
Quantum Hedge Fund (Principal-Back) - Diskussion

Hallo Freunde Cool ,

das QHF-Team hat soeben für uns interessante Informationen über das Ökosystem der Quantentechnologie bei Quantum vorbereitet.

Diese leite ich an Euch natürlich weiter Peace .

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Diference from Competitors

Did you know?

Quantum technology ecosystem consists of three main components:
- Blockchain
- QTM digital token
- Consensus mechanism

Quantum is among first blockchain platforms that offer quantum-resistant signatures both in its consensus mechanics and tokens structure.

More info:

Freie Übersetzung:
Abweichung von Wettbewerbern

Wussten Sie schon?

Das Ökosystem der Quantentechnologie besteht aus drei Hauptkomponenten:
- Blockchain
- QTM digitaler Token
- Konsensmechanismus

Quantum gehört zu den ersten Blockchain-Plattformen, die sowohl in ihrer Konsensmechanik als auch in ihrer Token-Struktur quantenresistente Signaturen bieten.

Weitere Informationen:

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Quantum Blockchain

Die meisten der vorhandenen digitalen Infrastrukturen und Blockchain-Plattformen, die wir heute kennen, verwenden den Elliptic-Curve-Ansatz (ECC) für die Public-Key-Kryptographie, die als Rückgrat für die Sicherheitsprotokolle dient und der Bedrohung durch Quantencomputer ausgesetzt ist, auf die in letzter Zeit auch Bezug genommen wurde als Quantendominanz.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Unterschied zu Mitbewerbern

Das Quantentechnologie-Ökosystem besteht aus drei Hauptkomponenten: Blockchain, QTM Digital Token und Konsensus-Mechanismus. Quantum gehört zu den ersten Blockchain-Plattformen, die quantenresistente Signaturen sowohl in ihrer Konsensmechanik als auch in ihrer Token-Struktur bieten.

Im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen bestehenden Blockchain-Plattformen, die Verschlüsselungsmethoden verwenden, wird dies als erweitertes Merkle-Signaturschema (XMSS) bezeichnet. Die proaktive Haltung zur Aufrechterhaltung des höchsten Sicherheitsniveaus gehört zu den Grundprinzipien des QHF-Teams und zeigt sich in der Entscheidung, zwei unabhängige digitale Sicherheitsaudits durchzuführen. Ein global integriertes Netzwerk von Knoten auf der ganzen Welt wird die Effizienz von Transaktionen innerhalb des Netzwerks sicherstellen, gepaart mit dem Konsensmechanismus der Quantum Blockchain-Plattform, der es ermöglicht, das Transaktionsvolumen so hoch zu halten, dass die Quantum-Zahlungsplattform auf einem wettbewerbsfähigen Niveau bleibt. Der Teilbestätigungsansatz ermöglicht es Transaktionen, ihr Ziel zu erreichen, ohne dass alle Knoten im Netzwerk diese signieren müssen. Der Zufallsgenerator und das transparente Netzwerkmanagement ermöglichen eine intelligente Gruppenblockplanung unabhängig von ineffizienten Algorithmen.

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):

Die Quantum Blockchain-Plattform ist in der Lage, das hohe Leistungsniveau für Transaktionen in großem Maßstab bereitzustellen sowie die von der globalen Wirtschaft geforderte Hochgeschwindigkeits-Transaktionsverarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit bereitzustellen, die zur heutigen Norm geworden ist.

Die Quantum Blockchain-Plattform verwendet eine auf Münzen lautende Struktur und teilt die Zahlungen in separate Ströme auf, die mit anderen Münzen getrennt werden können, um eine hohe Sicherheit und Vertraulichkeit des gesamten digitalen Börsensystems zu gewährleisten. Die Plattform verwendet eine ausgeprägte Kryptographie, die selbst bei Verwendung von Quantencomputern widerstandsfähig gegen Angriffe ist und so die grundlegenden Sicherheitsschwächen moderner kryptografischer Tools vermeidet. Außerdem können Finanztransaktionen mit QTM-Token effizient ausgeführt werden, ohne dass Metadaten verloren gehen.

Eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Quantum Blockchain-Plattform wird in einem technischen Dokument veröffentlicht, das vom Quantum-Entwicklungsteam im vierten Quartal 2020 fertiggestellt und veröffentlicht wird. Die mobile Anwendung für die iOS- und Android-Plattformen wird im vierten Quartal 2020 verfügbar sein und den ersten Benutzern die Interaktion ermöglichen mit dem Ökosystem und testen Sie die Funktionalität der Quantum Blockchain-Plattform.

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Quantum Hedge Fund (Principal-Back) - Schnellantwort

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Beiträge in diesem Thema
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.03.2019, 18:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - Melius - 21.03.2019, 01:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.03.2019, 01:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.03.2019, 02:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.03.2019, 22:50
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.03.2019, 11:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.03.2019, 02:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.03.2019, 23:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.03.2019, 10:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.03.2019, 14:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.03.2019, 18:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.03.2019, 21:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.03.2019, 09:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.03.2019, 11:21
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.03.2019, 02:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.03.2019, 14:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.03.2019, 01:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.03.2019, 16:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.03.2019, 20:16
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.03.2019, 11:21
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.03.2019, 11:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.03.2019, 11:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.03.2019, 13:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.03.2019, 22:40
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.03.2019, 13:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Kairos - 31.03.2019, 21:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.03.2019, 21:44
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.04.2019, 13:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.04.2019, 12:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.04.2019, 16:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.04.2019, 19:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.04.2019, 10:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.04.2019, 10:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.04.2019, 13:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.04.2019, 10:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.04.2019, 21:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.04.2019, 01:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.04.2019, 13:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.04.2019, 21:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.04.2019, 12:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.04.2019, 20:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.04.2019, 13:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.04.2019, 00:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.04.2019, 16:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.04.2019, 00:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.04.2019, 12:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.04.2019, 14:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.04.2019, 13:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.04.2019, 10:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.04.2019, 21:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.04.2019, 14:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.04.2019, 14:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.04.2019, 13:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.04.2019, 16:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.04.2019, 11:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.04.2019, 13:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.04.2019, 15:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.04.2019, 13:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2019, 00:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2019, 13:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2019, 23:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.04.2019, 14:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.04.2019, 13:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.04.2019, 16:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.04.2019, 12:59
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.04.2019, 12:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2019, 00:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2019, 14:33
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.04.2019, 11:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.04.2019, 14:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.04.2019, 13:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.04.2019, 14:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.04.2019, 15:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.05.2019, 12:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.05.2019, 23:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.05.2019, 01:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.05.2019, 13:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.05.2019, 14:05
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.05.2019, 13:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.05.2019, 13:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.05.2019, 04:08
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.05.2019, 13:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.05.2019, 10:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2019, 00:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.05.2019, 22:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.05.2019, 11:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.05.2019, 14:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.05.2019, 10:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.05.2019, 13:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.05.2019, 21:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.05.2019, 11:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.05.2019, 13:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.05.2019, 10:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.05.2019, 19:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.05.2019, 13:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.05.2019, 10:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.05.2019, 10:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.05.2019, 10:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.05.2019, 00:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.05.2019, 13:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 29.05.2019, 00:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.05.2019, 00:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.05.2019, 13:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.05.2019, 19:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.06.2019, 13:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.06.2019, 13:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2019, 14:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.06.2019, 13:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.06.2019, 12:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.06.2019, 14:05
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.06.2019, 13:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.06.2019, 13:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.06.2019, 13:37
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.06.2019, 14:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.06.2019, 01:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.06.2019, 13:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.06.2019, 16:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.06.2019, 21:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.06.2019, 14:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.06.2019, 13:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.06.2019, 15:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.06.2019, 22:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.06.2019, 13:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.06.2019, 16:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.06.2019, 22:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.06.2019, 13:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.06.2019, 14:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.06.2019, 17:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.06.2019, 13:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.06.2019, 14:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.06.2019, 13:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.06.2019, 13:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.06.2019, 11:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 25.06.2019, 16:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.06.2019, 17:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.06.2019, 13:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.06.2019, 22:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.06.2019, 13:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.06.2019, 21:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.07.2019, 21:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.07.2019, 19:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.07.2019, 14:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.07.2019, 18:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.07.2019, 09:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.07.2019, 20:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.07.2019, 19:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.07.2019, 18:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.07.2019, 21:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.07.2019, 18:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.07.2019, 07:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.07.2019, 18:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.07.2019, 22:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.07.2019, 09:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.07.2019, 18:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.07.2019, 11:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.07.2019, 14:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.07.2019, 14:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.07.2019, 23:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.07.2019, 11:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.07.2019, 02:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.07.2019, 03:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.07.2019, 15:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.07.2019, 22:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.07.2019, 13:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.07.2019, 23:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.07.2019, 15:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.07.2019, 15:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.07.2019, 00:44
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.07.2019, 12:46
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.07.2019, 20:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.07.2019, 13:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.07.2019, 19:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.07.2019, 23:16
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.07.2019, 13:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.07.2019, 13:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.07.2019, 15:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.07.2019, 13:24
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.07.2019, 16:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.07.2019, 16:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.07.2019, 21:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.08.2019, 17:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.08.2019, 12:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.08.2019, 21:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.08.2019, 12:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.08.2019, 15:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.08.2019, 12:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 06.08.2019, 16:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.08.2019, 17:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.08.2019, 21:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.08.2019, 13:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.08.2019, 14:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.08.2019, 18:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.08.2019, 11:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.08.2019, 14:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.08.2019, 17:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.08.2019, 22:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.08.2019, 23:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.08.2019, 19:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.08.2019, 16:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.08.2019, 01:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.08.2019, 13:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.08.2019, 20:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.08.2019, 20:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.08.2019, 23:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.08.2019, 14:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.08.2019, 21:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.08.2019, 16:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.08.2019, 22:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.08.2019, 02:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.08.2019, 13:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.08.2019, 21:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.08.2019, 14:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.08.2019, 16:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.08.2019, 23:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.08.2019, 14:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.08.2019, 12:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.08.2019, 12:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.08.2019, 14:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.08.2019, 14:18
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.08.2019, 17:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.08.2019, 13:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.08.2019, 19:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.08.2019, 20:58
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.08.2019, 14:59
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.08.2019, 22:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.08.2019, 13:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.08.2019, 10:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.08.2019, 13:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.08.2019, 20:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.09.2019, 14:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.09.2019, 15:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.09.2019, 12:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.09.2019, 14:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.09.2019, 23:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.09.2019, 22:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.09.2019, 15:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.09.2019, 22:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.09.2019, 22:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.09.2019, 12:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.09.2019, 13:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.09.2019, 11:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.09.2019, 18:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.09.2019, 14:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.09.2019, 18:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.09.2019, 20:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 11.09.2019, 00:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.09.2019, 11:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.09.2019, 12:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - tsubasa - 12.09.2019, 23:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.09.2019, 23:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - tsubasa - 13.09.2019, 11:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.09.2019, 12:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.09.2019, 13:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.09.2019, 11:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.09.2019, 13:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.09.2019, 00:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.09.2019, 23:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.09.2019, 12:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.09.2019, 16:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.09.2019, 21:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.09.2019, 21:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.09.2019, 23:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.09.2019, 21:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.09.2019, 13:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.09.2019, 16:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.09.2019, 12:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.09.2019, 12:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.09.2019, 12:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.09.2019, 12:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.09.2019, 15:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.09.2019, 22:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2019, 12:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2019, 13:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2019, 21:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2019, 22:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2019, 23:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.09.2019, 15:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.09.2019, 20:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.09.2019, 15:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.09.2019, 13:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.09.2019, 16:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.09.2019, 13:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.09.2019, 20:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.09.2019, 12:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.09.2019, 23:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.10.2019, 16:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.10.2019, 17:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.10.2019, 21:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.10.2019, 16:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.10.2019, 17:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.10.2019, 18:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.10.2019, 13:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.10.2019, 16:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.10.2019, 20:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.10.2019, 21:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.10.2019, 22:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.10.2019, 11:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.10.2019, 12:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.10.2019, 01:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.10.2019, 00:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.10.2019, 12:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.10.2019, 21:44
