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2019, 21:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2019, 22:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2019, 23:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.09.2019, 15:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.09.2019, 20:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.09.2019, 15:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.09.2019, 13:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.09.2019, 16:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.09.2019, 13:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.09.2019, 20:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.09.2019, 12:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.09.2019, 23:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.10.2019, 16:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.10.2019, 17:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.10.2019, 21:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.10.2019, 16:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.10.2019, 17:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.10.2019, 18:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.10.2019, 13:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.10.2019, 16:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.10.2019, 20:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.10.2019, 21:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.10.2019, 22:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.10.2019, 11:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.10.2019, 12:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.10.2019, 01:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.10.2019, 00:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.10.2019, 12:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.10.2019, 21:44
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.10.2019, 10:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.10.2019, 21:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.10.2019, 00:44
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.10.2019, 13:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.10.2019, 13:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.10.2019, 22:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.10.2019, 21:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.10.2019, 15:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.10.2019, 21:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.10.2019, 14:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.10.2019, 20:49
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 16.10.2019, 00:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.10.2019, 01:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.10.2019, 13:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.10.2019, 13:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.10.2019, 22:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.10.2019, 20:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.10.2019, 12:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.10.2019, 14:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.10.2019, 23:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.10.2019, 00:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.10.2019, 14:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.10.2019, 15:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.10.2019, 18:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.10.2019, 23:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.10.2019, 22:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.10.2019, 10:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.10.2019, 15:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.10.2019, 13:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.10.2019, 16:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 30.10.2019, 01:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.10.2019, 14:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.10.2019, 16:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.10.2019, 13:44
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.10.2019, 16:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.11.2019, 14:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.11.2019, 14:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.11.2019, 14:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.11.2019, 23:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.11.2019, 21:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.11.2019, 22:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.11.2019, 23:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.11.2019, 20:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.11.2019, 14:10
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.11.2019, 17:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.11.2019, 21:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.11.2019, 14:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2019, 15:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.11.2019, 21:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.11.2019, 09:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 12.11.2019, 16:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.11.2019, 16:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 12.11.2019, 17:10
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.11.2019, 19:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.11.2019, 08:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.11.2019, 15:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.11.2019, 22:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.11.2019, 14:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.11.2019, 20:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.11.2019, 14:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.11.2019, 20:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.11.2019, 13:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.11.2019, 17:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.11.2019, 22:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.11.2019, 12:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.11.2019, 18:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.11.2019, 19:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.11.2019, 08:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 20.11.2019, 09:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.11.2019, 09:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.11.2019, 10:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.11.2019, 14:18
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.11.2019, 21:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.11.2019, 07:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.11.2019, 09:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.11.2019, 13:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.11.2019, 14:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.11.2019, 05:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.11.2019, 19:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.11.2019, 20:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.11.2019, 23:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2019, 14:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2019, 17:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2019, 23:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.11.2019, 11:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.11.2019, 12:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.11.2019, 16:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.11.2019, 20:18
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.11.2019, 23:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.11.2019, 15:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.12.2019, 20:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 03.12.2019, 20:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.12.2019, 22:18
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.12.2019, 01:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.12.2019, 10:08
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.12.2019, 14:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.12.2019, 16:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 04.12.2019, 18:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.12.2019, 18:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 05.12.2019, 08:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.12.2019, 21:41
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.12.2019, 22:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.12.2019, 13:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.12.2019, 22:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.12.2019, 14:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.12.2019, 15:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.12.2019, 16:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.12.2019, 01:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.12.2019, 17:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 11.12.2019, 15:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.12.2019, 16:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.12.2019, 20:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.12.2019, 00:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.12.2019, 02:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.12.2019, 00:05
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.12.2019, 03:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.12.2019, 14:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.12.2019, 16:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.12.2019, 18:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.12.2019, 21:33
