Your Advertisement On The Redirect Page

This advertisement space is displayed between various actions in the forum. Videos play automatically and texts and banners are immediately displayed. After 4 seconds, the advertising page can be skipped. The rest of the forum is then hidden. Only the advertisement can be seen. It is fully focused without any distraction.

3 Types of Advertisement: Image/Banner, Video or Text

Text: A text stands out as much as possible here. You can format it with HTML and highlight text parts if you know how. Alternatively, we can do that for you. You can use this editor as a help and send us the source code. However, even unformatted, your text advertisement cannot be overlooked here.

Image/Banner: Banner blindness has no chance here. Even standard formats catch the eye. However, you can display any format with a total resolution of up to 100,000 pixels, or images with more than 100,000 pixels for an additional fee. The striking effect has no limits.

Video: A video is perceived the strongest. This is automatically played as soon as the advertisement page is loaded and the timer starts. A short video without an intro or preview that gets straight to the point is best suited. Only YouTube videos have an autoplay function. If the video is not uploaded to YouTube, we can do this for you through our channel.

Book your advertisement page right here!


Targeted specifically towards active users who perform following actions:

  • Log in/out
  • Search
  • Post a comment/topic
  • Edit a comment/topic
  • Save a draft
  • Send a message
  • View unread posts
  • Change settings/signature
  • Add/remove subscriptions
  • View a member’s posts/topics
  • Add/remove members to/from friend/ignore list

Thus, the advertisement is displayed frequently and is continuously seen by members. After 4 seconds, the advertisement can be skipped, so it is not too intrusive for the members. In addition, the advertisement space is immune to AdBlockers and will be displayed even with AdBlocker enabled.

All bookings run in rotation with others. The maximum number of simultaneous bookings is 10.