
Quantum Hedge Fund (Principal-Back) - Diskussion

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Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
The cryptocurrency system has now become a $200 billion industry.

Although the crypto market crashed in March, it has fastly come back to its previous positions.

This is confirmed by Crypto Hedge Funds and Harvard Endowment Fund who invite institutional investors of the crypto ecosystem.

If you do not have millions to join them, become a part of QHF to get stable income in crypto.

Text of article


Das Kryptowährungssystem hat sich mittlerweile zu einer 200-Milliarden-Dollar-Industrie entwickelt.

Obwohl der Kryptomarkt im März zusammengebrochen ist, ist er schnell zu seinen vorherigen Positionen zurückgekehrt.

Dies wird von Crypto Hedge Funds und Harvard Endowment Fund bestätigt, die institutionelle Investoren des Crypto-Ökosystems einladen.

Wenn Sie nicht über Millionen verfügen, um sich ihnen anzuschließen, werden Sie Teil von QHF, um ein stabiles Einkommen in Krypto zu erzielen.

Text des Artikels

Google-Übersetzung des o.g. Artikels:

Externer Inhalt (z.B. Newsletter, E-Mails, Seiteninhalte):
Kryptowährung ist derzeit ein wachsendes Ökosystem und in den letzten Jahren sind die Nutzer von Bitcoin sowie seine Transaktionen mit einer durchschnittlichen Rate von ca. 60% pro Jahr gewachsen. Ebenso haben private und öffentliche Investoren ihr Engagement für Kryptowährungen wie Ripple, Stellar, Ethereum und viele weitere Kryptowährungen in der gesamten Branche ausgeweitet.

Das Kryptowährungssystem hat sich mittlerweile zu einer 200-Milliarden-Dollar-Industrie entwickelt. Die Geschichte der Kryptowährung reicht bis in die 1980er Jahre zurück, mit Fortschritten in der Kryptographie - was letztendlich zur Bildung von Verschlüsselungstechniken führte, die das Netzwerk der Kryptowährung sichern sollen.

Im Jahr 2009 hat Satoshi Nakamoto das erste Bitcoin abgebaut. Nakamoto hat es in einem dezentralen Netzwerk abgebaut und Litecoin wurde 2011 gestartet. Nach einem Jahr wurde Ripple 2012 gegründet. 2013 wurde Bitcoin populär und der Preis für ein Bitcoin erreichte 1.000 USD. Im Jahr 2015, als Ethereum eingeführt wurde, wurden im Crypto-Ökosystem intelligente Verträge abgeschlossen.

Im Jahr 2017 waren mehr als 1.000 Kryptowährungen gelistet, und im selben Jahr überschritt der Preis eines Bitcoin zum ersten Mal in seiner Geschichte 10.000 USD. Der Preis für ein einzelnes Bitcoin erreichte 2017 20.000 US-Dollar. Anschließend bot EOS eine auf Blockchain basierende Infrastruktur für DApps (dezentrale Anwendungen) an. Derzeit sind mehr als 5.000 Kryptowährungen auf dem Markt im Umlauf.

Wir können Krypto auch als Investition in das aufstrebende Finanzsystem DeFi (dezentrale Finanzierung) betrachten. Dezentrale Finanzierung (DeFi) ist ein alternatives Finanzsystem. Es basiert auf einer öffentlichen Blockchain, die eine höhere Zugänglichkeit bietet, da jeder eine Verbindung zu diesem System herstellen kann. Darüber hinaus sind Transaktionen öffentlich verfügbar, was eine höhere Transparenz in diesem Finanzsystem ermöglicht. Im Folgenden sind einige der praktischen Vorteile aufgeführt, die im gesamten Krypto-Ökosystem angewendet werden.

Bitcoin, Stellar und Ripple werden zum Kauf von Produkten verwendet, und für diese Transaktionen ist kein vertrauenswürdiger Dritter erforderlich.

Da das Gesamtangebot an verschiedenen Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin und Litecoin begrenzt ist, wirkt sich diese Knappheit auf den Wert dieser Kryptowährungen aus.

DAI, Gemini USD und USDC sind einige der digitalen Währungen, die normalerweise an eine Währung oder einen Rohstoff wie Gold usw. gebunden sind.

Die Technologie hinter Krypto ist die Kryptographie, die es dem Besitzer einer Kryptowährung ermöglicht, anonym zu bleiben.

Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin, Stellar und Ripple können Personen, die keinen Zugang zu einer Bank haben, den Zugang zum Finanzsystem ermöglichen.