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.12.2019, 00:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.12.2019, 09:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.12.2019, 21:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.12.2019, 12:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.12.2019, 23:21
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.12.2019, 22:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.12.2019, 15:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.12.2019, 22:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.12.2019, 01:33
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.12.2019, 17:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.12.2019, 22:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.12.2019, 01:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.12.2019, 11:53
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.12.2019, 18:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.12.2019, 20:49
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.12.2019, 21:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.12.2019, 15:16
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.12.2019, 00:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.01.2020, 02:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 02.01.2020, 01:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.01.2020, 01:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.01.2020, 18:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.01.2020, 23:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.01.2020, 02:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.01.2020, 01:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.01.2020, 14:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.01.2020, 17:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.01.2020, 01:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ka1ser - 09.01.2020, 20:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.01.2020, 21:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.01.2020, 01:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.01.2020, 13:59
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.01.2020, 22:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.01.2020, 00:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.01.2020, 14:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - JohannK - 12.01.2020, 19:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.01.2020, 20:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - JohannK - 12.01.2020, 20:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.01.2020, 03:50
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 13.01.2020, 07:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.01.2020, 11:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 13.01.2020, 07:50
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 13.01.2020, 17:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.01.2020, 17:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.01.2020, 22:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 14.01.2020, 05:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.01.2020, 13:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.01.2020, 18:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.01.2020, 23:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.01.2020, 00:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.01.2020, 01:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.01.2020, 03:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.01.2020, 14:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.01.2020, 15:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.01.2020, 22:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.01.2020, 18:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.01.2020, 21:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.01.2020, 23:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.01.2020, 13:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.01.2020, 21:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.01.2020, 01:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.01.2020, 14:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.01.2020, 16:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.01.2020, 13:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.01.2020, 16:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.01.2020, 21:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.01.2020, 11:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kryptohork - 24.01.2020, 16:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.01.2020, 17:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kryptohork - 04.02.2020, 22:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.02.2020, 22:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.01.2020, 18:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.01.2020, 22:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.01.2020, 23:24
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.01.2020, 00:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.01.2020, 00:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.01.2020, 01:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.01.2020, 16:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.01.2020, 17:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.01.2020, 21:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.01.2020, 00:37
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.01.2020, 15:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.01.2020, 18:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.01.2020, 01:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.01.2020, 20:16
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.01.2020, 22:10
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.01.2020, 23:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.01.2020, 20:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.01.2020, 15:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.01.2020, 18:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.01.2020, 22:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.02.2020, 15:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.02.2020, 16:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.02.2020, 13:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.02.2020, 23:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.02.2020, 22:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.02.2020, 00:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.02.2020, 01:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 04.02.2020, 22:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.02.2020, 03:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.02.2020, 04:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.02.2020, 22:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 14:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 15:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 06.02.2020, 15:57
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 16:17
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 16:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 18:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 18:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.02.2020, 12:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.02.2020, 14:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.02.2020, 16:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.02.2020, 17:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.02.2020, 23:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.02.2020, 16:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.02.2020, 22:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.02.2020, 14:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 02:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 02:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 02:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 11.02.2020, 08:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 12:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 20:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 22:10
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 22:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.02.2020, 01:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.02.2020, 14:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.02.2020, 16:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.02.2020, 17:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.02.2020, 21:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.02.2020, 01:18
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.02.2020, 17:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.02.2020, 18:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.02.2020, 22:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.02.2020, 23:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.02.2020, 00:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.02.2020, 17:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.02.2020, 22:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - GoCrypto - 15.02.2020, 04:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.02.2020, 10:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.02.2020, 17:24
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.02.2020, 21:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - GoCrypto - 16.02.2020, 04:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.02.2020, 07:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - GoCrypto - 16.02.2020, 23:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - GoCrypto - 17.02.2020, 01:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.02.2020, 02:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.02.2020, 14:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.02.2020, 23:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.02.2020, 00:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.02.2020, 12:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.02.2020, 14:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.02.2020, 21:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 19.02.2020, 02:33