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.10.2019, 10:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.10.2019, 21:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.10.2019, 00:44
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.10.2019, 13:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.10.2019, 13:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.10.2019, 22:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.10.2019, 21:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.10.2019, 15:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.10.2019, 21:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.10.2019, 14:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.10.2019, 20:49
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 16.10.2019, 00:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.10.2019, 01:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.10.2019, 13:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.10.2019, 13:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.10.2019, 22:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.10.2019, 20:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.10.2019, 12:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.10.2019, 14:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.10.2019, 23:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.10.2019, 00:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.10.2019, 14:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.10.2019, 15:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.10.2019, 18:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.10.2019, 23:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.10.2019, 22:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.10.2019, 10:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.10.2019, 15:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.10.2019, 13:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.10.2019, 16:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 30.10.2019, 01:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.10.2019, 14:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.10.2019, 16:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.10.2019, 13:44
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.10.2019, 16:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.11.2019, 14:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.11.2019, 14:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.11.2019, 14:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.11.2019, 23:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.11.2019, 21:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.11.2019, 22:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.11.2019, 23:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.11.2019, 20:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.11.2019, 14:10
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.11.2019, 17:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.11.2019, 21:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.11.2019, 14:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2019, 15:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.11.2019, 21:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.11.2019, 09:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 12.11.2019, 16:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.11.2019, 16:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 12.11.2019, 17:10
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.11.2019, 19:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.11.2019, 08:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.11.2019, 15:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.11.2019, 22:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.11.2019, 14:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.11.2019, 20:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.11.2019, 14:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.11.2019, 20:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.11.2019, 13:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.11.2019, 17:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.11.2019, 22:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.11.2019, 12:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.11.2019, 18:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.11.2019, 19:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.11.2019, 08:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 20.11.2019, 09:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.11.2019, 09:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.11.2019, 10:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.11.2019, 14:18
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.11.2019, 21:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.11.2019, 07:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.11.2019, 09:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.11.2019, 13:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.11.2019, 14:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.11.2019, 05:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.11.2019, 19:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.11.2019, 20:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.11.2019, 23:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2019, 14:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2019, 17:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2019, 23:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.11.2019, 11:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.11.2019, 12:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.11.2019, 16:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.11.2019, 20:18
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.11.2019, 23:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.11.2019, 15:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.12.2019, 20:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 03.12.2019, 20:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.12.2019, 22:18
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.12.2019, 01:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.12.2019, 10:08
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.12.2019, 14:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.12.2019, 16:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 04.12.2019, 18:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.12.2019, 18:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 05.12.2019, 08:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.12.2019, 21:41
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.12.2019, 22:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.12.2019, 13:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.12.2019, 22:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.12.2019, 14:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.12.2019, 15:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.12.2019, 16:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.12.2019, 01:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.12.2019, 17:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 11.12.2019, 15:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.12.2019, 16:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.12.2019, 20:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.12.2019, 00:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.12.2019, 02:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.12.2019, 00:05
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.12.2019, 03:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.12.2019, 14:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.12.2019, 16:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.12.2019, 18:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.12.2019, 21:33
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.12.2019, 00:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.12.2019, 09:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.12.2019, 21:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.12.2019, 12:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.12.2019, 23:21
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.12.2019, 22:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.12.2019, 15:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.12.2019, 22:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.12.2019, 01:33
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.12.2019, 17:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.12.2019, 22:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.12.2019, 01:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.12.2019, 11:53
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.12.2019, 18:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.12.2019, 20:49
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.12.2019, 21:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.12.2019, 15:16