Bitcoin hat auch ähnliche Eigenschaften wie Geld. Es kann als Tauschmittel oder Einheitskonto verwendet werden.

Mit DApps können Benutzer Anwendungen ohne zentrale Autorität entwickeln. EOS, Ethereum und Tezos sind einige Beispiele für DApps.

Weltweit erkennen private und öffentliche Investoren das Potenzial des Krypto-Ökosystems in verschiedenen Bereichen. Die primären privaten Teilnehmer im Bereich Kryptowährung sind unten aufgeführt.

Crypto Hedge Funds und Harvard Endowment Fund sind institutionelle Investoren des Crypto-Ökosystems.

Coinbase und Bitstamp sind die beiden beliebtesten Kryptowährungsbörsen.

Global Digital Finance und Crypto Valley Association sind die bekannten öffentlichen Organisationen, die als Hauptteilnehmer im Bereich Krypto gelten.

Die anonymisierten Transaktionen dieses Systems schützen die Daten der Benutzer. Dieses System bietet auch ein neues Finanzsystem für 1,7 Milliarden Menschen ohne Bankverbindung auf der ganzen Welt. Dieses System ist sicherer und intelligente Verträge können manuelle und administrative Arbeiten überflüssig machen. Dieses System hat Auswirkungen zweiter Ordnung auf das Finanzsystem unserer Welt. Kryptowährung trägt jedoch letztendlich zur Transformation des Finanzsystems bei.

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Quantum Hedge Fund (Principal-Back) - Schnellantwort