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.02.2020, 09:17
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.02.2020, 23:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.02.2020, 10:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.02.2020, 18:58
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.02.2020, 00:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.02.2020, 10:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.02.2020, 17:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.02.2020, 00:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.02.2020, 10:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.02.2020, 17:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.02.2020, 20:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.02.2020, 13:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.02.2020, 16:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.02.2020, 18:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.02.2020, 13:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.02.2020, 15:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - raga321 - 26.02.2020, 15:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.02.2020, 16:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.02.2020, 22:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.02.2020, 14:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - GoCrypto - 27.02.2020, 22:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.02.2020, 22:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.02.2020, 11:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.02.2020, 20:24
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.02.2020, 00:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.02.2020, 14:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.02.2020, 22:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.03.2020, 14:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.03.2020, 15:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.03.2020, 16:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.03.2020, 13:37
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.03.2020, 16:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.03.2020, 22:05
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.03.2020, 22:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.03.2020, 14:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.03.2020, 16:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.03.2020, 22:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.03.2020, 22:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.03.2020, 14:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.03.2020, 13:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.03.2020, 16:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.03.2020, 21:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.03.2020, 13:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.03.2020, 14:05
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.03.2020, 14:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.03.2020, 14:58
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.03.2020, 16:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.03.2020, 21:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.03.2020, 21:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.03.2020, 13:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.03.2020, 15:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.03.2020, 16:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.03.2020, 23:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.03.2020, 12:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.03.2020, 16:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.03.2020, 17:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.03.2020, 22:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.03.2020, 16:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.03.2020, 13:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.03.2020, 00:17
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.03.2020, 19:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.03.2020, 21:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.03.2020, 14:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.03.2020, 22:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.03.2020, 14:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.03.2020, 15:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.03.2020, 17:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - JohannK - 23.03.2020, 21:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.03.2020, 22:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.03.2020, 23:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.03.2020, 15:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.03.2020, 18:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.03.2020, 00:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.03.2020, 18:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.03.2020, 15:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.03.2020, 14:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.03.2020, 16:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.03.2020, 22:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.03.2020, 21:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.04.2020, 13:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 04.04.2020, 10:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.04.2020, 10:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 04.04.2020, 15:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.04.2020, 16:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.04.2020, 21:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.04.2020, 13:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.04.2020, 23:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.04.2020, 12:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.04.2020, 23:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.04.2020, 23:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.04.2020, 12:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.04.2020, 21:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.04.2020, 21:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.04.2020, 21:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.04.2020, 13:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.04.2020, 13:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.04.2020, 22:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.04.2020, 12:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.04.2020, 13:08
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2020, 02:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2020, 13:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2020, 16:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.04.2020, 12:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.04.2020, 13:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.04.2020, 12:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kpnemo - 24.04.2020, 19:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.04.2020, 20:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 24.04.2020, 20:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.04.2020, 21:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 00:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 25.04.2020, 13:59
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 14:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 25.04.2020, 15:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 16:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 25.04.2020, 18:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 19:57
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 15:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 22:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.04.2020, 21:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.04.2020, 21:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.04.2020, 21:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.04.2020, 16:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.04.2020, 21:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.04.2020, 22:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.04.2020, 21:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.04.2020, 22:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.05.2020, 20:57
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.05.2020, 22:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.05.2020, 12:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.05.2020, 21:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.05.2020, 21:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.05.2020, 21:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.05.2020, 20:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.05.2020, 20:57
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.05.2020, 23:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.05.2020, 14:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.05.2020, 20:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.05.2020, 22:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.05.2020, 22:59