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.12.2019, 00:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.01.2020, 02:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 02.01.2020, 01:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.01.2020, 01:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.01.2020, 18:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.01.2020, 23:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.01.2020, 02:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.01.2020, 01:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.01.2020, 14:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.01.2020, 17:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.01.2020, 01:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ka1ser - 09.01.2020, 20:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.01.2020, 21:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.01.2020, 01:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.01.2020, 13:59
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.01.2020, 22:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.01.2020, 00:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.01.2020, 14:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - JohannK - 12.01.2020, 19:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.01.2020, 20:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - JohannK - 12.01.2020, 20:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.01.2020, 03:50
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 13.01.2020, 07:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.01.2020, 11:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 13.01.2020, 07:50
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 13.01.2020, 17:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.01.2020, 17:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.01.2020, 22:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 14.01.2020, 05:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.01.2020, 13:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.01.2020, 18:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.01.2020, 23:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.01.2020, 00:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.01.2020, 01:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.01.2020, 03:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.01.2020, 14:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.01.2020, 15:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.01.2020, 22:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.01.2020, 18:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.01.2020, 21:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.01.2020, 23:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.01.2020, 13:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.01.2020, 21:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.01.2020, 01:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.01.2020, 14:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.01.2020, 16:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.01.2020, 13:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.01.2020, 16:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.01.2020, 21:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.01.2020, 11:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kryptohork - 24.01.2020, 16:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.01.2020, 17:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kryptohork - 04.02.2020, 22:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.02.2020, 22:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.01.2020, 18:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.01.2020, 22:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.01.2020, 23:24
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.01.2020, 00:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.01.2020, 00:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.01.2020, 01:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.01.2020, 16:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.01.2020, 17:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.01.2020, 21:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.01.2020, 00:37
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.01.2020, 15:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.01.2020, 18:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.01.2020, 01:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.01.2020, 20:16
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.01.2020, 22:10
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.01.2020, 23:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.01.2020, 20:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.01.2020, 15:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.01.2020, 18:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.01.2020, 22:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.02.2020, 15:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.02.2020, 16:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.02.2020, 13:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.02.2020, 23:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.02.2020, 22:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.02.2020, 00:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.02.2020, 01:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 04.02.2020, 22:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.02.2020, 03:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.02.2020, 04:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.02.2020, 22:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 14:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 15:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 06.02.2020, 15:57
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 16:17
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 16:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 18:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 18:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.02.2020, 12:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.02.2020, 14:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.02.2020, 16:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.02.2020, 17:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.02.2020, 23:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.02.2020, 16:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.02.2020, 22:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.02.2020, 14:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 02:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 02:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 02:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 11.02.2020, 08:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 12:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 20:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 22:10
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 22:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.02.2020, 01:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.02.2020, 14:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.02.2020, 16:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.02.2020, 17:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.02.2020, 21:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.02.2020, 01:18
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.02.2020, 17:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.02.2020, 18:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.02.2020, 22:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.02.2020, 23:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.02.2020, 00:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.02.2020, 17:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.02.2020, 22:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - GoCrypto - 15.02.2020, 04:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.02.2020, 10:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.02.2020, 17:24
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.02.2020, 21:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - GoCrypto - 16.02.2020, 04:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.02.2020, 07:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - GoCrypto - 16.02.2020, 23:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - GoCrypto - 17.02.2020, 01:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.02.2020, 02:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.02.2020, 14:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.02.2020, 23:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.02.2020, 00:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.02.2020, 12:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.02.2020, 14:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.02.2020, 21:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 19.02.2020, 02:33
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.02.2020, 09:17
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.02.2020, 23:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.02.2020, 10:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.02.2020, 18:58
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.02.2020, 00:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.02.2020, 10:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.02.2020, 17:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.02.2020, 00:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.02.2020, 10:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.02.2020, 17:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.02.2020, 20:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.02.2020, 13:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.02.2020, 16:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.02.2020, 18:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.02.2020, 13:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.02.2020, 15:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - raga321 - 26.02.2020, 15:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.02.2020, 16:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.02.2020, 22:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.02.2020, 14:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - GoCrypto - 27.02.2020, 22:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.02.2020, 22:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.02.2020, 11:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.02.2020, 20:24