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Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.03.2019, 18:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - Melius - 21.03.2019, 01:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.03.2019, 01:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.03.2019, 02:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.03.2019, 22:50
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.03.2019, 11:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.03.2019, 02:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.03.2019, 23:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.03.2019, 10:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.03.2019, 14:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.03.2019, 18:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.03.2019, 21:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.03.2019, 09:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.03.2019, 11:21
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.03.2019, 02:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.03.2019, 14:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.03.2019, 01:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.03.2019, 16:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.03.2019, 20:16
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.03.2019, 11:21
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.03.2019, 11:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.03.2019, 11:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.03.2019, 13:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.03.2019, 22:40
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.03.2019, 13:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Kairos - 31.03.2019, 21:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.03.2019, 21:44
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.04.2019, 13:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.04.2019, 12:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.04.2019, 16:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.04.2019, 19:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.04.2019, 10:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.04.2019, 10:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.04.2019, 13:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.04.2019, 10:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.04.2019, 21:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.04.2019, 01:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.04.2019, 13:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.04.2019, 21:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.04.2019, 12:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.04.2019, 20:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.04.2019, 13:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.04.2019, 00:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.04.2019, 16:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.04.2019, 00:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.04.2019, 12:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.04.2019, 14:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.04.2019, 13:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.04.2019, 10:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.04.2019, 21:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.04.2019, 14:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.04.2019, 14:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.04.2019, 13:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.04.2019, 16:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.04.2019, 11:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.04.2019, 13:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.04.2019, 15:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.04.2019, 13:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2019, 00:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2019, 13:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2019, 23:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.04.2019, 14:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.04.2019, 13:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.04.2019, 16:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.04.2019, 12:59
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.04.2019, 12:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2019, 00:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2019, 14:33
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.04.2019, 11:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.04.2019, 14:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.04.2019, 13:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.04.2019, 14:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.04.2019, 15:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.05.2019, 12:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.05.2019, 23:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.05.2019, 01:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.05.2019, 13:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.05.2019, 14:05
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.05.2019, 13:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.05.2019, 13:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.05.2019, 04:08
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.05.2019, 13:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.05.2019, 10:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2019, 00:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.05.2019, 22:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.05.2019, 11:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.05.2019, 14:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.05.2019, 10:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.05.2019, 13:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.05.2019, 21:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.05.2019, 11:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.05.2019, 13:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.05.2019, 10:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.05.2019, 19:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.05.2019, 13:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.05.2019, 10:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.05.2019, 10:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.05.2019, 10:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.05.2019, 00:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.05.2019, 13:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 29.05.2019, 00:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.05.2019, 00:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.05.2019, 13:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.05.2019, 19:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.06.2019, 13:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.06.2019, 13:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2019, 14:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.06.2019, 13:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.06.2019, 12:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.06.2019, 14:05
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.06.2019, 13:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.06.2019, 13:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.06.2019, 13:37
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.06.2019, 14:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.06.2019, 01:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.06.2019, 13:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.06.2019, 16:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.06.2019, 21:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.06.2019, 14:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.06.2019, 13:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.06.2019, 15:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.06.2019, 22:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.06.2019, 13:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.06.2019, 16:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.06.2019, 22:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.06.2019, 13:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.06.2019, 14:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.06.2019, 17:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.06.2019, 13:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.06.2019, 14:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.06.2019, 13:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.06.2019, 13:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.06.2019, 11:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 25.06.2019, 16:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.06.2019, 17:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.06.2019, 13:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.06.2019, 22:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.06.2019, 13:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.06.2019, 21:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.07.2019, 21:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.07.2019, 19:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.07.2019, 14:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.07.2019, 18:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.07.2019, 09:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.07.2019, 20:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.07.2019, 19:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.07.2019, 18:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.07.2019, 21:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.07.2019, 18:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.07.2019, 07:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.07.2019, 18:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.07.2019, 22:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.07.2019, 09:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.07.2019, 18:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.07.2019, 11:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.07.2019, 14:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.07.2019, 14:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.07.2019, 23:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.07.2019, 11:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.07.2019, 02:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.07.2019, 03:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.07.2019, 15:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.07.2019, 22:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.07.2019, 13:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.07.2019, 23:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.07.2019, 15:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.07.2019, 15:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.07.2019, 00:44
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.07.2019, 12:46
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.07.2019, 20:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.07.2019, 13:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.07.2019, 19:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.07.2019, 23:16
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.07.2019, 13:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.07.2019, 13:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.07.2019, 15:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.07.2019, 13:24
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.07.2019, 16:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.07.2019, 16:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.07.2019, 21:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.08.2019, 17:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.08.2019, 12:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.08.2019, 21:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.08.2019, 12:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.08.2019, 15:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.08.2019, 12:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 06.08.2019, 16:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.08.2019, 17:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.08.2019, 21:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.08.2019, 13:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.08.2019, 14:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.08.2019, 18:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.08.2019, 11:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.08.2019, 14:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.08.2019, 17:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.08.2019, 22:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.08.2019, 23:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.08.2019, 19:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.08.2019, 16:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.08.2019, 01:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.08.2019, 13:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.08.2019, 20:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.08.2019, 20:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.08.2019, 23:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.08.2019, 14:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.08.2019, 21:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.08.2019, 16:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.08.2019, 22:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.08.2019, 02:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.08.2019, 13:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.08.2019, 21:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.08.2019, 14:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.08.2019, 16:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.08.2019, 23:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.08.2019, 14:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.08.2019, 12:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.08.2019, 12:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.08.2019, 14:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.08.2019, 14:18