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.05.2020, 21:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - JohannK - 11.05.2020, 19:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2020, 20:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2020, 01:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2020, 12:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2020, 21:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2020, 22:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.05.2020, 20:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.05.2020, 15:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.05.2020, 00:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.05.2020, 16:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.05.2020, 13:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.05.2020, 20:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.05.2020, 20:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.05.2020, 21:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.05.2020, 20:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.05.2020, 23:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.05.2020, 12:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.05.2020, 22:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.05.2020, 23:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.05.2020, 23:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.05.2020, 00:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.05.2020, 21:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.05.2020, 22:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.05.2020, 17:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.05.2020, 21:41
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.05.2020, 22:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.05.2020, 23:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.05.2020, 21:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.05.2020, 12:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.05.2020, 20:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.05.2020, 20:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.05.2020, 21:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.05.2020, 21:49
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.05.2020, 12:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.05.2020, 21:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.06.2020, 13:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.06.2020, 14:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2020, 14:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2020, 16:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2020, 21:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2020, 21:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2020, 22:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.06.2020, 22:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.06.2020, 23:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.06.2020, 21:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.06.2020, 21:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.06.2020, 21:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.06.2020, 22:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.06.2020, 22:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.06.2020, 23:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.06.2020, 00:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.06.2020, 22:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.06.2020, 13:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.06.2020, 21:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 12.06.2020, 00:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.06.2020, 00:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.06.2020, 08:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.06.2020, 23:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 13.06.2020, 03:40
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.06.2020, 05:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.06.2020, 12:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.06.2020, 23:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.06.2020, 12:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.06.2020, 01:16
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.06.2020, 01:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.06.2020, 14:17
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.06.2020, 00:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.06.2020, 12:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.06.2020, 22:46
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.06.2020, 13:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.06.2020, 22:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.06.2020, 14:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.06.2020, 12:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.06.2020, 13:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.06.2020, 12:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.06.2020, 21:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.06.2020, 23:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.06.2020, 00:46
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.06.2020, 17:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.06.2020, 21:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.06.2020, 13:46
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.06.2020, 22:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.06.2020, 02:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.06.2020, 03:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.06.2020, 01:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.06.2020, 22:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.07.2020, 22:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.07.2020, 21:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.07.2020, 21:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.07.2020, 12:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.07.2020, 21:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.07.2020, 22:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.07.2020, 22:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.07.2020, 12:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.07.2020, 21:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.07.2020, 00:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.07.2020, 13:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.07.2020, 14:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.07.2020, 21:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.07.2020, 13:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.07.2020, 22:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.07.2020, 21:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.07.2020, 22:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.07.2020, 21:41
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.07.2020, 21:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.07.2020, 12:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.07.2020, 21:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.07.2020, 12:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.07.2020, 16:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.07.2020, 10:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.07.2020, 01:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.07.2020, 10:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.07.2020, 13:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 22.07.2020, 13:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.07.2020, 13:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 22.07.2020, 13:41
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.07.2020, 23:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.07.2020, 14:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.07.2020, 21:53
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.07.2020, 10:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.07.2020, 10:08
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.07.2020, 22:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.07.2020, 12:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.07.2020, 10:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.07.2020, 15:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.07.2020, 10:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.07.2020, 20:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.07.2020, 10:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 31.07.2020, 00:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.07.2020, 00:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.08.2020, 10:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.08.2020, 10:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.08.2020, 01:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.08.2020, 15:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.08.2020, 21:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.08.2020, 21:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.08.2020, 21:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.08.2020, 21:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.08.2020, 13:40
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.08.2020, 13:56
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.08.2020, 21:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.08.2020, 21:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.08.2020, 20:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.08.2020, 13:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.08.2020, 20:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.08.2020, 21:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.08.2020, 21:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.08.2020, 14:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.08.2020, 18:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.08.2020, 21:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.08.2020, 12:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.08.2020, 21:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.08.2020, 21:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.08.2020, 20:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.08.2020, 12:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.08.2020, 21:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.08.2020, 13:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.08.2020, 13:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.08.2020, 21:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.09.2020, 21:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.09.2020, 14:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.09.2020, 15:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.09.2020, 12:37