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.02.2020, 00:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.02.2020, 14:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.02.2020, 22:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.03.2020, 14:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.03.2020, 15:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.03.2020, 16:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.03.2020, 13:37
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.03.2020, 16:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.03.2020, 22:05
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.03.2020, 22:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.03.2020, 14:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.03.2020, 16:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.03.2020, 22:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.03.2020, 22:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.03.2020, 14:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.03.2020, 13:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.03.2020, 16:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.03.2020, 21:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.03.2020, 13:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.03.2020, 14:05
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.03.2020, 14:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.03.2020, 14:58
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.03.2020, 16:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.03.2020, 21:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.03.2020, 21:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.03.2020, 13:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.03.2020, 15:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.03.2020, 16:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.03.2020, 23:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.03.2020, 12:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.03.2020, 16:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.03.2020, 17:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.03.2020, 22:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.03.2020, 16:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.03.2020, 13:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.03.2020, 00:17
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.03.2020, 19:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.03.2020, 21:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.03.2020, 14:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.03.2020, 22:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.03.2020, 14:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.03.2020, 15:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.03.2020, 17:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - JohannK - 23.03.2020, 21:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.03.2020, 22:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.03.2020, 23:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.03.2020, 15:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.03.2020, 18:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.03.2020, 00:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.03.2020, 18:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.03.2020, 15:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.03.2020, 14:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.03.2020, 16:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.03.2020, 22:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.03.2020, 21:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.04.2020, 13:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 04.04.2020, 10:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.04.2020, 10:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 04.04.2020, 15:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.04.2020, 16:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.04.2020, 21:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.04.2020, 13:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.04.2020, 23:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.04.2020, 12:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.04.2020, 23:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.04.2020, 23:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.04.2020, 12:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.04.2020, 21:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.04.2020, 21:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.04.2020, 21:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.04.2020, 13:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.04.2020, 13:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.04.2020, 22:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.04.2020, 12:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.04.2020, 13:08
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2020, 02:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2020, 13:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2020, 16:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.04.2020, 12:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.04.2020, 13:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.04.2020, 12:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kpnemo - 24.04.2020, 19:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.04.2020, 20:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 24.04.2020, 20:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.04.2020, 21:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 00:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 25.04.2020, 13:59
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 14:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 25.04.2020, 15:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 16:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 25.04.2020, 18:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 19:57
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 15:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 22:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.04.2020, 21:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.04.2020, 21:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.04.2020, 21:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.04.2020, 16:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.04.2020, 21:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.04.2020, 22:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.04.2020, 21:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.04.2020, 22:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.05.2020, 20:57
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.05.2020, 22:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.05.2020, 12:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.05.2020, 21:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.05.2020, 21:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.05.2020, 21:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.05.2020, 20:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.05.2020, 20:57
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.05.2020, 23:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.05.2020, 14:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.05.2020, 20:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.05.2020, 22:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.05.2020, 22:59
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.05.2020, 21:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - JohannK - 11.05.2020, 19:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2020, 20:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2020, 01:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2020, 12:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2020, 21:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2020, 22:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.05.2020, 20:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.05.2020, 15:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.05.2020, 00:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.05.2020, 16:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.05.2020, 13:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.05.2020, 20:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.05.2020, 20:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.05.2020, 21:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.05.2020, 20:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.05.2020, 23:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.05.2020, 12:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.05.2020, 22:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.05.2020, 23:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.05.2020, 23:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.05.2020, 00:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.05.2020, 21:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.05.2020, 22:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.05.2020, 17:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.05.2020, 21:41