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.08.2019, 17:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.08.2019, 13:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.08.2019, 19:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.08.2019, 20:58
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.08.2019, 14:59
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.08.2019, 22:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.08.2019, 13:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.08.2019, 10:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.08.2019, 13:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.08.2019, 20:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.09.2019, 14:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.09.2019, 15:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.09.2019, 12:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.09.2019, 14:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.09.2019, 23:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.09.2019, 22:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.09.2019, 15:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.09.2019, 22:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.09.2019, 22:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.09.2019, 12:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.09.2019, 13:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.09.2019, 11:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.09.2019, 18:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.09.2019, 14:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.09.2019, 18:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.09.2019, 20:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 11.09.2019, 00:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.09.2019, 11:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.09.2019, 12:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - tsubasa - 12.09.2019, 23:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.09.2019, 23:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - tsubasa - 13.09.2019, 11:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.09.2019, 12:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.09.2019, 13:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.09.2019, 11:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.09.2019, 13:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.09.2019, 00:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.09.2019, 23:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.09.2019, 12:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.09.2019, 16:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.09.2019, 21:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.09.2019, 21:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.09.2019, 23:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.09.2019, 21:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.09.2019, 13:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.09.2019, 16:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.09.2019, 12:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.09.2019, 12:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.09.2019, 12:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.09.2019, 12:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.09.2019, 15:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.09.2019, 22:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2019, 12:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2019, 13:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2019, 21:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2019, 22:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2019, 23:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.09.2019, 15:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.09.2019, 20:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.09.2019, 15:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.09.2019, 13:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.09.2019, 16:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.09.2019, 13:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.09.2019, 20:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.09.2019, 12:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.09.2019, 23:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.10.2019, 16:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.10.2019, 17:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.10.2019, 21:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.10.2019, 16:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.10.2019, 17:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.10.2019, 18:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.10.2019, 13:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.10.2019, 16:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.10.2019, 20:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.10.2019, 21:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.10.2019, 22:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.10.2019, 11:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.10.2019, 12:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.10.2019, 01:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.10.2019, 00:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.10.2019, 12:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.10.2019, 21:44
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.10.2019, 10:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.10.2019, 21:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.10.2019, 00:44
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.10.2019, 13:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.10.2019, 13:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.10.2019, 22:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.10.2019, 21:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.10.2019, 15:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.10.2019, 21:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.10.2019, 14:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.10.2019, 20:49
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 16.10.2019, 00:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.10.2019, 01:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.10.2019, 13:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.10.2019, 13:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.10.2019, 22:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.10.2019, 20:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.10.2019, 12:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.10.2019, 14:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.10.2019, 23:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.10.2019, 00:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.10.2019, 14:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.10.2019, 15:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.10.2019, 18:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.10.2019, 23:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.10.2019, 22:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.10.2019, 10:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.10.2019, 15:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.10.2019, 13:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.10.2019, 16:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 30.10.2019, 01:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.10.2019, 14:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.10.2019, 16:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.10.2019, 13:44
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.10.2019, 16:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.11.2019, 14:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.11.2019, 14:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.11.2019, 14:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.11.2019, 23:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.11.2019, 21:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.11.2019, 22:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.11.2019, 23:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.11.2019, 20:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.11.2019, 14:10
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.11.2019, 17:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.11.2019, 21:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.11.2019, 14:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2019, 15:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.11.2019, 21:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.11.2019, 09:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 12.11.2019, 16:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.11.2019, 16:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 12.11.2019, 17:10
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.11.2019, 19:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.11.2019, 08:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.11.2019, 15:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.11.2019, 22:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.11.2019, 14:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.11.2019, 20:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.11.2019, 14:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.11.2019, 20:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.11.2019, 13:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.11.2019, 17:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.11.2019, 22:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.11.2019, 12:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.11.2019, 18:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.11.2019, 19:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.11.2019, 08:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 20.11.2019, 09:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.11.2019, 09:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.11.2019, 10:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.11.2019, 14:18
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.11.2019, 21:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.11.2019, 07:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.11.2019, 09:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.11.2019, 13:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.11.2019, 14:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.11.2019, 05:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.11.2019, 19:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.11.2019, 20:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.11.2019, 23:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2019, 14:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2019, 17:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2019, 23:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.11.2019, 11:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.11.2019, 12:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.11.2019, 16:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.11.2019, 20:18
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.11.2019, 23:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.11.2019, 15:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.12.2019, 20:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 03.12.2019, 20:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.12.2019, 22:18
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.12.2019, 01:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.12.2019, 10:08
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.12.2019, 14:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.12.2019, 16:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 04.12.2019, 18:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.12.2019, 18:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 05.12.2019, 08:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.12.2019, 21:41
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.12.2019, 22:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.12.2019, 13:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.12.2019, 22:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.12.2019, 14:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.12.2019, 15:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.12.2019, 16:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.12.2019, 01:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.12.2019, 17:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 11.12.2019, 15:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.12.2019, 16:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.12.2019, 20:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.12.2019, 00:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.12.2019, 02:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.12.2019, 00:05