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.09.2020, 12:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.09.2020, 13:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.09.2020, 13:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.09.2020, 21:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.09.2020, 12:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.09.2020, 20:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.09.2020, 12:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.09.2020, 22:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.09.2020, 13:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.09.2020, 13:56
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.09.2020, 21:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2020, 20:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 26.09.2020, 10:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.09.2020, 11:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.09.2020, 13:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - serij83 - 29.09.2020, 07:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.09.2020, 08:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - serij83 - 29.09.2020, 11:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.09.2020, 13:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.09.2020, 18:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.10.2020, 12:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.10.2020, 20:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.10.2020, 15:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.10.2020, 13:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.10.2020, 13:40
[] - atm71 - 08.10.2020, 21:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - serij83 - 10.10.2020, 12:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.10.2020, 13:10
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.10.2020, 20:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.10.2020, 21:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.10.2020, 13:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 16.10.2020, 00:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.10.2020, 13:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - MrB0mb - 17.10.2020, 23:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.10.2020, 23:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.10.2020, 12:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.10.2020, 13:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.10.2020, 17:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.10.2020, 13:27
[] - webearn17 - 24.10.2020, 13:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.10.2020, 13:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.10.2020, 14:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 28.10.2020, 11:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.10.2020, 11:53
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 28.10.2020, 12:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.10.2020, 14:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.11.2020, 14:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.11.2020, 14:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.11.2020, 14:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 10.11.2020, 09:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2020, 12:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 10.11.2020, 13:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2020, 15:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2020, 15:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Melius - 10.11.2020, 18:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2020, 18:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 10.11.2020, 18:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2020, 18:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.11.2020, 14:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 12.11.2020, 16:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.11.2020, 16:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.11.2020, 03:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 18.11.2020, 09:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - henny22 - 18.11.2020, 11:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.11.2020, 14:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 23.11.2020, 18:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 23.11.2020, 19:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2020, 12:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - church007 - 26.11.2020, 18:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 26.11.2020, 18:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2020, 19:01
[] - AdminPeter - 26.11.2020, 19:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 26.11.2020, 20:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2020, 22:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 02.12.2020, 20:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.12.2020, 21:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 03.12.2020, 21:09
[] - Krakadil22 - 02.12.2020, 21:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.12.2020, 21:56
[] - AdminPeter - 02.12.2020, 22:49
[] - AdminPeter - 05.12.2020, 02:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 05.12.2020, 09:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 05.12.2020, 10:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 05.12.2020, 13:08
[] - Schiim - 05.12.2020, 13:21
[] - AdminPeter - 05.12.2020, 14:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 05.12.2020, 15:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 11.12.2020, 20:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.12.2020, 14:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 05.12.2020, 15:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - church007 - 05.12.2020, 15:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 05.12.2020, 15:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 07.12.2020, 22:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.12.2020, 22:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Schiim - 10.12.2020, 21:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.12.2020, 21:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - henny22 - 10.12.2020, 22:19
[] - trustwbc - 11.12.2020, 00:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 11.12.2020, 00:26
[] - Jopa - 11.12.2020, 09:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 17.12.2020, 21:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 17.12.2020, 21:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 17.12.2020, 22:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - church007 - 18.12.2020, 11:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.12.2020, 11:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 19.12.2020, 11:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.12.2020, 12:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 19.12.2020, 14:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.12.2020, 14:24
Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 19.12.2020, 17:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 19.12.2020, 20:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 20.12.2020, 01:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 25.12.2020, 18:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.12.2020, 18:33
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.12.2020, 22:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 02.01.2021, 13:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 10.01.2021, 19:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Tohobi - 02.01.2021, 23:21
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.01.2021, 23:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 06.01.2021, 23:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.01.2021, 00:07
[] - nahpets - 07.01.2021, 12:21
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.01.2021, 12:43
[] - Jopa - 10.01.2021, 19:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - church007 - 11.01.2021, 10:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 11.01.2021, 20:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 19.01.2021, 23:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - BlindStormo - 11.01.2021, 23:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 12.01.2021, 00:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 13.01.2021, 12:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 20.01.2021, 00:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Melius - 22.01.2021, 14:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - gekko1 - 02.02.2021, 18:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 02.02.2021, 19:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - gekko1 - 20.02.2021, 19:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - MrB0mb - 20.02.2021, 19:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - Melius - 25.02.2021, 09:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 06.03.2021, 11:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - jogi - 06.03.2021, 14:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 23.03.2021, 19:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - jogi - 23.03.2021, 20:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Melius - 04.04.2021, 08:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 07.04.2021, 14:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 27.04.2021, 09:49
[] - AdminPeter - 27.04.2021, 11:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 03.06.2021, 09:15

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