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.05.2020, 22:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.05.2020, 23:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.05.2020, 21:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.05.2020, 12:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.05.2020, 20:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.05.2020, 20:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.05.2020, 21:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.05.2020, 21:49
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.05.2020, 12:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.05.2020, 21:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.06.2020, 13:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.06.2020, 14:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2020, 14:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2020, 16:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2020, 21:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2020, 21:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2020, 22:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.06.2020, 22:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.06.2020, 23:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.06.2020, 21:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.06.2020, 21:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.06.2020, 21:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.06.2020, 22:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.06.2020, 22:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.06.2020, 23:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.06.2020, 00:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.06.2020, 22:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.06.2020, 13:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.06.2020, 21:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 12.06.2020, 00:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.06.2020, 00:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.06.2020, 08:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.06.2020, 23:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 13.06.2020, 03:40
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.06.2020, 05:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.06.2020, 12:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.06.2020, 23:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.06.2020, 12:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.06.2020, 01:16
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.06.2020, 01:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.06.2020, 14:17
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.06.2020, 00:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.06.2020, 12:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.06.2020, 22:46
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.06.2020, 13:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.06.2020, 22:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.06.2020, 14:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.06.2020, 12:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.06.2020, 13:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.06.2020, 12:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.06.2020, 21:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.06.2020, 23:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.06.2020, 00:46
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.06.2020, 17:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.06.2020, 21:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.06.2020, 13:46
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.06.2020, 22:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.06.2020, 02:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.06.2020, 03:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.06.2020, 01:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.06.2020, 22:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.07.2020, 22:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.07.2020, 21:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.07.2020, 21:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.07.2020, 12:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.07.2020, 21:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.07.2020, 22:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.07.2020, 22:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.07.2020, 12:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.07.2020, 21:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.07.2020, 00:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.07.2020, 13:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.07.2020, 14:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.07.2020, 21:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.07.2020, 13:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.07.2020, 22:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.07.2020, 21:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.07.2020, 22:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.07.2020, 21:41
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.07.2020, 21:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.07.2020, 12:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.07.2020, 21:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.07.2020, 12:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.07.2020, 16:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.07.2020, 10:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.07.2020, 01:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.07.2020, 10:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.07.2020, 13:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 22.07.2020, 13:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.07.2020, 13:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 22.07.2020, 13:41
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.07.2020, 23:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.07.2020, 14:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.07.2020, 21:53
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.07.2020, 10:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.07.2020, 10:08
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.07.2020, 22:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.07.2020, 12:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.07.2020, 10:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.07.2020, 15:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.07.2020, 10:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.07.2020, 20:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.07.2020, 10:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 31.07.2020, 00:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.07.2020, 00:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.08.2020, 10:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.08.2020, 10:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.08.2020, 01:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.08.2020, 15:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.08.2020, 21:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.08.2020, 21:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.08.2020, 21:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.08.2020, 21:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.08.2020, 13:40
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.08.2020, 13:56
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.08.2020, 21:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.08.2020, 21:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.08.2020, 20:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.08.2020, 13:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.08.2020, 20:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.08.2020, 21:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.08.2020, 21:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.08.2020, 14:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.08.2020, 18:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.08.2020, 21:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.08.2020, 12:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.08.2020, 21:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.08.2020, 21:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.08.2020, 20:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.08.2020, 12:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.08.2020, 21:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.08.2020, 13:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.08.2020, 13:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.08.2020, 21:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.09.2020, 21:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.09.2020, 14:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.09.2020, 15:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.09.2020, 12:37
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.09.2020, 12:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.09.2020, 13:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.09.2020, 13:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.09.2020, 21:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.09.2020, 12:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.09.2020, 20:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.09.2020, 12:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.09.2020, 22:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.09.2020, 13:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.09.2020, 13:56