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.12.2019, 03:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.12.2019, 14:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.12.2019, 16:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.12.2019, 18:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.12.2019, 21:33
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.12.2019, 00:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.12.2019, 09:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.12.2019, 21:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.12.2019, 12:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.12.2019, 23:21
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.12.2019, 22:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.12.2019, 15:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.12.2019, 22:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.12.2019, 01:33
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.12.2019, 17:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.12.2019, 22:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.12.2019, 01:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.12.2019, 11:53
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.12.2019, 18:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.12.2019, 20:49
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.12.2019, 21:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.12.2019, 15:16
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.12.2019, 00:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.01.2020, 02:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 02.01.2020, 01:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.01.2020, 01:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.01.2020, 18:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.01.2020, 23:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.01.2020, 02:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.01.2020, 01:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.01.2020, 14:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.01.2020, 17:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.01.2020, 01:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ka1ser - 09.01.2020, 20:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.01.2020, 21:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.01.2020, 01:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.01.2020, 13:59
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.01.2020, 22:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.01.2020, 00:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.01.2020, 14:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - JohannK - 12.01.2020, 19:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.01.2020, 20:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - JohannK - 12.01.2020, 20:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.01.2020, 03:50
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 13.01.2020, 07:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.01.2020, 11:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 13.01.2020, 07:50
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 13.01.2020, 17:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.01.2020, 17:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.01.2020, 22:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 14.01.2020, 05:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.01.2020, 13:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.01.2020, 18:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.01.2020, 23:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.01.2020, 00:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.01.2020, 01:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.01.2020, 03:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.01.2020, 14:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.01.2020, 15:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.01.2020, 22:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.01.2020, 18:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.01.2020, 21:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.01.2020, 23:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.01.2020, 13:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.01.2020, 21:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.01.2020, 01:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.01.2020, 14:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.01.2020, 16:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.01.2020, 13:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.01.2020, 16:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.01.2020, 21:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.01.2020, 11:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kryptohork - 24.01.2020, 16:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.01.2020, 17:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kryptohork - 04.02.2020, 22:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.02.2020, 22:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.01.2020, 18:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.01.2020, 22:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.01.2020, 23:24
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.01.2020, 00:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.01.2020, 00:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.01.2020, 01:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.01.2020, 16:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.01.2020, 17:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.01.2020, 21:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.01.2020, 00:37
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.01.2020, 15:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.01.2020, 18:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.01.2020, 01:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.01.2020, 20:16
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.01.2020, 22:10
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.01.2020, 23:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.01.2020, 20:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.01.2020, 15:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.01.2020, 18:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.01.2020, 22:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.02.2020, 15:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.02.2020, 16:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.02.2020, 13:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.02.2020, 23:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.02.2020, 22:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.02.2020, 00:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.02.2020, 01:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 04.02.2020, 22:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.02.2020, 03:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.02.2020, 04:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.02.2020, 22:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 14:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 15:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 06.02.2020, 15:57
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 16:17
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 16:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 18:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.02.2020, 18:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.02.2020, 12:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.02.2020, 14:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.02.2020, 16:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.02.2020, 17:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.02.2020, 23:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.02.2020, 16:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.02.2020, 22:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.02.2020, 14:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 02:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 02:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 02:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 11.02.2020, 08:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 12:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 20:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 22:10
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.02.2020, 22:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.02.2020, 01:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.02.2020, 14:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.02.2020, 16:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.02.2020, 17:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.02.2020, 21:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.02.2020, 01:18
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.02.2020, 17:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.02.2020, 18:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.02.2020, 22:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.02.2020, 23:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.02.2020, 00:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.02.2020, 17:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.02.2020, 22:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - GoCrypto - 15.02.2020, 04:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.02.2020, 10:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.02.2020, 17:24
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.02.2020, 21:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - GoCrypto - 16.02.2020, 04:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.02.2020, 07:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - GoCrypto - 16.02.2020, 23:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - GoCrypto - 17.02.2020, 01:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.02.2020, 02:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.02.2020, 14:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.02.2020, 23:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.02.2020, 00:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.02.2020, 12:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.02.2020, 14:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.02.2020, 21:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 19.02.2020, 02:33
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.02.2020, 09:17
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.02.2020, 23:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.02.2020, 10:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.02.2020, 18:58
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.02.2020, 00:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.02.2020, 10:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.02.2020, 17:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.02.2020, 00:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.02.2020, 10:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.02.2020, 17:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.02.2020, 20:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.02.2020, 13:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.02.2020, 16:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.02.2020, 18:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.02.2020, 13:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.02.2020, 15:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - raga321 - 26.02.2020, 15:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.02.2020, 16:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.02.2020, 22:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.02.2020, 14:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - GoCrypto - 27.02.2020, 22:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.02.2020, 22:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.02.2020, 11:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.02.2020, 20:24
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.02.2020, 00:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.02.2020, 14:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.02.2020, 22:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.03.2020, 14:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.03.2020, 15:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.03.2020, 16:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.03.2020, 13:37
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.03.2020, 16:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.03.2020, 22:05
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.03.2020, 22:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.03.2020, 14:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.03.2020, 16:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.03.2020, 22:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.03.2020, 22:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.03.2020, 14:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.03.2020, 13:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.03.2020, 16:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.03.2020, 21:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.03.2020, 13:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.03.2020, 14:05
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.03.2020, 14:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.03.2020, 14:58
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.03.2020, 16:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.03.2020, 21:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.03.2020, 21:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.03.2020, 13:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.03.2020, 15:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.03.2020, 16:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.03.2020, 23:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.03.2020, 12:24
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.03.2020, 16:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.03.2020, 17:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.03.2020, 22:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.03.2020, 16:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.03.2020, 13:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.03.2020, 00:17
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.03.2020, 19:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.03.2020, 21:54
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.03.2020, 14:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.03.2020, 22:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.03.2020, 14:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.03.2020, 15:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.03.2020, 17:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - JohannK - 23.03.2020, 21:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.03.2020, 22:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.03.2020, 23:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.03.2020, 15:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.03.2020, 18:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.03.2020, 00:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.03.2020, 18:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.03.2020, 15:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.03.2020, 14:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.03.2020, 16:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.03.2020, 22:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.03.2020, 21:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.04.2020, 13:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 04.04.2020, 10:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.04.2020, 10:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 04.04.2020, 15:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.04.2020, 16:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.04.2020, 21:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.04.2020, 13:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.04.2020, 23:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.04.2020, 12:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.04.2020, 23:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.04.2020, 23:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.04.2020, 12:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.04.2020, 21:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.04.2020, 21:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.04.2020, 21:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.04.2020, 13:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.04.2020, 13:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.04.2020, 22:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.04.2020, 12:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.04.2020, 13:08
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2020, 02:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2020, 13:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.04.2020, 16:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.04.2020, 12:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.04.2020, 13:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.04.2020, 12:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kpnemo - 24.04.2020, 19:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.04.2020, 20:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 24.04.2020, 20:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.04.2020, 21:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 00:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 25.04.2020, 13:59
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 14:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 25.04.2020, 15:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 16:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - kappe51 - 25.04.2020, 18:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 19:57
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 15:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.04.2020, 22:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.04.2020, 21:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.04.2020, 21:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.04.2020, 21:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.04.2020, 16:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.04.2020, 21:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.04.2020, 22:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.04.2020, 21:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.04.2020, 22:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.05.2020, 20:57
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.05.2020, 22:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.05.2020, 12:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.05.2020, 21:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.05.2020, 21:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.05.2020, 21:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.05.2020, 20:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.05.2020, 20:57
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.05.2020, 23:13
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.05.2020, 14:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.05.2020, 20:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.05.2020, 22:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.05.2020, 22:59
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.05.2020, 21:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - JohannK - 11.05.2020, 19:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2020, 20:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2020, 01:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2020, 12:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2020, 21:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.05.2020, 22:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.05.2020, 20:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.05.2020, 15:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.05.2020, 00:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.05.2020, 16:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.05.2020, 13:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.05.2020, 20:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.05.2020, 20:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.05.2020, 21:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.05.2020, 20:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.05.2020, 23:14
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.05.2020, 12:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.05.2020, 22:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.05.2020, 23:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.05.2020, 23:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.05.2020, 00:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.05.2020, 21:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.05.2020, 22:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.05.2020, 17:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.05.2020, 21:41
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.05.2020, 22:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.05.2020, 23:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.05.2020, 21:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.05.2020, 12:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.05.2020, 20:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.05.2020, 20:56
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.05.2020, 21:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.05.2020, 21:49
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.05.2020, 12:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.05.2020, 21:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.06.2020, 13:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.06.2020, 14:00
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2020, 14:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2020, 16:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2020, 21:03
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2020, 21:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.06.2020, 22:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.06.2020, 22:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.06.2020, 23:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.06.2020, 21:25
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.06.2020, 21:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.06.2020, 21:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.06.2020, 22:44
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.06.2020, 22:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.06.2020, 23:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.06.2020, 00:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.06.2020, 22:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.06.2020, 13:53
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.06.2020, 21:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 12.06.2020, 00:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.06.2020, 00:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.06.2020, 08:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.06.2020, 23:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 13.06.2020, 03:40
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.06.2020, 05:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.06.2020, 12:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.06.2020, 23:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.06.2020, 12:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.06.2020, 01:16
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.06.2020, 01:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.06.2020, 14:17
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.06.2020, 00:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.06.2020, 12:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.06.2020, 22:46
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.06.2020, 13:11
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.06.2020, 22:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.06.2020, 14:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.06.2020, 12:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.06.2020, 13:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.06.2020, 12:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.06.2020, 21:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.06.2020, 23:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.06.2020, 00:46
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.06.2020, 17:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.06.2020, 21:11
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.06.2020, 13:46
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.06.2020, 22:52
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.06.2020, 02:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.06.2020, 03:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.06.2020, 01:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.06.2020, 22:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.07.2020, 22:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.07.2020, 21:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.07.2020, 21:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.07.2020, 12:20
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.07.2020, 21:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.07.2020, 22:49
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.07.2020, 22:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.07.2020, 12:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.07.2020, 21:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.07.2020, 00:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.07.2020, 13:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.07.2020, 14:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.07.2020, 21:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.07.2020, 13:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 09.07.2020, 22:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.07.2020, 21:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.07.2020, 22:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.07.2020, 21:41