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.09.2020, 21:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2020, 20:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 26.09.2020, 10:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.09.2020, 11:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.09.2020, 13:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - serij83 - 29.09.2020, 07:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.09.2020, 08:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - serij83 - 29.09.2020, 11:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.09.2020, 13:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.09.2020, 18:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.10.2020, 12:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.10.2020, 20:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.10.2020, 15:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.10.2020, 13:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.10.2020, 13:40
[] - atm71 - 08.10.2020, 21:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - serij83 - 10.10.2020, 12:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.10.2020, 13:10
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.10.2020, 20:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.10.2020, 21:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.10.2020, 13:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 16.10.2020, 00:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.10.2020, 13:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - MrB0mb - 17.10.2020, 23:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.10.2020, 23:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.10.2020, 12:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.10.2020, 13:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.10.2020, 17:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.10.2020, 13:27
[] - webearn17 - 24.10.2020, 13:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.10.2020, 13:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.10.2020, 14:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 28.10.2020, 11:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.10.2020, 11:53
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 28.10.2020, 12:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.10.2020, 14:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.11.2020, 14:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.11.2020, 14:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.11.2020, 14:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 10.11.2020, 09:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2020, 12:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 10.11.2020, 13:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2020, 15:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2020, 15:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Melius - 10.11.2020, 18:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2020, 18:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 10.11.2020, 18:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2020, 18:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.11.2020, 14:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 12.11.2020, 16:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.11.2020, 16:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.11.2020, 03:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 18.11.2020, 09:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - henny22 - 18.11.2020, 11:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.11.2020, 14:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 23.11.2020, 18:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 23.11.2020, 19:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2020, 12:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - church007 - 26.11.2020, 18:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 26.11.2020, 18:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2020, 19:01
[] - AdminPeter - 26.11.2020, 19:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 26.11.2020, 20:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2020, 22:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 02.12.2020, 20:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.12.2020, 21:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 03.12.2020, 21:09
[] - Krakadil22 - 02.12.2020, 21:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.12.2020, 21:56
[] - AdminPeter - 02.12.2020, 22:49
[] - AdminPeter - 05.12.2020, 02:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 05.12.2020, 09:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 05.12.2020, 10:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 05.12.2020, 13:08
[] - Schiim - 05.12.2020, 13:21
[] - AdminPeter - 05.12.2020, 14:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 05.12.2020, 15:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 11.12.2020, 20:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.12.2020, 14:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 05.12.2020, 15:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - church007 - 05.12.2020, 15:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 05.12.2020, 15:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 07.12.2020, 22:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.12.2020, 22:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Schiim - 10.12.2020, 21:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.12.2020, 21:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - henny22 - 10.12.2020, 22:19
[] - trustwbc - 11.12.2020, 00:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 11.12.2020, 00:26
[] - Jopa - 11.12.2020, 09:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 17.12.2020, 21:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 17.12.2020, 21:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 17.12.2020, 22:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - church007 - 18.12.2020, 11:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.12.2020, 11:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 19.12.2020, 11:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.12.2020, 12:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 19.12.2020, 14:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.12.2020, 14:24
Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 19.12.2020, 17:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 19.12.2020, 20:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 20.12.2020, 01:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 25.12.2020, 18:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.12.2020, 18:33
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.12.2020, 22:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 02.01.2021, 13:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 10.01.2021, 19:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Tohobi - 02.01.2021, 23:21
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.01.2021, 23:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 06.01.2021, 23:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.01.2021, 00:07
[] - nahpets - 07.01.2021, 12:21
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.01.2021, 12:43
[] - Jopa - 10.01.2021, 19:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - church007 - 11.01.2021, 10:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 11.01.2021, 20:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 19.01.2021, 23:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - BlindStormo - 11.01.2021, 23:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 12.01.2021, 00:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 13.01.2021, 12:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 20.01.2021, 00:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Melius - 22.01.2021, 14:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - gekko1 - 02.02.2021, 18:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 02.02.2021, 19:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - gekko1 - 20.02.2021, 19:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - MrB0mb - 20.02.2021, 19:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - Melius - 25.02.2021, 09:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 06.03.2021, 11:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - jogi - 06.03.2021, 14:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 23.03.2021, 19:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - jogi - 23.03.2021, 20:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Melius - 04.04.2021, 08:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 07.04.2021, 14:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 27.04.2021, 09:49
[] - AdminPeter - 27.04.2021, 11:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 03.06.2021, 09:15

5 kürzlich aktive Themen dieses Bereichs
Thema Themenersteller Antworten Ansichten Letzter Beitrag
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Lifetime: MineThrive- BTC Miner-ab 6.66% tägl.- unbegrenzte Laufzeit Konsti 29 2.321 Gestern, 12:03
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! P.-Included: Bossa: ca. 1% täglich - 30-35% monatlich - Nach ca 70 Tagen bereits über $10k ausbezahlt! Mickey 41 3.322 26.04.2024, 12:49
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Bot: Steroid-Bot (Binance Future-Bitmex) MrB0mb 50 16.343 24.04.2024, 13:45
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Bot: Goose-X Margin Trading Bot Some1 47 12.950 21.04.2024, 19:15
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Principal-Back: Seletti DAPP - 0,5% bis 2,0% täglich per Staking (BNB-Chain) HooDies 30 1.837 20.04.2024, 23:18
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Principal-Back: AKA02 - Einsatz $20 - tägliche Gutschrift $3 - Laufzeit 15 Tage - ROI 225% HooDies 7 939 16.04.2024, 10:43
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Kryptowährung: TITAN 369 - Staking ab täglich 0,69% | 252% APY HooDies 16 1.381 15.04.2024, 10:32
Letzter Beitrag: Smart