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.07.2020, 21:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.07.2020, 12:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.07.2020, 21:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.07.2020, 12:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.07.2020, 16:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.07.2020, 10:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.07.2020, 01:04
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.07.2020, 10:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.07.2020, 13:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 22.07.2020, 13:31
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.07.2020, 13:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 22.07.2020, 13:41
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.07.2020, 23:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.07.2020, 14:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.07.2020, 21:53
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.07.2020, 10:27
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.07.2020, 10:08
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.07.2020, 22:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.07.2020, 12:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.07.2020, 10:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.07.2020, 15:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.07.2020, 10:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.07.2020, 20:54
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.07.2020, 10:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 31.07.2020, 00:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.07.2020, 00:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.08.2020, 10:20
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.08.2020, 10:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.08.2020, 01:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.08.2020, 15:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.08.2020, 21:14
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.08.2020, 21:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.08.2020, 21:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.08.2020, 21:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.08.2020, 13:40
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.08.2020, 13:56
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.08.2020, 21:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 13.08.2020, 21:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.08.2020, 20:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.08.2020, 13:00
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.08.2020, 20:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.08.2020, 21:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.08.2020, 21:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.08.2020, 14:06
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.08.2020, 18:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.08.2020, 21:05
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.08.2020, 12:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.08.2020, 21:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.08.2020, 21:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.08.2020, 20:32
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.08.2020, 12:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.08.2020, 21:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.08.2020, 13:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 30.08.2020, 13:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.08.2020, 21:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.09.2020, 21:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.09.2020, 14:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.09.2020, 15:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.09.2020, 12:37
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.09.2020, 12:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.09.2020, 13:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.09.2020, 13:28
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.09.2020, 21:57
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.09.2020, 12:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 14.09.2020, 20:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 16.09.2020, 12:34
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.09.2020, 22:26
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 20.09.2020, 13:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 22.09.2020, 13:56
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.09.2020, 21:43
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.09.2020, 20:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 26.09.2020, 10:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.09.2020, 11:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 27.09.2020, 13:37
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - serij83 - 29.09.2020, 07:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.09.2020, 08:04
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - serij83 - 29.09.2020, 11:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.09.2020, 13:52
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.09.2020, 18:55
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.10.2020, 12:18
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.10.2020, 20:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.10.2020, 15:10
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 03.10.2020, 13:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 06.10.2020, 13:40
[] - atm71 - 08.10.2020, 21:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - serij83 - 10.10.2020, 12:30
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.10.2020, 13:10
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.10.2020, 20:42
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 11.10.2020, 21:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 15.10.2020, 13:48
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Nummer1 - 16.10.2020, 00:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.10.2020, 13:32
Quantum Hedge Fund - MrB0mb - 17.10.2020, 23:02
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 17.10.2020, 23:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.10.2020, 12:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 21.10.2020, 13:59
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.10.2020, 17:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.10.2020, 13:27
[] - webearn17 - 24.10.2020, 13:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 24.10.2020, 13:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.10.2020, 14:46
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 28.10.2020, 11:47
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 28.10.2020, 11:53
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 28.10.2020, 12:02
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 29.10.2020, 14:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 01.11.2020, 14:09
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 04.11.2020, 14:35
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.11.2020, 14:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 10.11.2020, 09:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2020, 12:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 10.11.2020, 13:01
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2020, 15:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2020, 15:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Melius - 10.11.2020, 18:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2020, 18:45
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 10.11.2020, 18:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.11.2020, 18:50
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.11.2020, 14:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 12.11.2020, 16:38
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 12.11.2020, 16:43
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.11.2020, 03:08
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 18.11.2020, 09:21
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - henny22 - 18.11.2020, 11:51
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 23.11.2020, 14:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 23.11.2020, 18:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 23.11.2020, 19:23
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2020, 12:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - church007 - 26.11.2020, 18:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 26.11.2020, 18:39
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2020, 19:01
[] - AdminPeter - 26.11.2020, 19:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 26.11.2020, 20:45
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 26.11.2020, 22:01
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 02.12.2020, 20:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.12.2020, 21:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 03.12.2020, 21:09
[] - Krakadil22 - 02.12.2020, 21:48
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.12.2020, 21:56
[] - AdminPeter - 02.12.2020, 22:49
[] - AdminPeter - 05.12.2020, 02:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 05.12.2020, 09:27
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 05.12.2020, 10:25
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 05.12.2020, 13:08
[] - Schiim - 05.12.2020, 13:21
[] - AdminPeter - 05.12.2020, 14:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 05.12.2020, 15:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 11.12.2020, 20:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 05.12.2020, 14:55
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 05.12.2020, 15:16
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - church007 - 05.12.2020, 15:33
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 05.12.2020, 15:36
Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 07.12.2020, 22:22
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.12.2020, 22:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Schiim - 10.12.2020, 21:29
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 10.12.2020, 21:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - henny22 - 10.12.2020, 22:19
[] - trustwbc - 11.12.2020, 00:19
Quantum Hedge Fund - AdminPeter - 11.12.2020, 00:26
[] - Jopa - 11.12.2020, 09:12
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 17.12.2020, 21:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 17.12.2020, 21:40
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 17.12.2020, 22:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - church007 - 18.12.2020, 11:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 18.12.2020, 11:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 19.12.2020, 11:47
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.12.2020, 12:15
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Krakadil22 - 19.12.2020, 14:15
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 19.12.2020, 14:24
Quantum Hedge Fund - Ruefus - 19.12.2020, 17:13
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 19.12.2020, 20:30
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 20.12.2020, 01:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 25.12.2020, 18:07
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 25.12.2020, 18:33
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 31.12.2020, 22:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 02.01.2021, 13:41
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 10.01.2021, 19:26
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Tohobi - 02.01.2021, 23:21
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 02.01.2021, 23:35
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 06.01.2021, 23:51
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 07.01.2021, 00:07
[] - nahpets - 07.01.2021, 12:21
Quantum Hedge Fund - atm71 - 08.01.2021, 12:43
[] - Jopa - 10.01.2021, 19:38
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - church007 - 11.01.2021, 10:58
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 11.01.2021, 20:28
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Charlie3105 - 19.01.2021, 23:36
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - BlindStormo - 11.01.2021, 23:31
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 12.01.2021, 00:07
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 13.01.2021, 12:22
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 20.01.2021, 00:06
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Melius - 22.01.2021, 14:09
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - gekko1 - 02.02.2021, 18:29
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Jopa - 02.02.2021, 19:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - gekko1 - 20.02.2021, 19:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - MrB0mb - 20.02.2021, 19:12
Quantum Hedge Fund - Melius - 25.02.2021, 09:34
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 06.03.2021, 11:17
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - jogi - 06.03.2021, 14:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 23.03.2021, 19:39
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - jogi - 23.03.2021, 20:23
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - Melius - 04.04.2021, 08:19
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 07.04.2021, 14:42
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 27.04.2021, 09:49
[] - AdminPeter - 27.04.2021, 11:03
RE: Quantum Hedge Fund - nahpets - 03.06.2021, 09:15

5 kürzlich aktive Themen dieses Bereichs
Thema Themenersteller Antworten Ansichten Letzter Beitrag
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Lifetime: MineThrive- BTC Miner-ab 6.66% tägl.- unbegrenzte Laufzeit Konsti 29 2.321 Vor 11 Stunden
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! P.-Included: Bossa: ca. 1% täglich - 30-35% monatlich - Nach ca 70 Tagen bereits über $10k ausbezahlt! Mickey 41 3.322 Gestern, 12:49
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Bot: Steroid-Bot (Binance Future-Bitmex) MrB0mb 50 16.341 24.04.2024, 13:45
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Bot: Goose-X Margin Trading Bot Some1 47 12.949 21.04.2024, 19:15
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Principal-Back: Seletti DAPP - 0,5% bis 2,0% täglich per Staking (BNB-Chain) HooDies 30 1.837 20.04.2024, 23:18
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Principal-Back: AKA02 - Einsatz $20 - tägliche Gutschrift $3 - Laufzeit 15 Tage - ROI 225% HooDies 7 939 16.04.2024, 10:43
Letzter Beitrag: Smart
Programm-Status: Zahlt nicht! Kryptowährung: TITAN 369 - Staking ab täglich 0,69% | 252% APY HooDies 16 1.381 15.04.2024, 10:32
Letzter Beitrag: Smart